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as little as it has any impact towards me personally, i must agree. i want the old ''offline'' back, this off-line seems odd / weird and like some mainstreamy tryhard way of writing. '' Online / Offline '' , its how it always been, its how it should always be .

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Fire Attunement sounds like a parent explaining to the other parent why they had to spend money to settle a dispute between their pedantic, fart smelling children.


Did someone in the studio really spend studio resources to declare themselves the winner in an argument where a clear winner is impossible?  

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4 minutes ago, Psientist.6437 said:

Fire Attunement sounds like a parent explaining to the other parent why they had to spend money to settle a dispute between their pedantic, fart smelling children.


Did someone in the studio really spend studio resources to declare themselves the winner in an argument where a clear winner is impossible?  

I don't know, but I totally think "fart-smelling" should be hyphenated.  😆

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19 minutes ago, Psientist.6437 said:

Fire Attunement sounds like a parent explaining to the other parent why they had to spend money to settle a dispute between their pedantic, fart smelling children.


Did someone in the studio really spend studio resources to declare themselves the winner in an argument where a clear winner is impossible?  

What else would they spend those resources on?  Fixing the countless bugs that have existed in the game for years?  Take care of all of the bots and AFK farmers? Not a chance. 

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1 hour ago, Tanith.5264 said:

I don't know, but I totally think "fart-smelling" should be hyphenated.  😆

I hoped someone would comment on fart smelling, thank you. Personally, I don't think the term has enough social energy behind itto evolve from fart smelling, to fart-smelling, to finally fartsmelling. Only one way to decide. We need a grant from the studio.





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Is there a petition yet to change this back? This change was so wrong, it just blows my mind. By the way, what did they do with the message for the people running the game in german? Was that changed as well? As a foreign word, OFFLINE is the only correct spelling allowed in german. Off-line is simply wrong and explicitly listed as invalid spelling. See https://www.dwds.de/wb/offline


"Ungültige Schreibung: off-line" = "Invalid spelling: off-line"

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On 5/12/2021 at 4:56 PM, Fire Attunement.9835 said:

I heard back from the editing team. 


Short version from them:

They did it as part of some editing clean-up (clean up? cleanup? I don't even know at this point) to make it grammatically correct


Long version from them:

The editing team struggled mightily with the weighty decision to add a hyphen in the term "off-line." After a heated debate that included no small amount of name-calling, tears, and even a little bloodshed (from an accidental, self-inflicted paper cut), they came to the not-entirely-unanimous decision that matching the spelling prescribed by Merriam-Webster outweighed the aesthetics and character-limit savings of the nonhyphenated spelling. One valued member of the team is contemplating leaving their highly sought-after Assistant to the Junior Editor position over the entire affair. The harmony of the editing team has been forever upset, but it's a worthy sacrifice in the name of proper grammar.

I think I am even more annoyed at pretending that there's actually a universal correct spelling for "offline" than I am at the ugly appearance of the change.

Plenty of dictionaries list "offline" or even have it as the preferred spelling.

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On 5/13/2021 at 10:14 AM, cmpgamer.9628 said:

If Arenanet wants to go back to using an outdated version of the word off-line, then I fully expect them to change other "grammatically incorrect" words such as email to e-mail and website to web-site.

It's outdated and both versions are grammatically correct. Now it's just an eyesore.


This is the objectively correct perspective. 🙂


It reminds of back in the day when Blizzard used to constantly justify how plural shaman was still "shaman" in their world even though it's just incorrect.

Edited by Einlanzer.1627
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On 5/12/2021 at 4:56 PM, Fire Attunement.9835 said:

Short version from them:

They did it as part of some editing clean-up (clean up? cleanup? I don't even know at this point) to make it grammatically correct.


Putting a hyphen in something is a matter of orthography, not grammar. If they're going to be pedantic, they can at least be correctly pedantic.

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On 5/12/2021 at 11:56 PM, Fire Attunement.9835 said:

I heard back from the editing team. 


Short version from them:

They did it as part of some editing clean-up (clean up? cleanup? I don't even know at this point) to make it grammatically correct.

Truly an arbitrary "clean-up". I sure hope this is just a joke, because if it isn't, then the people complaining about it here have nothing on the editing teams nutjobs.

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Language evolves. "Online" hyphenation used to be discussed as well, but you hardly see that usage anywhere anymore.


Heck, I think both were originally typed with spaces (on line, off line), but that quickly went away.


I realize it's not a dictionary, but Google's ngram viewer emphasizes the change in usage across publication.



Hyphen or no hyphen, just make them the same. That's really the issue I have with it, personally.

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When will it be "off-line's" turn?


Sometimes two words will discover a bond that no one expected. Cry and baby were never meant to be together, until the day they became perfect for each other. Being properly self-conscious words, obsessed with people understanding what they are about, they accepted the hyphen. Their bond was new, the hyphen helped them explain to the world what they meant to each other. The hyphen was never meant to label them as not a real word. Just a new one.


What did crybaby, bumblebee, pigeonhole and online due to deserve recognition as a real word? When will it be off-line's turn?

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7 minutes ago, TheBravery.9615 said:

this is a patch 8 years in the making. Stop complaining and lets appreciate anet's hard work on making this happen.

It is awesome and I am very thankful. But feedback on off things is totally ok 🙂

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My first time posting on this forum being the urge to communicate how some ingame writing is upsetting my OCD brain.



That change was truly needed, and it's not like there are some more pressing issues.



...no, seriously, who in their right mind even came up with this and thought this was necessary?

I've literally never, not once in my life seen the word in question written with a hyphen.

Seeing this feels so uncomfortable and... just wrong.

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