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Do you still use your raptor?

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I don't know why but I'd really like to use my raptor again (it's been so long) but I fear that people would judge me for my mount choices and that I constantly have to show off with the newest and best mount available (same goes for shiny prestige skins like legendary armors/weapons even though I prefer character fitting or more realistic stuff) in order to not be judged by other players. Maybe it's just my paranoia and anxiety but I feel very uncomfortable in the recent years as a veteran because every fellow veteran is now showing off and I feel I have to do the same so people wouldn't think bad of me and demote me from my status even though I play since 2012. Anyways, I'd really love to use my raptor again but since it' a "noob mount" like springer (you get them very early in the game without effort) it would make a bad impression about myself and people would judge me, I fear because I constantly feel like I have to prove myself.

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The raptor is a commonly used mount and carries no stigma for use. I for one find it does the primary land travel job the best and displays the most "alive" set of animations. The raptor is my primary mount followed by the skyscale and the skimmer - situation dependant of course.

Above all else, I am unaware of anyone who would ever negatively view someone for their choice of mount. Anyone who would judge someone for what mount they use is pretty much insane. There is no such thing as a noob mount. The raptor is designed as an all purpose land speed mount. And that is what it is used for. SOme people might prefer the jackal, some people might want to do it all on the skyscale, but whatever they choose it doesnt matter and I'm guessing 99% of people could care less about what anyone else uses

You have nothing to concern yourself with - use whatever you like the look, feel and play of, whenever you want

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No because the jumping animation where it pulls it's head to one side and tail to the other bothers me, being exactly the same every time.

I like how the raptor looks and think it's a very cool concept, but animation wise and also gameplay (between jackal, beetle and skyscale) I don't use it.

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Raptor is a perfectly serviceable mount for accurate, fast movement across long distances. It is more maneuverable than the rollerbeetle, and doesn't require "upkeep" to stay Moving unlike flying mounts. It's jump is also a Lot more controllable than the Jackal. In short it's the most efficient for movement on flat ground with obstacles.

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I use all the base mounts - raptor/skimmer/springer/jackal (and also warclaw). I don't use beetle/skyscale/griffon because I don't have them, but if I did, I would still use all unless I was trying to do a map completion. I like the way each of the mounts is, I don't care about what other people think. I also have default skins except for warclaw guildrider because I wanted to do the track.

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I use it often. I think my most used mount is the raptor now that I think about it. I wouldn't worry about what mount you should use, they all have a purpose and I have not seen anyone being nasty about other players using a particular mount or dressing their characters in more practical armor. I, myself, dress my character in armor that fits the game (in my eyes) so I tend to go for more natural looks, including mounts. The more my character looks like a NPC, the better I feel. I do not like super shiny characters with bright and extravagant armor. Everyone has their taste, but for me, I need to be in touch with my toon and the game world and those types of looks would not belong and make me feel disconnected. Don't feel so pressured to please a group of strangers. The ones that judge you that way are not the type of people you want to befriend anyway.Here's mine so you know what I mean. Just go with what YOU like!POKXZ6Z.png

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I'm like 80% convinced this is a 4/1 joke, but it does allow me to talk about how impressed I am at ANet's good design siloing uses for each of the mounts. Obviously some are more versatile/powerful than others but I use them all depending on the situation.

Raptor: If you're not a racing pro, a lot of the races are best done or have parts best done on a raptor. It's a good all-around option for short distance land travel, especially with long jumps, where it can be a bit easier to get where you want than the Jackal. Any time you're facing a bunch of small enemies the dismount is invaluable.

Bunny: It's had a lot of its usefulness stripped out by skyscale, but it still provides the strongest CC on its dismount skill, so I use it before engaging in those type of fights.

Skimmer: It's the only water mount, so... yeah. Water. It's also the only dismount heal, but the heal can be finicky to land (I sometimes use it repeatedly to heal npcs). I wish they'd make one tweak, that when you use the hover over land, it keeps you at water speed. Would let you hop little land fingers more smoothly.

Jackal: More maneuverable than the raptor. I feel like it's overall slightly slower most of the time, but it really shines any time you need to go uphill - the teleports do that much better than the raptor leap. Tight spaces, obviously the jackal portals, and the barrier dismount is pretty good for squishies.

Griffon: If you can get to a high place, it's hands down the fastest way to get across a map. Obviously needed for griffon races. It's fairly nimble climbing things but has a very lackluster dismount.

Rollerbeetle: Obviously land-based speed and racing courses. If the terrain isn't very clear and/or you don't know exactly what route to take it's not the best option because you will be slowed down constantly by hillocks and trees and small rocks and gaps or whatever. The dismount is a novelty, just let's you get one last burst toward the (figurative, now that you can't use it in races) finish line.

Skyscale: It's slow and clunky, but since it's basically a more versatile springer + griffon hybrid it tends to get used most often. It's intuitive to control and just gets the job done for a lot of short to medium A to B travel.

Warclaw: Well, it's the only WvW mount, so even though it's been nerfed into being as much fun to drive as a Yugo and half the speed, we're kinda just stuck with it. It does what it does where it does it, monopoly style.

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I almost never use the raptor anymore. The springer is pretty good for lots of maps where I can just jump up to something. The griffon I use a bit if I just need to move about and mix in some gliding. Skimmer useful over water. And roller beetle is useful if I need to get someplace really quickly. As such, I seldom use the raptor or jackal, aside from specific places where that is the only choice.

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Getting that anxious over being judged for no reason and especially in a game is a bit worrysome tbh. No one is gonna judge you over your choice of mount and I am pretty sure most people don't show off but just use what is the most convenient or which they just like the most.

And ye technically anet tried to design the mounts so that every of them will have some use at certain situations and raptor is quite often usefull still.

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It's the best mount in the game in terms of flexible travelling.The beetle has one up on open plains, and the jackal on rocky or climbing retains, but generally speaking, the raptor is the go to mount.There is nothing stigmatic or noobish about using a mount, regardless which one.

Just use whatever you want, because at the end of the day, everyone else is also using what they want.

I think the two flying mounts have one up on everything else. The gryffon, though, requires you start from an elevated position, which means you can't always use it as much as you'd want

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Whether or not it's an April Fools joke, I still use the Raptor.

Though, my reasoning is simply because I haven't beat HoT, or PoF, I simply got the Raptor mount, and left the expansions all together. Then I recently bought the Living World seasons, and after I did that looked up on how to go about unlocking a Skyscale, and chances are, I'll probably never unlock that mount, because it sounds like far too much effort than I'm willing to give Guild Wars 2.

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I use my Skyscale and Warclaw (Guildrider skin) the most even though I have all the mounts.Old habbit from my WoW days, quit a few weeks into Battle for Azeroth.People would be riding big flashy mounts but I Just love my cat mounts, ground or flyling.So if you ever see that person slowly going on their merry way on a 'Guildrider' it might be me ;)

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