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Many of us kind of take a lot of things in GW2 for granted.

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Many of us kind of take a lot of things in GW2 for granted.

Not all but many of us take some of the quality stuff we get in GW2 for granted, myself included.

I been bored of the recent content gap and updates for SPvP /WvW, so I recently decided to try another MMO. It took me some time in this recent MMO to realize how important Polish alone means to me.

Also certain big and small things like;Open TaggingDynamic Events and Group content of all Levels*Easy to understand UI that is smooth enough to use and not clunky.

And so much more.There is a lot to not like about GW2, but I tell you, there is a lot to like as well.

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Considering that Bethesda just rolled out a $12 monthly subscription to delete your items and send you to pre-looted zones, I think some players are starting to realize how good they've got it. I've got my complaints about the game, but make no mistake: GW2 is still one of the best on the market. There's reasons why I'm still here.

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In terms of MMO quality of life features, GW2 is one of if not the best on the market. From very convenient fast travel to instant access to trading posts as well as crafting materials not taking bag space, these are some of the small but noteworthy features that make it very hard to try other MMOs where they are absent.

My gripes with the game is mostly with anets lackluster balance patches that almost entirely consist of underwhelming changes (30% shatterstone buff for the third time in a row) to really questionable additions like prenerf deadeye gaining invis on evade which gave the class incredibly easy access to permanent invisibility with a single trait.

They also butchered the experience of my favourite game mode, WvW, by the terrible implementation of the Warclaw which came with bugs, exploitations and increased uninteractivity by their lack of dismount mechanic which the game mode is still suffering from today...all so they could release an overpriced and quite frankly, ugly 5 skin pack that didn't even have 5 unique skins since 2 of them where just the same appearance with different dyeable areas.

Honestly, if it wasn't for the people I met in this game then anet is making it very hard for me to stay

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Sure, there are a lot of things that GW2 does right by me and many others. Those you mentioned at the top are pretty big deals. The wardrobe system is fantastic, the way we get around with and without mounts is to me, the best in the industry, and many, many more big and small QoL or direct gameplay design choices are a definite plus.


My most strident complaint is still how it's so long between content updates for significant portions of the game. Giving them credit, recently, they've been checking things off of their list like Ascended Food as part of Cooking 500, legendary runes and sigils (regardless of me feelings surrounding that), soon build templates (same parenthetical), and hopefully the WvW alliance update.

That said, it boggles my mind that they can make a substantial profit quarter after quarter and large swaths of the game go either without updates (past content), or with long gaps for continuation (contemporary content).

They went back to change a few things, such as Teq and the Shatterer WBs. But keeping with those examples, they've already been pushed past their breaking point in terms of being pushovers again. Largely due to the state of power creep. That's not new to anyone though.

The reality of the matter is that Anet appears to have just recently moved from treading water to swimming forwards in terms of moving the game forwards. If the living world releases are any indication of what they valued most for launches, then lets take a look at the distance between episodes 4, 5, 6, & the Prologue:

Episode 4 -> 5 ------------------- September 18th -> January 8th (About 3 & 1/2 months)February 23rd or so ------------ The layoffs happen, big concerns abound everywhereEpisode 5 -> 6 ------------------- January 8th -> May 14th (A bit over 4 months)Episode 6 -> Saga Prologue -- May 14th -> September 17th (Almost exactly 4 months)

It took a year to get from episode 4 to the new Saga. I grant that the only reason I've chosen this is because it illustrates a few points:

  1. It's a year back from the most current release
  2. This does not include Special Events like Halloween, Wintersday, SAB, etc. Largely because while rewards for those events continue to change, they haven't been expounded upon with nearly the regularity as I would have liked to see by this point. The story of the Mad Prince, for example, was a one time thing and we just don't have anything new with the festivals that is really considered additional content.
  3. It's a good example of the volume and depth of content that ArenaNet can accomplish in a year, as well as how they adapt to a severe setback.
  4. This helps visualize what could be the norm going forwards

TL; DR: The basics of the game are great, but I'm absolutely over how slow it is to update considering the amount of money it pulls. With or without expacks.

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@K THEN.5162 said:In terms of MMO quality of life features, GW2 is one of if not the best on the market. From very convenient fast travel to instant access to trading posts as well as crafting materials not taking bag space, these are some of the small but noteworthy features that make it very hard to try other MMOs where they are absent.

My gripes with the game is mostly with anets lackluster balance patches that almost entirely consist of underwhelming changes (30% shatterstone buff for the third time in a row) to really questionable additions like prenerf deadeye gaining invis on evade which gave the class incredibly easy access to permanent invisibility with a single trait.

They also butchered the experience of my favourite game mode, WvW, by the terrible implementation of the Warclaw which came with bugs, exploitations and increased uninteractivity by their lack of dismount mechanic which the game mode is still suffering from today...all so they could release an overpriced and quite frankly, ugly 5 skin pack that didn't even have 5 unique skins since 2 of them where just the same appearance with different dyeable areas.

Honestly, if it wasn't for the people I met in this game then anet is making it very hard for me to stay

Just addressing the WvW mount portion, I was under the impression they have a dismount skill on the Warclaw. Granted, I would have liked to see a limited-proximity trap that could dismount more people at once. Like a siege disabler for mounts... A mount disabler? 60 mandatory disable on the mounting skill would be huge.

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@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:Considering that Bethesda just rolled out a $12 monthly subscription to delete your items and send you to pre-looted zones, I think some players are starting to realize how good they've got it. I've got my complaints about the game, but make no mistake: GW2 is still one of the best on the market. There's reasons why I'm still here.

So because Bethesda is pulling some (insert kitten here) ANet is suddenly incredible company? Take a look at current situation with build templates. I don't see them being so far behind Bethesda. It's also has been a long time since last server rollback. I'm expecting another one when they get released (:

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@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

@Krzysztof.5973 said:So because Bethesda is pulling some (
insert kitten here
) ANet is suddenly incredible company?

Yes. It's called perspective. Seeing how bad other people have it let you know how good you have it.

Pretty much this. While we should call out Anet when its deserved (like the Visual Nerf from right after HoT's release) keep in mind that a lot of what we have just isn't found in other games, especially MMOs. If GW2 does fold, as an increasingly vocal portion of the playerbase is claiming, I may have to give up on the genre of MMORPGs completely.

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People are not taking GW2 for granted. The company is still making profits from this game, plus a lot of publicity and positive image. The problem is not the lack of content, because no company can create content as fast as players can consume it. The problem is PvP, because once players reach maximum level and do their daily/weekly content, there is nothing else to do and start thinking about other games.

Normally (as in other games), at maximum level, players go into PvP and create their own tactics and teams, but not in this game, because it promotes SoloQ and laziness by not even struggling for PvP balance and new PvP maps/game-modes/battlegrounds/tactics/profession-build-dynamics.

After 7 years, the game is still called Guild Wars, yet there is no war between guilds, not even battlegrounds for 10v10 or 20v20, only some 7 years old 5v5, that you play alone, with randoms.

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@Alin.2468 said:People are not taking GW2 for granted. The company is still making profits from this game, plus a lot of publicity and positive image. The problem is not the lack of content, because no company can create content as fast as players can consume it. The problem is PvP, because once players reach maximum level and do their daily/weekly content, there is nothing else to do and start thinking about other games.

Normally (as in other games), at maximum level, players go into PvP and create their own tactics and teams, but not in this game, because it promotes SoloQ and laziness by not even struggling for PvP balance and new PvP maps/game-modes/battlegrounds/tactics/profession-build-dynamics.

After 7 years, the game is still called Guild Wars, yet there is no war between guilds, not even battlegrounds for 10v10 or 20v20, only some 7 years old 5v5, that you play alone, with randoms.

I agree that not having Guild Vs Guild or a true comparable alternative was a huge mistake on Anet's part, and I'm not a PvPer.

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I agree with OP, there are many features that we enjoy from Guild Wars 2 that people do take for granted, in fact many negative feedbacks the game receives is ill warranted, majority of which don't even come from people who are committed to the game, and although there are some issues with Guild Wars 2 currently, as it is with all games, it still remains to this day a great game with much potential for future improvement.

Also I would like to add that although Guild Wars 2 wasn't able to completely stay true to its original vision/mission. we are enjoying much of the good that came of it. ;)

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Considering my other MMO is Elder Scrolls Online I'm currently just happy GW2 can be updated without taking the entire game offline for hours at a time and when they say they've fixed a problem with the server it's usually true, at least until another update breaks it again, instead of players waiting hours just to find nothing's changed once the game is back online.

That and we get festivals and special events which actually include special content, even if it is the same every year. ESO's Witches Festival (Halloween event) is basically the equivalent of bosses dropping Trick-or-Treat bags, and nothing else. There's some achievements for farming bags and using the items in them, but nothing to actually do beyond what's usually in the game. When it was first introduced I thought maybe they were easing themselves into creating festivals and they'd add more content over time, but that's it. With all the lore behind that game (including for the Witches Festival) they could easily have some interesting quests or special events, but they don't.

Don't get me wrong, I like ESO but it could be so much better, and of the two I definitely prefer GW2. Which could also be better, but my issues with it are relatively minor.

@Alin.2468 said:People are not taking GW2 for granted. The company is still making profits from this game, plus a lot of publicity and positive image. The problem is not the lack of content, because no company can create content as fast as players can consume it. The problem is PvP, because once players reach maximum level and do their daily/weekly content, there is nothing else to do and start thinking about other games.

Normally (as in other games), at maximum level, players go into PvP and create their own tactics and teams, but not in this game, because it promotes SoloQ and laziness by not even struggling for PvP balance and new PvP maps/game-modes/battlegrounds/tactics/profession-build-dynamics.

After 7 years, the game is still called Guild Wars, yet there is no war between guilds, not even battlegrounds for 10v10 or 20v20, only some 7 years old 5v5, that you play alone, with randoms.

I'm not sure how common that process is. It's certainly not uncommon to find GW2 players who have never even wanted to try PvP and Elder Scrolls Online is the same, players reach the maximum level and then continue playing the PvE content because they're interested in the world, the stories and the PvE combat. I realise that last one probably sounds strange, even wrong, to someone who prefers PvP, but it's true - some players like finding ways to beat the AI and the developers designs and do things like speed clears and 'low man' runs.

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Well since like PoF came out i gotta say i crown the new king to be ESO and not gw2. GW2 is nearly a perfect game.. but it's darn sad to see how anet is wasting it. It has potential but it's totally wasted.. Anet could make this game #1 MMO easily but they just can't get their heads straight. And that's why it's not the top1. It could easily be but i think as time goes by gw2 will keep falling down. Unless anet steps up and realises how good their game is and treats it the way it deserves to be treated. PvP/WvW alone is a major let down of gw2. 2 epic modes totally ignored and destroyed by devs. On the other hand... ESO has it's minor problems left. But if ESO fixes their latency issues in "WvW" (Cyrodiil) hands down it'll be top1 for sure (yes they really have just 1 issue left to solve actually that doesn't really concern PvE'ers anyway). So.. gw2 keeps falling down. While ESO kept going up over the years and now has lot more both PvE and PvP content. That's why we have this situation. And i say good. Devs that do more work and care about their game should be #1 and those that failed will drag their game down with themselves.

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@"Alin.2468" said:People are not taking GW2 for granted. The company is still making profits from this game, plus a lot of publicity and positive image. The problem is not the lack of content, because no company can create content as fast as players can consume it. The problem is PvP, because once players reach maximum level and do their daily/weekly content, there is nothing else to do and start thinking about other games.

Normally (as in other games), at maximum level, players go into PvP and create their own tactics and teams, but not in this game, because it promotes SoloQ and laziness by not even struggling for PvP balance and new PvP maps/game-modes/battlegrounds/tactics/profession-build-dynamics.

After 7 years, the game is still called Guild Wars, yet there is no war between guilds, not even battlegrounds for 10v10 or 20v20, only some 7 years old 5v5, that you play alone, with randoms.

I don't see it being normal for players to go PvP when their bored....... WoW already shows evidence against that, and even this game shows evidence against that. If anything, newer games are pushing PvP harder because it doesn't need as much in costly assets, gives the illusion of more content when all its doing is recycling things better, and on paper it looks like an easy entry point into that sweet, sweet eSports money. Don't get confused by a community subsection that keeps trying to push Battle Royale as if the solution to everything, because its the current hotness. Before that it was survival mechanics. Before that it was more open world maps. Before that it was Crafting. Before that it was RPG leveling mechanics.

Lets be real. When PvE players get bored, they fall back on Farming. Its mind numbingly therapeutic. With no other anxieties to distract you, you do it longer. It always contributed toward "Progress", because most games are built around it on some level. They have way more control over the risks they can take. It can be both opportunistic or carefully planned. Its "down time" without being considered "down time" gives you the opportunity to consider what you want to next. And occasionally a random circumstance will give you a new direction to follow.

Problems only really arise when the delicate Zen of farming gets disrupted. It can be the anxiety I mentioned earlier, your kill zone getting too much competition, open world PvP gankers, rate of loot drops, ramp up and ramp down time, quirks of the location, or the methodology being employed. If the farming fails to be placating (either via rewards or effort cost), it'll amplify whatever frustration they already have with the game.

So no..... PvP is not the be all, end all of MMOs. If it were, we would not have had over a dozen PvP focused MMOs burn out in less then 6 weeks each. It also fails to acknowledge that Guilds/Community are what propped up a lot of those games, and provides an explanation to why their Exodus snowballs so rapidly. I've been In and Around that cycle for the past several years. I've witnessed guilds trying to throw their weight around to influence Dev decisions. I've seen a substantial number of attempts to court Streamers (by both), because of the pack mentality surrounding them. Once you start looking at the Social structure of a game, and how it fits into the Social Media Zeitgeist, you can start making shockingly accurate predictions about their Ebb and Flow.

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@"Dave.6819" said:ESO has it's minor problems left. But if ESO fixes their latency issues in "WvW" (Cyrodiil) hands down it'll be top1 for sure (yes they really have just 1 issue left to solve actually that doesn't really concern PvE'ers anyway).

I played ESO for 2+ years, almost exclusively in Cyrodiil. The lag in the Alliance War was an endless cause of frustration for me and my guild. If they haven’t fixed it by now they never will. I have to agree that when it works though ESO’s ‘WvW’ is significantly better than in GW2. That’s my opinion at least.

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@K THEN.5162 said:In terms of MMO quality of life features, GW2 is one of if not the best on the market. From very convenient fast travel to instant access to trading posts as well as crafting materials not taking bag space, these are some of the small but noteworthy features that make it very hard to try other MMOs where they are absent.

My gripes with the game is mostly with anets lackluster balance patches that almost entirely consist of underwhelming changes (30% shatterstone buff for the third time in a row) to really questionable additions like prenerf deadeye gaining invis on evade which gave the class incredibly easy access to permanent invisibility with a single trait.

They also butchered the experience of my favourite game mode, WvW, by the terrible implementation of the Warclaw which came with bugs, exploitations and increased uninteractivity by their lack of dismount mechanic which the game mode is still suffering from today...all so they could release an overpriced and quite frankly, ugly 5 skin pack that didn't even have 5 unique skins since 2 of them where just the same appearance with different dyeable areas.

Honestly, if it wasn't for the people I met in this game then anet is making it very hard for me to stay

I disagree with the fist paragraph. Other than that, you are spot on

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@FrigginPaco.4178 said:Just addressing the WvW mount portion, I was under the impression they have a dismount skill on the Warclaw. Granted, I would have liked to see a limited-proximity trap that could dismount more people at once. Like a siege disabler for mounts... A mount disabler? 60 mandatory disable on the mounting skill would be huge.

The dismount feature hardly improved anything because anet gave these mounts 3 short cooldown evades which enables them to even dodge their pathetic excuse for a dismount mechanic. All it did was promote more ganking since it takes at least 4 people to dismount someone

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The last thread I started to try and praise ArenaNet for its communication increase was ironically shut down the same day by devs claiming it wasn't necessary because they'd already made a blog post about it - a blog post where users cannot start a discussion.

I quite like Guild Wars 2 and many of the things about the game are geared toward quality of life for players instead of quality of $. I have no illusions that ArenaNet is the worst company in the world or some evil overlord looking to beat me up for my lunch money (Give AA:U a shot and call me in the morning), but man are some of them bad at socializing.

Put me somewhere between a fan and a critic; my passion for the game allows me to both appreciate and squint at it.

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There will always be something in any game that bothers me or I wished they'd fix, as nothing is perfect. But I completely agree that GW2 has many things that other MMOs I've played just don't, and I'm grateful for. Heck, even things like GW2 actually having a material storage and wardrobe system already makes it better in that regard to things like FFXIV and their crappy glamour toilet and requiring you to pay for additional retainers if you want to store crafting materials. Over the years they've added things like more stuff going to the wallet, changing gear to unidentified gear, and adding glyphs to gathering tools. For all the wonky stuff that bothers me in GW2, there's plenty more to also appreciate.

Won't stop me from listing things in the QoL thread though. (They just might fix it ;D)

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After 7 years + , logging every single day, each thing you listed is literally nothing to be so amazed about when you get little to no content...When you're annoyed at direction Anet is taking, last thing you'll think of is "oh wow, they have nice UI" ... you get used to any UI if you stay long enough, when I started ESO I thought I was going to get a heart attack when I saw UI in there but after a day it's just fine.and ESO has much better everything and it's not running on dx9 ...

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Nope.I do not take for granted a single 'advantage' GW2 has over other games.

They are the bare minimum to make an MMO enjoyable. Something that every single one of them should have.

I play GW2 because it's the only game which has that bare minimum. If no MMORPG had them, I would be playing something else instead.

And there's still much to be done.

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I tried Black desert and final fantasy lately, first I still think GW2 has better art, maybe some other games rendering and modeling is nicer but the aesthetics can’t beat GW2. The UI interface... some the other game are just messy... and dialogues, I hate to read Them all the time, yeah GW2 still the best, just give me Cantha soon please...

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