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Are you excited for the May 11th Patch?

Are you happy with the upcoming May 11th Balance changes?  

86 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you happy with the upcoming May 11th Balance changes?

    • Yes, they addressed at least some things that will help in PvP
    • No, they didn't do well/enough addressing balancing concerns in PvP

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Just more skill splits. They really need to take a different route at this point and try to balance the game globally again.


Skill splits are great, but I think when most people asked for skill splits, we were more imagining only a handful of them that effected slight number changes. I don't think people were expecting complete differences in build structures in between game mode to game mode, because of how largely different the skill splits ended up making certain skills.


Too much large skill splitting begins making things feel unfamiliar after awhile. I don't think this is a good thing.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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Because the patch is mostly thought with PvE in mind some stuff is questionable (even in PvE if you ask me) or missing but I find a good amount of tweaks or changes that I like and will be good for some professions or builds.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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There's one change in particular I'm excited for. 


Overcharged shot no longer knocks the engineer back. 

This single change just made power core engi playable again. I had to shoehorn in elixir U in order to make my build work, and even then It required me to burn my only stunbreak in order to turn a weak ability into a decent one. If the enemy burned their stunbreak it just ended up being a 1 for 1 trade, with you down an additional skill. 


And that only worked for every other overcharged shot cast...


Now I can just use the skill normally like any other ranged CC. The only thing I can ask for now to complete rifle would be to give Blunderbuss an explosion tag. I'm looking forward to testing new builds once the patch drops. Elixir Rifle holo will most likely be a thing again as well. 


I hope other classes can get this treatment. Maybe we can restore the evade to Ancestral Grace, give soulbeast pet swap back (increases skill cap of the proffession), remove 80% modifier from Druid's pets (This trade-off makes more sense on soulbeast if anything)...


Just throwing out some ideas.

Edited by Kuma.1503
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It was a hit and miss, some people have said this was more of a PVE update than one aimed at PvP which I’m sure will coming at a later time. There are still so many traits that are either broken with the 300CD that need to be reworked or just completely useless that no one will ever pick that are still here. Updates are definitely needed before xpack, but we probably won’t get them.

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I'm gonna write one post regarding what I think they overlooked, but as it stands I'm probably abandoning pvp if the patch goes live unchanged and they do not mention anything about particular issues that need to be addressed when it comes to competitive. It isn't so much the nature of the changes as much as it is the implication that they examined class performance in 'all content' and these were the changes they deemed reasonable. Even a cursory look of the notes would have revealed glaring issues with how condi Revenant and Warrior function in particular. It's a PvE patch to make way for whatever theyre doing for EoD, but its particularly souring that they either thought this was fine or didn't address how it would affect functionality for vs. content. 



Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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They've massively overlooked some things. A lot of their changes seemed focused towards PvE- but also critically affected PvP in a negative way.


One thing that comes to mind is just how incredibly resilient Renegade is going to be to condition damage in PvP. Resolution + Righteous Rebel is going to give Renegade a huge sustain boost, on top of naturally using Shiro + Jalis. (Jalis offering an additionally amount of condition damage reduction.) 


-33% (Resolution), -37% (Righteous Rebel), -20% (Jalis Hammers). 


We need to also talk about how they just killed Mallyx's entire purpose as a utility set on Revenant with the Resistance changes and no compensation. They've basically forced Revenant to not use Mallyx anymore since it has no purpose over the mobility/sustain Shiro offers. 


One thing I will mention is that they've killed off the Resistance/Revenant Rune meta with this change, which will also increase the amount of condition damage builds/reduce power damage for more cleanses. 


Thief getting Deadly Ambush (Formerly Bewildering Ambush) is going to massively lower the skill ceiling for condition damage Thief. 3 stacks of Bleeding, 6 stacks of confusion and a free +25% increased bleeding damage. (I suspect it'll be lower in PvP, but point still stands.) Lead Attacks (+15% condition damage / +15% strike damage.) It's reducing the need for risk on condition damage builds- and Thief already had a fairly new player friendly build with that setup to begin with.  It's also further increasing Thief's requirement to HAVE TO use Trickery- further reducing diversity. 


They seem to be once again encouraging Mesmers to play a very, very, VERY, passive role as a sidenoder with Chaos getting the changes it did, additionally with Staff getting the changes it did. Confusion on an auto attack is NEVER going to be okay. While I appreciate that it's after the first bounce, it can just bounce off illusions and hit back to the enemy. Additionally increasing Staff's projectile speed and attack speed is GREAT in my mind, however they shouldn't have changed the conditions as well. 


Mantras getting changed for Firebrand is necessary in my mind, however the changes for Mesmer should get looked at with traits like Mender's Purity (Trait) and Restorative Mantras (Trait) with Mantra of Restoration (Power Return). I hope recharge times do not stay the same- with skills like Mantra of Pain (Power Spike). These hopes for recharge time changes also apply to Firebrand with their Mantra of Truth (Echo of Truth) and Mantra of Flame (Flame Rush). 


I'm very interested with the changes to Virtues on Guardian and Longbow changes for Dragonhunter, although I suspect it won't massively change anything. (Although Vigor uptime could be permanent now with that recharge time being reduced.) Virtues giving a free 90 condition damage to Carrion amulet is going to neat I guess. The changes to Eternal Armory were long coming and the Symbolic Power nerf was nice too. But I suspect Trapper DH will still function perfectly fine. 


Scrapper getting that lil bump in Quickness sharing is nice- but it isn't big enough to shift the meta. The change to Applied Force is going to increase use of Flamethrower + Juggernaut synergy but reduce the amount of Quickness they have. Cool overall. 


Elementalist/Weaver/Tempest basically unaffected- none of the stuff they used got touched in competitive play. 


The change to Call of the Wild on Ranger is going to not really do anything, maybe increase Druid CCs? I don't see much happening. Although- depending if they change Lesser Call of the Wild or not, it could be useful for getting away. 


Necromancer basically got Superior Runes of the Sanctuary as a trait now (Blood Bank). Mark of Evasion having no ICD is going to increase the likelihood of Spellbreakers shutting down Scourges/Reapers more. More regeneration access as well. Curses got a 2s torment increase. Game changing.  


Speaking of Spellbreakers they're bring back Banners apparently in PvP? They gave it a pulsing Light Field- which means Warriors can just use their Warhorn 4/5 in it once again instead of looking for a field to blast in hope. Rifle got buffed. A small nerf to Spellbreaker's Attacker's Insight (35 Power/Ferocity instead of 45 Power/Ferocity.) 


Anyway. I basically give this patch a 4/10. 


These changes will only see use in PvP. 


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No. Changes are entirely focused on PvE mechanics while failing to address many serious issues with PvP mechanics. Many of the changes also looked like they were made without regards to PvP at all, such as even more passive conditions being loaded into thief traits.

Edited by Master Ketsu.4569
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18 hours ago, kybraga.7103 said:

They've massively overlooked some things. A lot of their changes seemed focused towards PvE- but also critically affected PvP in a negative way.


One thing that comes to mind is just how incredibly resilient Renegade is going to be to condition damage in PvP. Resolution + Righteous Rebel is going to give Renegade a huge sustain boost, on top of naturally using Shiro + Jalis. (Jalis offering an additionally amount of condition damage reduction.) 


-33% (Resolution), -37% (Righteous Rebel), -20% (Jalis Hammers). 


We need to also talk about how they just killed Mallyx's entire purpose as a utility set on Revenant with the Resistance changes and no compensation. They've basically forced Revenant to not use Mallyx anymore since it has no purpose over the mobility/sustain Shiro offers. 


One thing I will mention is that they've killed off the Resistance/Revenant Rune meta with this change, which will also increase the amount of condition damage builds/reduce power damage for more cleanses. 


Thief getting Deadly Ambush (Formerly Bewildering Ambush) is going to massively lower the skill ceiling for condition damage Thief. 3 stacks of Bleeding, 6 stacks of confusion and a free +25% increased bleeding damage. (I suspect it'll be lower in PvP, but point still stands.) Lead Attacks (+15% condition damage / +15% strike damage.) It's reducing the need for risk on condition damage builds- and Thief already had a fairly new player friendly build with that setup to begin with.  It's also further increasing Thief's requirement to HAVE TO use Trickery- further reducing diversity. 


They seem to be once again encouraging Mesmers to play a very, very, VERY, passive role as a sidenoder with Chaos getting the changes it did, additionally with Staff getting the changes it did. Confusion on an auto attack is NEVER going to be okay. While I appreciate that it's after the first bounce, it can just bounce off illusions and hit back to the enemy. Additionally increasing Staff's projectile speed and attack speed is GREAT in my mind, however they shouldn't have changed the conditions as well. 


Mantras getting changed for Firebrand is necessary in my mind, however the changes for Mesmer should get looked at with traits like Mender's Purity (Trait) and Restorative Mantras (Trait) with Mantra of Restoration (Power Return). I hope recharge times do not stay the same- with skills like Mantra of Pain (Power Spike). These hopes for recharge time changes also apply to Firebrand with their Mantra of Truth (Echo of Truth) and Mantra of Flame (Flame Rush). 


I'm very interested with the changes to Virtues on Guardian and Longbow changes for Dragonhunter, although I suspect it won't massively change anything. (Although Vigor uptime could be permanent now with that recharge time being reduced.) Virtues giving a free 90 condition damage to Carrion amulet is going to neat I guess. The changes to Eternal Armory were long coming and the Symbolic Power nerf was nice too. But I suspect Trapper DH will still function perfectly fine. 


Scrapper getting that lil bump in Quickness sharing is nice- but it isn't big enough to shift the meta. The change to Applied Force is going to increase use of Flamethrower + Juggernaut synergy but reduce the amount of Quickness they have. Cool overall. 


Elementalist/Weaver/Tempest basically unaffected- none of the stuff they used got touched in competitive play. 


The change to Call of the Wild on Ranger is going to not really do anything, maybe increase Druid CCs? I don't see much happening. Although- depending if they change Lesser Call of the Wild or not, it could be useful for getting away. 


Necromancer basically got Superior Runes of the Sanctuary as a trait now (Blood Bank). Mark of Evasion having no ICD is going to increase the likelihood of Spellbreakers shutting down Scourges/Reapers more. More regeneration access as well. Curses got a 2s torment increase. Game changing.  


Speaking of Spellbreakers they're bring back Banners apparently in PvP? They gave it a pulsing Light Field- which means Warriors can just use their Warhorn 4/5 in it once again instead of looking for a field to blast in hope. Rifle got buffed. A small nerf to Spellbreaker's Attacker's Insight (35 Power/Ferocity instead of 45 Power/Ferocity.) 


Anyway. I basically give this patch a 4/10. 


These changes will only see use in PvP. 


I think you misunderstood or arenanet did a bad job of explaining the breakdown.


these skills are not additional, they are replacing the old one. There is going to be no new skill with confusion, it will just be bleeding now. This is a clear-cut nerf to any condi thief build as thieves now only have 2 damaging (3 if include 2 stacks of torment per burst ) conditions that can be applied instead of 4.

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not really, as these are pve centric changes done by the pve team by the looks of it. I recently got into Mallyx (post the nerfs from god tier), and the spec is totally dead if these changes go live as is. I do look forward to hopefully running Mallyx is pve given the torment changes. 


as a ranger main, the WH aoe daze + weakness may be interesting in wvw. but in spvp, power builds pretty much require LB/GS and that won't change any time soon. 

Edited by mistsim.2748
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On 5/4/2021 at 12:40 PM, noobfest.2180 said:

I think you misunderstood or arenanet did a bad job of explaining the breakdown.


these skills are not additional, they are replacing the old one. There is going to be no new skill with confusion, it will just be bleeding now. This is a clear-cut nerf to any condi thief build as thieves now only have 2 damaging (3 if include 2 stacks of torment per burst ) conditions that can be applied instead of 4

Exactly, I am shocked that so many people think it will be confusion + bleed.

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No change to 300 sec traits, still ton of traits and weapon skills that are still basically useless. No new fun promoting mechanics added to any class.......so no not excited.

Should be glad that they haven't touched traits tho with their mentality of nerfing good traits to make the gbage traits look less gbage, then wonder why population is dwindling lol, game gets less and less fun in the name of their balance vision.

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This patch has nothing to do with PvP. This was purely focused on PvE, and all the mechanic/balance changes it causes in PvP are basicly unintentional. We have lots and lots of deletions, removals and not-actually-balancing to do until PvP does not have OP outliers after this may 11 patch.(Yes I'm salty, this last 2 patches basicly cemented that we won't have decent PvP balance until EoD drops. And after it drops, why would we? It will be total chaos.)

Edited by Bazsi.2734
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