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Did we really need *more* legendaries?

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On 5/3/2021 at 1:26 AM, Vayne.8563 said:

In fact, if rangers ever got a rifle, I know what legendary I'd give to my Norn Pirate Captain Arrgh.  Some people wear legendaries for prestiage, but I don't believe most do.  I do believe a lot of people plan their look around the legendary in the same way people who like a certain weapon will dye their characters to match the weapon. We can't change the weapon color but we can change our character's color scheme.

That's exactly the reason my norn pirate captain is a thief. (Well that and thief is the closest profession we have to pirate.) It's also part of the reason I'm hesitant to make him a permanent character, because I don't really need to be making more legendaries.


For me it's usually more a case of matching legendaries to the character's look, but I suppose it comes to the same thing. Each character has a colour scheme and I have some idea of the sort of things they'd choose to wear or use, and find weapons which match that. Sometimes I will make slight exceptions, like when I got the Claw of the Khan-Ur for my thief, it's still a bit too flashy for him in spite of being one of the most understated legendaries and it's slightly off his usually black, white and grey colour scheme but it was otherwise perfect for him so I had to do it.

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On 5/2/2021 at 2:32 AM, Mortifera.6138 said:

I spent $200 during the gem card sale to purchase 3 legendary skins. Now ANet announces there are going to be gen 3 legendaries. In other words, my legendary skins will be supplanted by flashier, more up-to-date looking skins. Is everything being added to the game just a grind for legendary-everythings? How can food be "ascended"? Kitten design.


Your buyer's remorse is unfortunate, but has nothing to do with the legendary system.  In answer to the title: Yes. Many of us enjoy legendary crafting and were excited to hear about gen 3.

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I don't care about the cost, I'm just ultra surprised they apparently made them already after how much they struggled to release all of gen 2 and having to scrap their original idea.

Alas I would certainly prefer that time was spent on better armor diversity for medium armor (GW1 Assassin, Casual Atire, Revealing male, etc) since all they ever pump out is weapon skins in avalanche quantity, but still impressed they managed to do it, if they really did.


For me personally though, I have a legendary for each weapon my main (Thief) can use except for sword and staff since I don't like either of the current ones for those and sword isn't even a useful weapon and I like Mistforged Scythe. Soooo.. I don't play alts too often so it's probably unlikely I'll make any of the new ones unless the new Thief spec actually manages to be better than Daredevil and has one. But go ahead and flash me with your fancypants ones. If next Staff is a giant Scythe or Guan Yu's Guandao then I'd most likely pursue.... lubu 

Edited by Doggie.3184
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To be honest, more legendaries does not nesesairily make the older ones obsolete or dated.

To date, I personally still think Eternity looks better than Exordium.

I am also not a fan of The HMS Divinity rifle, I prefer Predator.

I also fully understand those that use HMS on a pirate themed character.


Yes this is personal taste. And is exactly my point.

More legendaries means more choice.

Pick what you like best, or or what suits your character best.


I think there are enough cases where people prefer one look over another, and rarely has to do with "because it is newer" 

They pick mostly what suits their character better.



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12 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

To be honest, more legendaries does not nesesairily make the older ones obsolete or dated.

To date, I personally still think Eternity looks better than Exordium.

I am also not a fan of The HMS Divinity rifle, I prefer Predator.

I also fully understand those that use HMS on a pirate themed character.


Yes this is personal taste. And is exactly my point.

More legendaries means more choice.

Pick what you like best, or or what suits your character best.


I think there are enough cases where people prefer one look over another, and rarely has to do with "because it is newer" 

They pick mostly what suits their character better.



I'm no pirate, more casual clothing or ninja, but I do like water themed stuff more than anything and asked Anet for a cannon weapon after seeing all the Aetherblades using them so I like it as my 2nd favorite after HOPE atm. (unfortunatly Deadeye ended up pewp and I stopped using it)

I think one of their major busts seems to be the 2nd Legendary Dagger/Centurion Claw 2.0. It's the only weapon I never see anyone using. Shoulda just made it a literal monk claw or something.

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10 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

That's exactly the reason my norn pirate captain is a thief. (Well that and thief is the closest profession we have to pirate.) It's also part of the reason I'm hesitant to make him a permanent character, because I don't really need to be making more legendaries.


For me it's usually more a case of matching legendaries to the character's look, but I suppose it comes to the same thing. Each character has a colour scheme and I have some idea of the sort of things they'd choose to wear or use, and find weapons which match that. Sometimes I will make slight exceptions, like when I got the Claw of the Khan-Ur for my thief, it's still a bit too flashy for him in spite of being one of the most understated legendaries and it's slightly off his usually black, white and grey colour scheme but it was otherwise perfect for him so I had to do it.

The reason I chose ranger instead of thief was because I wanted him to have the undead mermaid longbow. 🙂

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On 5/2/2021 at 11:35 AM, mindcircus.1506 said:

This game needs more long term goals that cannot be whaled on the TP, not less.

I don't see the problem with putting Legendaries up for sale. It's not like there were any less materials used to make it when purchased from the TP. 


If I enjoyed the process of making them, but didn't want it for myself, why not sell it to someone who does want it? 

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19 hours ago, BlackBullWings.2734 said:

prestige is part of fashion, it might not be a fashion of matching skins, but it's fashion nonetheless.

IRL people wear overly expensive clothes despite there being cheap brands that look the same, and they do it for prestige.


Prestige IS a fashion statement

Well, it shouldn't be. Why do we need to be like those other MMOs?

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On 5/2/2021 at 3:32 AM, Mortifera.6138 said:

I spent $200 during the gem card sale to purchase 3 legendary skins. Now ANet announces there are going to be gen 3 legendaries. In other words, my legendary skins will be supplanted by flashier, more up-to-date looking skins. Is everything being added to the game just a grind for legendary-everythings? How can food be "ascended"? Kitten design.

Yeah, horizontal progression and fashion are the name of GW2.  New legendary weapons are part of this.

As for ascended foods, it's the difference between a mcdonald's dollar menu burger and going to a fancy restaurant to have a burger made.

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On 5/2/2021 at 4:16 PM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

It would be nice to be able to get a full set of legendary armor and all trinkets in the game type of your choice in the long run.


So, if you just play open world PvE, story, living world and achievements, you can get a full set of legendary equipment that way.

If you just play raids, you can get a full set of legendary equipment that way.

If you just play fractals, dungeons, strikes and DRMs you can get a full set of legendary equipment that way.

If you just play WvW, you can get a full set of legendary equipment that way.

If you just play sPvP, you can get a full set of legendary equipment that way.

If you just play fractals, dungeons, strikes and DRMs you can get a full set of legendary equipment that way.  <--- Really? Please, tell me your secret

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3 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Well, it shouldn't be. Why do we need to be like those other MMOs?

It should be. It sells a lot and it's core to the MMO genre


Accomplishment is a very typical goal in any game, but in MMOs particularly it's essential. MMOs are meant to be the type of game a player would immerse themselves in and invest an absurd amount of time in, not having high end accomplishments would just mean that people would play it and move on.

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7 hours ago, Game of Bones.8975 said:

I don't see the problem with putting Legendaries up for sale. It's not like there were any less materials used to make it when purchased from the TP. 


If I enjoyed the process of making them, but didn't want it for myself, why not sell it to someone who does want it? 

This is where I get stuck on the debate, or start feeling like a hypocrite. I wouldn't want to buy a legendary for my own use because it would feel like taking a boring shortcut, but I have sold one, so I feel like I can't say they shouldn't be tradable, since I've used that system.


(Specifically it was The Dreamer. I made mine before precursor crafting existed, then really wanted to do the collection because just like with finished legendaries it now felt like by buying a precursor instead of making it I'd bypassed part of the process. But I don't want or need 2 Dreamers, so I sold the second one.)

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To answer the thread question: Yes. New Legendary Weapons are always a great addition to the game. Of course if they are also well implemented, like the first weapons in Gen 2 collection, it will be even better, but even if it's just skins, Legendary weapons are always nice long term goals.

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Yes, some of the current ones are ugly, like the pony shortbows, the longbows... etc etc. Hammer design is also bad.


They need to stop making "childish" legendaries though... like shoosadoo or the candle torch...


I'm excited to make new legendaries. 

Edited by Samnang.1879
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Between Anet not doing jack about the painfully bright visual effects in the game, the visual clutter that makes the game a pointless auto attack-fest, and the long aggro range of PoF, I have no interest in buying EoD. However, if gen 3 legendaries really look appealing, I may bite the bullet and get EoD. I want my characters in full legendaries (from open world PVE stuff).

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On 5/4/2021 at 7:45 AM, Katsugankz.7156 said:

This is such an obvious bait thread lol


I admit I think the same. But I would prefer to be baited to show ArenaNet that new legendaries weapons are a welcome addition since we went thru a period where they were thinking about not adding more and some posters were indicating interest in more in game.  I also know other players that may want a legendaries for their weapon type of preference but may not like the existing ones, so having other options there gives them goals to work towards. That's worth the time by itself in my book. 🙂 

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