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ArenaNet Studio Update: The future of Guild Wars 2

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Just now, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

The Scrying Pool content will be moved to the Story Journal (and removed from the Scrying Pool).  No idea about the Marionette; I'd guess it will stay where it is, but perhaps pointed to from the Story Journal.

Hmm yeah that seems legit. 

Maybe an option to also join the marionette from the original location. 

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I know I'm late to the party, but I figured I would shoot my shot anyway for the off chance that someone at Anet sees this...


Can you please add a queue system for joining maps?


It's been 10 years and players still have to repeatedly right click someone in the squad, click to join their world, see the 'world full' error, then repeat for 5-10 mins straight until finally being able to join the map. How a queue system has not been put in place at this point baffles me (especially when the tech obviously exists for WvW).


I cannot convey how frustrating it is to have your game crash, or having to disconnect momentarily and it being impossible to rejoin your squad without doing the above steps. It is without a doubt the #1 quality of life improvement that would benefit every player who does open world content. I've heard the argument that a queue system would 'discourage' players from joining lower population groups, but every player I have spoken with about this has agreed: if you're not able to get into a map with your squad, it doesn't magically inspire you to start a new squad or join a low population map. In reality, it just causes me to not do the event or stop playing altogether.

Edited by Zalthien.4829
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5 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I detested LW1. Stopped playing part way through, took a break from the game, as a result. Some of the worst gaming experiences Ive ever participated in. Hopefully some of the worst aspects will see revision before returning. 

The addition of the LW1 content in "Visions of the Past" should signal to you that there will be no polish on this stuff and that they are unafraid to restore substandard content wholesale without any meaningful iteration.
...and a certain subsection of this community will respond with "please. Sir, may I have another?"

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This year, much of Living World Season 1 (“Scarlet’s War”) will be making a permanent return to Guild Wars 2 through the Story Journal. We’ll be combining the key story moments and experiences of Living World Season 1 into five episodes that will be released throughout 2022. Our goal is to provide a cohesive bridge between the personal story and Living World Season 2 and give players the opportunity to earn many of the legacy achievements and rewards that have been unavailable all these years. The first episode, “Flame and Frost,” will release on April 19. The season will conclude with the return of “Battle for Lion’s Arch,” which will include a new Strike Mission and Challenge Mode.

(i dislike very much lS1) but finally they seems heard old complaint from community and is working toward a consistent content.

but i hope its become free to new players, to improve new player experience, ... to a old players like me probably that content  don't have much appeal.

if u manage to build a real good bridge between Personal History to LS2, or to Hot, that would be a perfect "bait" to retain new players.


Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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more GW2!


first, some praise: 



Finally, we’re happy to confirm that we’re working on the next story update for Guild Wars 2, including a new map set in the Cantha region. The story (and how we tell it) can go in so many interesting directions now that the Elder Dragon threat is addressed!


can't lie, the phrase "map set" gets me excited. i know this probably means one map per story update, but i this makes me think that maybe, just maybe, there will be multiple maps with the next story update. and that's very cool if true.


season 1!  "yeah baby!"


challenge modes! i'm not a big strike person. i've done one, but it makes me happy because many people enjoy them and deserve challenge modes.


profession balance! i'm all for profession balance (and updates to make them more fun), i'm really curious about the banner updates. 


SUGGESTION: i'm sure you've all read the melee hate in the elementalist subforum. i personally think a simple change could help the players who prefer ranged combat on the class. this is based around core traits, and adding one more skill as an f5.


~first: the Master Minor traits for each element (except air) procs a point-blank-AoE spell around the elementalist, essentially making it melee (or super close) to the caster, these should be changed into ranged spells. simply make them proc on target. (but the boons would also affect the elementalist caster.) the water spell could reuse the necro's life siphon animation, but change the color from green to water blue, and then heal allies the water blue molecules pass through, also healing the elemantalist caster. example brainstorm is below


On 2/14/2022 at 8:34 AM, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:

i think part of the melee hate for elementalist is because of all the minor master traits in the element lines. swapping to fire, earth and water all provide point blank AoE spells. even though most of the base weapons have some range. (secondly, most e-specs are designed around frontline combat, which adds to the hate) 


[SUGGESTION] these need to be reworked into 1200-range small AoE spells that provide their buffs (if any) to the elementalist and its close proximity allies.


such as: the water trait spell should apply a small AoE chill around the target, and siphon health to the elementalist. the animation could show the ele sucking water out of the target, and if the animated water passes through an ally, than the buff / effect also gets applied to the ally.


the earth spell (since it's animation is an explosion of a shockwave) should also pushback enemy target within 1200 range.


the fire spell (sunspot) can simply be applied on target instead of on the caster.


~Second: a new core f5 would detonate any and all aura's made by the elementalist (even auras granted to allies.) this would make a core auramancer build that would be stronger for core ele's, and weaker (a trade off) for e-speccing

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Amazing blog post!  As a person who tries to help new players think Season 1 will do wonders to help connect the Core Story with everything following.

I know a lot of these decisions were made months ago and things are probably already set in stone but I really hope the other changes for the new player experience including promoting the core dungeons.

Even if nothing is done inside the instances proper having the LFG system retooled (perhaps with the same format as DRM for Story paths).  At the very least would LOVE to see the armor vendors in LA return so instead of the 1 we see a vendor for each dungeon showing the gear (and switch the tabs so the good stuff is seen first!)

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Well this is good news, but Anet has promised regular balance patches for pvp in the past, and did not follow through. I truly hope they don’t do the same thing again.


As for season 1 coming back, that’s cool. I actually bought the game on release, but I stopped playing shortly after until around 2018, so it’ll be the first time I experience it. Now I’ll finally know where all those characters “introduced” in season 2 came from.


Unrelated: can we get some kimono armor please? I promise to buy gems and instantly purchase the moment we get some kimono armor in the gem store.

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On 3/22/2022 at 11:39 PM, Ken Yuudachi.9807 said:

The bad part is the maps in EoD are still empty.

...which they said will change soon, when player numbers per EoD map instance will be increased for Seitung, Kaineng and Echovald.

@ confused people: Read the full blog post before posting stupid :classic_blink:s.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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2 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

(i dislike very much lS1) but finally they seems heard old complaint from community and is working toward a consistent content.

but i hope its become free to new players, to improve new player experience, ... to a old players like me probably that content  don't have much appeal.

if u manage to build a real good bridge between Personal History to LS2, or to Hot, that would be a perfect "bait" to retain new players.


From the Blog post:  Living World Season 1 will be a free addition to the base game for all players (including free accounts), forever.

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2 hours ago, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:

more GW2!


first, some praise: 



can't lie, the phrase "map set" gets me excited. i know this probably means one map per story update, but i this makes me think that maybe, just maybe, there will be multiple maps with the next story update. and that's very cool if true.


Pretty sure it's not 'map set', but (a) map...set(placed) in Cantha.

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I love where all this is going, but given the track record of the last 5 years I'm going to hold off on the celebrations... hope you understand. At first promises came up empty, after that not even promises, just silence... so if you can keep yourself to this cadence thats awesome, we'll see when we get there.

Also even though you guys stated the playerbase more than doubled compared to the 2019-ish numbers, sPvP(the only gamemode that still keeps me around) has nothing going for it aside from the promise of regular balance patches(which is honestly just the bare minimum). Could we get something? Proper ladder, skins for the PvP legendary, new rewards, anything? Maybe it could get me to stop being a supercasual "twice a week" player, and actually finish a PvP season for once.


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In looking at the future release on Steam, hopefully bringing new players to this game, I was very interested in the part of the post where Grouch said they would look at "cleaning up some aspects of the early game experience".  As they move forward with this effort, I'd like to hear more about what the plan is, and which aspects will be 'cleaned up'.  There's certainly some things that could be looked at.   


One thing I see in new players is the personal story delay until level 10; they make a character and are release into the world to go out and do stuff.  What stuff?  I know the game shows  you hearts, so that's a direction, but a bit confusing to players expecting a story.   I'd like to see a return to the story starting right out. (though I believe the change was made because of key-farming, which didn't affect anything since tomes of knowledge are plentiful)


I'd also like to see a starting area that have the kind of tutorial things that was included in the training area of EoD, showing AoE effects, defiance bars, etc.  I really liked that content being included, and I think it's helpful to players.  Maybe it could be added to the first instance of the game, though I wouldn't want to detract from the nice impression of killing a big boss right away when a person enters the game.   Alternatively, just add a heart in the beginner areas of each race, similar to what's in EoD.


I'm sure there's other things from people's perspectives, but these two things have been on my mind for a while.

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I'm not going to lie I'd written Guild Wars 2 off in the past couple years because things just seemed to have no hope of improving overall and we felt like we were on the downwards death spiral of the game's life. I am very pleasantly surprised and am taking a break from playing FFXIV right now to write this post because I feel it's important to highlight when the team has exceeded all expectations and this is one of those moments, please continue to do this, it's great.

As a hardened veteran of the game I think I have a keen and different appreciation for some things in the game or get irritated with some of the smaller things that might not affect as many people, 30K AP in, I look for reasons to come back to the game at times, and when that reason isn't there I end up going to another game. If there were more things for me to do in the game of the content I've already enjoyed in the past I'd easily be able to stay in the game and continue spending money.

These are all fantastic updates and I greatly appreciate the communication happening here, we need more of that.

One ask I have is for the Anet team to consider something along the lines of ESO's Optional Subscription model, it's not as scary as it sounds at first, and you get a great value out of it as the player and can still consistently support the game, it'd be a way GW2 could bundle Living World Seasons 2 and beyond (as I know the price of getting them all is a pain point for several), manage the crafting resources more effectively, sell more stuff on the gem store etc.

This is the first time in the past 5 years or so that I've had hope for this game, please don't let that flame of hope dwindle.

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I'm so excited by this news! It's so nice to know that you guys are committed to the game. I'm also super excited to see where the new living story and eventual expansion will take us in Tyria. Also, genuinely thrilled that skill balancing (specifically a Warrior rework) is coming. 


I'm sure you guys will come up with awesome features and places so I'll just mention two points that i think need some refreshing.

1) UI: It's become a bit of a jungle, everything from menu's, the boon and buff bar to the LFG has just gotten very dated and bloated with new features. I'm sure it's a monumental task but I feel for the new player and vet's it is desperately needed.

2) Visual Clutter: Boss fights you just cant see what the heck is going on. I still have PTSD from doing Temple of Dwayna back in the day.

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Thanks anet for taking time to remake part 1 of story. Season 1 will be so anticipated, not only will we get to know and kill Scarlett, it is the studio's chance to do story telling right. Invest in the right kind of high quality cinematics. For veteran players, to relive the moments with far better graphical experience. For the community, new skins, achievements to unlock. So hyped, I can't wait. Thank you anet! 💗

Edited by medivh.4725
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