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When can we get a playable Tengu Race? [Merged]

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I would have voted yes to a poll. I'd even go further in saying that I'd support kickstarter types of campaign.

I believe in financially supporting features that we want if it's believed to be too niche.
A lot of software do that. If you get a plex pass for example you get more votes on the next features.

Of course I don't think that's entirely viable for an MMO (who knows, it's never been tried) but that's always been my philosophy when dumping cash on the gemstore: I do it to support the game, not just for the "rewards" of these d*kitten lion keys 😄

Edited by Deihnyx.6318
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For me would it be neat to have a new race playable? I guess so. I really do not see the benefit other than its novelty.  I am neither for it or against it and I am not sure if I would make one even if I had the option.  I guess it would depend on its movement gait. That is the whole reason I don't have a Charr.

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6 hours ago, MithranArkanere.8957 said:

Doing that is better than having no playable tengu at all, or only having tengu as combat tonics.

It absolutely is not, certainly not objectively so.  You'd quite possibly kill the game just to get a playable race a decent number of people are turned off by.  Anet would never do it this way, thankfully.

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On 11/14/2021 at 10:05 AM, Deihnyx.6318 said:

We can agree that going back to Cantha is great. Absolutely agree. This was my favorite expansion in GW1, preordered and all that. Done deal.

Cool, but just acknowledging Cantha wasn't the point, it was a response to your claim that gaming news outlets would somehow need "new race" to talk about the game. They wouldn't and they don't.

On 11/14/2021 at 10:05 AM, Deihnyx.6318 said:

mount system

100% irrelvant to my post or even anything in this thread. Stop trying to create a strawman, while actively dodging responding to what you quote throughout this whole comment chain.

On 11/14/2021 at 10:05 AM, Deihnyx.6318 said:

So if you really couldn't care less/don't agree/don't see value and what could potentially be done with it /to revamp races, including the different ways Anet could offer (or not) monetization or whether it could (or not) bring back some old players and attract new one, yeah I heard you, multiple times, but you know what they say: There's no accounting for taste.

I would simply suggest you go defend some features you want to see instead.


(...)and I would never go into one of the fishing threads to criticize what they like ad nauseam.

That's great. So people -including you- repeating same thing over and over again is perfectly fine as long as they say what you want them to say. But me or someone else repeating what you dislike? Nope, "find another thread!". That's an interesting take on how public forums (and discussions in general) work. It's irrelevant to me if you claim you would stay in the thread or not -the fact is, you're doing exactly this right now, right here. You stay in the thread and keep repeating your opinion. And so am I, in response to you.

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3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

That's great. So people -including you- repeating same thing over and over again is perfectly fine as long as they say what you want them to say. But me or someone else repeating what you dislike? Nope, "find another thread!". That's an interesting take on how public forums (and discussions in general) work. It's irrelevant to me if you claim you would stay in the thread or not -the fact is, you're doing exactly this right now, right here. You stay in the thread and keep repeating your opinion. And so am I, in response to you.

I actually love debating with people whether I agree with them or not and have been doing so without your help if you actually check this thread for its content.  However you'll also see that most people here -even among people who are against spending time on this- initially have an interest forTengu as a playable race.
So we don't immediately hit a dead-end of opinions such as "there's no value in it" "yes there is" / "it would bring hype" "no it wouldn't" which is kinda pointless.

On a more personal note while one can definitely appreciate some teasing it does get old after a while. You've already claimed I was making stuff up over people inquiring about Tengu after the trailer, called me dishonest for my opinion on the fishing feature over tengu, mistook what someone else said for what I said, and now you're using the strawman wildcard as if you didn't understand why I was specifically bringing up years of obnoxious behaviors in the mount threads.

Edited by Deihnyx.6318
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11 hours ago, Deihnyx.6318 said:

I actually love debating with people whether I agree with them or not

"I love debating with people whether I agree with them or not, but at the same time I tell them to find another thread if they disagree with me, because only I am allowed to repeat my opinion and they're not"?

Isn't this what happened in your previous post? Seems to me that's exactly what it was.


So we don't immediately hit a dead-end of opinions such as "there's no value in it" "yes there is" / "it would bring hype" "no it wouldn't" which is kinda pointless.

But that's a fact. You've tried claiming there's a value because tengu will get armor skins in gemstore. But anet is already selling skins in gemstore whether there's a new race or not. New race doesn't add more armor, it just adds potential workload on top of what they're already selling. It's just a fact.

Then you've tried to claim that "new race is something that would make gaming news outlets talk about the game". But there's already "comming back to cantha", there are new activities in the game that weren't previously available, people will be getting access to mounts/gliding simply by joining EoD map even without previous expansions and finally there's a flying/shooting/multiplayer mount. There's plenty for the "gaming news outlets" to talk about already, trying to pretend that there won't be "unless new race" (which changes nothing gameplay-wise) is just false. So what I'm saying are facts, which you dislike, so after reading them you drop that -from my point of view faulty- argumentation and tell me to find another thread. I mean... it looks like it looks, but I'm not going anywhere. If you like debating then you should stop dropping points and pretend I'm just trying to repeat "no there isn't", because I wrote much more than that, which in the end you've repeatedly ignored. Is what I just wrote in any way false?


On a more personal note

No, thanks. I'm just interested in discussing the topic.


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Just now, Linken.6345 said:

Correct you really should start doing that mate.

I did and it went fine... with other people 🙂 . I'm just not interested in arguing for the sake of arguing. If they want to keep having fun they'll have to find other people.
Enjoy the victory or whatever you want to call that.

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Kudos for the check mate. If I answer, you'll say I just repeat myself so you have a right to repeat yourself. If I don't, then you'll say I'm dodging your arguments.
Pretty common forum tactics. Again it doesn't make up for a healthy debate but it's very effective to win arguments.


19 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You've tried claiming there's a value because tengu will get armor skins in gemstore

No. I always said there's value because there's demand for it. The gemstore was an extension of that conversation in how to bring monetary value for Anet.

You were so sure that it wasn't a thing that you were repetitively calling it a lie when it was mentioned to you that people felt teased by the trailer. And then Anet addressed it publicly. Maybe the right thing to do before anything was just maybe... acknowledging there is indeed a demand for it... -before- doubling down that it doesn't bring value. Aka engaging in good faith.

Some people just really sincerely like the idea and think it'd be great. And that's it. Nobody is lying to you. And nobody is rioting to Anet for not rolling with it. How is that still something to argue about?


19 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

But anet is already selling skins in gemstore whether there's a new race or not. New race doesn't add more armor, it just adds potential workload on top of what they're already selling. It's just a fact.

The only "fact" here is that they're already selling skins.

The rest is speculation. For all we know, you could be right, or they could add race swap (which I know you said anet shut down and that was almost a decade ago), add premium faces, add race specific emotes, or straight up revamp race to make them more unique and relevant. Because none of that exist in the current framework doesn't mean it's not possible, and also doesn't mean it would be.

And to reiterate, this does not detract from the fact that "just a race" is the base value for people supporting it.


19 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Then you've tried to claim that "new race is something that would make gaming news outlets talk about the game". But there's already "comming back to cantha", there are new activities in the game that weren't previously available, people will be getting access to mounts/gliding simply by joining EoD map even without previous expansions and finally there's a flying/shooting/multiplayer mount. There's plenty for the "gaming news outlets" to talk about already, trying to pretend that there won't be "unless new race" (which changes nothing gameplay-wise) is just false.

That there's already "coming back to Cantha", which I agreed with you is great, doesn't mean it's all there can be. My comment was again speculative. I firmly believe a race would bring new people and hype to mainstream. I never said there was "no coverage at all", just that there would bring more hype than fishing. Again unless you come from an alternate dimension you simply can't pass it for fact, and nor can I. Should that ever happen and should I be proven wrong I would have no problem admitting it. 


19 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So what I'm saying are facts, which you dislike, so after reading them you drop that -from my point of view faulty- argumentation and tell me to find another thread.

I said to maybe consider defending a feature you care about. -Yes- it does imply what you say. Yes, it was probably a mistake.

But I frankly got tired of all the incorrect paraphrasing / rewording and having to defend against interpretations of my words. Just address the quote directly if you're so sure of your arguments. And no need to hide your own mistakes behind ellipses without ever acknowledging them.


There was absolutely nothing new here. These are my answers. You don't like them and you're welcome to, but that's what they are.

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13 hours ago, Katary.7096 said:

"[...] I do not fear you. I hate you. There's a difference."


In a Clinical Perspective phobia = fear and fear can turn to hate which is a reaction.

Fear is a self protection response to something someone thinks will hurt or can hurt them, the unknown, or don't like the outcome experience.

Hate is a emotional outcome, a natural association with something someone dislikes or an extreme dislike of something, someone, or thing that may not involve any danger but it represents a possible outcome/action. Therefore either we know that fear or really don't know as it is in our subconscious.

So for those that hate or fear....

"... it's okay if life's got you teary eyed
So go on child, go on child, if you need to cry just know that tears dry
Just don't fear what you don't know
Let me make it clear that you control
All the meanings in your life whether if its wrong or right
You can redefine, redefine..."

- Uce Wayne & Massiah "Ba"

if not then....

- Slayer "I Hate You"



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