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That one NPC that we love too much.

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Me: "I don't think there's ever any NPCs we care about enough to be with them."

Miss Mipp: *Exists.* "Hewwo."




Me: "I only met this little Asura girl for a few minutes, but if something happens to her, I will slaughter all 4 dragons, all 4 spirits, all 6 gods and half of Tyria and then end myself!"


(Seriously though, any NPCs you straight up love or care enough to wish them better from their current situation?)

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Oh there's actually a gw2 npc that we love so much, with their writing?  I suppose if there has to be such a person, I'd vote Faren.  He does has abit of  honest charm about it.


In other news, most hated in my book:  number 1 - uncontested champion of this category:  Aurene 🥇

She's straight up Anakin, she's Neo, she's Rey, she's Sue, she's your average Fairy godmother, and she sounds like your highschool principal 

runner ups:  Kasmeer and Marjory  -  virtue signaling props no less and I think writers tried so hard to make these two more important than they really are.  Remember those key missions that they just showed up randomly and went "heyy we are...uh ...here and we are important"

   honorable mention:  none other than the "Commander" - Mr. Jesus the Boring that never says or do anything wrong, someone you'd never ask to go to party with.


what's your list.

Edited by quaniesan.8497
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11 hours ago, quaniesan.8497 said:

honorable mention:  none other than the "Commander" - Mr. Jesus the Boring that never says or do anything wrong.

AHhaaha .

Maybe it it's time we let morally gray character like Marjory/Canach/Caith (or them all) to do some debious...i mean things for the "greater good" . And they don't text our calls , or only boss us around to be their "sword".

Or we switch souls with a different character (but in the mirror , we see ourself) and follow for a while a different route , while the "commander" is destroyin....saving Tyria , like normally he does



Or a expanion where we are in a limbo where our soul  can travel throught time briefly  , where open world events start destroyed and mobs at 1% hp , leading to get 100% and maps in harmony and we reverse enginner Core areas -events-things that happen

(re-desinging Core GW2 . Where Core maps will get "bersek litleby little-living world" every 5 min and every 2 hours the zerg will try to reverse enginner it .Core player can join Expanion players )

Edited by Solitude.2097
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Trahearne - nothing like a condescending sylvari sitting back while you do all the work then patronising you saying "well done" multiple times in a sarcastic tone. Possibly the the most useless main NPC in any game I've played. I get people hate him, but you have to see the funny side of playing through the main story with him, or not. 😁 

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Laranthir. He will always be one of my favorite characters. His calm, logical, demeanor is just incredibly sexy. Add to that he had a silky voice and yep. I do hope that he finds love and is happy; I imagine he's been having a hard time as of late. Really close behind is Rama: he's handsome, loyal, in kind of goofy in the best way. Plus I feel like he'd be the kind of person that would look down at the ground, scuffing his feet when he tries to tell someone he likes them. 

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Favourite NPC's in no particular order:

Dawkurra, the skritt that fell in love with an Exalted. Wholesome. Love it.

Detective Rama. Witty, smart, slightly apathetic. I like it a lot.

Akane. I like how blazé she is about pretty much everything.

Countess Anise. Subtle, sarcastic, with a little bit of understated "I'll blackmail you if you give me the chance". Great character, but under-used. 

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