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Why do you even want the turtle?

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All I know is the turtle is annoying as all get out to fight in groups with. I was doing the jade lab thingy last night in Echovald with a pug and there were maybe 10 players with turtles in the group of 50 players. I could not see anything. And every time I would try to loot a mob, half the time I'd end up on a player's turtle...LIKE NO I DON'T WANT TO RIDE THE TURTLE GOOD LORD JUST STOP. 

And seriously...I have a 5900X w/ 64GB of RAM and 3090 GPU...and the lag during that event was still fierce. I think at one point when we got to the basement for the final boss I saw it hit 20fps. I can only imagine the turtles were making things that much worse. How could anybody on a normal, average system even play this stuff? Good friggen grief. 

Edited by DragonMoon.6098
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49 minutes ago, DragonMoon.6098 said:

All I know is the turtle is annoying as all get out to fight in groups with. I was doing the jade lab thingy last night in Echovald with a pug and there were maybe 10 players with turtles in the group of 50 players. I could not see anything. And every time I would try to loot a mob, half the time I'd end up on a player's turtle...LIKE NO I DON'T WANT TO RIDE THE TURTLE GOOD LORD JUST STOP. 


I have to say I couldn't agree more. Not being able to see around them at all is the most annoying when I'm playing my ranger.



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As a mount, I am not super excited about it, but I can see some situations where I would want it. I'm not in a hurry, but it being locked behind this mess makes me mad. So it's not that I am desperate to have it, but if this mount is going to take up one whole mastery line, then I feel like I'm owed that mastery. This expansion was already stretching with the Arborstone being a mastery.

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I remember when I first started playing (like 4 years ago), I bought Path of Fire as soon as I got to level 80.  I could not get past the first boss for the life of me. I was super frustrated. I think I even tried to get a refund.  The advice I was given everywhere was 'just work on your build and keep trying.'  It took me a couple months to get over my anger and then I did just that, and FINALLY got a raptor. 


Then I bought Heart of Thorns and got all mad all over again. ( 😄 ) Eventually, I got even better and was able to get all that gliding stuff. It was tough and I had to suffer through a lot of YouTube guides. 


It really does bother me that Anet does very little to teach you anything but the most basic of basics.  So I do sympathize with people here. But these days I know that ArenaNet is never going to give me anything without a struggle. But I guess if things were easy I would have gotten bored with this game a long time ago.

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15 hours ago, Karanoia.2091 said:

First off, I gotta say: I play 70-80% of the time with my fiance, and being together on one mount is kinda cute and fun.

Side note: I feel like the boat pulled this off pretty well. The group fishing bonus is actually really strong and it feels pretty natural to hang out on the boat with 2-3 friends (I only fall in the water about once every 20 minutes).

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16 hours ago, Karanoia.2091 said:

First off, I gotta say: I play 70-80% of the time with my fiance, and being together on one mount is kinda cute and fun. However,  we paid for the expansion because we love the game and thought it would be nice to contribute to a company who deserves our dollars. We have had many enjoyable hours together with this game. Also, bonus; more maps and story, etc. We also thought we would get turtles and that's cute too.

But the 'getting the turtle' thing is a little crazy. We both have jobs and kids and decided having the turtle mount is not important. It's slow. It does some damage, I guess but we do damage separately that's considerable. So we're just gonna skip it for now because it's not worth the time.

What I want to know is why everyone is hating on each other over this meta? Everyone is so angry with each other and ArenaNet. Is there something I'm not getting? Is it the prestige? Is it just so cute? What's the big deal here? 

What am I missing?!

I think a large part of it is the Completionist Factor and they're quite a lot of those types of players in GW2. If something is there or made available some will want it regardless of whether they will use it or not. 

The second factor is I see it was a large feature that was plugged for EoD, and to make a funny, novelty mount that forces casuals to complete Strikes and let's face it the hardest open world meta in the game has naturally caused a massive outcry from the community. Why Anet seem so blinkered to this fact ceases to amaze me. 

Crazy thing is I've spoke in game with about 10 players that have the Turtle and not one of them is really fussed about it and doesn't think they will use it much - Thus Completionist Factor. 


.... now if Siege Turtle could be used in WvW that would be funny.  50 Turtle Battlion 

Edited by Gregg.3970
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1 hour ago, ASP.8093 said:

Side note: I feel like the boat pulled this off pretty well. The group fishing bonus is actually really strong and it feels pretty natural to hang out on the boat with 2-3 friends (I only fall in the water about once every 20 minutes).

I was surprised to find myself enjoying this part. I can't fish to save my life (in game or RL) but driving the boat around was a lot of fun, and pretty realistic-feeling.


1 hour ago, Gregg.3970 said:



.... now if Siege Turtle could be used in WvW that would be funny.  50 Turtle Battlion 

THAT would be worth the struggle, IMO.

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1 hour ago, Gregg.3970 said:

it was a large feature that was plugged for EoD

That's the thing, really. You see the turtle all over the splash page and you got to mess with it during the beta weekends. It really seemed like what you had to look forward to was stomping around big map meta events in your giant turtle.

So I think most people were expecting unlocking it to be a story milestone on the way to the final assault, similar to the role mounts like Springer play in PoF story.

Instead, you only get it after you locust your way through most of the expac. Can't even rent one, really.

(I also have this frustration with Ritualist gear — by the time I can get a full set, there's nothing left for me to *do* in EoD, unless I decide to grind challenge modes.)

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5 hours ago, Karanoia.2091 said:

It really does bother me that Anet does very little to teach you anything but the most basic of basics.


This is where the true issue lies. EoD attempt to fix that but it is *a bit* late and your average player who up until now got away with spamming 1 with poor gear, is suddenly faced with a huge wall that a normal player should have overcomed years ago, and that is simple mechanic like CC, dodge, combo field......


It is sad to say but EoD meta event is paying the price for not forcing player to learn mechanic as simple as dodging or CC. 

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So my wife and I can stand on top of npc's blocking people from seeing them.  Jk the turtle is fun as hell to use. 


Funny how such a casual mount got locked behind a difficult ask. The meta should of rewarded a cool mount skin or something, but those are locked behind 35$ paywalls

Edited by NumNums.7935
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When we beta tested it I didn't like it.  It was so big and clunky on my lil asura.  But it is part of the expansion so naturally ya think ya want it after they advertise it a zillion times so sure I kinda wanted it.  Then my friend took me for a ride on his and let me shoot everything in sight...that was really fun.  So then I did want it.  When I found out it had the boost for your other mounts at the end of leveling it up then I really wanted it.  I got my egg tonight, but unlike many people I didn't feel the sense of accomplishment for beating the meta.  I just feel tired and relieved that I did it.  So if you get it, regardless which way you get it then I am happy for you all.  I honestly don't think it matters which way you acquire it, as long as you get it if you want it.

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3 minutes ago, ProtoGunner.4953 said:

People are aggressive to each other because their education, western cultural background tells them they are eligible to get everything presented on a gold plated dinner tray without working on it. An MMO is made for longevity and longevity means you can't get everything fast. Deal with it.

Not only in MMOs, if mobas or any other online game would give you all the rewards and the best positioning for free, there would be really no point in playing them.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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