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Can we get images back please?

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Shortly after the switch to the new forums, images stopped working, even if we use the officially allowed image hosts.

There haven't been any official communications from the Forum Admins about the state of this, if this is by mistake, by error or by a policy change.


But I miss the ability to post in-line images a lot. For example, a thread like "Share your Screenshots" is a lot more enjoyable to browse when you can see the images in the thread instead of having to click away for every picture. Forum admins: Can you please take some time to enable them again? Or at least communicate why they are not enabled anymore? Thank you kindly!

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27 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Why did they remove images in the first place?

It might not have been on purpose, as it happened when the new forum was activated and, as you know, when that was done they accidentally goofed on a few features like the ability to set custom roles/titles for yourself which was later shut off when it was noticed.


Images posted in the "before times" are still available for viewing, and so it's reasonable to assume this feature can be reactivated, so they either don't know how to do that or they aren't interested in doing so. It'd be nice if they did, though. Embedding feels a lot more secure than having your users clicking offsite links to go see what they hope is a relevant image.

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31 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Why did they remove images in the first place?


I wonder why as well.  It was on for a few days then disabled.   They never responded to posts about it in the Welcome to the New Forum thread or other threads mentioning it.   It seems like a rather strange thing to remove given that all previous versions of the forum allowed image posting.  So after 8+ years for some reason they decided to remove the option?   Maybe they accidentally turned it off and just have not realized it for some reason.   But if it was intentional I think many would like to understand why Anet decided to do so. 


This new forum also had an option at first for people to make a custom title that was turned off as well.  So now there are a few people that have one and no one else can.  Also I believe people that made one before the option was disabled can't edit theirs or remove it.   That one I don't care about as I would probably not use it anyway.  I guess maybe they didn't want to have to deal with people making titles that violated ToS. 

Edited by JustTrogdor.7892
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5 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Why did they remove images in the first place?

They never said. It happened when they were locking down a lot of options that were initially left accessible by omission (like the ability to add "rank" titles under your name, like the one @Veprovina.4876 has). It is possible that when they did locking down they went a bit too far, but also that they never intended to have image linking accessible in the first place. Hard to say, since they never said anything about that, and in general pretty much stopped responding about such stuff within a day or two of the new forum's inaguration.


15 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yes two of em infract.


One meme and one of the trading post.

Then it's not doing that. At least on my side i can't see any image. I see a text with two links, which is partially visible (with its lower cut off)

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1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Is this supposed to be showing an image? 


Looks like my Firefox is blocking that and just showing it as a link even with my ublock turned off.   It works in Safari for me but I never really use Safari so have no ad block stuff installed.  But still I don't think people want to make a reddit account to post an image here.  Also I don't think GW2 reddit would like having new posts every time someone wants to post an image here.   Same for Twitter.   Wait now that I think about something...  Maybe with that Twitter window on the new forum, that I blocked and others stated they have done the same, and the fact that you can embed tweets...  Perhaps Anet is silently trying to get people to post to Twitter possibly including GW2 related tags in order to show their images here.   You know having the players market for them...   Okay tinfoil hat off.    🙂


Again if it was turned of intentionally I would really appreciate Anet letting us know why instead of ignoring the issue.   I think others feel the same way. 

Edited by JustTrogdor.7892
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I was wondering why it didn't work anymore. I had updated a picture in an older thread before that had it visible in post but thought I did something wrong cuz it'd only post the link nomatter what I did.


I'm also still waiting for Anet to add a Dark Mode.

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On 6/17/2021 at 5:53 PM, AgentMoore.9453 said:

It might not have been on purpose, as it happened when the new forum was activated and, as you know, when that was done they accidentally goofed on a few features like the ability to set custom roles/titles for yourself which was later shut off when it was noticed.


Images posted in the "before times" are still available for viewing, and so it's reasonable to assume this feature can be reactivated, so they either don't know how to do that or they aren't interested in doing so. It'd be nice if they did, though. Embedding feels a lot more secure than having your users clicking offsite links to go see what they hope is a relevant image.


On 6/17/2021 at 5:53 PM, JustTrogdor.7892 said:


I wonder why as well.  It was on for a few days then disabled.   They never responded to posts about it in the Welcome to the New Forum thread or other threads mentioning it.   It seems like a rather strange thing to remove given that all previous versions of the forum allowed image posting.  So after 8+ years for some reason they decided to remove the option?   Maybe they accidentally turned it off and just have not realized it for some reason.   But if it was intentional I think many would like to understand why Anet decided to do so. 


This new forum also had an option at first for people to make a custom title that was turned off as well.  So now there are a few people that have one and no one else can.  Also I believe people that made one before the option was disabled can't edit theirs or remove it.   That one I don't care about as I would probably not use it anyway.  I guess maybe they didn't want to have to deal with people making titles that violated ToS. 


19 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

They never said. It happened when they were locking down a lot of options that were initially left accessible by omission (like the ability to add "rank" titles under your name, like the one @Veprovina.4876 has). It is possible that when they did locking down they went a bit too far, but also that they never intended to have image linking accessible in the first place. Hard to say, since they never said anything about that, and in general pretty much stopped responding about such stuff within a day or two of the new forum's inaguration.


Then it's not doing that. At least on my side i can't see any image. I see a text with two links, which is partially visible (with its lower cut off)


Yeah, typical Anet, not communicating properly with the players...


At first, there was that whole "kitten" debacle where every even part of the word that might turn out to be offensive was censored with kitten lol, then apparently, features that shouldn't have been available to everyone - were - that's how i got my custom title lol (which i can't remove now - but i have a feeling it's going to be relevant for a long time so... wouldn't want to remove it anyway), and signature. Then that went away along with images and no one ever explained why.


I mean, every previous iteration of the forum had image linking, why is it a problem here in what's supposed to be a "better" forum?

Edited by Veprovina.4876
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I agree, it would be really nice to have this back!


It comes in useful not just for fun threads like sharing screenshots or mix & match armour but for helping other players as well (something an entire section of the forum is dedicated to). It's often much easier to understand a problem or explain a solution if you can include screenshots and easier to follow if those can be embedded in the post instead of just linked so they have to be viewed separately. Especially if anyone is using a phone.

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  • 1 month later...

I too am searching for an answer to this. I'm just getting back into the game, ready to post screenshots and comics.


Fire Attunement's post with an elite spec preview (linked to below) includes an image that is hosted on the forum itself (supposedly as an attachment). It is possible to paste images (from the web, not from our local drive) into a post; but these turn into unclickable URLs when previewed.


My guess is that the new forum can display only attachments, and the end users do not have access to uploading attachments, maybe on purpose as this would take a lot of drive space on the server.


If we could have back the ability to embed images hosted elsewhere, it would be wonderful. The new forum is able to display the images in the old posts with such embeds, after all.




Edited by Leo.3428
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  • 1 month later...

I don't get it why they removed image linking (and more advanced features which were useful like text coloring, more formatting options...). I always wanted to ilustrate stuff for ideas/concepts, but making twitter post for it is... missing a point if I need to create 8 or even more images with schematics of UI etc.

Also they should replace current emojis, to more fitting GW2 theme:


Edited by Makarow.3028
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