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If you rebalance warclaw in wvw..do so also in PvE

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It's not hard to obtain a warclaw in wvw even if you've never played wvw before, you can come in and get your mount in a couple of days max , I see no reason why the mount supposed to be useless (especially after I paid RL cash for the skins) in a pve setting, now that the mount is getting "rebalanced" in wvw...make sure we get something back in PvE

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Anet should not have let it be useable in PvE, leading many to not really understand that its a pure wvw mount.

I disagree. Most of us know this which is why its not used in PvE. But would be nice to have in PvE as well and be useful because some skins look nice.

My Issue is that many of the skins look just like the base model with different colors, which I can already do with the dye feature...

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What they should have done was just put in a raptor mount with different mastery abilities for WvW. And made it available to those who have earned a raptor through PoF story, or in WvW. I think that this would have avoided many issues. But almost certainly there was also a desire on Anet's part to have PvE players exposed to WvW, in order to try and get new blood for WvW. So it needed to be a unique mount to fulfill that purpose. I went in, ground out what I needed to get the mount, and haven't been back since. I wonder how typical that was, or if it actually did get some new blood into WvW?

All that said, it's usable in PvE, I think it ought to be useful in PvE.

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Honestly, all mounts should be looked at periodically to see if they're still performing in a way that's fun and/or balanced for whatever mode they're active in. Warclaw's primary purpose is to pull down gates in WvW, but that doesn't mean it needs to push its face along the ground at 2 MPH in PvE either.

Asking them to glance at PvE Warclaw while they're already elbows-deep in WvW Warclaw seems like a sensible request.

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@Ipomoea Jalapa.6897 said:I wish they would separate the default selected mount between PvE and WvW, like they do for build templates now. It's annoying to have to change from Warclaw back to Griffon every time I leave WvW.

That's a bug. My default selection (for PvE) only switches to Warclaw very occasionally - definitely no more than 10% of the time I go to WvW. Usually it stays on the Skyscale (or whatever mount that character uses as default).

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Even though the Warclaw is a WvW mount, I don't see why it has to be completely useless in PvE. I think it wouldn't hurt to bring it more on par with the Raptor or the Jackal, as some people probably prefer it's aesthetics over the two. It doesn't have to be equal to or better than any other 'PvE mount', but it doesn't have to be handicapped to uselessness either.

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The warclaw and its skills are meant for wvw only. It has no purpose in pve for that exact reason. Plus that you need to grind out its skills a lot slower than people can achieve pve mount masteries. And considering its unlocked through WvW, youd already have to be interested in that mode.

And think about this: Anet does not want to have mounts that directly obsoletes each other. The raptor and the jackal have unique differences. Theres no reason or place for a third mount infringing on their place.

As I see it, the main use for a Warclaw for a PvEer is to help grinding gifts of battle. Which is fine enough for me. We have enough pve mounts already. So no, this will never happen, nor should it happen.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Anet should not have let it be useable in PvE, leading many to not really understand that its a pure wvw mount.

Strongly disagree, if it were not usable in PvE Anet wouldn't have mady anywhere near the kind of money they did from Warclaw skins.. not to mention more recent packs include the Warclaw in them so if you unlocked a RNG warclaw skin players would be justifyably annoyed that they wasted money because they didn't have the mount nor want it because it's only usable in WvW and they don't like the gamemode.

Warclaw is primarily a WvW mount, everyone knows that.. but it is also serves a role as a default core world mount for players who do not want to rush ahead to PoF to unlock the Raptor.The only restriction on it being that you need PoF to unlock the Warclaw which is something I strongly do not agree with, it should be made available to everyone without needing an expansion.This would not only encourage people to come to WvW to get the mount but it will also encourage them to buy the expansions/PoF at least to unlock the better ones.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Anet should not have let it be useable in PvE, leading many to not really understand that its a pure wvw mount.

Strongly disagree, if it were not usable in PvE Anet wouldn't have mady anywhere near the kind of money they did from Warclaw skins.. not to mention more recent packs include the Warclaw in them so if you unlocked a RNG warclaw skin players would be justifyably annoyed that they wasted money because they didn't have the mount nor want it because it's only usable in WvW and they don't like the gamemode.

Warclaw is primarily a WvW mount, everyone knows that.. but it is also serves a role as a default core world mount for players who do not want to rush ahead to PoF to unlock the Raptor.The only restriction on it being that you need PoF to unlock the Warclaw which is something I strongly do not agree with, it should be made available to everyone without needing an expansion.This would not only encourage people to come to WvW to get the mount but it will also encourage them to buy the expansions/PoF at least to unlock the better ones.

THIS!!! Makes f2p players also more of a use in wvw at the same time since atm those fall behind as they can't keep up. Or give them a rental version that works only in wvw.

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@Aaralyna.3104 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Anet should not have let it be useable in PvE, leading many to not really understand that its a pure wvw mount.

Strongly disagree, if it were not usable in PvE Anet wouldn't have mady anywhere near the kind of money they did from Warclaw skins.. not to mention more recent packs include the Warclaw in them so if you unlocked a RNG warclaw skin players would be justifyably annoyed that they wasted money because they didn't have the mount nor want it because it's only usable in WvW and they don't like the gamemode.

Warclaw is primarily a WvW mount, everyone knows that.. but it is also serves a role as a default core world mount for players who do not want to rush ahead to PoF to unlock the Raptor.The only restriction on it being that you need PoF to unlock the Warclaw which is something I strongly do not agree with, it should be made available to everyone without needing an expansion.This would not only encourage people to come to WvW to get the mount but it will also encourage them to buy the expansions/PoF at least to unlock the better ones.

THIS!!! Makes f2p players also more of a use in wvw at the same time since atm those fall behind as they can't keep up. Or give them a rental version that works only in wvw.

Also will help them keep up in PvE event chains, metas etc as you'll not be left totally in the dust by players on raptors etc..Again another encouragement for people to buy PoF without totally cutting them out of a group/squad.

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If you want mounts, you need to buy the expansion. Besides, do you realize how long the Warclaw will take to unlock in wvw? Doubly so if you are new to the game and the warclaw unlock rush is long over. What you are trying to push here is completely out on left field.

A pver is far better served by using their time to gain the -correct- pve mounts instead of the warclaw. The pof mounts will be earned a LOT faster.Dont push the warclaw as something to aim for to a pver, when its not meant to be a pve mount. Especially with it being obtainable in wvw.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@Ipomoea Jalapa.6897 said:I wish they would separate the default selected mount between PvE and WvW, like they do for build templates now. It's annoying to have to change from Warclaw back to Griffon every time I leave WvW.

That's a bug. My default selection (for PvE) only switches to Warclaw very occasionally - definitely no more than 10% of the time I go to WvW. Usually it stays on the Skyscale (or whatever mount that character uses as default).Pretty certain that the bug is that the game sometimes keep your PvE selection, not the other way around.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"Ipomoea Jalapa.6897" said:I wish they would separate the default selected mount between PvE and WvW, like they do for build templates now. It's annoying to have to change from Warclaw back to Griffon every time I leave WvW.

That's a bug. My default selection (for PvE) only switches to Warclaw very occasionally - definitely no more than 10% of the time I go to WvW. Usually it stays on the Skyscale (or whatever mount that character uses as default).Pretty certain that the bug is that the game sometimes keep your PvE selection, not the other way around.

How do you mean "keep your PvE selection"? I've never had a non-Warclaw icon on the mount selector in WvW...

When entering WvW, only the Warclaw is available so the default mount (by default I mean "shown in the selector to right of the skillbar") switches to that.When leaving WvW, most of the time the default mount switches back to whatever I had as default before entering WvW.Sometimes however the Warclaw stays as default mount when returning to PvE. I haven't actually kept track, but I very roughly estimate that to be around 10% of the time. It seems from forum posts that for some players this happens much more often, up to practically every time.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Anet should not have let it be useable in PvE, leading many to not really understand that its a pure wvw mount.

Strongly disagree, if it were not usable in PvE Anet wouldn't have mady anywhere near the kind of money they did from Warclaw skins.. not to mention more recent packs include the Warclaw in them so if you unlocked a RNG warclaw skin players would be justifyably annoyed that they wasted money because they didn't have the mount nor want it because it's only usable in WvW and they don't like the gamemode.

Warclaw is primarily a WvW mount, everyone knows that.. but it is also serves a role as a default core world mount for players who do not want to rush ahead to PoF to unlock the Raptor.The only restriction on it being that you need PoF to unlock the Warclaw which is something I strongly do not agree with, it should be made available to everyone without needing an expansion.This would not only encourage people to come to WvW to get the mount but it will also encourage them to buy the expansions/PoF at least to unlock the better ones.

Mounts are a PoF thing. That shouldnt change.Moreover, it is MUCH easier to unlock the raptor for a new player than warclaw, you should know that. Warclaw needs a whole reward track (pretty sure 8 hours for a new player in wvw will be absolute hell), plus a keep capture (which on many days is impossible, depending on matchup). Anet made a wvw-only useful mount (which wvwers didnt even ask for) . Pve has raptor, jackal, skimmer, bunny, Skyscale, Griffon, Beetle. Which place will a pve-updated warclaw fill?

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Anet should not have let it be useable in PvE, leading many to not really understand that its a pure wvw mount.

Strongly disagree, if it were not usable in PvE Anet wouldn't have mady anywhere near the kind of money they did from Warclaw skins.. not to mention more recent packs include the Warclaw in them so if you unlocked a RNG warclaw skin players would be justifyably annoyed that they wasted money because they didn't have the mount nor want it because it's only usable in WvW and they don't like the gamemode.

Warclaw is primarily a WvW mount, everyone knows that.. but it is also serves a role as a default core world mount for players who do not want to rush ahead to PoF to unlock the Raptor.The only restriction on it being that you need PoF to unlock the Warclaw which is something I strongly do not agree with, it should be made available to everyone without needing an expansion.This would not only encourage people to come to WvW to get the mount but it will also encourage them to buy the expansions/PoF at least to unlock the better ones.

Mounts are a PoF thing. That shouldnt change.Moreover, it is MUCH easier to unlock the raptor for a new player than warclaw, you should know that. Warclaw needs a whole reward track (pretty sure 8 hours for a new player in wvw will be absolute hell), plus a keep capture (which on many days is impossible, depending on matchup). Anet made a wvw-only useful mount (which wvwers didnt even ask for) . Pve has raptor, jackal, skimmer, bunny, Skyscale, Griffon, Beetle. Which place will a pve-updated warclaw fill?

Yes but you need the expansion and have to skip ahead to unlock the raptor and not everyone is ok with doing that.If Warclaw were available to all as it should be since WvW is core game content it would function as a base mount and fix mobility problems in both WvW and PvE that often result in people without PoF being left out and unable to keep up with other players because they have no mounts.Warclaw won't remedy that entirely but it will help a lot and give players much more incentive to pick up PoF, it'll also function as a big non-expansion end game reward to persue that they can obtain and use on all new characters going forward to.. a big enticement for people to try/play WvW which currently they do not have.

There's simply no reason not to do this imo and many good reasons to do it.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:Anet should not have let it be useable in PvE, leading many to not really understand that its a pure wvw mount.

Strongly disagree, if it were not usable in PvE Anet wouldn't have mady anywhere near the kind of money they did from Warclaw skins.. not to mention more recent packs include the Warclaw in them so if you unlocked a RNG warclaw skin players would be justifyably annoyed that they wasted money because they didn't have the mount nor want it because it's only usable in WvW and they don't like the gamemode.

Warclaw is primarily a WvW mount, everyone knows that.. but it is also serves a role as a default core world mount for players who do not want to rush ahead to PoF to unlock the Raptor.The only restriction on it being that you need PoF to unlock the Warclaw which is something I strongly do not agree with, it should be made available to everyone without needing an expansion.This would not only encourage people to come to WvW to get the mount but it will also encourage them to buy the expansions/PoF at least to unlock the better ones.

Mounts are a PoF thing. That shouldnt change.Moreover, it is MUCH easier to unlock the raptor for a new player than warclaw, you should know that. Warclaw needs a whole reward track (pretty sure 8 hours for a new player in wvw will be absolute hell), plus a keep capture (which on many days is impossible, depending on matchup). Anet made a wvw-only useful mount (which wvwers didnt even ask for) . Pve has raptor, jackal, skimmer, bunny, Skyscale, Griffon, Beetle. Which place will a pve-updated warclaw fill?

Yes but you need the expansion and have to skip ahead to unlock the raptor and not everyone is ok with doing that.If Warclaw were available to all as it should be since WvW is core game content it would function as a base mount and fix mobility problems in both WvW and PvE that often result in people without PoF being left out and unable to keep up with other players because they have no mounts.Warclaw won't remedy that entirely but it will help a lot and give players much more incentive to pick up PoF, it'll also function as a big non-expansion end game reward to persue that they can obtain and use on all new characters going forward to.. a big enticement for people to try/play WvW which currently they do not have.

There's simply no reason not to do this imo and many good reasons to do it.

If people cant be bothered to "skip ahead" and do minutes' worth of pve to get raptor, I am pretty confident they will have a LOT more trouble in a competitive mode, where gankers wait to oneshot those poor new players. No, warclaw shouldnt be free to get. It is primarily a wvw mount, mounts are a PoF exclusive thing. Wvw being a core mode has nothing to do with it.People should buy PoF if they want mounts, in the way they should buy HoT and/or PoF for their unique specs. Theyre cheap enough.

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