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About the Halloween jumping puzzle requirement...


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The reason you calls Anet "disconnected" annoy me

You act like those of us that can do JP are in the minority and Anet only cater to us? I'd say you are the one that is 

12 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

colosally disconnected from the community

Also not responding anymore? Sad, really really sad

Thats all i have to say

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12 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

If you mean the meta achievement it is optional since there's more than enough achievements to finish it without the JP.

If you mean the 5AP from Court Duty: Terror of the Tower (which is for Court Duty: Gathering Evidence  which is 2AP), you don't need to get to the end since opening any chests along the way progresses it.

I have never seen a chest yet, where are these? I always fail at the second part of the puzzle so that may be the reason. (the part that pop ups when you have to wait a while after the first, easy part). Is there a chest/platform waiting after this second part?  I do not have a disability, I just suck hard at timed JP's.   My biggest pet peeve with this puzzle is the time you have to wait between a fail and the next chance. Even though this is still less then a minute( I think), it is way too long for me to even want to try to get that muscle memory going.   


Would be great if the reset would be like with the Griffon Adventures but I guess this is impossible because this puzzle uses a different mechanic. 

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I'm not disabled, I don't really enjoy JPs and I'm quite bad at most of them. That's fine if I'm unable to clear some of them, unable to get some achievements or items or whatever.

I have a severe heart condition and I love cycling, I'm unable to climb some places I'd love to climb at least once in my life for completion and pride, do I ask for people to change the slope and make it easier to climb? No, I accept the fact that I can't do everything nor am I entitled to have everything changed to fit my heart's poor capabilities. On the other hand I'm sure there are things I can do that some other people can't, that's life.

Now you could tell me "well that's what games are for, escaping reality". I don't think all game content and game modes should be accessible to everyone, we don't all have the same capabilities and that's fine. It's probably not even possible to cater to everyone and it would create an ocean of bland over-easy games where people don't want to take a second to think, read or even try (we're already not too far from this actually).

Also, I don't enjoy PvP but I love clearing achievements, there's a whole bunch of PvP achievements and rewards I will never get, I don't mind.

I could go on and on with the examples.

I think GW2 is quite fair in giving players the possibility to earn things in different ways, it's not the case for everything but it's fine, if everyone can get absolutely everything there is no MMORPG anymore.

Edited by vanfrano.1325
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34 minutes ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

The reason you calls Anet "disconnected" annoy me

You act like those of us that can do JP are in the minority and Anet only cater to us? I'd say you are the one that is 

Also not responding anymore? Sad, really really sad

Thats all i have to say

I actually think Anet is very disconnected too with the community. They NEVER post on these forums except in very few occasions, like when the game servers kept rolling back in the weekend and they had to clean up a giant clusteryouknow the monday after. The latest fiasco was off course when they disabled Necro Minions popping back after mounting, and only announced this in a single obscure TWEET, without any info for how long this would be, or even if this was temporary. They never reacted to any of the forum threads about this, they just posted another tweet after 14 days that the feature had been reenabled again.  


Even on Twitter and Facebook they RARELY ever post unless it is for some promotion, and they NEVER truly mingle with the playercommunity when it comes to matters that players are passionate about. Or even just for fun, you know.


They *may* post something on the forum about one of their Charity linked promotions, and/or may tune in *very rarely* to any thread that sings Hallelujah and Praise about something GW2 related.  For me it seems clear that the Staff has strict orders to keep away from any posting and mingling, except in dire circumstances(like game-breaking bugs), and only in totally flameproof threads. 


Ever since the Everquest forums in 1999, through many, many, many other MMO forums since then, Anet is by far the least communicable MMO company I have seen.  Not saying it is completely unfathomable why they do this, since I have seen many fruitless (and heated) discussions between Staff and players too in other forums, but Anet could, you know, just crank it up a little...... 🙂

Edited by Tyncale.1629
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You are over reacting. This is an action style rpg. Tons of achievements require this same skill. There are huge achievements that require jumping puzzles, combat encounters, pvp, reflexes, and so on. Anet can't adapt every to everyone's low bar, this would remove challenge and make the whole game as boring and easy as the story instances. For any normal gamer the jumping puzzle is challenging but not impossible, I beat it in a few tries and I'm an aging gamer who hates twitch shooters now because I can't keep up with them. If I can do it normal folks can. Even if you have one hand you can bind jump to your mouse and complete it. If you have a disability that bars you from this then there are many other things in this game you are also unabtto do, does anet need to go change all that as well? 

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There were similar complaints about adding strikes to metas and that was even more optional and even less of an issue, so it’s clear Anet want to encourage players to try more varied and harder content.

I’m not hugely in favour of adding the JP to this  new quest thing or at least without an optional alternative, but actually it’s given me a good excuse to ignore it if I dont fancy running the smaller chests en route. That's actually a good thing for me

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Having to wait between tries so much time is a turn off for me, if JP would reset fast after a fail will make this much easy. Idk why they didn't make this instance with countless instant tries more like Winter JP OR make it solo instance who reset with fail.

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2 hours ago, Zentao.6314 said:


I love this, even though she puts me to shame. Her concentration, her determination, those I can mostly match, okay sometimes match, but those reflexes!! 😲


I like jumping puzzles even though I'm not great at them. I always give them at least a few tries. If I can't do some, then I can't. It's as simple as that. I might give those a shot another day. So I've lost out on a few pixels, some fantasy game achievements... Personally, not worth stressing over that. 


This game has so much to offer me, I wonder if I'll ever get to experience all of it, even though I get lost in it for hours on end. And now with EoD in the wings, I do sometimes stress over that!! 😳


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5 hours ago, Zentao.6314 said:

The community trying to make you understand that reworking all of the hard challanges to easy ones would ruin the whole game.
No hard challenges = no reason to play it anymore

The JP is not a requirement to anything, this just gives you a little mini that people wont even see on populated areas.
This whole discussion is pointless IMO, developers can't fix this without ruining the experience for the rest of the 99% people.

I'm starting to believe that you don't even sympathize people with a disability, because I'm pretty sure they have more serious problems than that they can't get a (useless) mini from this event...

1. I could give a toss about a mini. I don’t use them.

2. Not sure where the disability reference comes from other than that obscure crack at the OP

3. Once again, the standard ploy, make it about changing all JPs when literally every post I’ve read in this thread who are not happy about this specific JP being the sole requirement added to this step despite the next two requirements both giving the choice of doing either or both to complete.

  Shed Gargoyle Claw - raceway and/or labyrinth

  Tattered Awakened Garment - ascent to madness and/or mad king says

No one has claimed (major) issues with any of those four events hence why they are the chosen route for the meta (along with the other stuff) for those who have issues with the clock tower. It’s been solid win/win for JP lovers and JP haters. Then this new achievement where the JP isn’t paired with another option. Brilliant! Once more strife between the two sides. Well done, A-Net!

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I played this game since launch. And Halloween events are my favorite. And I spent hours trying to figure out that bloody, blasted puzzle. This year is the first year I actually succeeded at beating it. And I did it three times in a row, for the achievement. 

don’t change or retire the JP, please. It’s a maddening delight, with a reward that can be obtained elsewhere. Keep it the way it is, difficult and fun 

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The JP crowd is well known to be a minority in the game. I barely pay attention on the forums and even I’ve seen that multiple times over the years.


Loud and vocal? Well, we get to see that every single time anyone questions why some new achievement as the required step for some new reward/item in the game is locked behind one of the weirder JPs. Very few folks question the addition of a new JP, with it’s own achievement and even a reskinned ‘shiny.’ I’m defeated nicely not saying that there aren’t folks who’ll cry about that because there are always those who will about anything.


The troll crack was definitely me rolling my eyes at the way many forum dwellers love to argue about anything but especially love picking out a particular word or phrase and ignoring the fact that the post they quote otherwise was calling out what they then claim it was.


did the OP go to far with their original statement. Maybe. At this point I can no longer recall and can’t be bothered to go back and check since it has no bearing on the point that others agreed with which many here are choosing to ignore and make about a wider issue as they.do each time this is questioned.

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This year Anet increased the time window to successfully perform the final jump, meaning that the topic of the difficulty of the clocktower jumping puzzle came up at some point during the development of this year's halloween update. I guess the developers are going to be okay with the projected amount of players who will complete these new achievements.

Ultimately this is about something optional to the game as a whole, so personally I don't see a problem with it.

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I have a question: Is it a technical problem (e.g. server lag) that prevents you from finishing?


I have full understanding for technical issues but I have no understanding for people asking the tower to be nerfed because they don't want to invest time and effort into something. It is possible to get to the top. I made it yesterday again. It is just difficult but what is an achievement worth if you get it for free?

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16 minutes ago, genjonah.1253 said:

I played this game since launch. And Halloween events are my favorite. And I spent hours trying to figure out that bloody, blasted puzzle. This year is the first year I actually succeeded at beating it. And I did it three times in a row, for the achievement. 

don’t change or retire the JP, please. It’s a maddening delight, with a reward that can be obtained elsewhere. Keep it the way it is, difficult and fun 

Absolutely agreed. I have zero issue with this JP. I know I’ll likely never get it and I’m fine with that. Hell, I never even make it as far as the first chest. Again no issues with that.

Neither I nor most of those who agreed here, nor most in similar topics elsewhere want the JP(s) changed. It looks like most would prefer ‘stuff’ that you can’t earn elsewhere not be locked behind JPs. Again, as I know others will selectively quote, I am not saying JPs shouldn’t have exclusive rewards. They should. If they are only about the scaling achievement, title, shiny reward then I doubt that most folks would have any issues with work arounds being disabled. Mounts, gliders, tp to friend, Mesmer, whatever.


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I attempted it once last night lol, sheesh it is fast, I prob wont get it but im okay with that because anet has given us much leeway on other JPs with portals. One JP that cant be cheesed isnt a bad thing, I find myself happier with this festival even when dying or failing to events im giggling . It just makes me happy, and I have not been happy much in life.

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I am disabled. Not in a way that affects my ability to game, but it does affect my ability to do things in real life (like driving for example).

Accessibility options are important and should be available, but some things just aren't meant to be doable by everybody. Using disability as an argument to not lock some rewards behind specific content isn't good, because then you couldn't lock anything behind anything, because there will always be someone unable to do something.


I have pretty bad social anxiety, which prevents me from doing high skill, high pressure content like raids. Is this a reason why they should make raids soloable, or make every raid-exclusive item also available through other content? Of course not. It's completely fine that there's content in this game that I cannot do, there's enough other stuff to do.

Edited by Maikimaik.1974
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1 hour ago, Cobra.6509 said:

Having to wait between tries so much time is a turn off for me, if JP would reset fast after a fail will make this much easy. Idk why they didn't make this instance with countless instant tries more like Winter JP OR make it solo instance who reset with fail.

Exactly why I found this jp so aggravating.

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13 hours ago, spjones.1528 said:

Good luck OP trying to get most of the ‘kind community’ on the forums to get behind this. You’ll get a few of us who’ll openly agree with you but a troll farm’s worth of the vocal minority who shout down your very valid point regarding making this JP  a must for the Court’s achievement and oh so cleverly will ‘misunderstand’ your points to muddy the waters.


I’m not a fan of JPs but have many times pointed out that i’m glad that they are in the game for those who enjoy them. By bull headedness or by hook or by crook I’ve got past all of them in the game except a couple of timed JP/adventure  like this that, naturally, have stuff locked behind them I need to complete various things. The legendary I’m currently stuck on is one that definitely sticks in the throat.


As others have said, the Tower isn’t required for the Meta (thankfully) and - as you pointed out - it’s inexplicable that after carefully not tying any requirements to it and knowing the bulk of the community has long been known to not favour JPs it’s beyond weird that they wouldn’t have put two things you could do to complete it in that stage just like they did for last stage of the gathering evidence section. Seems more like an oversight that they need to fix .

Nothing you said here is based on anything factual. You have no way to say who's the minority or majority in the game in this regard since you have no access to any statistics that would prove anything here. But it's sure convenient to be able to say "whoever disagrees with me is just the vocal minority, what I'm saying is obviously right and the majority of the community garees with it". So lets do the same with your/OP's claims: people complaining about JPs on the forum are just a vocal minority. Obviously everyone else just plays the game and completes the content for the rewards, including the ones connected to jp. My proof of that claim? Well, apparently exactly the same as yours.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Well, just like the OP I’ve stated my issue and gone into detail in follow up posts. But, like normal, the usual types have chosen to misrepresent the position as asking for JPs to be changed or rewards for free. Neither was the case. As I made quite clear. Cheers for the amusement. The discussion went exactly as I suspected it would. Enjoy the chat amongst yourselves.

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4 minutes ago, spjones.1528 said:


Actually, before you go, I did want to ask for your thoughts on alternatives.

I (and others) have suggested ways to get around having to do the entire puzzle, but for someone who can't do the puzzle at all (reason doesn't really matter), I'm wondering what you would replace the puzzle's involvement with? For this mini-meta in particular, the JP is part of the lore of the side quest (and is infamous in the lore of the festival full-stop), so leaving it out completely would have felt equally weird. Can you think of something else that could have filled the void, so to speak?

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