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Cantha... And then what ?


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Right now, we are in The Icebrood Saga in the story. But all good stuff have an ends and Anet just showed us a fanart that looks like we will go to Cantha in the next extension. Despite the fact that I'm bored to see that the future extension will be AGAIN human focused, I asked myself a question :

If Cantha is the pinacle of GW1 fanatics... What would come after that ? The End ? (I hope not in my opinion)

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Way too far in the future for anyone to know. Cantha's probably going to be released at least 1-2+ years later and it would be months after that until the next feature or "the End" is even announced. Also, we're not sure if Dominion of Winds (or any other Tengu focused content) won't be included in the Expac, so it may not be entirely human centered as PoF was.

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Game has to end sometime.

That said though there are still 3 evil Elder Dragons to deal with and we don't know how this Icebrood saga is going to play out yet.We know we can't kill them without some kind of replacement so just going after them with murderous intent isn't an option right now.

I believe that the expansion is still a good year away at least.. probably closer to 2 years away and a good chunk of this Dragon story will be dealt with via Living world Saga's instead.We can speculate the sea dragon will be involved with Cantha but until we get some kind of solid evidence to back that up it's just speculation.

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I start wondering if the aim of the icebrood saga isn't to close exploration of any of the 5 main races. Like we deal with bangar and charrs and in same time with norns and spirits during several episodes, to end on a small asura episode. That way no need to make an expansion focused on a race anymore, and so the explanation of going to cantha. May be wrong, but I interpret that Saga as "we solve everything" plot. If it's indeed just Jormag, are we dealing with the others in another LS? meh

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@"hugo.4705" said:I start wondering if the aim of the icebrood saga isn't to close exploration of any of the 5 main races. Like we deal with bangar and charrs and in same time with norns and spirits during several episodes, to end on a small asura episode. That way no need to make an expansion focused on a race anymore, and so the explanation of going to cantha. May be wrong, but I interpret that Saga as "we solve everything" plot. If it's indeed just Jormag, are we dealing with the others in another LS? meh

I admit I hope they go with the Scarlet route, all of LS is just build up and then closure comes in the Expansion. That would make a "Saga" in my book. Build up the why of the Expansion and then the Expansion is about the how. Closing out story arcs in LS, seems too small, IMO.

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Given that I suspect we will be ending Jormag during the Icebrood Saga, that still leaves two Elder Dragons left alive. Primordus, and Bubbles.

Even if the Cantha expansion is like Path of Fire, where it isn't about the Dragons entirely, and is instead about us fighting the corrupt Canthan Empire, the dragons will tie into it somehow, and Bubbles will likely be dealt with after we are done with the Cantha stuff(assuming Bubbles isn't the big bad of the Canthan plot).

That leaves us with at least one(if bubbles if offed in the Cantha expac), if not two, living world seasons post Cantha to deal with Bubbles(if alive), and Primrodus.

The Primordus living world season, or Saga, or w/e they call it, will likely focus on the depths of Tyria, since it would be the last major region we haven't gone too far into. Probably visiting more old Dwarven ruins, and one of the lost Asuran citites.

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Well ... from what I have seen (haven't played all stuff yet but I know a lot from the wiki) it seems Cantha is the only thing left they didn't bring back in GW2 yet. They might add new smaller areas in the existing big regions. Or totally new stuff in the ocean (maybe mak underwater combat more important).

Let's see if it even is Cantha in the new expansion. (I guess it would require to extend the existing map a bit to thte south?) Some people speculated that the artwork might troll and maybe it is about Tengu (Domain of the Winds) - but then again ... that area on the map is a bit too small for an expansion. I think it will be Cantha with a few of the bigger areas ... but some stuff left for Living World after that. (No the whole Cantha in one expansion.)

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@Luthan.5236 said:

Let's see if it even is Cantha in the new expansion. (I guess it would require to extend the existing map a bit to thte south?) Some people speculated that the artwork might troll and maybe it is about Tengu (Domain of the Winds) - but then again ... that area on the map is a bit too small for an expansion. I think it will be Cantha with a few of the bigger areas ... but some stuff left for Living World after that. (No the whole Cantha in one expansion.)

Pretty sure the picture's of Cantha - If you open the animated gif in a separate tab it has Shing-Jea (GW1 Cantha starting area) in the url name and the aesthetics look very similar to the bells, particularly the Kirin bells, on Shing-Jea Island in GW1.

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@"Eday.4850" said:Right now, we are in The Icebrood Saga in the story. But all good stuff have an ends and Anet just showed us a fanart that looks like we will go to Cantha in the next extension. Despite the fact that I'm bored to see that the future extension will be AGAIN human focused, I asked myself a question :

If Cantha is the pinacle of GW1 fanatics... What would come after that ? The End ? (I hope not in my opinion)

Actually I suspect it won't be nearly as human focused as you might think. Cantha is the ancestral homeland of the Tengu; a race that has had a presence in the game since literally day one. Also let's not forget that in order to get there at all we need to cross the ocean, something currently impossible due to the Deep Sea Dragon. Who has been dealing with that dragon since day one while we do a bunch of other stuff? The Largos; Arena Net's rarely seen but much hyped aquatic race. This is going to be the "water" expansion, so I highly suspect a huge largos and quaggin presence, with the Tengu heavily involved as well. As to what's next...there were six dragons to begin with, and we're not done.

Undead Dragon: Killed in core GW2Jungle Dragon: Killed in HoTCrystal Dragon: Killed in Living WorldIce Dragon: Current targetWater Dragon: I'm betting next expansionFire Dragon: Still at large

So assuming we take out Jormag in this Living World season, and "Bubbles" in the expansions, that still leaves Primordus. Now he's traditionally the enemy of the Asura, and his minions are currently being held back by the last of the dwarves. So, based on the pattern I see....post expansion we'll get a season or two dealing with the small races going underground to take out the last of the dragons. This will end the Elder Dragon saga that the entire game was built around and usher in a new age for Tyria. Last time we witnessed such a huge historical tipping point, we got a nearly three century time-skip and a sequel.

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