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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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@frareanselm.1925 said:If you didnt try to log in once after so much hours without enjoying the game then you really dont care about the game. I genuinely dreamed about Gw2 the night after the rollback because I couldnt play it during that day. Now plastic fans demanding rewards.

stares .... starts to say something then stops... thinks....

I don't even... gives up

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How about a mount ticket for people directly affected by the rollback, bonfire for login last 30 days and god forbid, a black lion key, for people who logged in within 24 hours of the incident. I know Anet hates giving away black lion keys because its a top seller, exploiting the human natural draw towards gambling. But hey, everyone likes a black lion key right? And its only one so shouldnt affect sales too much, everyone happy?

Edit: It might even increase the sales because people get that juicy taste of gambling. What if i get a super rare next time? :open_mouth:

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@deadlyjoker.4907 said:

@"coso.9173" said:The Bonfire is the compensation for the downtime. Everyone who was affected by it got it.

If it was indeed for the downtime, why is it explicitly stated that you get it for having logged in anywhere in the last 30 days?

While we are at the topic; It is now well over day later and a friend of mine who has been doing every SAB daily since the 14th, minus may 11th, has neither received a bonfire or a mount skin. So either that "compensation" is taking ages, or its not working properly.

Anet is making negative news over and over again, it almost seems like they don't want to continue gw2 any more by crashing it against a wall. Sure there is a new expansion coming, but they give a shift about the player base.Long wished feature comes out after 3 years of development, is bugged @f, way worse than the fan made addon that exists for a long time, put parts of their in house feature behind a paywall and do not say anything about the huge backlash they got.Same will happen here, everyone who didn't get the mount won't get it in the future, probably never will, because he/she is fed up about how Anet handled this whole situation.I and everyone I know didn't get anything at all as well, no fire (which is just taking space in inventory and/or a lame a buff that is worthless anyways), no mount.

Anet is making themselves very unpopular, but it would be so easy to outstand the majority of the other mmos by doing just a few little things, at least for some time until other mmo devs starting to do the same. One thing would be to communicate openly and very regularly or listening to their community.

I am starting to make big money for the first time in my life after being broke for long time due to study fee and stuff. I already planned to put 150€ to the side, just for gaming (games, hardware and stuff), each month and since I mostly played gw2, and I actually forgave them how they handled build templates, I was about to spend most of this money on gw2, heck I was about to spend shift ton of money on the build templates. But what just happened now shows me that it just isn't worth it and I'm actually quite happy to see what the player means to Anet. It's like giving another try in your relationship, but the other person just dumps you real hard over and over again, you know for sure it's over and not worth it to keep trying.It just opened my eyes and shows me that I still have to wait for the mmo that really fits to me.

@deadlyjoker.4907 said:Because, how should I know I had to log in a bit earlier, when it was still possible. The loss is still there, because I didn't have the chance to get what I usually get in that time.

But if you didn't log in earlier, you were not affected by the rollback the same way as people who did.Why do you feel entitled to the same kind of compensation as them?

They surely should have given something better than that bonfire to compensate for the downtime, tho.

The majority of people only lost a couple gold and some time. SOME people lost Leggys and so on - but SOME duped!

Anet is ALSO restoring those losses.

So stop acting like people who missed an ENTIRE DAY OF PLAY after 2 days of laggy mess didn't also lose out. >:(

^ This

All that we can hope for is, that Anet FOR ONCE sees what they did wrong, really says sorry, listening to their community, gives something to them without leaving someone left behind, learns from their mistakes and continue as an awesome company that loves and cares about their community.If this happens, I will personally go to their studio and apologize infront of the whole staff for the angry words and feelings I have towards Anet and their current management with the community.Till then, have fun everyone who can still have fun with the game, I'm heading off of this mess of a community management until there is an official statement.

I honestly think you're wrong on this topic.

The bonfire was the compensation for missed playtime. You can complain that it wasn't good enough though.

The mount license was a compensation who lost progress/time as the players who didn't log on did/could do something different then play gw2. Ofcourse their is the problem of people who got something while technically losing nothing.

But giving everyone the same thing is not the solution to those problems.

About people who duped, they don't really matter to this discussion to me because I expect them to be banned/ punished anyway.

To me this seems more crablike behaviour, others got something I didn't so it's unfair. Which is obviously false to most people but suddenly here it stops being so obvious.

Ofcourse nothing of what I said matters because the community feels wronged.

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@EmmetOtter.8542 said:

@"Thakis.6931" said:Your compensation split the related community into three parties.I would say it's just two parties
  1. People who don't care
  2. Karens

I respectfully disagree with you there, because there's more than the "eh" and the "reeee" people.

There is a clear third party. Some of us are concerned for the message that Arena Net sends out to the playerbase, by encouraging them to desperately keep trying to get into the game in case of future server hiccups. You know, just in case they'll miss out on a €15,- gift.

That's an unhealthy message to send your playerbase, so I hope they'll find a moment to compose a proper response to that particular concern. Mostly because I hugely respect Arena Net. No sub fee, no maintenance schedule and close to no downtime, good customer support; the list goes on, they're good people, and it'd be a shame to see them shoot themselves in the foot by providing compensation in a somewhat questionable manner.

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@"Suowik.4507" said:Well, I feel pretty bad right now, because I got the skin, but forced my fiancee not to login, so her account won't be messed up, and now she doesn't have same "gift" :disappointed: I need to hide it from her, or she will be VERY disappointed! :anguished:

Or tell her the truth, and have her see here; that lots of people are upset too. (and maybe next like 'let' your GF do what she wants, bossy!)

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@The Greyhawk.9107 said:I think its almost time to start posting dead-horse-beating gifs on these increasingly numerous and increasingly superfluous Server Rollback threads.

I'm inclined to agree. At this point, the lack of official word on the disagreements is more or less an answer in itself : it's a done deal. I resolved myself at the disappointment of how it was handled, no amount of new threads or post is going to elicit an answer at that point.

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I honestly didn't expect anything, I lost some gathering progress and have to do a story step I don't like again but that's all. Thanks for the mount, it is appreciated.It reminds me of the GW2's first Christmas Day log-in, when we all got gifts. I kept that original backpack for years and I still use the skin on at least one character at any given time.

Thanks again, peeps :smile:

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@deadlyjoker.4907 said:

so my full monday where I was about to farm and get my weekly black lion key will not compensationed?

It's a weekly Black Lion key. Which means that 24 hours of downtime will not prevent you from getting that key, because there are still 144 hours left to get it. I don't understand why you feel you should get compensated for something you still have 6 days to get. Maybe you don't have time the rest of the week, but your own personal schedule is not ANet's problem or responsibility and they shouldn't have to pay for that. If you couldn't do your dailies then yes, I understand, because there is no way to get that back. But 1 day of downtime does not prevent you from doing your weekly keyrun.

Now don't get me wrong. I don't agree with ANet's handling of the compensation either. But my reason for that is that ANet is now encouraging people to log on to the servers when there are server problems (so they will be eligible for compensation), thereby potentially making the technical issues worse. That is the main problem (and from my perspective the only problem) with this compensation system.

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What shocks me is the fact that anet implied that any items/golds loss will be treated particular(then they decided to cap that statement to only certain items). A mount for everyone is not really going to cut it. My loss is minimal - the mount might be worth more than I've lost, but it's not fair for 2k gold loss - the loss should be quantified individually from case to case.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:So, you're saying, that the lesson we should learn from this is not to trust Anet, and don't expect anything good from them in the future, in order to not end up dissappointed later on? That's a pretty bleak message to send.

Or the lesson you could learn is that you should not have too many expectations, because they have a potential to lead to disappointment. That's not bleak. That's just a fact of life.

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@"Yumeka.7524" said:Hi folks,

If like me, you were warned of the rollback and decided not to log in at the time, then you didn't get the mount. You can take the "problem" from different point of view :

  • You were smart enough not to log in and try to prevent your account to be damaged.
  • You trusted Anet to fix the problem and decided that is would be useless to do any progress after the rollback, as it would be more likely be another rollback to restore the state of the game, and so you were smart enough and spared you worthless efforts on the game.
  • You didn't logging to protest or suicide jump in lion arch, as those childishs actions were useless anyway.
  • You were thoughtful and deciced not to log in so you may prevent more stress on the servers.

You can be frustated and no one should tell you otherwise, but you should remember that GW2 is a freemium, with no monthly subscription, so even if you lost something in your account, or you lost play time, you are not entitled to any compensation.On the other way, people saying that you don't deserve it, may or may not be right.For my part, it's not because a person didn't log in that she/he didn't loss something that she/he consider valuable, account-wise or timewise. People should put their Judge Dredd costume away, because they can't estimate how far you may feel frustrated or even betrayed by the situation.

The real issue is that, this mount gift is just an overfed kassadin rifting the community, and it raises the same questions all other again :

  • Why should I not get a mount, I lost something like everyone else.
  • Why should they get a mount, they didn't lost progress like me because I played after the rollback and lost everything from this point!
  • Why did they played after the rollback, it was clear that it would have been fixed after....
  • Why should anybody at all get a mount?
  • Why didn't they give everybody a mount?
  • Etc.

Personnaly, I feel a bit left out by Anet, but honestly since Blizzcon 2018 and Diablo Immortal, I don't expect much from gaming companies anyway.I was wise enough to try to prevent any problems in my account, and I'm confident that it was the right choice not to log in, so I don't really mind the situation, but the outgoing strong atmosphere of injustice we can witness IG or in the forums it was really bothers me.I think the situation was handled poorly overall, but guys, let it go, take a break until your feelings are in the right spot, so you may enjoy playing this game again, not flawless but very enjoyable for sure!!

P.S.:-Syntax errors will be made.-First post, started a month ago.

Now the interesting part is: what makes you feel left out? would you still feel left out if the compensation was a gemstore item of aproxx 300 gems like bonfire or hairstyle makover kit instead of 1200 gems mount selection?

I too feel left out like many others, but I wouldnt have this feeling if there was no compensation at all or just a small compensation for those who lost some progress.The reason i feel left out is because people getting this 1200 gems skin for just logging in at certain point of the day while the reccomendation was not to.

The best solution was no compensation and trying hard for those we really lost progress.Im glad many got their progress back and for those which are unfortunate a small 300 gems compensation or 1200 gems compensation wouldnt satisfy anyway because they lost big amounts of progress.

ps with progress i mean potential gold income or achievements, not standing afk in LA.

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@"Yumeka.7524" said:Hi folks,

If like me, you were warned of the rollback and decided not to log in at the time, then you didn't get the mount. You can take the "problem" from different point of view :

  • You were smart enough not to log in and try to prevent your account to be damaged.
  • You trusted Anet to fix the problem and decided that is would be useless to do any progress after the rollback, as it would be more likely be another rollback to restore the state of the game, and so you were smart enough and spared you worthless efforts on the game.
  • You didn't logging to protest or suicide jump in lion arch, as those childishs actions were useless anyway.
  • You were thoughtful and deciced not to log in so you may prevent more stress on the servers.

You can be frustated and no one should tell you otherwise, but you should remember that GW2 is a freemium, with no monthly subscription, so even if you lost something in your account, or you lost play time, you are not entitled to any compensation.On the other way, people saying that you don't deserve it, may or may not be right.For my part, it's not because a person didn't log in that she/he didn't loss something that she/he consider valuable, account-wise or timewise. People should put their Judge Dredd costume away, because they can't estimate how far you may feel frustrated or even betrayed by the situation.

The real issue is that, this mount gift is just an overfed kassadin rifting the community, and it raises the same questions all other again :

  • Why should I not get a mount, I lost something like everyone else.
  • Why should they get a mount, they didn't lost progress like me because I played after the rollback and lost everything from this point!
  • Why did they played after the rollback, it was clear that it would have been fixed after....
  • Why should anybody at all get a mount?
  • Why didn't they give everybody a mount?
  • Etc.

Personnaly, I feel a bit left out by Anet, but honestly since Blizzcon 2018 and Diablo Immortal, I don't expect much from gaming companies anyway.I was wise enough to try to prevent any problems in my account, and I'm confident that it was the right choice not to log in, so I don't really mind the situation, but the outgoing strong atmosphere of injustice we can witness IG or in the forums it was really bothers me.I think the situation was handled poorly overall, but guys, let it go, take a break until your feelings are in the right spot, so you may enjoy playing this game again, not flawless but very enjoyable for sure!!

P.S.:-Syntax errors will be made.-First post, started a month ago.

Bud, feelings aren't facts. Good day

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A mount skin is worth less than the gem value of the gold I lost but I'm being patient because the data required to correctly refund me is the same data ANet relies on to run its business. I mean to say, the data surely exists or ANet wouldn't exist. What probably doesn't exist are the software tools to quickly/automatically check and refund lost gold/items with 100% accuracy which would explain the delays that are causing players to lose their cool or quit playing (personally I have quit playing until the matter is satisfactorily resolved).

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The reason i feel left out is because people getting this 1200 gems skin for just logging in at certain point of the day while the reccomendation was not to.This.

I wanna get free stuff for doing exactly what I was asked not to, too! ^^ (I was logged in; but just b/c I didn't know yet - still rec'd nth so far so w/e really)

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