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1600 Gems for a Jade Bot Skin

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1 hour ago, Kneitor.9367 said:

1600 is kinda obscene, 150 would have been much more appropriate, like for a hat skin, or pair of glasses.

Anet is clearly exploiting people who just can't resist something cutesie (cat, wings, rainbows... nuff said). Apparently it's working, which tells me something.

1600 gems is too much imo opinion also, but then I'm not really impressed by something cute to the point that I just have to have it. Though they can use my dislike for jade tech (because it's just one color to rule them all). So probably might get me to pay 1600 gems for a skin that I actually like, just so there's a little less green jade tech in my gaming life. Same for the jade tech bot that mechanists have. At least the jade tech wings backpack/glider you can change the colors of. 

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I think the most important question/factor in this discussion for Anet is how many sales did they get and expect at 1600? Personally, I find it pretty easy to imagine the sales for the cute little skin would be MUCH more than 4x the current sell rate if priced at say 400 gems. So maybe its flat out a poor price point. Only anet can see the sell rate on it.


I dont even care about EoD but if it had been 400 gems I might have gotten it just cause its a cute skin.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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Yeah, no, that's not happening. Way too rich for my blood. To say I'm disappointed about this would be an understatement; I understand making money, but this truly seems like price gouging just because Jade Bots are relatively new. New and shiny=profit?


I guess so. That said, I don't spend what I don't have and keep my money for something I actually want or need.

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6 minutes ago, eduardo.1436 said:

Lower price and bundle it with a mini/a backpack skin that follws you and it'll sell like hot cakes.

That mini/backpack would sell without the jadebot skin bundled btw 😄

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Firestorm Logging Tool 1000 gems, convenient infinite uses vs limited regular, coming with a glyph worth +150g making gathering 50% faster, you'll see it way more times than the bot and in any map, not exclusively in Cantha. On the other hand, not cute cat, but also no special function or saving and as it was said, no dyeing.

Even a skiff is ok-ish to cost that much because even without special functions you can anchor it anywhere and be permanently in display. Even a mini does more for less.

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28 minutes ago, Hashberry.4510 said:

I get the feeling this was all set up before they realized the engine can’t support constantly visible bots? I can totally believe no one told marketing to catch up with that.

That's an interesting take, but I doubt almost 5 months wouldn't be enough to catch up with that change. Actually way more than 5 months, since bots not being constantly visible was already decided on quite some time before release.

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Just popping in to say that yep, 1600 for the Jade Bot of all things is insane, this seems like something that'd cost 400 gems

I also think it's silly, a cat plushy? Really? Why not a Aetherblade steampunk themed one? It'd be WAAAAAY more fitting considering the story (however memey/crap it may be at times) and the meta in Seitung 

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On 7/22/2022 at 7:57 AM, Gehenna.3625 said:

Anet is clearly exploiting people who just can't resist something cutesie (cat, wings, rainbows... nuff said). Apparently it's working, which tells me something.

One of the reasons I hate the systematized practice of marketing from the ground up... you search hard enough, you can find one weakness or another like this in most people probably. For one person, it's something really cute. For another person, it's something else. Do they really need it? Heck, event want it? 90% of the time with this practice... no, not in a million years. But the company still wants their money and won't last without at least some of it, so they look for ways to get people to buy stuff they don't really need, much less want.

I always go back to The Music Man.

"They got no problems here."

"Well I'll have to invent one."

It pretty much sums up most marketing and sales practice.

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Jade Bot i barely remember thar i have one...

The most "permanent" jade bot visibility is when u have a skiff charge module, than the jade appear behind ur skiff while u are navigating.... i have a dedicated "fish" alt where i use one.

I see a general problem in a software company: lack of coordination lead to "shot all sides" pattern.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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On 7/20/2022 at 5:54 PM, BlueTheRaptor.4576 said:

Gotta say, I'm... incredibly disappointed. 1600 gems was a big stretch of an acceptable price on it's own, but that being coupled with the knowledge that the skin is visible clientside only?

Wait.... seriously?


And people are still buying this scam? Incredible.

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