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Give it to me straight, should I buy EoD or skip? [Merged]

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Skip, come back after an year.


The overall EoD expansion for me is pure meh.


Fishing and boat are both just meh, because fishing doesn't do anything important nor boat is any better when we have Skimmers already.


Jade bot is great, stat boost and mount overall improvement, in fact, Jade bot imo is the best thing ever implemented, however, it suffers the same problem just like Glider if used outside its expansion.


Most metas in EoD are meh, all just give nothing but unidentified gears, I would rather be given jade chunks and research notes.

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Honestly so far it feels like a "wait a year and buy it on discount" expansion. However don't let total strangers on the internet make decisions for you. So read everything written in this thread, search around the forums, watch some videos and then decide if you want to buy it or not.

Edited by Mortime.1359
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skip for now


verdict: wait for a discount


I got expansion on all 3 accounts as a way of supporting the game, I never buy gems and have almost 30k hours in game




1) Turtle - only useful if you play with a friend, its slow, ugly and you will use it less then Warclaw


2) Jade bot - like people say, a glorified trinket with a few skills lots, skills that are forgettable. trust me.


3) Arborstone. Artificial hub, already after a few days you saw people back in DR, there you can chat to new people, Arborstone is an AFK parking zone for people doing the new maps.


4) New maps - although large and different, you will find the same undone events as in LS maps where people just run past them.

Kaineng city is huge but you will mostly see people travelling, you will see a great lot of events untouched.


5) Skiff - just a platform so you can fish spots you would not reach otherwise, you will never see one in open map, people use skimmer. 


6) Fishing - can be entertaining to some, but also gets old fast. It must be your thing.


7) New masteries - largely forgettable and not used outside other content, maybe they will use the bot in upcoming episodes, but that ofcourse doesnt change the judgement of currently available content.


8). Elite skills - I haven't even tried some other elite skills, and I run a ton of alts. And on new skills/subclasses I always warn: wait a few months till the tweaking and nerfing is done. The risk you are going to like one that then gets anets attention and gets nerfed away is too big. ( They already nerfed some other popular builds to start herding people to new skills )


9) Meta event turtle lock - they already started to fix it a bit, but they also force a hard strike mission upon people, they used this upgrade to <again> push their raids/strikes, probably for some marketing reason as game gets older, to create a loyal raiding populace like other mmo did.Gw2 was always selling as a casual player game, but anet always tries to "go WoW" they failed at HoT, improved it with PoF ( more solo friendly, less blatant gating ) but now try to sneak in their old wishes again.




So of all the extras I think you can say fishing is newest and something yo can use to some extend in other maps, but it is a sideshow.


so the verdict would be: skip till some later day discount, and only if you did most other stuff available ( and like gathering mastery points )

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These are the 2 main activities I usually used to do in GW2:


- SPvP/WvW

- Fractals


I remember I nolifed the game for about a month as well like late last year, I was able to get my Skyscale in 3 - 4 days due to buying out all the food/treats. I was able to get my Fire Weaver up to all Ascended gear which was a big goal of mine and I was also able to hit Plat rank in SPvP.


GW2 is fun for me as like a side game, short bursts of no lifing content and then not playing for 1 - 2 years and then coming back and I was looking to see if maybe EoD had anything new or fresh/interesting to play around with.


Given the stuff i'm interested in and type of player I am, is EoD at all worth it for me to pursue?


Thank you! 

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1 hour ago, CoolRanchDoritos.5340 said:

These are the 2 main activities I usually used to do in GW2:


- SPvP/WvW

- Fractals


I remember I nolifed the game for about a month as well like late last year, I was able to get my Skyscale in 3 - 4 days due to buying out all the food/treats. I was able to get my Fire Weaver up to all Ascended gear which was a big goal of mine and I was also able to hit Plat rank in SPvP.


GW2 is fun for me as like a side game, short bursts of no lifing content and then not playing for 1 - 2 years and then coming back and I was looking to see if maybe EoD had anything new or fresh/interesting to play around with.


Given the stuff i'm interested in and type of player I am, is EoD at all worth it for me to pursue?


Thank you! 

spvp/wvw/fractal you can still do as you are, no changes

but ele isnt popular in pve (fractal, strikes etc.) these days

the only value eod seems to offer you is a story + sight seeing in 4 big maps (whether that's worth it up to you, probably ~30hrs content minimum if you grind/repeat stuff)

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Apparently people think Bunker support Mechanist is OP in PVP along with condi harbinger, specter, and shout bladesworn (lol) but there's a March 29 PVP patch. Vindicator already had Eternity's Requiem and dodge nerf in less than one month.
For WVW none of the new specs are rather strong in squads.
For PVE you are fine without EOD but you don't get to experience fishing, jade bot (zip line, etc), skiffs (boat) as well as the entire Canthan continent and any Living Story content that requires the expansion.

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You don't need EoD to enjoy GW2, in fact it is a better game without it. The account boosts are no where near the level of HoT/PoF in terms of playability and movability. 

Essentially, the only thing EoD adds for the entire game world, is if you really want to fish. If you don't want to fish, don't buy EoD. 

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2 hours ago, CoolRanchDoritos.5340 said:

These are the 2 main activities I usually used to do in GW2:


- SPvP/WvW

- Fractals


I remember I nolifed the game for about a month as well like late last year, I was able to get my Skyscale in 3 - 4 days due to buying out all the food/treats. I was able to get my Fire Weaver up to all Ascended gear which was a big goal of mine and I was also able to hit Plat rank in SPvP.


GW2 is fun for me as like a side game, short bursts of no lifing content and then not playing for 1 - 2 years and then coming back and I was looking to see if maybe EoD had anything new or fresh/interesting to play around with.


Given the stuff i'm interested in and type of player I am, is EoD at all worth it for me to pursue?


Thank you! 

If you like Fractals, I would give Strikes a chance.

EoD added 4 new Strikes with Strike Challenge Mode incoming soon.

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I've heard it from every MMO company






I'm sick of it, and the last marketing team I trust is ANet lmao. 


So tell me the truth boys and girls, SKIP or BUY and WHY?

Edited by CoolRanchDoritos.5340
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I've been really enjoying EoD and there's a lot of stuff I haven't gotten to yet which I'm looking forward to so I think it's going to keep me occupied for a long time. I definitely think it was worth buying.

Having said that I wouldn't buy any product from a company I think is consistently lying to me, so if you really think you can't trust anything Anet says I'd recommend not buying anything from them at all. But if that's just cynical hyperbole and not a serious concern then don't worry about it, there's plenty of people in-game, including in the new maps so you don't need to worry about that.

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If you are playing GW2, then buy it.  If Pre-EoD GW2 wasn't really holding your interest, then consider skipping it.  EoD neither saves or ruins GW2.  The new maps are mostly beautiful, but the Echovald map does have lighting issues that make it hard to play for some people.  The new story is mostly good, but the Canthan and Aetherblade manner of speech is at times off-putting (e.g. throwing around un-fantasy words like Dweeb, and [repeatedly] Bougie).  There are persisting issues with the new content (like the failure rate of the DE meta, and fishing at dawn/dusk) which should in time be ironed out.

Overall, I like EoD more than PoF, but the EoD writing sort of gives the impression that the game developers are rather bougie.

I do suspect EoD is my last xpac... not so much because of EoD itself, but because of Anet's persistent disregard for their consumer base.

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  • It‘s not expesnsive
  • You are only a 2nd class citizen in Tyria if you don’t have the full game
  • It’s not as good as HoT (in most parts to easy and partly a bit unfinished) and not as important (mounts) for the overal game as PoF, but not bad
  • GW2 overall is worth the money I gave to ANet in total
  • You will likely not be able to play the next LS (the comming ls1 will be free, but afterwards), if you don’t 
Edited by Dayra.7405
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I have definitely noticed a huge increase in the amount of players on any given map. The limited size of the End of Dragon makes it look like there are less players than there actually are. Example PoF maps felt like barren wastelands before EoD launch now I can actually pull together enough players to do bounties because they are on the maps for Fishing and have spare time to join bounties.

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I'm a little weary of the sudden influx of positive users saying much the same thing after the reception has been so negative for so long. I think some might be sincere but, yes, it smells a little like marketing.

Right now, there are still too many issues. And the story is very hit or miss, depending on what you want from it you'll either love it or hate it. And the ending is just a mess that makes the Commander feel like a psychopath.

The advice is the same I would sagely give to anyone, and it isn't either of thoe poll options.

My advice: Wait.

Look into the story. If you like the look of it, that's fine. There's a lot of melancholy, pseudointellectual nihilism, Millennial-speak, and rushed aspects going on where things feel like they're just beginning to get fleshed out before getting discarded. And again, that ending.

The game has a lot of bugs right now. A multitude, you might even say it has a plethora. It is a great many bugs, an insecte ménagerie. It has lots of bad graphical issues, balance issues aplenty, and... Just read some of the threads here. It's a mess. Like the Jade Maw meta being only doable if you have below 10 people (impossible with 15+), the Dragon's End meta being... the Dragon's End meta...

There's stuff that won't get fixed such as the zones being so oppressively empty, lacking in environmental storytelling, sidequests, and the like.

Hence, wait.

Some of these issues will be resolved. If the storyline is to your liking and you don't mind the whole thing feeling half-baked and empty? Grab it for cheapsies. You'll do better just researching for a bit, reading around, watching some videos, and so on.

Impulse buys never helped anyone. They just lead to cognitive dissonance and the sunk-cost fallacy. You're really better off just waiting to see how much they fix and improve.

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Its 30€. 

Thats a 2 month sub at any other game. Its well worth buying. Although the meta events aren't rewarding.

The story is their best yet. Some of the elite specs are fun. The maps are down right gorgeous.  The jadebot offers some useful utility..wp, rezzing. If you use a trophy thing slotted into it, you can even earn rewards while in pvp matches 😉

Really, if you play gw2 at all, its worth buying.


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Given your use case, not much yet. The new masteries and content are more for the open world player, lore fan, or acheivement hunter. With all the fractals you do, I’m sure you’ll have more than enough gold to buy Jade Bot Cores on the trading post.

Maybe EoD strikes? But those get CM versions in the next few months, so no rush. Maybe if one of the elite specs becomes more meta in the future, or if you need Ritualist or Dragon stats for some reason? But the meta is fluid right now with all the balance updates, and there’s much the older elite specs can still do.


I agree with the others, since its just a side game for you (and maybe cost is an issue),

waiting for an EoD sale is probably a good idea.

Edited by Chrysline.2317
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