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What I am hoping for from future EoD reveals....

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So, my last post about how lacking the reveal felt seems to have quite a bit of response mixed with people agreeing and people disagreeing.


I'd like to start another post about what I am hoping to see that has yet to be revealed. In other words, what I believe EoD needs to bring in order to save the expansion and boost our player population into the million+ daily users where WoW and FF14 are sitting....along with BDO being almost there (was around 950k last month). GW2 last month is sitting around 550k.


1. Player Housing: This really isn't a difficult feature to make but it adds so much to the game for those who enjoy it. Games like FF14 and EQ2 even have leaderboards where players can visit and vote on homes. Even a simple instances based home system with a monthly upkeep like EQ2 would be fantastic....and this was done at launch in a 17 year old MMO...it shouldn't be hard to do with todays tech. Further....I would think ANet would jump at this...with a cash shop that is almost exclusively about aesthetic stuff....having a housing section of Gem furniture is sure to bring in big bucks.


2. New Class: It seems crazy that we are going to get two expansions without a new class. HoT gave us all specializations AND the Rev....why can't we get another new class with EoD. Ritualist seems pretty Jade Sea worthy. This has also just become a norm of the industry...generally speaking new expansions always either come with a new race or a new class...or both....which bring us to....


3. New Race: Now....races are done a little differently in GW2 with each one having its own Lore and home town...but that shouldn't keep us from ever having another race. Even back to EQ with Ruins of Kunark, we got Iksar who were a race that stayed to themselves. So they had a home city and lore etc...all confined to the expansion content. And I keep seeing the argument of "It would be hard to make gear models fit to a new race", which is just a horrible argument. The way that should read is "We are too lazy to put the work in to remodel animations on existing gear." Every company does remodels with new races, an inability to do that should simply mean that on our part, as consumers, an unwillingness to give them our money....sorry.


4. WvW**: So far we haven't heard anything on this other than "Factions are coming". However, we need much more love in WvW, we need new maps, new objectives, new mechanics...etc. Look at the success of DAoC simply because the WvW was mechanically superior.


5. SPvP**: We need more focus on proper balance...not 3 patches a year. We also need a variety of maps such as Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, and King of the Hill. Right now ALL PvP revolves around King of the Hill. Finally, we need 2's and 3's Arena to be year round competitive modes.


6. ** Applying to both of the above, downed state has no place in PvP. This is a PvE mechanic that has been brought up endlessly including by pro's from GW2 E-Sport scene and pro's from arguably the most successful MMO PvP scene ever, WoW Arena. Downed state functions as a crutch and ruins any competitive aspect to PvP. Now, in my personal opinions the real problem is Rally in PvP, however, getting rid of downed state will fix both areas of concern.


7. Some small form of vertical progression. We see a small area in Fractals with needed Agony Resistance, however, Legendary gear should have superior stats to Ascended. I keep seeing people complain about how they are abandoning raids because only like 1% of the player base play them. The reason no one does raids its that the rewards are pretty much exclusively Legendary gear. However, no one cares about getting legendary gear because it doesn't have any advantage over ascended. People like to say "Well I can change my stats"...you spent what, 200-300 hours + getting that set of legendary so you can change your stats. Oh...wait...I can change my ascended stats in 3 minutes too for about 60 gold. 60 gold takes about 2 hours to farm....


Legendary gear all around, weapons, accessories and armor all need to have the same % upgrade existing from Exotic to Ascended. 


Even just seeing some of these implemented I feel would help our numbers greatly, and a lot of these could probably be done in about a week of work. Giving Legendary gear a stat boost, activating arenas 2v2 and 3v3 year round in ranked, removing downed state from PvP, adding more WvW content and player housing can all be done in a couple of months by a competent team. We have 6 months until launch....it really should happen. That's 5 items on my list of 7 that I am really hoping to see, the other 2 being a little more involved in the sense that if they aren't already being finished as a yet to reveal feature, there's not way they will make the 6 month launch date.


What are you guys hoping to see in future reveals or features that feel should be in EoD to make it worth the price and bring players to our game?

Edited by Luclinraider.2317
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For casual player's perspective, (but spend a lot of money in gemstore for cosmetic mostly)

1. just... uh something that I don't really care about. 

2. Seem ok.

3. I prefer Largos over tengu. but well I already have 26 characters... too busy to invest more.

4. i don't really play WvW.
5. I am regular in PvP, if there are more options. it would be nice.

6. I really don't mind.

7. I don't really play fractal or raid, I just want to chill , don't really want to learn of how to beat these stuffs.


anyway, I don't mind what they are  currently offering. 


Edited by yefluke.3168
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On 8/6/2021 at 11:54 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:



2. New Class: It seems crazy that we are going to get two expansions without a new class. HoT gave us all specializations AND the Rev....why can't we get another new class with EoD. Ritualist seems pretty Jade Sea worthy. This has also just become a norm of the industry...generally speaking new expansions always either come with a new race or a new class...or both....which bring us to....



I really don’t think that we need a new class. HoT brought a new class because there was one heavy armor class missing. I really prefer the elite specs over new classes. With them I can play my existing characters and don’t have to create a new one. 

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I've also considered the possibility of a new class, but the obvious issue would be that it would be necessary to create three new elite specs all at once.

 Also, I'm a bit perplexed about your comment that "no one cares about getting legendary gear". As far as I can tell, most people seem to be obsessed with this! 

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On 8/6/2021 at 10:54 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

I'd like to start another post about what I am hoping to see that has yet to be revealed. In other words, what I believe EoD needs to bring in order to save the expansion and boost our player population into the million+ daily users where WoW and FF14 are sitting....along with BDO being almost there (was around 950k last month). GW2 last month is sitting around 550k.


Where do these numbers come from? As far as I know Anet has never publicised monthly activity numbers (or anything except the total number of accounts and the most people ever online at once) and I thought WoW had stopped reporting them years ago.


Also I disagree that housing is a simple thing to add because there's a huge number of variations in how housing can be done in an MMO and it often seems like everyone asking for it is imagining something different. A lot of those ideas are mutually exclusive - like players who want to be able to choose a house and a location and place it in the world vs. players who don't want all the open areas filled with player housing and want them to be instanced and in towns. It would be very easy for Anet to choose a system where some people are happy with it and others are wondering how on Earth they could get something so easy to do so completely wrong. It's probably impossible to come up with a housing system everyone is happy with.


Maybe they could 'crowd source' the design by asking players to vote on different aspects of it, but even when they've done that with relatively minor things (like the name of Dragon's Watch) it just shifts the blame and leaves players angry that so many other people are stupid and chose the wrong options or claiming they were obviously trolling and their votes should have been discarded.


In theory I like the idea of player housing, but I like the version I'm imagining and I suspect that's very different to what you or anyone else who wants it is imagining.

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26 minutes ago, SkyCakeLight.3750 said:

I want;


1. Smoosh to get their Warrior. 

2. E-spec related mail carriers. 


Don't @ me. Unless you want to, I cant stop you. 

Imm @ you tho. Just a little bit of @


17 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:


Where do these numbers come from? As far as I know Anet has never publicised monthly activity numbers (or anything except the total number of accounts and the most people ever online at once) and I thought WoW had stopped reporting them years ago.


Also I disagree that housing is a simple thing to add because there's a huge number of variations in how housing can be done in an MMO and it often seems like everyone asking for it is imagining something different. A lot of those ideas are mutually exclusive - like players who want to be able to choose a house and a location and place it in the world vs. players who don't want all the open areas filled with player housing and want them to be instanced and in towns. It would be very easy for Anet to choose a system where some people are happy with it and others are wondering how on Earth they could get something so easy to do so completely wrong. It's probably impossible to come up with a housing system everyone is happy with.


Maybe they could 'crowd source' the design by asking players to vote on different aspects of it, but even when they've done that with relatively minor things (like the name of Dragon's Watch) it just shifts the blame and leaves players angry that so many other people are stupid and chose the wrong options or claiming they were obviously trolling and their votes should have been discarded.


In theory I like the idea of player housing, but I like the version I'm imagining and I suspect that's very different to what you or anyone else who wants it is imagining.

Someone on here linked another website..


This is one:







I dunno if they are accurate however and i have doubts they are.


Edit: also the other two votes they did didnt really do well either.


Lions Arch stilll has people wanting it to redesigned so its less theme parky And the fractal that wasnt chosen with the Captain vote is still something id love to see.


Edited by Dante.1763
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On 8/6/2021 at 2:54 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

I'd like to start another post about what I am hoping to see that has yet to be revealed. In other words, what I believe EoD needs to bring in order to save the expansion and boost our player population into the million+ daily users where WoW and FF14 are sitting....along with BDO being almost there (was around 950k last month). GW2 last month is sitting around 550k.


I don't understand the statement 'save the expansion'.  Save it from what?

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1. Player Housing: I personally don't care for player housing, and if implemented see it just being a giant gold sink and Gemstore platform - I also don't think it's "easily" implemented whatsoever. 

While I know it's an interesting feature to some, I really don't see it as a must have feature and it's very low on my priority list of things GW2 needs, especially with the Guild Hall modification systems already in place, which, along all Guild Features, desperately needs reworks and expansions.


2. New Class: I'm also not entirely sure what a new Class would bring to the table. Even Revenant, being added to finish the roster of 3 of each armor weight, already took over so many ideas and concepts of Thief and Necromancer especially, which I had much rather seen as partial reworks or elite specs on those. 

Beyond the current set, there would just be much more profession and theme overlap that could easily be delivered in form of Elite specs, throw the armor balance off again, and massively inflate future Elite Specialisation additions. 

I'd much rather just get more Elite Specs. 


3. New Race: What the game needs is a new starting experience. Most players quit a game in the first 2 hours, and GW2's starting experience has fallen horribly out of date, especially due to powercreep (but also graphically and such, when compared to expansion content). Players should not be running around bored 3 shotting mobs until a hundred hours+ into the game, reaching Expansion and Instanced content utterly unprepared. While a new Race could be a vehicle for such an effort, I personally think the workload is just way too much for Anet. I'd much rather see a core rework and rebalance (or flat out new, streamlined, starting experience using existing Races) than the massive undertaking a new Race would be in terms of remodels, animations, writing, voiceover etc. 

Games that frequently add new races generally have much less distinct races, animations, no player character voice over, etc.


4. and 5. WvW and PvP: Absolutely agree. This goes pretty much for every non open world content avenue of the game, but it's shameful how these modes have been neglected - a massive missed opportunity, especially for WvW, which if properly maintained and updated, could have been a highly advertisable headline feature of GW2.


6. Removal of Downed State in competitive modes: I disagree. It's a core mechanic of the game and has interesting opportuneties, skill and trait interactions to play around. 

One can debate the balance of such, but I disagree on it being an inherently bad mechanic.


7. Vertical Progression: Very hard disagree. The last thing the game needs is more powercreep, and lack of gear carrot is one of the defining and unique features of the game. The saving grace of legendaries and their insane grind is that they are purely cosmetic and QoL.

GW2 does not need a gear treadmill - what the game is about and needs to focus on is skill progression. 

The game needs to incentivise the average player to improve on a personal skill level as it's form of player progression, not powercreep them further so they never have to learn how to actually play. 

At least personally, I see skill progression as way more rewarding and fulfilling than grinding for bigger numbers simply because of gear, and if I do feel that itch something like an ARPG just fills it miles better. GW2 isn't designed for gear grinding in terms of loot and item design. 

Further, a more capable average playerbase means Anet is able to develop and introduce more involved, intricate and interesting content. 

Bigger numbers on gear mean forced grinds, further invalidation of old content, and a stagnation of skill and content design. 

The game needs more (optional and gradual) difficulty, not more invalidation of such by out gearing and powercreeping content.

Edited by Asum.4960
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On 8/6/2021 at 11:54 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

Even just seeing some of these implemented I feel would help our numbers greatly

Help numbers in what way?


For me personally all of your suggestions are somewhere between "totally indifferent" and "no way", and if all of them would be announced it would likely change my personal numbers from playing to not playing.


There are plenty of games around where best in slot gear requires endless grind. The beauty of this game is that best in slot is easy to get and grinding legendary is just a qol upgrade that you can very well do without.


What I'm hoping from EoD (I don't really care about reveals, because I want to PLAY EoD, not watch tv about EoD) is interesting zones, encounters, and activities, a new (part of the) world to explore, and so far it looks promising. To me new zones to explore are vastly superior to new races/classes, especially since we already get the equivalent of new classes with new especs for each of the existing classes. Why should I replay existing places with a different-looking character when I can spend the same time exploring totally new places?

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This leads in the end to the next discussion "what should anet implement". They will not sit down now and program a new expansion. So things like "new WvW map" will not come with EoD. I would recommend a new threat where you can go into each of the topics, where you can manage a discussion about the topic.

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Proper player housing has been asked for since the beginning of the game, and since all of their (Anet) energy is put towards community spaces (the "home" instance where you can drag a party into, and Guild Halls that you can customize/decorate), I wouldn't hold out any hope that individual player housing is coming.  I would have loved to see it, but I think that ship has sailed.


New classes: that ship sailed day one of HoT when they introduced elite specs.  That is the GW2 answer for new classes.  

New race: while I too would love one (Tengu makes most sense) I don't see it being implemented due to the core story and the fact they want this game to be playable by anyone at any time and have the narrative make sense.  To add the Tengu now as playable would make the core game story play "oddly" without a lot of historical retcon.


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On the whole this seems less of a list of what the expansion needs to be successful and more a list of what you want it to have so you buy it. 


Also the faux pas of "its easy to do" while having 0 experience working within Anet itself. To say  "a lot of these could probably be done in about a week of work" is incredibly naïve.


Just don't be too upset when your fairly unreasonable expectations are not met in part or entirety.

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1. We kind of already have player housing. It's called the home instance. It's not great in its current form, but it has a ton of nodes that can be unlocked. There's not a single home room that the player can really call their own, which is a problem, but that's an idea. Alternatively, there are the guild halls which have plenty of items that can be placed, with the only problem there of it being something shared with a guild instead of individual players. All the pieces are there, just no one has a specified home.


2. The trouble with a new class, as pointed out, is that each expansion promised a new elite specialization with it. In order to be fair and not have people complain about it, there would need to be 3 specializations to come out with EoD. Even if this was ignored, any new class added would invariably require the staff to come up with one more specialization per expansion release (10 instead of 9, with even just one added). Feels like it'll just weigh the whole development time down.


3. As Asum already said, the races are more than just a new skin. For one thing, no race plays differently from another in any competitive format, so that draw is gone. In PvE, you would need to make 6 or so racial skills that are so bad people only use them because they don't have other skills for those slots, and every voiced line by the PC (Pact Commander) would need to be recorded an extra two times, one for each gender. How backwards compatible would they be? As ArenaNet always likes to move forward, I don't see any way to integrate a new race into the story at this point.


4 and 5. While the competitive side of the game is unquestionably neglected, ArenaNet has never relied on a big expansion to modify them. This stuff is probably being worked on right now, and will be released When It's Ready(TM). And if it's not, I don't see how they could be convinced.


6. Downed state is an interesting thing. It is pretty unique to GW2, and there's been so many special events where it's been turned off for a week or two, but it never stays gone for very long. Have you ever wondered why that is? I'm sure there's a reason for it.


7. NO. Hard no to that. The last time any sort of vertical progression was added was ascended gear, with the addition of fractals. Even that caused a fit from much of the community, seeing as one of the tenets of the game is NOT having to grind in order to get the best gear in the game. Legendary doesn't even count in this, as the stats are always going to be equal to whatever happens to be the highest tier gear at the time. No to level cap increases, no to new gear tiers, and no to anything that inflates the power creep of the game; elite specs have already done enough of that.


It's not that any of your ideas are bad, but they are all rooted in the old ways of MMORPGs. GW2 is trying to blaze new paths, not retread old ones. And yes, it's stumbled, quite a few times really. But we won't get anything new by recreating something old. Try thinking about what you really like in the game, and what would truly build onto it.

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On 8/6/2021 at 10:54 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

7. Some small form of vertical progression. We see a small area in Fractals with needed Agony Resistance, however, Legendary gear should have superior stats to Ascended. I keep seeing people complain about how they are abandoning raids because only like 1% of the player base play them. The reason no one does raids its that the rewards are pretty much exclusively Legendary gear. However, no one cares about getting legendary gear because it doesn't have any advantage over ascended. People like to say "Well I can change my stats"...you spent what, 200-300 hours + getting that set of legendary so you can change your stats. Oh...wait...I can change my ascended stats in 3 minutes too for about 60 gold. 60 gold takes about 2 hours to farm....

Sorry, but that's an absolute NO for many of us who have played other MMOs outside GW2. 


This is literally a powercreep waiting to happen along with an even more abysmal elitism scenario where people only team with "Legendary geared" people. The reason GW2 is such an amazing game progression wise is because you can make do with Exotic onwards if you're focusing on a certain level of content such as Open World and will only need Ascended onward if you're into the hardcore Raid and Fractals. Most of the progression you do even with the aforementioned gear is learning your profession and being proficient with it rather than relying on raw stats just to unga bunga everything. That's the whole reason why many people enjoy this game on a more casual level as well, it never forces you to get new gear, and never tells you you're outdated on whatever set you're using. The only thing that will take your time when you get back is relearning your profession and possibly whatever content you used to do if there's newer iterations of it.

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On 8/7/2021 at 12:54 AM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

1. Player Housing: This really isn't a difficult feature to make but it adds so much to the game for those who enjoy it. Games like FF14 and EQ2 even have leaderboards where players can visit and vote on homes. Even a simple instances based home system with a monthly upkeep like EQ2 would be fantastic....and this was done at launch in a 17 year old MMO...it shouldn't be hard to do with todays tech. Further....I would think ANet would jump at this...with a cash shop that is almost exclusively about aesthetic stuff....having a housing section of Gem furniture is sure to bring in big bucks.


Needed? No. Would be nice to have? Yes.


On 8/7/2021 at 12:54 AM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

7. Some small form of vertical progression. We see a small area in Fractals with needed Agony Resistance, however, Legendary gear should have superior stats to Ascended. I keep seeing people complain about how they are abandoning raids because only like 1% of the player base play them. The reason no one does raids its that the rewards are pretty much exclusively Legendary gear. However, no one cares about getting legendary gear because it doesn't have any advantage over ascended. People like to say "Well I can change my stats"...you spent what, 200-300 hours + getting that set of legendary so you can change your stats. Oh...wait...I can change my ascended stats in 3 minutes too for about 60 gold. 60 gold takes about 2 hours to farm....


Legendary gear all around, weapons, accessories and armor all need to have the same % upgrade existing from Exotic to Ascended.


If this would ever happen, I would quit the game (and I'm sure I'm not the only one).


I don't need another game where players are separated by gear that is hard to get. That's the reason why I've quit every other MMO and why I'm sticking with Guild Wars 2, because it doesn't have vertical progression. Doesn't matter how big or small the increase would be. It would seaparate the player base in two categories: The "cool" legendary people and the "noob" Ascended people and like in other MMOs, legendary people will become snobs and will not accept to play with Ascended people. We don't need that in this game. Pretty sure changing legendary stats won't get more people into raids, most people that don't do raids, don't do it because of the difficulty, not because of the reward it gives. A few elitists might join, but most people would still ignore raids, while some would choose to leave because they would see this difference as unfair.


Too many people want this game to become your standard WoW clone, I swear....geez.

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On 8/6/2021 at 11:54 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

1. Player Housing: This really isn't a difficult feature to make but it adds so much to the game for those who enjoy it. Games like FF14 and EQ2 even have leaderboards where players can visit and vote on homes. Even a simple instances based home system with a monthly upkeep like EQ2 would be fantastic....and this was done at launch in a 17 year old MMO...it shouldn't be hard to do with todays tech. Further....I would think ANet would jump at this...with a cash shop that is almost exclusively about aesthetic stuff....having a housing section of Gem furniture is sure to bring in big bucks.

We already have home instances and guild halls. Maybe home instances could use some degree of customization, but it doesn't feel housing would bring anything meaningful.


On 8/6/2021 at 11:54 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

2. New Class: It seems crazy that we are going to get two expansions without a new class. HoT gave us all specializations AND the Rev....why can't we get another new class with EoD. Ritualist seems pretty Jade Sea worthy. This has also just become a norm of the industry...generally speaking new expansions always either come with a new race or a new class...or both....which bring us to....

tbh I prefer 9 new especs over one new class.


On 8/6/2021 at 11:54 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

3. New Race: Now....races are done a little differently in GW2 with each one having its own Lore and home town...but that shouldn't keep us from ever having another race. Even back to EQ with Ruins of Kunark, we got Iksar who were a race that stayed to themselves. So they had a home city and lore etc...all confined to the expansion content. And I keep seeing the argument of "It would be hard to make gear models fit to a new race", which is just a horrible argument. The way that should read is "We are too lazy to put the work in to remodel animations on existing gear." Every company does remodels with new races, an inability to do that should simply mean that on our part, as consumers, an unwillingness to give them our money....sorry.

New race doesn't seem to bring anything meaningful to the game. A lot of effort for devs for... well, pretty much nothing. And investing into more low level content (which would need to come with new race) would probably be a waste, it's pretty much a tutorial anyways.


On 8/6/2021 at 11:54 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

4. WvW**: So far we haven't heard anything on this other than "Factions are coming". However, we need much more love in WvW, we need new maps, new objectives, new mechanics...etc. Look at the success of DAoC simply because the WvW was mechanically superior.


5. SPvP**: We need more focus on proper balance...not 3 patches a year. We also need a variety of maps such as Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, and King of the Hill. Right now ALL PvP revolves around King of the Hill. Finally, we need 2's and 3's Arena to be year round competitive modes.


6. ** Applying to both of the above, downed state has no place in PvP. This is a PvE mechanic that has been brought up endlessly including by pro's from GW2 E-Sport scene and pro's from arguably the most successful MMO PvP scene ever, WoW Arena. Downed state functions as a crutch and ruins any competitive aspect to PvP. Now, in my personal opinions the real problem is Rally in PvP, however, getting rid of downed state will fix both areas of concern.



On 8/6/2021 at 11:54 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

7. Some small form of vertical progression. We see a small area in Fractals with needed Agony Resistance, however, Legendary gear should have superior stats to Ascended. I keep seeing people complain about how they are abandoning raids because only like 1% of the player base play them. The reason no one does raids its that the rewards are pretty much exclusively Legendary gear. However, no one cares about getting legendary gear because it doesn't have any advantage over ascended. People like to say "Well I can change my stats"...you spent what, 200-300 hours + getting that set of legendary so you can change your stats. Oh...wait...I can change my ascended stats in 3 minutes too for about 60 gold. 60 gold takes about 2 hours to farm....


Legendary gear all around, weapons, accessories and armor all need to have the same % upgrade existing from Exotic to Ascended.

Nope, they shouldn't. If someone thinks legendary gear isn't worth it, they're free to not get it, I don't see the issue.

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As far as housing goes, I saw someone comment an idea that I would enjoy and have expanded on in my head-


in our characters home instance, open up a building with a physical ‘legendary armory’. Not that you can take anything from it, just that you can arrange a display of your legendaries. Maybe accomplishment trophies, as well, like in the GW1 Eye of the North Hall of Monuments. Just a cosmetic thing like that, you can show off when you bring others in to mine your instance, or just relax there as your own character, link it’s communications to lfg or something so you can use it as a waiting place to find something to do. Idk, just spitballing

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12 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Imm @ you tho. Just a little bit of @


Someone on here linked another website..


This is one:







I dunno if they are accurate however and i have doubts they are.


Well, at the current time one is estimating 124,000 players are currently playing and the other 240,000 players so I very much doubt they're accurate. 😉

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I'm mostly fine with new elites, new content that's "not raids, but like raids but not" and a new story to play through. Couldn't care less about fishing or boats unless ANet wows me with it.


What has only been hinted at, but I hope they will follow through is replayability. Sure strikes and cms may have been what they're talkig about, but I hope the concept will be a thing in open world PvE as well, coming in the form of metas like we had in HoT.


From the "out there" things that get thrown around every now and then, that are definitely somewhere on the table and after all "tHeY dId MoUnTs", I wouldn't mind henchmen/heroes, a dungeon rework or a focus on underwater combat/exploration. Some nice things for WvW wuod be nice I guess, maybe alliances and siege turtles will be great.

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36 minutes ago, Mil.3562 said:

Wait... No one plays Raids because they are only for getting legendary gears!? And no one cares about legendary gears because there are no power creeps in them!!??? You don't play this game much do you? Be honest.

lol - Those lines caught my eye too. The most active folks in my most active guild are those doing Raids. They don't talk about the leggy stuff, they talk about which builds and gear work best for the different raids. It's the gameplay they seem to enjoy, not a mindless pursuit of rewards. As for "no one cares about legendary gears..." that line really cracked me up. I'm maxing out my skirmish chests in WvW every week to get leggy armor. Have a full set of heavy leggy armor, 3 light pieces, and will get the medium leggies when the light set is done. After that, I'll work on the rings. Unlike the OP, I can't make blanket statements about other people, but I can say I myself am very much interested in leggy gear.

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