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Should Tengu be added to the game ?

Tengus in gw2 ?  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Tengus be added as playable chars to the game ?

    • Yes
    • No

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Waaaaaay to much work. 


Need to add voicelines for 9y worth of content. 

Both genders in 4 languages. 


Need to redo ALL armor skins in the game to fit a unique skeleton + feathers. 


Even if you say, kitten it we don't do that. 

They Have to do it for Gemstore Skins because it would be dumb to not be able to sell them to a new race. 



All of this becomes a future problem too, because we already complain that Armor skins take to long. 

Now it takes even longer. 


You need new animations for how many skills? 


All this Dev time is better used someplace else. 

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Does Anet need to add dungeons, raids, change pvp and WvW? No, current ones are fine and they would need a lot of work.

Does the game need new classes? No, let's cut elite specs as well since we're here, since those are a lot of work too.


Those above are things I really don't care about, yet people will still complain and post about them on the forums. Same for tengu, a lot of people want it and post about it on the forums, yet we seem to have some haters that complain about it, as if people wouldn't be allowed to have another race in this game.


Would be nice to have and I'd want it. Will we have it? Probably not.


Also funny how some people say we don't need a new race but if it were any other MMO, they'd be up for a new race.

MMOs have been getting new races since ages, why shouldn't Guild Wars 2 get a new one? Pretty sure plenty of people would play the tengu race and it also fits in the game's lore.

Edited by Crono.4197
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58 minutes ago, Crono.4197 said:

Also funny how some people say we don't need a new race but if it were any other MMO, they'd be up for a new race.

MMOs have been getting new races since ages, why shouldn't Guild Wars 2 get a new one? Pretty sure plenty of people would play the tengu race and it also fits in the game's lore.

Unlike other MMO's race is nothing but a cosmetic choice in GW2. Your racial skills are bad by design and all races can play all classes/elites. New races bring nothing to the table and cost a lot of resources. Resources better spent elsewhere, but you knew this had you used the forums search option and read one of the hundred Tengu threads.

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15 minutes ago, lokh.2695 said:

Unlike other MMO's race is nothing but a cosmetic choice in GW2. Your racial skills are bad by design and all races can play all classes/elites. New races bring nothing to the table and cost a lot of resources. Resources better spent elsewhere, but you knew this had you used the forums search option and read one of the hundred Tengu threads.

This is a really valid point.  It would be the entire expansion really, like hey new race...and then everyone would complain that there's nothing else.  They'd make a lovely cosmetic, but yes the racial skills are not essential, it makes ultimately no difference than what you want to see bouncing across the screen for one, two, ten hours a day.  Imagine role players squawking in character....

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I voted yes, not because I want to play Tengu, but because I know many players do. Those that don't want to play Tengu (such as myself) don't have to. 


Many players only stick to human and don't like to play other races. But many only play GW2 because of the game's unique races. Races matter, and having Tengu as a playable race would be very relevant for a lot of people and one more reason for them to be excited about the game - or even come back to GW2. 


I understand that many players don't see a point in having playable Tengu, just like many don't see a point in having miniatures or bunny ears, etc. But there will always be people who like and want those. It might be a small detail, but details matter too - not just for players, but for Anet as well.


I don't agree with the "I'd rather have resources spent somewhere else" argument. I think anet can give us Tengu and still work on other things, like improving what needs to be improved. 

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7 minutes ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

I don't agree with the "I'd rather have resources spent somewhere else" argument. I think anet can give us Tengu and still work on other things, like improving what needs to be improved. 

I don't know...have you seen what they have put out post-Season 4?


Anyway, I do actually agree with your sentiment, I just wouldn't want to see a half-assed Tengu race release. They should have all the proper 1-80 story, and a path to slot them into the narrative.

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Eventually they'll need another RPG thing in the spotlight. As the options deplete, a new playable race will become more apparent of an option. After players keybound their tenth mount and have gathered all of their fish, what then? They should add a new race when that time comes.

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1 hour ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Wait wait wait,.,


Tengu ARE in the game.


Ive seen them in Lion’s Arch,  Caledon Forest..  and I swear I’ve seen them elsewhere.


C’mon OP..  Have you played this game?

man, they should add cat/bunny girl then, theses things are not in the game and probably are more pupular than tengu.


I mean did you look at the playerbase before ?

Edited by WindBlade.8749
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4 hours ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

I don't agree with the "I'd rather have resources spent somewhere else" argument. I think anet can give us Tengu and still work on other things, like improving what needs to be improved. 

They could, but you cant avoid the fact that resources are finite. Any moment spent working on something is a moment spent not working on something else. You literally can't escape this.  Now you could say "they could hire more people to get it over the line" but it still remains that those same people could indeed be working on something else instead. 


In short you may not like the argument but that doesn't make it any less valid.


There is opportunity cost and RoI to consider with every decision made.

Edited by Sigmoid.7082
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