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Acquiring Gift of Battle Is Hell

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1 hour ago, Hellion.2360 said:

It blows my mind how anet didnt addressed that horrible design of theirs, is it to force ppl to play WvW or just for saying "f the PvE players, they can go run on foot for hours and die to a random zerg hahaha"

Well, to each their own. For me, it blows my mind that legendary weapons don't require more diversified gameplay than they currently do. Or that they're even tradable, except in this case, it's possibly more about that sweet gem->gold money 😅

Edited by Sobx.1758
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30 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Oh sheesh, it's like people simply don't enjoy a gamemode at all and are asking for an alternative, even if it's one that takes longer. How surprising...

There is an alternative that takes longer. It has existed for years and has been explained in numerous threads on this topic many times...so no, this complaint isnt about desiring an alternative that takes longer.



Am I the only one that finds it a bit amusing that someone calling himself Hellion would be unhappy about playing in hell, as he describes WvW?

Edited by Ashen.2907
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Used to be more lax when they gave us participation for repairing and breaking walls XD could just defend and build up forts and turn enemy ones into swiss cheese for 8 hours. I actually like WvW though. I'd wish pips could be speeded up more than anything. need dem tickets now that teef has more than two builds. Pretty much a part time job~ 20 hours a week and no boosters and capped at 10 and can't repeat last chest for them like spvp. Be gratetful you can speed up track with guild buff, boosters, infusion, dailies, and whatever else. I have more gift of battles than I can use during time-gating.

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1 hour ago, Hellion.2360 said:

Seems like u dont understand that why a player needs do to 99% of the legy in PvE (assuming it's a weapon) and only for this tiny tiny part of hell, he needs to step into a completely different game mode that involves PvP. WvW is still a PvP zone which you are susceptible to being jumped by a random passing player/zerg.

Well yes, is part of the game. But I wouldn't say is entirely a pvp game mode anyway. Diamond players who are unable to even dodge your attacks are proof of that.

I still think GoE is way worse, having two of them I understand why is made that way and see no problem with it.

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1 hour ago, knite.1542 said:

I definitely understand the frustration, but the last thread complaining about this is barely a week old. This post doesn't even suggest anything, it is just a bunch of complaints.


Seriously though. I swear I've been seeing tons of threads about this exact topic lately. What's driving everyone to complain about Gifts of Battle all the sudden? They literally only take 4 to 6 hours of brain dead running around with boosters if you really want to farm it fast. And not only does this figure not require any help from your teammates, but it's actually better if you are on a low pop server or timezone because nobody will bother you.


Honestly, it's not that hard to put on a podcast or music or something and run around for a couple hours. Even if you only have 1 hour to play per night you could get it done in less than a week.

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1 minute ago, Hitlit.7630 said:


Seriously though. I swear I've been seeing tons of threads about this exact topic lately. What's driving everyone to complain about Gifts of Battle all the sudden? They literally only take 4 to 6 hours of brain dead running around with boosters if you really want to farm it fast.

If you look at the post count by the people starting the threads you will see the answer.
Most of these are newer/returning players who don't understand just how often this topic has been discussed over the years and are perfectly happy as presenting opinions that state "What I don't like=Bad design".
The moment you see a post talk about a QoL/Cosmetic reward and how players are "forced" to do something that offers zero statistical advantage, you know it's just the same tired false rhetoric.

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Not this topic yet again....  Leave the poor dead horse alone.

Do your WvW dailies and you'll be fine.  It's like doing dungeons for some other Gifts or purchasing other time-gated items like Funerary Incense (which was my personal hell.)

Edited by Chaba.5410
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Legendary stuff, like 308 hearts! OH MAN SUCH LEGENDARY FEATS! 

Farm 35k wood and 50k mithril! LEGENDARY NODE GATHERER! Such active gameplay! Parking 10+ alts in malchors leap to farm the perma elder wood nodes every hour! OH BOI! SHIVERS DOWN MY SPINE, LEGENDAREH STUFF!


Joking aside, this has been discussed to death. You want something? Either do what it takes to get it, or actually suggest why changing stuff would be beneficial. 


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25 minutes ago, Bookah pls.9352 said:

You know what? I actually agree with the PvE players here, there should be another non WvW method to gain a gift of battle.

Give us the Gift of Battle PvP reward track!

You know... It wouldn't be a bad thing too, actually. Boost up PvP population a bit, gives an alternative for those that dislike WvW... Everyone happy 🙂

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1 hour ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

I can't wait for day when A-net will allow WvW players sell GoB on Trading Post for minimum of 500g. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Honestly, wouldn't it be a good thing if it was tradable? WvW players could make gold selling it that way.

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4 hours ago, Telgum.6071 said:

For the same reason WvW players have to explore the core map: because there is time and resources invested in said content and they want you to give it tries.

You can get GoB by taking camps and killing dolyaks. Weird PvP requirement.

Check back answer #1.

Paying customers should not be forced to suffer the company's sunk cost fallacy.

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14 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Honestly, wouldn't it be a good thing if it was tradable? WvW players could make gold selling it that way.

Do you think for a moment this would stop the complaint threads?

Because I guarantee the posts would just become:

Why does Anet hate it's players who are all paying customers and ALL casuals????? 500 Gold on the TP for a Gift of Battle?? Are you KIDDING ME ARENANET??? I have a familay and a job and now I am FORCED to grind gold just so I can get a legendary because I hate any form of PVP and the people who play it????

Edited by mindcircus.1506
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5 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Do you think for a moment this would stop the complaint threads?

Because I guarantee the posts would just become:
Why does Anet hate it's players who are all paying customers and ALL casuals????? 500 Gold on the TP for a Gift of Battle?? Are you KIDDING ME ARENANET??? I have a familay and a job and now I am FORCED to grind gold just so I can get a legendary because I hate any form of PVP and the people who play it????


Pretty much this.


If a real world cure for <insert malady of choice here> could be purchased in game for a single gold piece some people would complain about the cost or "grind".

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2 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Do you think for a moment this would stop the complaint threads?

Because I guarantee the posts would just become:

Why does Anet hate it's players who are all paying customers and ALL casuals????? 500 Gold on the TP for a Gift of Battle?? Are you KIDDING ME ARENANET??? I have a familay and a job and now I am FORCED to grind gold just so I can get a legendary because I hate any form of PVP and the people who play it????

I really doubt it would be worth that much. It would probably be 20 gold more or less.

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As a WvW'er with 10k max rank and over 25k skirmish claim tickets (disclaimer to the snowflakes out there: I'm not saying this to brag, I'm saying this to prove that as a player myself who plays WvW all the time and knows what they're talking about, can still agree with someone who DOESN'T enjoy WvW, should also have access to this item as well), I agree that players shouldn't feel forced into doing a game mode they don't enjoy, for the gift of battle.


I feel the same way towards Anet forcing us players to do a raids-like group strike mission if we want to get the siege turtle mount. I hate raids, and I hate strike missions. It would be nice to have alternatives for all game play modes for these things, so that we as players can 'play how we want' in our preferred game mode.


We should all be able to get the same items / goals / accomplishments via our own preferred game play mode. I really dislike Anet going the way of 'we like strike missions, therefore you must like them too'.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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I honestly think GoB is one of the easiest pieces to get when crafting legendries compared to the rest of the time and cost sink, all you have to do is brain dead zerg for 4-6 hours max per gift, spread over however many days or day you want, you dont even need to 'win' fights or know what the hec is happening, just do some damage or healing randomly, be a free body bag and just keep that timer up.

I suppose if you want to lessen the sting of doing a game mode one might not enjoy, a suggestion could be to reward two at a time like Gift of Exploration. You used to be able to purchase GoB for 500 medals of honor too, but rip to that I guess.

I dont really agree with the idea of changing its acquisition, because that same mentality could be applied to all Gifts or even the Legies themselves, but I understand the frustration. 

Edited by Switish.9417
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