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Siege turtle is going to be coop exclusive.

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They showed the turtle on guild chat today and it's lacking any interactions outside of slam and jump/glide. The slam is on a 5 second cooldown and the driver doesn't get access to the cannons in any capacity which honestly killed my hype for the mount.

For solo players like myself the mount is going to be a novelty only and the main boost is going to be the fact the final mastery gives the double health trait to the other mounts.


Anyone else let down by this info ? Honestly if I got just a mini captains cannon or something to play with it would go a very very long way to making me happier about it but as it stands it's going to be relegated to standing around in lions arch on the turtle due to being a mostly solo player.

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I'm cool with it, it already has the best combat any mount has even without the cannons. And if they gave every driver access to the cannons it would probably break the game. Every player would essentially have a ranged siege golem, RIP world bosses.

And encouraging group play could be super fun for GW, the best times I've had in this game has been with others.

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Just giving a mini cannon for the driver on the front would go miles to making it better... Or giving a stomp ability that doesn't have a cd so that it at least has a melee auto attack with the no.2 being the slam.


idk I don't see myself ever using it over my skyscale or anything.

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Seems to be exactly as I understood it to be, although I can understand many players might be unhappy the cannon has no use as a solo thing. 

Im withholding judgement until I play it in game next year before I judge it. I’m lucky enough to have a co-op partner though so maybe that makes it easier to accept.

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2 hours ago, Dakiaris.2798 said:

For solo players like myself the mount is going to be a novelty only and the main boost is going to be the fact the final mastery gives the double health trait to the other mounts.

This. Sometimes I'm social and don't mind having company while I run around doing stuff, but other times I prefer to play solo or among other people rather than with them.

I also have concerns that the turtle will function like the new 2-seater chair and thus share its weaknesses (anyone can jump on without permission, and a technical oversight can allow other players to forcibly dismount you). I look forward to testing various things during the beta, but I hope they consider allowing the driver to access the cannons (would likely put you into an unmoving siege mode as a tradeoff) when you don't have someone else with you. If not, it's gonna feel real weird having a mount I don't have full control of.

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Mostly solo player and I'd actually have been miffed if the driver had access to the cannons! Talk about OP bs and trying to get a tag in to a bounty or something. I imagine this is their compromise to such a thing as if the driver had access to the cannons, it'd have to be nerfed to the point of uselessness. I always considered the turtle to be a WvW mount anyhow where you are already running with a squad anyhow. Overall, we will find out next week how the turtle plays out and how it functions (linking sauce below that states that yes, we get to play with turtles starting the 30th) accordingly.

First paragraph states that all elite specs + turtle will be available to play from the 30th to the 4th.


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24 minutes ago, miraude.2107 said:

Mostly solo player and I'd actually have been miffed if the driver had access to the cannons! Talk about OP bs and trying to get a tag in to a bounty or something. I imagine this is their compromise to such a thing as if the driver had access to the cannons, it'd have to be nerfed to the point of uselessness. I always considered the turtle to be a WvW mount anyhow where you are already running with a squad anyhow. Overall, we will find out next week how the turtle plays out and how it functions (linking sauce below that states that yes, we get to play with turtles starting the 30th) accordingly.

First paragraph states that all elite specs + turtle will be available to play from the 30th to the 4th.



They confirmed it will not be coming to wvw anytime soon on stream and they also showed the range of the cannons which was not very long looked to be around 900 max.


Also I'm not saying give the driver the passengers cannon fire just something to play with. The biggest hope when I heard about mounts coming to gw2 with pof was that we would get a siege turtle when cantha came so we could fire the cannons. That's what made the siege turtles so cool. The fact the driver wont get access to them unless they hop onto someone elses turtle is honestly obnoxious as a mainly solo player.... Even if the cannon the driver had was 1/3 the damage I would be fine with it just let me fire the cannons.

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4 hours ago, Dakiaris.2798 said:

They showed the turtle on guild chat today and it's lacking any interactions outside of slam and jump/glide. The slam is on a 5 second cooldown and the driver doesn't get access to the cannons in any capacity which honestly killed my hype for the mount.

For solo players like myself the mount is going to be a novelty only and the main boost is going to be the fact the final mastery gives the double health trait to the other mounts.


Anyone else let down by this info ? Honestly if I got just a mini captains cannon or something to play with it would go a very very long way to making me happier about it but as it stands it's going to be relegated to standing around in lions arch on the turtle due to being a mostly solo player.

Pretty much how I called it. I figured it’d be something players would use for the first few weeks until the novelty of it wore off and then it’d be reduced to something you AFK with or play around with when waiting for a meta to start. 

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I honestly didn't know what to expect with this new mount. The idea of a giant cannon wielding turtle with rocket boosters is a joke, and it certainly delivers on that comedy. I expect nothing short of amazing videos from Nox with this mount :)


Being a "siege" mount however, I was expecting this to be more of a WvW type mount that serves as a cheaper replacement for catapults/trebuchets like the Warclaw is to gates and battering rams. I thought maybe they would also introduce some of those WvW fort siege elements in a PvE meta. Though it looks to be just a co-op mount to horse around in, so I can't see it being used in any serious capacity. I mean, can you imagine a 50 player zerg spawning in 25 siege turtles? All of them running in circles to recharge their ammo all the while the co-pilot is blowing stuff up? Just play some Benny Hill music and you got comedy hour.

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At a big event, why not invite other players to jump on and be your gunner?

I could see a case for changing it so that you can hop on the guns of your own turtle but as long as you are there it’s stationary. You’d have to choose between attack or move.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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16 hours ago, Dakiaris.2798 said:

They showed the turtle on guild chat today and it's lacking any interactions outside of slam and jump/glide. The slam is on a 5 second cooldown and the driver doesn't get access to the cannons in any capacity which honestly killed my hype for the mount.

For solo players like myself the mount is going to be a novelty only and the main boost is going to be the fact the final mastery gives the double health trait to the other mounts.


Anyone else let down by this info ? Honestly if I got just a mini captains cannon or something to play with it would go a very very long way to making me happier about it but as it stands it's going to be relegated to standing around in lions arch on the turtle due to being a mostly solo player.

You could use the back seat to store a few boxes of Snickers.

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I guess I had misunderstood the original intent- I thought this mount was going to be usable in WvW, and so I was really excited for that. 

while this does have me a bit bummed, I am actually thankful for the co op lock. I mostly solo, but I love the idea of just random team ups. That’s part of the reason I fell in love with this game at launch, just running into someone trying to do something you are trying to do, so you just team up. 

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On 11/25/2021 at 2:29 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

Ah that’s good

Yep, they said on the live stream that you had to be in the same party with your co-rider.

On 11/25/2021 at 4:07 PM, genjonah.1253 said:

I guess I had misunderstood the original intent- I thought this mount was going to be usable in WvW, and so I was really excited for that.

Well, they did say that possibility wasn't off the table, so...

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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I think it's okay that it's made for duos. However, I do wish that there was a lesser version of a squad tag that doesn't show up on the map. I want to invite other players that see me to join me upon my turtle, with no invite spam or misleading squad icon on the map. My squad tag might be a little overkill for that.

Edited by Quench.7091
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2 hours ago, Quench.7091 said:

I think it's okay that it's made for duos. However, I do wish that there was a lesser version of a squad tag that doesn't show up on the map. I want to invite other players that see me to join me upon my turtle, with no invite spam or misleading squad icon on the map. My squad tag might be a little overkill for that.

You can make your squad tag private so noone else can see it.

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After getting my hands on it my fears were realized... It's a novelty. It will be fun to goof off with if you have a friend with you but solo it's utterly useless and serves no purpose.


Hopefully they have some amusing little turtle races so I can at least get some use out of it solo.

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On 11/24/2021 at 6:10 PM, mythical.6315 said:

I figured it’d be something players would use for the first few weeks until the novelty of it wore off and then it’d be reduced to something you AFK with or play around with when waiting for a meta to start. 

I certainly hope so. My honest first impression, upon seeing them gallivanting about in Lion's Arch, is what a ridiculous, cluttering eyesore they are. :classic_unsure:


But then, I'm one of those mostly solo players who has just recently returned to the game to finally get around to Icebrood Saga. I have no immediate interest in EoD so won't even be bothering with the Turtles anytime soon.



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48 minutes ago, Dakiaris.2798 said:

After getting my hands on it my fears were realized... It's a novelty. It will be fun to goof off with if you have a friend with you but solo it's utterly useless and serves no purpose.


Hopefully they have some amusing little turtle races so I can at least get some use out of it solo.

My guess is on launch there will be people using it all over the place for the novelty.   Then as time goes by it won't be used by many aside from probably some metas in EoD which may call for it.   So it will just be a mount at first people use because it is new then fade into little use outside of situations where Anet sort of forces people to use it.  They put all the effort into making it so I'm sure there will be cases where it is more or less required.   Other than that in most maps people will still be using Skyscale and other mounts most of the time.    That's one reason I wasn't really excited for this mount. 

Edited by JustTrogdor.7892
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Is kinda more a novelty much like Warclaw is in PvE (since Anet won't just make that a core game mount already)
But im still glad to have both of them.

I'm very much looking forward to forcing the turtle into active roles against certain event bosses etc, I'd love to see more stuff like that being done in Gw2, and PoF missed a big chance to do that as well.

Imagine if they had put a giant sand elemental world boss in PoF that would have phases where it put up a huge sandstorm barrier around itself and the only way to get through it and break his Breakbar would be to use the Sand Jackels teleport.
That would have been pretty awesome.

It could even have had another phase where it erected sand walls around itself and you would have had to jump over them with springer to break his bar as well.

We could have had another roaming boss like the Ley Line Anomaly which would eventually flee really really quickly (like bloodstone moa) and players would have to chase it down on their Beetles and ram it with their skill 1 to trip it up and stun it.

The problem with doing cool stuff like this though is that Anet doesn't like making content based around stuff that many players may not have access too, like mounts released in living world or an older expansion..
Imo this is a huge self imposed ball and chain and was a genuine concern a lot of us previously had about EoD before they confirmed that some PoF mounts would be given away in EoD so they wouldn't have to restrict their map design to count for people who didn't bother playing PoF thus wouldn't have them.
Imo though they should not be afraid to do this once in a while.
Other players will have those mounts so it's hardly like situations where you have a map full of people who cannot do the boss will ever really exist anyway, and there's probably a way to scale the breakbar phase to only count players who have the mount as well.
Plus it's incentive to get those players to go back and actually purchase and play older content to obtain those useful mounts/mechanics.. and that's a very good thing imo.

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