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Official capes discussion thread

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If any dev reads this: Please, give us a hooded cloak! <3 :) It would probably be best to combine a cloak-y cape with a complementary head piece to give us two variants: one with the hood on and one with the hood off. Also different designs for either rangers or mages (that would also mean more money via the Gem Store ;) ).

Something cool like this (right-click to enlarge):


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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Tukaram.8256 said:Yeah, that is the guild cape. It is too short for anyone. The gem store cape looks pretty good, but is too expensive to buy for each of my avatars. I have to decide which one gets it...

I've not had time to log in since the update hit, but if it works like every other gem store skin you'll only need to buy 1 and then it will be unlocked in the wardrobe for all your characters to use.

You'll be able to use the item from the mail to apply the skin for free to 1 back item, then use transmutation charges and the skin in the wardrobe to apply it to any others. So you can have as many copies as you want, as long as you have the transmutation charges (and if you don't you can get them free from map completion or PvP and WvW reward tracks).

Oh, it looked like a new back item, I did not know it was a skin. I may buy one now. I do really like the look of the cape (wish it was a hooded cloak, but let's not get greedy ha ha). 500 for all my avatars is not so bad, then. :)

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@"Weindrasi.3805" said:The cape floats 2 feet off the characters' backs. I first saw it on charr, and thought "Yeah, more stuff that looks like trash on charr, no surprise there," but then I went to look at the cape on my human and my norn. And it looks awful on them too! It's no surprise that in the cape video, you only see the cape from the backs of the characters--if they showed a sideview, it would reveal how ridiculous they are. I'd prefer clipping over something that floats so badly.

Maybe they could include a slightly visible fan unit to explain that...

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@Tukaram.8256 said:

@Tukaram.8256 said:Yeah, that is the guild cape. It is too short for anyone. The gem store cape looks pretty good, but is too expensive to buy for each of my avatars. I have to decide which one gets it...

I've not had time to log in since the update hit, but if it works like every other gem store skin you'll only need to buy 1 and then it will be unlocked in the wardrobe for all your characters to use.

You'll be able to use the item from the mail to apply the skin for free to 1 back item, then use transmutation charges and the skin in the wardrobe to apply it to any others. So you can have as many copies as you want, as long as you have the transmutation charges (and if you don't you can get them free from map completion or PvP and WvW reward tracks).

Oh, it looked like a new back item, I did not know it was a skin. I may buy one now. I do really like the look of the cape (wish it was a hooded cloak, but let's not get greedy ha ha). 500 for all my avatars is not so bad, then. :)

Even if it is a back item it should still unlock the skin in your wardrobe.

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I suspect this is why Anet spent years telling us capes wouldn't work with the physics in GW2. It worked in GW1 (sort of) because the physics and graphics were much more basic so it didn't matter of it looked like a sheet of card stuck to your back.

But it seems like Anet are looking for some "quick wins" at the moment, or maybe all the constant requests and claims that it doesn't matter if it clips or floats or looks terrible convinced them that...Well, it wouldn't matter and players would be happy with what they could do even if it's not up to their usual standard.

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@"Danikat.8537" said:I suspect this is why Anet spent years telling us capes wouldn't work with the physics in GW2. It worked in GW1 (sort of) because the physics and graphics were much more basic so it didn't matter of it looked like a sheet of card stuck to your back.

But it seems like Anet are looking for some "quick wins" at the moment, or maybe all the constant requests and claims that it doesn't matter if it clips or floats or looks terrible convinced them that...Well, it wouldn't matter and players would be happy with what they could do even if it's not up to their usual standard.

Yep. Anet has a history of warning complainers, "Be careful what you wish for," and then hammering them. That's how we got HoT. Too many people complained that the original game was too easy or too boring or whatever. Anet said, "OK, you asked for it," and to this day HoT is still the hardest content in the game, especially for new players without mounts. Well, everyone wanted capes, Anet warned us, and now some people want to complain the capes aren't perfect. What else did they expect, really?

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:If any dev reads this: Please, give us a hooded cloak! <3 :) It would probably be best to combine a cloak-y cape with a complementary head piece to give us two variants: one with the hood on and one with the hood off. Also different designs for either rangers or mages (that would also mean more money via the Gem Store ;) ).

Something cool like this (right-click to enlarge):


I would love a hooded cloak! I would buy that for sure - if it was long enough. Speaking too short... even the gem store cape is too short. I will most likely still buy one, but it should be ankle length. :)

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