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Skyscales hovering overhead is kind of annoying

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3 mins till Karka Queen spawns. standing in front of Steampipe Steading, and theres several Skyscales hovering above.
how awesome it was to have wingtips dipping into view, shadows of them all over the place, and the dust that their wing beats kicks up.yeah, kind of annoying.

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OP does have a point about this, actually. With Skyscales, it's harder to address the issue since the hovering is a basic component of the mount, but there are several flashy mount skins and refits that are equally distracting and cluttery (not to mention the various player model infusions and eye-searing dyes available).

Something like a 'hide player effects' and/or 'hide mount skins' feature would reduce a lot of the problems, since basic mounts typically have a more docile design. This solution would allow people to continue to zip around on hummingbirds and blindingly neon-dyed flame Griffs while also allowing people with visual sensitivities to reduce some of their suffering.

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Oh it is kind of annoying, I have to agree, but as the poster above me said. I just move. I do think it would be nice if Anet would implement an option where we could turn off some of the flashy animations. I mean it really has gotten to be a bit much the last few years. Especially the bounties and what have you. Darn near blinding at times :) I deal with it just like everyone. Still, it would be nice to be able to tone it down a bit.

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@"SmirkDog.3160" said:I love that OP said something is visually annoying (which I understand) and everyone's just like "ooh you must be jealous, ooh if you work hard too you can get one" as if everyone must desire one and they're obviously jealous of you. Get over yourselves.

If you work hard for something, you earn the right to show it off, especially if that's the main reason for earning it in the first place. Therefore, anyone who didn't put in the work to get it, for whatever reason, has no right to not like it. Hence any negative comment on the matter obviously being rooted in jealousy. Flawless logic at its best.

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I foresaw this coming. Be courteous to people around you, go up in the air out of their way, I make sure I do because I knew it would become a problem as Skyscales become less scarce.

There is plenty of sky, not so much ground area.

The wing flapping can definitely get annoying.

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Giving the benefit of the doubt that this is a legitimate concern:

Turn down your player rendering, if they are off the ground way from you they are far more likely to be culled. If one or two don’t and you have to see it, I think you can reasonably suck it up.

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I do find the flapping irritating, even when it's just me on my own skyscale hovering while I work out where I'm going. Any repetitive animation gets on my nerves sooner or later, especially if I'm trying to look at something else. Articles and forums crammed full of animated adverts and "funny" gifs of someone pulling a face which repeat every second and just make it look like they're twitching are the worst, I find it impossible to read the text with that going on and just shut it down immediately.

But so far the skyscale isn't as bad as the sorcerer pets in Elder Scrolls Online which also flap constantly, but are at ground height and follow their master everywhere. It's not unusual to have 3 or 4 of them right on top of crafting stations, bank NPCs and other important spots, so the screen is virtually covered with overlapping wings. (It is possible to disable them, but apparently a lot of people don't know that.)

Most importantly however I think the number of skyscales AFKing over groups waiting for events, in LA etc. will actually go down as more people get it. Right now it's The New Thing - people who have it want to show it off and some people who don't have it yet want to see it (if only for dye ideas). The same thing happened with the griffon, the warclaw, even the basic mounts when PoF first released. Once the excitement dies down a bit I think we'll only see them in groups like that when there's a new skin.

One thing I would say though is if anyone does want to show off your skyscale it would be nice to make sure you're high enough up that you're not kicking up dust and so people who don't want to see the constant flapping can angle the camera to hide it.

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@"Rukario.1695" said:I foresaw this coming. Be courteous to people around you, go up in the air out of their way, I make sure I do because I knew it would become a problem as Skyscales become less scarce.

There is plenty of sky, not so much ground area.

The wing flapping can definitely get annoying.

I mean, I even exercise the concept of "personal space" with my character as much as possible. Of course crowding is unavoidable with things like banks and deliberate stacking during combat, but the rest of the time it just feels weird standing too close to people. I hope the growing number of Skyscale owners consider those around them.

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Also while we at it, the devs are probably aiming for immersive and make us went through an enormous collection, from watching our girl grow up day by day, play with her, suffer her puberty, get her out of troubles. So why don't we improve immersive level by adding let say "hungry bar", unless you feed her with skyscale food she will only runs on the ground and won't be able to fly again, good way to sink more charged quartz too tho :p .

Anyway enough jokes. Please do something about the attack skill, it is so easy to miss, makes it ground target so we can aim manually would be nice.

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:OP does have a point about this, actually. With Skyscales, it's harder to address the issue since the hovering is a basic component of the mount, but there are several flashy mount skins and refits that are equally distracting and cluttery (not to mention the various player model infusions and eye-searing dyes available).

Something like a 'hide player effects' and/or 'hide mount skins' feature would reduce a lot of the problems, since basic mounts typically have a more docile design. This solution would allow people to continue to zip around on hummingbirds and blindingly neon-dyed flame Griffs while also allowing people with visual sensitivities to reduce some of their suffering.

I agree as well, many of the more flashy mount skins tend to be obnoxiously in your face at times and this can also apply to aura's and effects as well.Skyscales are really cool and I love flying around on mine but I can definitely see how having 5-30 of them flapping in a cluster above me would be severely annoying.And this is only going to get worse when Skyscale skins come along either tomorrow or fairly soon.if 5-30 Skyscales in a cluster is annoying now.. just wait till they're all displaying various colours of very bright fire or sparking lightning bolts or leaving lots of colourful chemtrails behind them lol

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As someone who used to idle hovering in WoW many many many many moons ago, I love the Skyscale and I love seeing others flying over me while I myself stay at barely anything above ground.

It’s an adjustment. We’ve not had idle movement in the top portion of the screen like this before. If it bothers you, you can move your Character elsewhere. There’s plenty of room for everyone, Skyscales and all.

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I was waiting for the Megadestroyer to start last night and since it was a Daily there were tons of players. The number of Skyscales hovering near the ground and stirring up dust and being otherwise obnoxious was ridiculous. If you moved away from one, there were more. It's only going to get worse as more people acquire the mount. Skyscale riders, please be courteous and if you must hover, do it high enough so you don't bother others. Thanks. (p.s. This isn't a "Wah, I'm so jealous" post, as I will get the Skyscale in a month or two and am not in a hurry.)

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:OP does have a point about this, actually. With Skyscales, it's harder to address the issue since the hovering is a basic component of the mount, but there are several flashy mount skins and refits that are equally distracting and cluttery (not to mention the various player model infusions and eye-searing dyes available).

Something like a 'hide player effects' and/or 'hide mount skins' feature would reduce a lot of the problems, since basic mounts typically have a more docile design. This solution would allow people to continue to zip around on hummingbirds and blindingly neon-dyed flame Griffs while also allowing people with visual sensitivities to reduce some of their suffering.

It would be nice to have a setting like that but I don't think it 'll ever happen. Having gem store skins as visible as possible is a huge part of the monetization scheme. Not just here but in any MMO with cosmetic MtX, there are whole studies and patents detailing on how it affects impulse purchases.

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@Shep.4026 said:If you work hard for something, you earn the right to show it off, especially if that's the main reason for earning it in the first place. Therefore, anyone who didn't put in the work to get it, for whatever reason, has no right to not like it. Hence any negative comment on the matter obviously being rooted in jealousy. Flawless logic at its best.

I hate to break it to you, but while you have actually achieved something, boasting is still bad style. Or even more than that. Pride is, after all, one of the seven deadly sins. Not that I am overly religious, but there is a grain of truth to that ...

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