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So Why Do Players Do World Bosses? [POLL]


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I always see so many players contributing to world bosses even though the rewards are very lacklustre. Am I missing something here or?

Edit: I forgot to include the option for Achievements & Legendary Gear Either way, thanks for all the feedback guys! Gives me some good insight :)

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Nobody farms dragonite ore

Only to salavage/sell them on the tp, and nobody farms for upgrade components

If you're new to the game, possibly, but I think all the older players are quite fed up with them

Possibly unique weapon skins, but I personally don't know anybody who farms specifically for them. It's way easier to just buy them on the tp.

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@Maikimaik.1974 said:

  1. Nobody farms dragonite ore
  2. Only to salavage/sell them on the tp, and nobody farms for upgrade components
  3. If you're new to the game, possibly, but I think all the older players are quite fed up with them
  4. Possibly unique weapon skins, but I personally don't know anybody who farms specifically for them. It's way easier to just buy them on the tp.

Very good points. Completely agree with you. Maybe Arena Net should add some more relevant loot for end-game players like rare currencies and such being a possible drop.

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@Maikimaik.1974 said:

  1. Nobody farms dragonite oreThat's not true and never has been.

Most veterans tend to have way too much and cannot fathom anyone running short. But newer players (and those who stick to certain content and habitually delete anything they can't use this week) run short. Some people run out of bloodstone first, for some it's empyreal. And for some, it's dragonite.

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All of the above, and also sometimes for achievements.

I don't do world bosses much, but if I'm in the area and one starts up I'll join in. Mostly I do it for fun, it's a bit of variety and doing events with a big group can be exciting, but the possibility of getting a nice skin or other good drop is good too and it is a source of dragonite, which is useful even if I'm just feeding it to one of the eaters.

I've got most of the achievements now, but I think I'm still missing some for the Shatterer, so I'll do those at some point.

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Very low effort required and some people may just happen to be on the map. There may be very use if you go out of your way for them, I'd agree, but if you're on the map, it's not much trouble to do it.

And of course, this is an MMO, so it's not unusual for people to seek content with lots of people regardless of the reward involved.

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Because it's fun, and because these events have GREAT MINI LORE behind them, making the world living: Haunted godlost swamp? awesome Idea! you even have an easter egg within the necromancer hut! Inquest exploiting hylek and asking for reinforcement? I Buy it! Security breach in Thaumanova's reactor? Yuss!!!!!

Big events now called "Metas" have lost their flavor, the little thing that make them fun and unique! World bosses shouldn't have been abandoned! Seriously, see them now... omg a death branded-shaterrer spawned! Bring the pact! THE END. Even the frozen maw have a better story based on son of svanir, rituals and trying to summon a giant elemental, kinda like modnir in fact...

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Wish you woulda had an "Other" option, because the only world boss i do anymore is Tequatl, TT and the Shatterer(New and old). Tequatl and TT for the chance at getting their unique ascended boxes, plus the gold reward, and the Shatterer for the achievements i still need, once im done with them i wont do the shatterer anymore unless its required for an item/collection/achievement.

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there can be weeks without a single world boss and then weeks were I do a train every evening. Reason? Fun.

When I feel like it, I just enjoy it. I like doing the pres... and then waiting with the others, acting stupid and just goof around. Boss spawns, boss dies... some more goofing around, next boss, where you see half of the people again. Sometimes I take some newbies with me, sometimes I don't.

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