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Guild Wars 3: Evidence?

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This is not a doom and gloom post that GW2 is dead.Instead I believe that Guild Wars 2 has told its story and a third game is on its way in 2 years.My speculations:

  • A big 45 minute reveal for just season 5? While it will probably include build templates I predict Season 5 will wrap up a few loose ends in the story, namely ghosts v Charr.
  • Dragons being a necessary balance there is little to no incentive to actually kill them anymore.
  • The number of events in the game are being increased and these increased events are easily automated. This doesn't mean they are abandoning the game, just getting ready to put effort toward another project.
  • Survey released by Anet asks a lot of questions that points toward the beginnings of a third game, rather than an expansion. I don't think I'm breaking any rules by saying the survey existed.
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You are overhyping/overthinking the announcement.

MMOs are not developed in 2-3 years.

Pretty sure the event is there to launch a new story arc and create some buzz so GW2 doesn't go down among all the expansions currently hitting other MMOs.

Edit: that's without even getting into how mental it would be to announce GW3 at the start of LWS5. That's literally like telling people:"Listen, we are discontinuing this game and the next part of the franchise is coming at date xyz. But please keep giving us money until then for this product which we absolutely plan to stop after aformentioned date."

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While I really understand everyone who is with GW2 from the very beginning, as a "late" player who missed the major part of the content, but love this universe in overall, I fully support GW3 development. ANet has a well-experienced and talented team, and even if they would really make an announce, development will take several years of intense working with more years of polishing. I'd really-really love to start a new story in an old world from the beginning (not watching 3+ hours videos of Scarlet war compilation), with new engine and opportunities. Guild Wars team can do this, and they proved it for many times, the question is if they make profit from this. MMORPG genre is not in the same condition like years ago, and creating the same with new shiny wrapping is not the best idea, IMO.

Once again, I speak for myself only. I absolutely understand those, who spend years of their time in GW1/GW2, as well as money, and don't want to scratch all the progress. And I think, if GW3 will ever happen, these people should be rewarded for their love and support.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure I will enjoy games and will have time for this by that time, but Guild Wars will always be a part of many inspirations I met in my life.

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I don't think this will happen (I don't get the whole fuzz about a gw3 anyways as I wouldn't buy it since I already have gw2). We will get a 45 min event which includes a presentation announcement. This is not a 45 min long announcement lol. Its like 10 mins to have everyone seated and everything up and running, 5 mins intro of saying hi, then some trailer I assume, then some dev speech about said trailer and then a round of questions and thats it :P Thats my bet.

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It took about 5 years for them to make gw2 and they went millions into debt (I’ve read estimates of it costing $60 million and up to make a new mmo). For most of that time Guild Wars 1 was without new content updates and during that time it had no new expansions. Making a new mmo would mean prolonged content droughts in this game, the company to go into debt again and then they have to recoup their cost and regain their player base just to break even. For these reasons I strongly doubt there will be a gw3. imo if they do ever make a new mmo it will not be gw rehash but something else entirely different to bring in a completely different and new player base while they maintain gw2 with LS updates.

Edit: corrected mistake

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Add that festivals are getting automation updates(20 years of anual achievements). Halloween will be very telling this year if there no new update to the festival besides new gemstore items and maybe a new anual meta acheivement reward (for those who already have the mini candle) and new reskined infusions.The last thing anet did with gw1 before going into maintaince was to automate all the weekend events.

Now hopefully we will get more variety of the events we have now. The world boss rush felt very boring the second time and did not have the nostalgia the first time had. And it felt repeative after the unstable ore event, which was world bosses again.

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@Mysticjedi.6053 said:This is not a doom and gloom post that GW2 is dead.Instead I believe that Guild Wars 2 has told its story and a third game is on its way in 2 years.

These two sentences are contradictory.

But hey, good news, Guild Wars 3 will have a Battle Royale mode, because that's what's popular last year!

Also Half-Life 3, confirmed. Because why not?

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It's not happening. Now stop with all this GW3 nonsense ...

This is obviously some sort of ad-like event to get more people in. Yes they'll probably announce upcoming season imo but I feel it's more as an ad to get people in because it's been declining. Probably why it's free ... a lot of people would be like "hmm what is this, ah it's free, might as well just have a look"

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@Mysticjedi.6053 said:This is not a doom and gloom post that GW2 is dead.Instead I believe that Guild Wars 2 has told its story and a third game is on its way in 2 years.My speculations:

  • A big 45 minute reveal for just season 5? While it will probably include build templates I predict Season 5 will wrap up a few loose ends in the story, namely ghosts v Charr.
  • Dragons being a necessary balance there is little to no incentive to actually kill them anymore.
  • The number of events in the game are being increased and these increased events are easily automated. This doesn't mean they are abandoning the game, just getting ready to put effort toward another project.
  • Survey released by Anet asks a lot of questions that points toward the beginnings of a third game, rather than an expansion. I don't think I'm breaking any rules by saying the survey existed.

It is what they did when they announced GW2 when I was still playing GW1. It became easier to get things, there were more events, even every other weekend or every weekend there was something.Well we can only hope for GW3 news.

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I'd say they should make some other game. Not GW3. Or if GW2 then with a different genre. (Since from GW1 to GW2 already genre got changed to MMORPG when GW1 wasn't a MMORPG. I think they called it "cooperative RPG" or something like that.)

The setting and the lore/world is just too good to not re-use it and built other games on top/around it. Could be in the same time. Past. Or future. With asura and them bringing technology and stuff ... a shooter would be fun. Or maybe a RTS.

I'd probably need a stronger computer though. And since I'm catching up with old content from GW2 after a long break I guess I'd enjoy the next few years maxing and completing stuff in GW2. (Also starting GW1 for the story/lore and for achivements in GW2.) Not interested in a GW3 for the next 2-3 years.

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There needs to be a reason for a GW3. They created GW2 cause in number one they couldn't do what they wanted to do. They do have enough story to tell and the current game and technique can tell this story.We all ready know that living world season 5 will be different. The 4 teams at arenanet has more freedom and less limitations compared to the format from the last 2 seasons, different as well is that they are not working on x-pacs and side projects like a mobile game. So all focus is on season 5 (and stuff like build templates). This will be showcased and will take some time.

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@"Mysticjedi.6053" said:This is not a doom and gloom post that GW2 is dead.Instead I believe that Guild Wars 2 has told its story and a third game is on its way in 2 years.My speculations:

  • A big 45 minute reveal for just season 5? While it will probably include build templates I predict Season 5 will wrap up a few loose ends in the story, namely ghosts v Charr.
  • Dragons being a necessary balance there is little to no incentive to actually kill them anymore.
  • The number of events in the game are being increased and these increased events are easily automated. This doesn't mean they are abandoning the game, just getting ready to put effort toward another project.
  • Survey released by Anet asks a lot of questions that points toward the beginnings of a third game, rather than an expansion. I don't think I'm breaking any rules by saying the survey existed.

Im expecting more along the lines of announcing a new living world format for season 5 onwards, some upcoming features like build templates etc and maybe.. hopefully confirmation of a new, bigger expansion coming afterwards.

Story of Gw2 isn't done yet.There are still 3 evil Elder Dragons left which need to be dealt with along with this mystery surrounding a "mother" figure for Kralkatorrik.Primordus and Jormag will awaken again and bring terror and destruction to Tyria so there being "little to no incentive to kill them anymore" is simply not true.If anything killing them while they sleep is likely our best chance at minimizing the fallout so now may be the best time to hunt them down and kill them providing we can find a way to spare the world when doing so.

There's no need for a Guildwars 3 at this point unless Anet wanted to do something crazy like add a subscription fee which would splinter this fanbase significantly as the vast majority of us were brought into the Guildwars franchise because of it's anti-subfee model, which has been since the beginning a large selling point.Adding a mandatory sub to Gw2 as some people have foolishly suggested or making a whole new game just to profit for one would not only cause a significant amount of loyal players to walk away from the franchise, it may even ruin Anet as a company.Gw2 was made due to limitations with Gw1.. I expect Gw3 would only be seriously considered under the same reasons, and Gw2 is nowhere near limited enough to warrant a Gw3 yet.. and as I said, there is still a lot of potential and story left untouched in Gw2.

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Other games: xpacs.GW2: LS 5.

Since it was both said LS5 will heave xpac like content and other games dropped their literal xpac content, A-net does need to tout the horn and let the world know very clearly what's coming with Season 5 and how cool it'll be, least people really do start thinking the project got abandoned!

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It's also not their first survey. The last one was not an indication of GW3 and neither is this.

GW2 story is still in its infancy having spent way too much time on Aurene and neglecting the rest of Tyria and its potential. 45 mins is about right for a Season + features video, but waaaay to short for a new MMO reveal. And surely a GW3 announcement would be revealed at a more mainstream outlet

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@Mysticjedi.6053 said:This is not a doom and gloom post that GW2 is dead.Instead I believe that Guild Wars 2 has told its story and a third game is on its way in 2 years.My speculations:

  • A big 45 minute reveal for just season 5? While it will probably include build templates I predict Season 5 will wrap up a few loose ends in the story, namely ghosts v Charr.
  • Dragons being a necessary balance there is little to no incentive to actually kill them anymore.
  • The number of events in the game are being increased and these increased events are easily automated. This doesn't mean they are abandoning the game, just getting ready to put effort toward another project.
  • Survey released by Anet asks a lot of questions that points toward the beginnings of a third game, rather than an expansion. I don't think I'm breaking any rules by saying the survey existed.

still lots of areas in the game map we havnt explored. doubt they will do an new game until those areas become available .

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@Mysticjedi.6053 said:This is not a doom and gloom post that GW2 is dead.Instead I believe that Guild Wars 2 has told its story and a third game is on its way in 2 years.My speculations:

  • A big 45 minute reveal for just season 5? While it will probably include build templates I predict Season 5 will wrap up a few loose ends in the story, namely ghosts v Charr.
  • Dragons being a necessary balance there is little to no incentive to actually kill them anymore.
  • The number of events in the game are being increased and these increased events are easily automated. This doesn't mean they are abandoning the game, just getting ready to put effort toward another project.
  • Survey released by Anet asks a lot of questions that points toward the beginnings of a third game, rather than an expansion. I don't think I'm breaking any rules by saying the survey existed.

Lets pick apart what you said.

Firstly 45 mins is a perfectly reasonable amount of time. What we are likely to see is the trailer for the new season / episode. The devs are taking questions on the form so we will like have 10-30 mins dedicated to developer questions.On the note of the story being wrapped up. There are still plenty stories to tell or loose threads they could wrap up. The ascalon vs charr is not one of them.The dragon story is by far over, while the dragons are needed. The dragons themselves still have the same potential issue as with old kralky. Also do you think they would of dropped that tibit of a being that birthed the elder dragon(s) if that was end of the road?The increase of events is anets attempt to increase the activity of the game and keep players happy with I only asume the aim of always having somthing happening.While I dont know about the survery you speak of I doubt it has anything to do with a gw3.

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@Mysticjedi.6053 said:Instead I believe that Guild Wars 2 has told its story and a third game is on its way in 2 years.2 years isn't a lot of development time, given the fact that NCSoft forced the cancelling of in-development projects, this is very much unlikely anymore. Keep in mind that GW2 development began in early 2007. It was released in 2012 and had a rushed ending. That's 5 years. GW3 won't be developed in 2 years unless they use the same art assets and engine as used in GW2 to greatly cut production costs. Even if GW3 were one of the unannounced projects that got scrapped by NCSoft demanding profits now, that'd only be an additional year of development.

Also, GW2's story is only halfway through: three of six Elder Dragons remain, and we need to find five replacement Elder Dragons. Season 4 might have ended on a note of no immediately obvious plot, but the personal story did the same. As did each GW1 entry except Eye of the North.

  • I predict Season 5 will wrap up a few loose ends in the story, namely ghosts v Charr.You might have missed it, but along with the news post about the Aug 30th announcement, there was an email. This email showed a snowy landscape. The icon for Season 5 is also red and blue. Implication, sadly, is more towards a return of Jormag and Primordus like S3, but this time a bigger focus on Jormag.

  • Dragons being a necessary balance there is little to no incentive to actually kill them anymore.Yes there is. The existence of Elder Dragons may be necessary, but they're still trying to destroy the world and/or the civilizations of the world. They still need to be replaced.

  • Survey released by Anet asks a lot of questions that points toward the beginnings of a third game, rather than an expansion. I don't think I'm breaking any rules by saying the survey existed.I kind of disagree there but I could see the argument.

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