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Strongest 1 vs 1 class Post Patch?


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Back in Feb before the major patch, we had a poll predicting the strongest 1 vs 1 class post patch and a whopping 53% of voters chose Thief as the predicted strongest.Now that we are a few weeks after the major patch, which class is truly the strongest at 1 vs 1?


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Honestly it was a tough choice, but I think its either Spellbreaker, Weaver or Soulbeast, and Spellbreaker seemed a little bit better than the others.

Also, surprised at how many people are voting thieves. Thief was far from the best 1v1 class even before Assassins Signet got massively nerfed, they sure as hell arent the best one now that it was.

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What do you mean by 1v1?What defines the winner?

A good thief might never die in an evening but I wouldn't call them a winner.Fights do evolve naturally and in WvW can happen in places that favour some classes based on Z axis teleportation.Some match ups will also always end up in a stalemate as one of them might be able to reset consistently.

For duel spot, flat earth, one of us goes down I'd say necro unless it's vs thief but thief will lose to most others while necro should stomp everyone else.For naturally evolving 1v1 I'd say thief or possibly ranger.For scummy "I will run and not die, ha ha ha you can't kill me" jump jump jump while running to tower I'd say warrior or ranger.

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Does strong mean unkillable (when used by a competent player)? Then:

  • Minstrel Firebrand,
  • Celestial Sword Weaver,
  • Condi Deadeye and
  • (not joking) Norn Bunker Core Necro with Snow Leopard (you can kill that build super easy with burst, but the 5s stealth + leap to recover breaks it).

None of these builds can kill a skilled player. They all lack damage. They produce stalled fights 247. But: esp. Deadeye and Weaver are seen very often these days in duo teams since then the damage is high enough to gank some poor solo souls that will never have a chance to kill one of them.

Condi Revenant is killable and even that super annoying Bunker Druid is killable if you know the Immob mechanic and play around it. Core Ranger is killable but a bit too strong in the hands of a good player, because it's too versatile (I guess certain pets are too strong / give too much utility).

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@KrHome.1920 said:

  • (not joking) Norn Bunker Core Necro with Snow Leopard (you can kill that build super easy with burst, but the 5s stealth + leap to recover breaks it).I had been running a bunker signet necro since the days condi was the meta for zeros, and made a norn 3 months ago because there was no good elite. I haven't run into another one that I have seen run snow leopard but I will laugh when I do!
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I would say thief and holosmith. They have enough invul/stealth/block uptime that when they are attacking they have stab the entire time.

I haven't looked at engi for a while so I can't tell you the traits they run right now (on phone) but they use mostly commanders stats and durability runes (yawn.. ?)

Faceroll in photonforge for dmg, oh noes my stab is off cooldown or enemy dodged all my cooldowns, you just use invul, shield block and some of them also use the utility that gives them weapon set with block and pull (forgot name) just so you can't do anything to them for at least 10 seconds or so, then pop stab again, photon forge rinse repeat..

It takes very little skill to pull off and is incredibly effective. The worst that can happen is that you don't land your dmg or CC but then you just reset and try again.

Thief is probably stronger though, as it's able to strip boons consistently.

Imy more upset about holo than thief tho, as it's so stupidly easy to use and play. In trouble? Just press a few buttons in no particular order and enemy can do pretty much nothing.

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I'd say ranger when you got no weapons close the range gap. Followed by thief permas and boon corruption scourges. Other classes range attacks take too long to hit and you can evade them pretty easily. Next one is propably rev and the rest. Last class is propably warrior or mesmer.

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No idea. Probably soulbeast, holosmith or some other lamer spec that have stupid survivability and still hit like truck. Condi reve destroy me in seconds every time, but it's expected because i hate revenants so much that i don't even wanna look up what their lamer skills do.

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To be honest I have no idea at this point. I've been roaming mostly on power Rev and all these condi matchups are a pain in the kitten, but it was never the build's strength to begin with so it doesn't come as a surprise. Gonna slit my wrists soons with all these burn Guards shitting out burns left and right. Condi Rev is dumb atm but is far from the best 1v1 class due to it having clear counters that are rather easy to exploit. Thief feels impossible to kill now due to not being able to pressure them enough anymore while they are CC'd. Thank god that Pistol Whip FotM kitten passed quickly though. Vault still chunks, but thankfully I haven't seen too many double staff monkeys around. Conversely, every Warrior I have fought thus far has been far easier to kill compared to pre-patch unless they are running some dumb immortal build. Necro feels significantly harder to kill and is honestly a harder matchup now for me, and I am not counting the core Signet build because they aren't worth the time trying to fight. Boonbeast is still Boonbeast, mindless and skilless as ever, though the burstier builds are much more fun to fight now that I don't get instanuked. Ancient Seeds can DiaF. Mesmer seems okay I guess. I try not to engage them because 95% of the time they are running TB on either Mirage or core PU, so trying to kill them is often futile. Power doesn't seem too hot right now on it though. Engi (Holo specifically) feels much easier than before because of the corona nerf. I can CC them a whole lot. Most fellow power Revs just flop unfortunately, but I still see the occasional good one out there. Offhand sword burst is still cheese, just not quite so stinky. Jalis feels great, Shiro feels kneecapped but still okay, and Staff 5 feels like the dirtiest booty you've ever tasted. On the topic of Rev, howbout Ventari? Just kidding. As a self-admitted centaurophile, I have hung up the spec for the first time since I started playing the class. Sadness. Deep sadness.

TLDR: I have no idea. My experience is completely biased because it is mostly through the lens of one build on one class because I suck at everything else in the game. I have barely 1v1'd at all since the patch and honestly I just don't see them happen much at all unless they are impromptu. With all that said, I do hope burn Guards get nuked from orbit and I hope ANet permanently deletes Deadeye from the game.

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@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I find it hard to believe that 50% of the voters still chose Thief.Are they really that oppresive?Three of them attacked me for 5 minutes and failed to kill until a 4th DH joined in.


Until its deleted it will be voted the best regardless what the polls subject is due bias against it. How this community roles, instead if answering honestly they just answer what class they dislike and for what? Do they think itl somehow lead to their desired agenda? Lol

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I find it hard to believe that 50% of the voters still chose Thief.Are they really that oppresive?Three of them attacked me for 5 minutes and failed to kill until a 4th DH joined in.

Until its deleted it will be voted the best regardless what the polls subject is due bias against it. How this community roles, instead if answering honestly they just answer what class they dislike and for what? Do they think itl somehow lead to their desired agenda? Lol


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Thief and Engi.Thief should always be voted by default for these sort of polls so I picked Engi.

Why Engi?It's because they are the only other Profession with access to Stealth on demand, and with no special conditions.

As such, fighting Thieves and Engi are straight up a waste of time, because any good Thief or Engi will just stealth the moment they feel unsafe, run 10 years away, reset, try again.

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@Yasai.3549 said:Thief and Engi.Thief should always be voted by default for these sort of polls so I picked Engi.

Why Engi?It's because they are the only other Profession with access to Stealth on demand, and with no special conditions.

As such, fighting Thieves and Engi are straight up a waste of time, because any good Thief or Engi will just stealth the moment they feel unsafe, run 10 years away, reset, try again.Yeah that 3s of stealth on 45s cd on core/holo is just nasty.

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