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Opinions on upcoming "Cuddly Cat" Jade Bot Skin?

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I won't be purchasing it for something I rarely see.  It looks like a disfunctional cat fairy that has come to rez my sad self but instead turns into a bibbity bobbity boo can of tuna.  

It's fine, if someone wants to spend gems on it, no issue.  I like that the jade bot is inoffensive and just makes small appearances, and I don't see buying skins for it.

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I don't think I'm going to get this, partially because the design doesn't really appeal to me (I don't mind cute, but it depends on what it is) and partially because I don't see my jade bot enough for it to be worthwhile.

But I'm not surprised they're selling skins for it (I remember that being predicted as soon as the jade bot was announced) and I'm not surprised the first one is very different to the default.

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56 minutes ago, Lottie.5370 said:

I'm just confused why they would make a skin for something we see for literal seconds every time we play.


I like the skin, I think it's cute, I just don't think it's worth it for the amount of time I see my jade bot.

Exactly.  I could maybe, just maybe, consider it for my mesmer, since she's got a pink-hair-ribbons-and-neon-plushie-raptor look going on, but since she's still just in the Metrica Province starter area, that's a LONG way away.

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Doesn't fit the art style of the game and isn't something that I've seen a single person request even when Jade Bot skins were a hot topic around release time. Can we have a Sylvari Fernhound or set of Sylvari-themed mount skins? No, but you can have a bunch of terrifying creatures that exist nowhere in Tyria. Can we have weapons with less particle effects? No, but you can have a set of large particle effects that look like weapons when stowed.

I don't mind when they get creative, I really don't; it's just that they seem to keep going for things that draw no inspiration from Tyria or for things that are the opposite of what people ask for.

It really does feel like the cosmetics team hears people calling for something and then says 'we hear you, so we've added something completely different'. Weird business strat.

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1 hour ago, Lottie.5370 said:

I'm just confused why they would make a skin for something we see for literal seconds every time we play.


I like the skin, I think it's cute, I just don't think it's worth it for the amount of time I see my jade bot.

It was probably inexpensive to produce and so requires relatively few sales to be profitable.

I dont remember the quote exactly but: Whenever the question, "why did they X," is asked the answer is almost always, "money."

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3 hours ago, chronometria.3708 said:

Why dont we have a Jade Bot mini pet that flies around? I can use a selection of flying minis, like the twisted mender, which would fit the role.

Yeah, this makes more sense to me as a mini that you could see all the time.  I like it, I think it's cute, but as a jade bot skin I'd hardly ever see it.

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2 hours ago, Lottie.5370 said:

I'm just confused why they would make a skin for something we see for literal seconds every time we play.


I like the skin, I think it's cute, I just don't think it's worth it for the amount of time I see my jade bot.

Because the players that hang out in city maps playing dress up and stress themselves by zerging bosses in the stater zones will buy them up.   *credit card vibrates in anticipation*

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9 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

Plushies have been in the lore since 2012.

That's what Xerxes was saying.

In any case, this definitely beats the plush toy skins... by far.... and not in a positive way. 🤢

8 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

Does it specifically states that it is a skin release for the Jade Bot?

Yes, it did state that, hence how I knew its name: "Cuddly Cat Jade Bot Skin that will be released later this month." I would make a screenshot for you, but unfortunately I deleted the e-mail after posting the image link.

In any case, I got the link to the GIF through the image that was embedded in the newsletter e-mail, so perhaps that can be seen as enough proof to you.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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11 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

so perhaps that can be seen as enough proof to you.

I only asked the question because I read somewhere else that they didn't confirm what it is. But if you got that info from the newsletter, that's good enough.

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I guess it depends largely on what else is packed with the skin. Are there custom sound effects too and what is the pricing?

In general I am not a big fan of things which conflict to much with the games aesthetics or art direction, but that can be a very wide and subjective interpretation.

This one in particular would definitely not be to my taste, but as mentioned since no one else can see it, that means I won't be bothered by it if someone else has one.

I'm all for mechanist jade bot skins. Would make customizing my different mechanist builds more fun. Other than that, as long as it doesn't affect me and makes someone else happy, I don't mind.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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10 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Screw that cuddly cat.

I want a traditional asuran styled golem that I can dye red to go with my Inquest themed character.

Or just let me dye the jade bot. That would work as well.

I would have liked a bloodstone or amber bot as an alternative

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No doubt that this was designed to sell skins. Its obvious that everything was planned out including monetization before they realized there was no way that the game could handle all of those new player owned objects floating around. Theyve very clearly hit a wall on what the engine is able to deal with. Kaineng city is a perfect example of this.

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Personally I don't care abut skin itself, as much as implications that it existing in the first place have.

Remember that they said that jade bots visuals are rigged to skill effects. The same skill effects that have been quoted "not easy to make customisations for" when people asked for skins for turrets, minions, and so forth.

So assuming that this remark from devs was accurate, existance of jade bot skins, means they have managed to develop tech neccessary to allow skins for those skin effects, which means that turrets, minions, spirits, (mech?) etc. skins are just UI work away from being possible.

And that would be something I would be eager to see in the game.

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2 minutes ago, fenriswolfman.5486 said:

No doubt that this was designed to sell skins. Its obvious that everything was planned out including monetization before they realized there was no way that the game could handle all of those new player owned objects floating around. Theyve very clearly hit a wall on what the engine is able to deal with. Kaineng city is a perfect example of this.

Although I agree with you jade bot was prob made with selling skins in mind, I wouldn't say everything was planned. For example, making the jade bot cores and other parts a per character item, which immediately makes them tediously unappealing for alt play. Or the related dumpster fire that is research notes. Not a great way to sell skins, that. Like: "Hello left hand, it's me right hand, I don't think we've been introduced before."

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