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How do you feel about EoD after the livestream? POLL

How do you feel about EoD after the livestream?  

376 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about EoD after the livestream?

    • Hyped
    • Somewhat hyped
    • Neutral
    • Somewhat underwhelmed
    • Underwhelmed

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Boats are the new glider, mounts, cape, chair. Its is 100% a vehicle to monetize for skins. With skimmers, this is redundant and inferior because skimmers can go underwater. Like all of preview this targeted the casual social aspect, fishing and party boats, instead of tackling challenges with friends that i carve. 

Fishing is such a poor feature, guess gw2 is trying to get the stardew valley market? Not excited for 2 week content that will be this ignored after you finish the collection.

Seige turtle is like the warthog in halo 1, so after these maps die like the pof map have, there will be noone to mount the turrents. The live stream discribed the maps like pof maps, no  meta events and full of exploration. The only mention of hot maps were these will be more vertical. 

Gen 3 is a joke, these are a black lion set with footfalls. I was wondering how they could have 16 legendaries when it took them almost 3 years to make gen 2, this corner cutting explains how. Based on how the material prices are dropping people are disappointed with this set.

Strikes are water down raids, this excuse about not showing a single encounter it the "we will have news about alliances and swiss in the upcoming months" moment for me. It is insulting to the community  that has been over monitized (build templates) and ignored (ibs had 0 raids and 1 fractal). You mean you can not show a single out of context boss or a single mechanic, that seems like a weak excuse. It seem more likely this was tacked on at the end to try to stop the bleed of players to competition. I am hoping there will be another preview targeting this audience so i can get my friends to come back from aion classic and ff14.

I have already preorder but i am kinda in a sunk cost fallacy, but anet is making hard for me to convince my friends to come back or recommend this game to others. This is why i am making this thread, currently the game feels like magic kingdom without space or big thunder mountain, there many communities being ignored. 

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There was plenty of information if I'm looking at it objectively, but most of it was about things that don't really interest me.

  • I am interested in the storyline, but they obviously can't spoil too much of that before release
  • Environment design was okay but not the best I've seen from them
  • I don't see the point in siege turtles or fishing
  • I don't play strike missions and doubt this will change anything
  • Mesmer spec doesn't look like it's going to revive my interest in the class
  • WvW alliances finally being completed was already announced earlier

So most of the details that might draw me in just haven't been announced yet. I might like some of the other elite specializations; I might like the other mount. They might have another unannounced feature that I'm actually excited by (but I think all the headline features were meant to be announced today, so I doubt it).

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Not a big fan of the whole Aurene theme thing.  I feel like it's a lazy design.  Basically they just slap in glowing white/iridescent blobs and there you go.  I would like to reminded everyone that we just had a crystal-theme legendary greatsword.   I'd prefer the legs to be of Cantha theme instead.   I hope they change this boring direction in the next 6 months.  Whoever that thought up this Aurene legendary theme, please take a long vacation and reflect upon this. Please! This is a mistake.

Fishing:   Sounds very disjointed.  It just exists for the sake of variety and that alone. 


As a side note: i hated the name Aurene from day 1, sounds yuppy. It looked  like they pick a name from thebump.com  for baby names.  I will give Anet some credit that they at least didn't name that dragon Ashley, Betty or Jenifer, but I'm sure these were in the top five concept pick list.  Imagine wielding a legendary weapon associated with that name...

Edited by quaniesan.8497
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I always hope for something huge like secondary professions. To give me something to play with for years. But even though it seems only other games are my fix for that stuff, at least today showed off some interesting things for gw2. I wonder if the siege turtles can be used to fight world bosses. And if the skiffs can be used to cast land abilities on water champions. And since mesmer daggers persist I wonder if you can stack daggers on trash mobs to spike large mobs. Interesting things to try.

Edited by Redfeather.6401
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10 hours ago, leila.7962 said:


Also, Ruby seemed like she was being held at gun point (did anyone else notice that?). Don't get me wrong, I love her, she's usually so natural while speaking, it was weird


Yeah that felt strange to me as well, they were so worried about reading the prompter it seemed, felt like a bad acting stunt... why not just have a laid-back talk and presentation in the format of Guild Chat? I miss those.

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1 hour ago, Perisemiotics.4579 said:


Yeah that felt strange to me as well, they were so worried about reading the prompter it seemed, felt like a bad acting stunt... why not just have a laid-back talk and presentation in the format of Guild Chat? I miss those.


I imagine this is because she does NOT want to give anymore information than what was set to be revealed or even hint at anything. This could actually be either good or bad. Bad because they don't really have anything further and don't want to get anyone's hopes up, or good because there's a big a** feature or two that they're keeping under wraps until it gets close to EoD release, and then announce it, culminating in a delayed but even more massive impact at EoD release. Or also maybe good because there could be a big a** feature they're working on but they don't know yet if they'll be able to deliver it on time for EoD in a good state so they're just keeping silent about it for now.


While we're talking about this as well, all the team members were at least a little restrained in their talking, even if some of them did carry themselves better and/or were more practiced at it. It wasn't just her

Edited by Arnox.5128
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8 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

More elite specs, more about the masteries, and more about the functionality of the turtle and fishing.


This is it for features though. If they had something else big planned like housing or a new race they would have led with it. 

It’s possible the ship will be upgradable though. Other than that I’m expecting details on what the point of fishing is in this game, crafting recipes, and more about the unannounced masteries.



Exactly. If they had more big ticket features then I'm sure they'd want them on their "buy EoD" expansion details page. The last two masteries are possibly to do with the jade tech and Canthan culture or lore and not unlocking tengu or housing or whatever. 


I'm curious to see more about the zones and metas and the elite specs and the strike reward restructuring but the three "big new features" for this expansion don't seem that exciting to me. 

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It was ok.

It had nothing really spectacular.

The new Mesmer specialization not having clones was a bit surprising, but that's it.


But I had no expectations anyway, so there was no way for me to be disappointed.


Fishing, boats, the Siege Turtle mount, Aurene weapons... I don't care for any of that.

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57 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:


oh yes, I love to haul a full party on my skimmer, I'm doing it every evening, and skiff is just reskin of that!


oh wait.....

Again I do not understand the idea of wanting to be the uber of gw2 or wanting to give up your agency and ride the uber.

Group mounts are not for me, and if they do not have engaging meta events like HoT maps, the maps will die like the PoF maps, and you will be hauling no one around.

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7 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I picked the second option. A lot has not been revealed yet, so there is still stuff to look foward to (I hope)! I won't let the fact that Taimi is going to be there for EoD ruin my excitement for further information. :classic_wink:

I thought that was zoijja in the trailer o.o


Aka: mentally blocking Taimi out. XD

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13 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

With skimmers, this is redundant and inferior because skimmers can go underwater

Skimmers can dive underwater and heal (have you ever really use that last feature?). This boating thing has an entire dedicated mastery branch, so allow me to doubt your statement.

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37 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Again I do not understand the idea of wanting to be the uber of gw2 or wanting to give up your agency and ride the uber.

Group mounts are not for me, and if they do not have engaging meta events like HoT maps, the maps will die like the PoF maps, and you will be hauling no one around.


Well in particular as far as we got info it would seem that skiff is specifically meant for fishing things, which means that it's not being "just" "uber of gw2" but one player hauling other players to that nice fishing spots, then parking the boat so all can fish together there.


Another feature that skimmer can already do 😉


now sure, that alone may not seem all that much fascinating, and myself I would prefer them to actually do more interesting things with boats since they are already adding them, but there is one thing I heavilly dislike people doing and it's criticizing things for wrong reasons. Especially when "wrong reasons" include woefull misrepresentation of what the thing being criticized actually is.


Skimmer is a water/underwater mount.

Skiff is a tool that so far seems to be aimed at making fishing a group adventure, that persists as collidable object when "anchored".


Trying to claim skiff is already obsoleted by skimmers is dishonest at the very best.

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Skiffs and fishing are actually very good quality content because it's a fun content, hats off to the devs involved with them.

The game needed ways for players to have fun playing in group apart from smashing monsters and chopping heads off.

Edited by Touchme.1097
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6 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:


Well in particular as far as we got info it would seem that skiff is specifically meant for fishing things, which means that it's not being "just" "uber of gw2" but one player hauling other players to that nice fishing spots, then parking the boat so all can fish together there.


Another feature that skimmer can already do 😉


now sure, that alone may not seem all that much fascinating, and myself I would prefer them to actually do more interesting things with boats since they are already adding them, but there is one thing I heavilly dislike people doing and it's criticizing things for wrong reasons. Especially when "wrong reasons" include woefull misrepresentation of what the thing being criticized actually is.


Skimmer is a water/underwater mount.

Skiff is a tool that so far seems to be aimed at making fishing a group adventure, that persists as collidable object when "anchored".


Trying to claim skiff is already obsoleted by skimmers is dishonest at the very best.

Unless skiff move faster than skimmers they are obsolete, people and marketing are really banking on fishing saving this game, but I really do not think it will work. This is not stardew valley or animal crossing, I do not know why Anet is marketing to this community. Adding another crap system on top of another crap system will not make the first system less crap.

Fishing and boats are not glider or mounts level of character improvement.

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I think the livestream went pretty well with some interesting features, like the siege turtle and fishing.  The environments looks great and the music is fantastic (as usual).  My thoughts are the following:

1. Legendaries are beautiful but look more like a Black Lion skins collection.  We work very hard to get these Legs and I would want them to be unique from each other.

2.  Was hoping to hear something majorly big, like playable Tengu. Each expansion thus far had its "thing", HoT=gliders / PoF=mounts.  What is the "it" thing with EoD?  

3.  A new guildhall is great, but what about adding player housing?  We have home instances, but why not change them into something more unique where the player can decorate (feature already in guildhalls) and place their harvesting nodes where they want?  This would boost the interest in scribing, improve the overall economy, and give players a feeling that they own a piece of Tyria.

Edited by achronis.3597
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4 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Unless skiff move faster than skimmers they are obsolete


eeeeeeehh I am already getting tired of repeating myself in here.


So let me put this into simple analogy for you, maybe then you will understand:

What you are doing in here is claiming that water boiler makes teapot obsolete, because it can hold more liquid and can also actually reheat it on it's own.


While completely ignoring the fact that the puprose of the teapot is different to purpose of water boiler.


again, skimmer is a (singleplayer) mount that goes over the water and can go under the water.

Skiff is a deployable collidable object that also doubles as (multiplayer) mount that happens to go over water.


If you want to complain about how skiffs are bad addition to the game - feel free to critique it, at worst you are going to get some people to point out that there is whole mastery track bound to skiffs we know nothing about just yet. Juest please for the love of all that's holy, stop making this ridiculous claim that skimmers make skiffs obsolete.


9 minutes ago, achronis.3597 said:

2.  Was hoping to hear something majorly big, like playable Tengu. Each expansion thus far had its "thing", HoT=gliders / PoF=mounts.  What is the "it" thing with EoD?


I would treat "multiplayer (combat) mounts" as "it" for EoD tbh. That being said there is only so much of "big things" they can do. Eventually assuming they keep releasing expansions they will run out of those things.


And new playable races, while commonly requested even on this forum, are HUGELY cost prohibitive to implement at this point. Personally I am glad they did not announce any of such nonsense, as the very first question I would ask after "tengu announcement" would be: "ok so what they will intentionally screw up just to make it possible for them to pull of?"

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6 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I would treat "multiplayer (combat) mounts" as "it" for EoD tbh. That being said there is only so much of "big things" they can do. Eventually assuming they keep releasing expansions they will run out of those things.


And new playable races, while commonly requested even on this forum, are HUGELY cost prohibitive to implement at this point. Personally I am glad they did not announce any of such nonsense, as the very first question I would ask after "tengu announcement" would be: "ok so what they will intentionally screw up just to make it possible for them to pull of?"

I think Anet should expand on the mount system and make combat mounts a major feature.  Siege turtle sounds great but why bring combat to the other mounts?  


As for new playable races, it's definitely a huge undertaking for sure but one that would make the community very happy and be used to get new players interested, IMO.

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I'm in the "Somewhat Hyped" camp.  I'm still very much looking forward to Cantha and was, regardless of the first look stuff.  The new Guild Hall looks amazing and the siege turtle/fishing stuff also looks great.


However, elite specs are, I believe, the most impactful part of an expansion since it completely changes the way you play in almost every setting (or at least allows for a completely new way of playing) and for that, we still know almost nothing about the new especs. 


Things missing which would have hyped me more are:

 - New map or game mode or anything specifically for PvP

 - New Guild Missions or any sort of update to guild-specific events/stuff to do


The lack of a new race didn't surprise me much and I've never been in the camp of wanting to play tengu or anything like that.  The new legendaries are also not particularly impressive, but that's not something that bothers me much.

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