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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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DPI scaling is horrible, and I would have to change system DPI each time as I'm using quite high values for desktop (it's ugly and too big with 250-300%).
"Larger" option is bearable with 4k and 70"+, but on smaller screens or 5k-8k it's ridiculous.
I'd like to get bigger version of UI, with nice items icons (not upscaled...), etc.

And proper size mouse pointer (without mods). It's really a challenge in 8k...


Edited by Shaigat.8935
forgot about mouse pointer
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22 hours ago, Kalocin.5982 said:

For accessibility purposes I'm surprised it's not already a think. There's a lot of individual UI elements that might need moving or resizing for visibility. There's a huge push in UX design to be more inclusive of disabilities so... Yeah get on that lol

They buried the thread on custom UI way back in this thread. There was a lot of support for it, this is something that needs to change it a huge QoL deal. Adjustable and movable UI elements make the game better not only for disabled but for everyone. 

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The wiggly chests awarded from events are so close to the chest on the minimal that you click on to see reward track progress that I often end up opening the latter when trying to click on the former so they’ll go away. It’d be nice to give them a little more distance from each other to prevent this, albeit minor, annoyance.

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14 hours ago, ErikTheTyrant.4527 said:

didn't say tonic, said infusion, I already know about the tonic. Said a watchwork infusion, not watch knight.

that wouldn't fit in the game as an infusion or even skin infusion rather though. that effect would change the physical structure of your toon's body which is not how infusions  work. so I can't see the vision, sorry for my redundant answer 😮

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Gliding/mounts in home instance,


The amount of times i've accidently jumped to my death from the garden to the ore nodes in asuran lab is too damned high.


So what if there's an out of bounds issue, you've had those really stupid insta kick walls in story mode since beginning, just put them in and let us mount or glide.

Edited by Healy.9537
Wrong thread
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A friend of mine had a fun suggestion, Reward Tracks for PvE for after Masteries are done. Personally, I really like this suggestion because I always have to motivate myself to go back to various places after I've done most the general stuff, even if it's for say getting things for my legendaries which I know I need fulgurite or amalgamated gemstones for. I think if it could go into Amalgamated Gemstones or like an extra set or two by region at a slower pace, that would be fine. I just like in general having that little extra incentive to work toward. Otherwise at max Masteries and being done with most achievements gets duller in some cases if you're not just trying to make gold or something.

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Why is gliding allowed when doing some jumping puzzle? It's so annoying! It takes me sooooooo much longer to complete a jumping puzzle "thx" to gliding. Today's jumping puzzle in Iron marches are the first jumping puzzle that i am not able to finish just because of stupid gliding. After 30 mins i just gave up. Not worth my time.

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Some puzzles specifically require gliding.

Honestly not sure what your issue of optional gliding is exactly?


Are you accidently gliding when jumping? That would be more a keyboard issue than a game issue.


I'm not sure if you can but perhaps try rebinding glide in control settings, unbinding it entirely for the puzzle maybe.

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1 hour ago, Raizel.1839 said:

I'm going to tell you a shocking truth: you are not forced to hold SPACE button when doing normal jumps, just pressing once is enough.


21 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Indeed.  Pressing the Space Bar longer does not enable longer jumps.  Tap the Space Bar; don't hold it down.  It's not like in platform games. 

This - took a bit of practice, but just gotta remember that the jump only needs a tap.

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Or you could just skip to the end with mounts 😛
I joke, in part haha

I've dealt with those awkward accidental glides at times too, can be really annoying when they mess up a jp.

These days though I do just skip with mounts, mostly because of how anet has tried to prevent players from doing so unintentionally creating more of a fun challenge in the process and thus making skipping more satisfying when you make it work for you.

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With the addition of unidentified gear the fractal equipment boxes have become more of a hassle than useful. I cant hardly see just deleting them (20 slots are expensive). Is there a mystic forge recipe (or any other way) to clear the unique abilities they have and make them normal bags? Or possible even get a partial silver or relic refund for them somewhere in the game? Or anything I can do with them that I am not thinking of?


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I don't have these specific bags, but I do really like the idea of a way to disable the special effects on a bag. A menu option to turn it on or off would be ideal, but if that's not possible or too time consuming (and therefore expensive) to do then a way to turn them into normal bags would be a good compromise.


If it only worked to turn a specialist bag into a normal one I don't think there would be any problems with the economy or unfair advantages or short-cuts or whatever because the specialist ones are usually more expensive or harder to obtain than plain bags of the same size.

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Forums Suggestion.

Move the Guild Wars 2 Discussion thread to the bottom of the page so that when users come to the forum they can see the other options and post in the appropriate forum instead of dumping it in "general" where it might not see the right traffic and the mods won't be kept busy moving threads all around.

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Let all ranged weapons attack as fast as lazor druid spec staff, or lazor mesmer greatsword, because otherwise, by the time you get to a mob in popular events, it's dead. People kill stuff so fast these days, and I don't get a chance to tag it.
For example... Ele might have slow staff but I don't remember because the staff sucks so much I don't use it. So maybe update Elementalist staff to at least have it attack faster, same for Necromancer. Same for Guardian. Guardian's staff would be great otherwise, but I fire a bolt and the mob is dead before my bolt hits it. Please just make all 1200+ ranged weapons as fast as rifles because it's not equal for every class that you have to change spec or even change class to be able to tag mobs in popular events. I just want to tag, I don't care how kitten my damage is because it doesn't matter when 40 other people are there to do it for you.

To sum it up: to be able to tag mobs as fast as druid staff/mesmer gs as ANY other class would be really great, no matter which spec you have.
If you made spec weapons usable outside of spec, that would be a solution too. But I imagine it's easier to change attack speed, or turn base attack into a lazor.

Edited by Pockethole.5031
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The Hero Achievements panel doesn't clearly separate infinitely repeatable achievements from those that only need to be done once. The Halloween Rituals in the current festival are are a good example of how these are harder to spot (there are a lot of repeatables mixed in), but this is also found in the Story Journal (e.g. No Quarter)

The following suggestions are intended to sort the achievements and introduce some visual clues without having to open up the achievement to check.

  • Add a marker to the achievement to show it is infinitely repeatable:
    • Replace the tracking "eye" with an infinite symbol, with the same functionality, or
    • Add an infinite symbol to a panel so it is visually marked as repeatable.
  • Sort the list of achievements so the different types are not mixed up together:
    • One-time achievements are first
    • Then repeatable achievements with AP still to earn
    • Then repeatable achievements, no AP left
    • Lastly all completed achievements

Thanks for considering this Quality of Life improvement.

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