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[Merged] Feedback about today's Icebrood Saga announcement

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@Blackarps.1974 said:

@"Thundabolt.8541" said:I really didn't think I'd be saying this, but this
just isn't enough.
to have new especs, or new weapons... or
that changed the way we played the game.

I believed in game-enriching content, I believed something big was coming. I was so sure in Aenet, I was certain they would blow it out of the water and I was praying that the hype was for a reason.

It wasn't false-hope, it was genuine excitement for the "big announcement" and all the things that everyone "couldn't talk about" just yet.

Part of me believes that I'm saying this too early, and that there will be something like that in Icebrood Saga, but I think most people will tell me to bite the bullet.

I now officially fear for the future of this game.

Sounds like you went in with too much excitement. I knew this was a LS announcement and went in expecting the "excitement" to be about the story which is what was "announced" that it would be about. The feature announcements and funko pop were just added bonuses to me.

I'm glad you enjoyed it but this is still a letdown for a lot of people. Its more of the same and to host an event and play it up like something major is changing is very misleading. The people who love lore and story progression are going to be happy as usual. As for literally everyone else, sorry, you don't get much of anything outside of build templates for the next several months...minimum.

Misleading is only if they went out of their way to misdirect which is not the case. I do say hosting a live event was probably a bit much for the content. But if you look at all promotional material it talkes specifically about the story and then lightly mentions other stuff. So in my mind, the focus is going to be on the story and lightly touch on other mechanics. Which is exactly what I got.

Now about the live event isn't it due to PAX being near?

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Living world is about the story and the evolving world, expansions are the place we get elite specs.

Expansion like content is not expansion content, I think Anet was a little foolish to claim living world would be brining expansion like content to the game because the living world isn't capable of bringing expansion content to the game.Sure we got the Warclaw, Rollar Beetle and Skyscale in the living world but we already had the Mount system in place with PoF which give us 5 mounts in one go.

I'm not a betting man but I would bet that bringing things like elite specs in with the living world would be a ridiculously hard thing to do.The time crunch alone would be insane.. if you honestly believe Anet is capable of brining 9 new elite specs in with living world without completely breaking the game with balance issues then your expectations are very unrealistic.Specs are something that should come in with expansions not the living world.

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They said it'll not be a season but a saga, implying saga>season, but i haven't seen much details about what that "more" is. Props for mini raid bosses to get ppl started into raiding, but other then that it's a mystery.

Also annoyed with all the charr artwork. Where have we seen an ingame charr that actually looked like the artwork (like that glowing fire grenades strapped across his chest) engi artwork? I haven't. In art we got badass savage near beasts, while ingame charr are generally bit ugly, but loveable bunch..

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@Suddenflame.2601 said:

@"Thundabolt.8541" said:I really didn't think I'd be saying this, but this
just isn't enough.
to have new especs, or new weapons... or
that changed the way we played the game.

I believed in game-enriching content, I believed something big was coming. I was so sure in Aenet, I was certain they would blow it out of the water and I was praying that the hype was for a reason.

It wasn't false-hope, it was genuine excitement for the "big announcement" and all the things that everyone "couldn't talk about" just yet.

Part of me believes that I'm saying this too early, and that there will be something like that in Icebrood Saga, but I think most people will tell me to bite the bullet.

I now officially fear for the future of this game.

Sounds like you went in with too much excitement. I knew this was a LS announcement and went in expecting the "excitement" to be about the story which is what was "announced" that it would be about. The feature announcements and funko pop were just added bonuses to me.

We went in with too much excitement because they hyped this up, they dont announce lws like this, this was looking like something really big.

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I have always hoped for more Norn-centric content, so I am excited for that. I was super hyped when bounties were announced back pre-PoF, but found their execution to be sloppy and poor, so the Strike Missions do admittedly interest me because they seem more structured and challenging and less zerging and spamming. I am looking forward to more Norn-inspired armor pieces (hopefully) that all races have access to.

But honestly this doesn't really take away from my disappointment. Not only did the event end 10 minutes earlier than advertised, but they actually dedicated a segment of it to announcing merch, which I find to be insulting given how little else was actually discussed. No Q&A (perhaps damage control), no displaying of the build template UI, no hope given to PvPers or WvWers. I spend most of my time playing WvW and from the preview, it seems that changing build templates is instant, which worries me. I hope they implement restrictions for that so people can't just OoC and swap builds then re-engage in a matter of seconds.

I am sure I will continue playing, but the predominant feeling I am left with from this is major disappointment.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:A bit disappointed by the lack of this:

"We will be taking questions in advance and we will answer as many as we can over the course of the event. So share below what you’d like to know from the team about the newest chapter of Guild Wars 2 Living World."


I completely forgot about that. However, they said over the course of the event, so it might not mean the stream itself.

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With all the negative comments. I am super excited for the new content. I've been playing this for 7 years and still love it.

I play PvE, PvP, and WvW. I simply love it.

People should be happy that Anet gives free content. Maybe their not perfect but they put a lot into their art work and designing of worlds and content and they do deserve a pat on the back.

Its not easy designing something like this and put their heart and soul into the story and do the best they can.

Too make it free to everyone that's a plus.

Thank you Anet for the wonderful best MMO out there and the awesome content. People are always going to not like something but for me I like it all.

Please keep this positive posts. I hate seeing all the negative comments all the time and thought I would give Anet a pat on the shoulders for another great free LS.

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I was relieved when I saw what it was about.Was already stressing out thinking "I must get the new flying mount, cooking to 500 and perhaps even a new motherboard and processor to get prepared for the awesomeness that is arriving".So turns out its just the same: login for 2 hours, log off and shelve the game for some months.

No new elite specs is a death sentence to pvp and wvw, I don't believe people will play for two more years the same builds, pressing the same skills over and over.

tinfoil hat on - I don't think they're naive enough to hype an announcement to stratospheric levels just to let everyone down, perhaps they're actually trying to kill gw2 for good.

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@"otto.5684" said:I am trying to figure out what was announced (and I do not mean that in a disappointing way). What was discussed beside LWS5 and build templates?

Strikes. Basicly a 1 Boss only Raid that will help players learn how to work together better. legit the only thing about it im excited for.Other than that they just said "Charr and Norns!" repeatedly for about 30 minutes. Oh damn, right, we're getting new Masteries that are tied directly to Season 5 instead of POF. That was that "Content usually reserved for Expansions" bs they said was coming.

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@"otto.5684" said:I am trying to figure out what was announced (and I do not mean that in a disappointing way). What was discussed beside LWS5 and build templates?

LW5 was announced. It's a "saga" instead of a "season" though (whatever that means). Build Templates are still in the works (not ready yet). New WvW restructuring in the works (not ready yet). Strike missions (mini raids for randoms). Some new Masteries for the new maps. Heart of Thorns is free to people who purchased Path of Fire (if you already own HoT, you get a veterans package in the mail). There is a new T-Shirt in the gem store for free. And then a bunch of merchandise (new art book, funko toys, mouse pads, phone covers, etc).

So basically the only thing coming is a new LW "saga". And it is just a prologue, not an episode. Comes out on Sept. 17th.

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I'm only disappointed because I was hoping for them to say season 5 would lead to an expansion, but they aren't going to say everything. Although there was nothing new, I loved the Charrlands in GW:EN so yay for that.I don't think we will get an expansion now - I think we will get bits every few months instead a 'whole' every 4 odd months to try to address that content dought.As far as people getting HoT for free - I payed for all of the games from the start- twice- and watched the core go free to play and it didn't worry me. Aion did this after all.I am too thinking to rent a theatre was a waste and yes a post and trailer would of done., BUT I don't think they are done yet.Only time will tell.

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I wish they had renamed the game as Guild Wars 2 Living World since they have been pushing that and included the previous LW seasons free so that new players don't have any gaps in the content. The new players would still have to play to unlock masteries but I think having a single content purchase price would bring more new players. They could have given the game a new live background on the character select screen also.

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I'm super excited too!

I'm also a PvE, WvW and Raider, and I didnt expect WvW, PvP and Raids to take a big part of the announcement, it was for Living World, people have to get this into their heads that Living World is its own thing as much as PvP, WvW and Raids are. They are seperate things that is not tied to one another.

Anyway, very excited for this new Saga - it seems to be very different to previous seasons to mix it up, love the whole expanding an already released map and give us more stuff in already released maps. The Strikes sounds amazing too, and it seems it will work like the Dragon Bash Arena, Instanced in open world, LOVE IT!

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@"Tsakhi.8124" said:...then get the kitten out...

The open hostility to those who dare criticize your favorite game leaves the environment of the game hostile. This response doesn't foster communication and leads to stagnation in the community. With the praise, you need to take the criticism in strides and understand where people are coming from. It is quite childish to just scream at people for being upset. This is something we all care about and each of us wants the game to be the best that it can be. And it can't be that if we never criticize the game.

For myself, I'm quite disappointed in this announcement, not because I hate anet or the game, but because I love the game and want to see it succeed. This announcement alienates the audience and its ultimately tone deaf to the concerns of the community. They didn't address the very real concern about the future of this game or how to promote players go join or rejoin the game.

If their goal was to get new players, they need snappy sound bites to get players in. An expansion is a massive draw. A new race, elite specializations, new class, dungeons, raids. These are pieces that we can point to to draw players into the game. Living world season or "Saga" doesn't do the same thing for outsiders. What's a living world season? In terms of an MMO this does not draw people in much like saying "This TV show has a new season" this only keeps the existing audience in, but doesn't draw new people in because they feel they've already missed out on the story. This episodic nature is great for existing players but is antithetical to new players.

If their goal was to bring back old players, the issue is that clearly the seasons were not providing player retention. Which is a major problem. Without new content that players can get excited about such as Elite specs, classes, races, raids or dungeons these old players are unlikely to return.

We hit a double issue with this announcement. It neither draws new players in because they don't understand the context of what is occurring in the game and for feeling like they're missing out and it doesn't draw back old players who feel content starved as it is. The result of this will be a slow hemorrhaging of players. And the damage control Anet needs to do is going to be pretty massive at this point.

I've hit fatigue with this game. And the new season isn't going to revitalize me or other players. And we want to get back into the game. But what are we coming back for? another season? It didn't keep us before it wont keep us now.

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@ScyeRynn.4218 said:More Ice. More Fire. Nothing New.

Jormag and Primordus have actually been right at the top of a lot of peoples (want to focus on) list since the game came out.I'm more interested in the Sea dragon too but I'm happy with any Dragon.

No UW mounts. No UW anything. Boring, redundant masteries. More Icebrood, more warring Charr, more years waiting for UW content after waiting years already or any new content at all. Literally nothing new and unexpected. Just more of the same.

The Charr are actually coming together, even flame legion which is huge!

More Braham and Rytlock because we didn't get enough of those two characters already. More on Norn Spirits and Charr legions because we didn't already cover that since GW 2 vanilla and even GW 1. They spent most of the event talking about content already in the game and fashion merchandise.

The Norn spirits are actually a big source of lore that isn't that fleshed out.There are many, many spirits of the wild outside of the big ones we've known about since the game came out, learning more about the dead Owl spirit is something a lot of us lore buffs have wanted for a long time, not to mention the other spirits whose fate are currently unknown.The Norn and Charr have a ton of backstory we don't know much about, this will be the season we finally get to flesh out those races and learn more about them.

It was depressing enough this whole year going LW episode to episode with scarce content, but the only thing keeping me interested was the hope that it was stretching time for LW 5 and expansion 3. Now it's revealed that we are getting just more of that. Long waits between thin episodes and nothing to look forward to.

I was hoping for at least confirmation that another expansion is in development or that one will be coming in the future but even though we didn't I expect one will be coming after season 5.

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@Tiviana.2650 said:

@"Thundabolt.8541" said:I really didn't think I'd be saying this, but this
just isn't enough.
to have new especs, or new weapons... or
that changed the way we played the game.

I believed in game-enriching content, I believed something big was coming. I was so sure in Aenet, I was certain they would blow it out of the water and I was praying that the hype was for a reason.

It wasn't false-hope, it was genuine excitement for the "big announcement" and all the things that everyone "couldn't talk about" just yet.

Part of me believes that I'm saying this too early, and that there will be something like that in Icebrood Saga, but I think most people will tell me to bite the bullet.

I now officially fear for the future of this game.

Sounds like you went in with too much excitement. I knew this was a LS announcement and went in expecting the "excitement" to be about the story which is what was "announced" that it would be about. The feature announcements and funko pop were just added bonuses to me.

We went in with too much excitement because they hyped this up, they dont announce lws like this, this was looking like something really big.

Yet apple hypes up a new phone each year and it always turns out to be minor changes to last years model. People still buy the shit out of them though.

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