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Making fun of players during streams

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I'm learning to play engi, so I entered an unranked match. During the match, one of the players on my team afk'ed (score was 220-180 at this point, with us losing). After I had no help during bell where I was 1v3 for a minute or so, I also stopped playing because the game was clearly lost. Two of the players on my team started calling me stupid and that I wasn't offering anything to the team anyway, and after the match one of them whispered me "100 players on my stream are laughing at you and calling you an idiot, congrats!" Then this player proceeded to blocking me before I could respond. 


I don't mind being streamed without my knowledge, but I am not cool with being made fun of in an unranked match, even if whatever happened during it may have indeed made me look like an idiot. Are other streamers acting this way? Am I just being overly sensitive here? 😓

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pm me who it was, ill afk his every single game untill the end of times.
Just kidding tho.
or am I ?

you cant generalize streamers btw, some are twats, some are not.
Some insult to insult and think are superior, some insult as a joke and some do it to vent.
and some dont. Stream gw2 pvp =/ good at pvp, and insulting peeps at unranked is just weird

Edited by Leonidrex.5649
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What next, u gonna make a thread because some1 whisp you he slept with your mother? And you gonna feel bad about it cuz you actually believe it? Like cmon dude, just get over it.

Btw, we all know competetiveness in gw2 is hardly existing and then imagine being toxic in unranked match, lol. That dude must've not seen sunlight in last few months.

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I don't like that you afk when it is 220-180 its not lost and a kitten head move, that people whisper something like that is not nice either. 


Don't afk pls, even it's unranked, a match is never lost at this point, not even when it's 400-100

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2 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

I don't like that you afk when it is 220-180 its not lost and a kitten head move, that people whisper something like that is not nice either. 


Don't afk pls, even it's unranked, a match is never lost at this point, not even when it's 400-100

I was not the one to afk at that score. Another player in our team was. I afk'ed much later, when it seemed clear it would be an annoying 4v5.

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4 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

I find it interesting how you admit to AFKing during a match because you are losing and then try to paint someone else as the jerk.

I admit to my own faults, like I said in my original post. I don't enjoy 4v5s where I get farmed, what can I say. Publicly shaming players, whispering them and then blocking them so they can't respond is much worse than being afk in unranked, in a match where you can't get past spawn. Just my opinion, of course.

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7 minutes ago, wondermuffin.9680 said:

Publicly shaming players, whispering them and then blocking them so they can't respond is much worse than being afk

Actually, purposefully AFKing in a match is Match Manipulation and is far worse than a few salty whispers or showing up on some 100 Andy's Twitch Stream.

Edited by mindcircus.1506
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1 hour ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Actually, purposefully AFKing in a match is Match Manipulation and is far worse than a few salty whispers or showing up on some 100 Andy's Twitch Stream.

Not really, it's not a tournament it's a random unranked match.

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9 hours ago, ellesee.8297 said:

There arent many gw2 streamers that break 100 viewers. I know for a fact that no pvp streamer that does would say that, or even play unranked. Dude's lyin. 

We must not be watching the same streams because I can think of at least 3 or 4 streamers between the 50 and 100 viewer mark who are constantly toxic and think they are literally the second coming of Jesus. Having an ego about being good at GW2 PvP is like thinking you're some kind of NBA hall of famer because you're the best player at your local park, it's just hilarious.

Edited by eksn.7264
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28 minutes ago, eksn.7264 said:

We must not be watching the same streams because I can think of at least 3 or 4 streamers at around the 100 viewer mark who are constantly toxic and think they are literally the second coming of Jesus. Having an ego about being good at GW2 PvP is like thinking you're some kind of NBA hall of famer because you're the best player at your local park, it's just hilarious.


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4 hours ago, eksn.7264 said:

We must not be watching the same streams because I can think of at least 3 or 4 streamers between the 50 and 100 viewer mark who are constantly toxic and think they are literally the second coming of Jesus. Having an ego about being good at GW2 PvP is like thinking you're some kind of NBA hall of famer because you're the best player at your local park, it's just hilarious.

Especially when the braggart is playing unranked games against people like me who are simply running around mashing buttons for an easy/quick daily. Wow, he's so good. lol...

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16 hours ago, wondermuffin.9680 said:

"100 players on my stream are laughing at you and calling you an idiot, congrats!"


By that he means the two or three chucklekittens he plays with. GW2 PvP isn't getting 100+ players watching ranked PvP let alone some nonce dicking around in unranked. I wouldn't worry about it.

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On 5/5/2021 at 3:17 PM, ellesee.8297 said:


its literally common in NA with the 60-100 bracket pvp streamers, it's almost always i open a gw2 pvp stream and it's some one trash talking players in it's match for viewers to hear and nobody knows what they type because chat is blocked, but i've been matched with them from time to time and know what they type.

that's why i prefer EU streamers, they are just nicer to watch.

like if your toxicity is funny like helseth, i could watch.

but its just straight big ego toxic trash talking, meh..why do i want to see some one bitch for entertainment? i could simply play the game and experience toxicity first hand right?


probably the reason why eu pvp streamers have more viewers.

Edited by felix.2386
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On 5/5/2021 at 1:03 AM, wondermuffin.9680 said:

I'm learning to play engi, so I entered an unranked match. During the match, one of the players on my team afk'ed (score was 220-180 at this point, with us losing). After I had no help during bell where I was 1v3 for a minute or so, I also stopped playing because the game was clearly lost. Two of the players on my team started calling me stupid and that I wasn't offering anything to the team anyway, and after the match one of them whispered me "100 players on my stream are laughing at you and calling you an idiot, congrats!" Then this player proceeded to blocking me before I could respond. 


I don't mind being streamed without my knowledge, but I am not cool with being made fun of in an unranked match, even if whatever happened during it may have indeed made me look like an idiot. Are other streamers acting this way? Am I just being overly sensitive here? 😓


Overly sensitive?  Maybe.  I'm 100% with you.  I can't stand obnoxious gamers.  I wouldn't expect a positive outcome from sharing your thoughts on this, however.  The fact is, some players take this much more seriously than others and like coworkers invested in their career, they get angry if they perceive you are holding them back.  Your intentions don't matter.  The fact that you're playing a game for fun doesn't matter.


I expect streamers are more likely to take this game seriously.  For some of them, this is more than just a game.  It's a source of income.  The salt is definitely real.  It also wouldn't surprise me if streamers who are prone to raging out and other childish displays tend to float to the top.  Everyone enjoys a spectacle.

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Lol those supposed "100 people" are watching someone pretend to be good at a bad game, by being derogatory to randos in unranked. It's not their fault, the average IQ is only 100, some people are going to fall below the curve.

Seriously don't worry about it, despite our social engineering that is at times maladaptive, appeal to popularity is fallacious stance anyways; and let's all be honest here they are barely even considered "people". It's a marvel of humanity that we've circumvented natural selection this much.

That said you shouldn't afk, actively letting your team down by quitting is equally rude and should only be reserved as a retaliatory method to teammates being toxic to wards you first.

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On 5/5/2021 at 3:03 AM, wondermuffin.9680 said:

 Then this player proceeded to blocking me before I could respond. 


Don't listen to people who are so averse to taking what they give that they go to that length to avoid it. Guy's weak. Plus its unranked. 


You're going to find a lot of manchildren, but don't give 'em the time of day. If they act like that, nobody else is either. 

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