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Wvw Balance. What needs buffs?


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Hi. 🤗

What do you think needs buffs? 

I want Tempest to be a viable option again as a support. 

Ventari/Glint Rev as a heal support definitely needs major help. 

Ele staff needs some love 

I would love to see more viable support builds in Wvw. Especially the healer typ. 

4y of Firebrand/Scrapper gets really boring. 





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I think the path towards having more supports in WvW passes through nerfing Firebrand's stability/aegis and Scrapper cleansing/healing. Or make those classes you want as OP as they are.

Outside zergs I don't know what needs buffs, but for sure I know Celestial needs a huge nerf, or at least undo the previous buff.

PS. Elementalist is already an amazing support in small scale.

Edited by Telgum.6071
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I have one or two in this category...


Walls and Doors need a buff, specifically inner walls and doors should be tougher than outer ones.

This will help fights to happen inside structures, one of Raymond's stated aims:

"time to entry is something that we're really trying to adjust because we think the fun is trying to push back the attack and then once everyone's inside and able to fight, that's where a lot of the fun begins" - 43 mins into this video... https://twitch.tv/videos/402656725


Static siege (cannons, mortars, oil) should scale like Lords do (i.e. tougher and better damage when larger enemy groups are nearby). The Hardened Siege guild improvement (from HoT) is garbage because the other thing that competes for the slot is infinitely better (Iron Guards).

This siege is sparse in it's distribution, can be destroyed for a fairly long period, and is difficult to rebuild so making it powerful should not ruin the game. To clarify, this is not a request to change the way it works or how easy it is to rebuild. Those things are fine and devs should not waste time changing them. Please stop looking for obtuse ways to "fix" things, or focus players on fighting. Doing the dogsbody jobs in WvW is part of the mode, we don't need orange dots everywhere, keeps that repair themselves and other automatic stuff that's been added.


This change is to help small groups to capture things (because it would scale down appropriately), which they struggle with in comparison with larger groups.


I also advocate the removal of Shield Generators. It's bullkitten and helps big groups vs small ones way-hay-hay too much.

Edited by Svarty.8019
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I think the biggest thing to 'buff' is the workability of core classes across the board. But because of game design that's not so simple as just 'buff core'

I think the easiest of those to do would be guardian, thief, warrior, and necro (though core necro is in a decent spot) since all those classes specs 'change' their class their mechanic. Thief doesn't have a lot to work with. I think guardians core virtues have been left in the dust though some of that is FBs virtues just being bananas. Warrior just needs some adjustments to make the t2/t3 burst skills more emphasized so spellbreaker isn't over there getting everything it wants from things like arcing slice and has full counter too. Necro... Necro might be okay though a slight projectile speed buff on shroud 1 would be nice.

Elementalist, Ranger, and Engineer need some sort of major redesign.

Mesmer and revenant are in a weird spot that doesn't need a redesign but needs more than basic changes on available skills. Likely some trait rebalancing to make 3 core trait lines competitive.

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The easiest way to do balance is to look what's underused and halve the cooldown on it.

If it's overused double the cooldown.

Repeat until balanced.

Also, delete thief. Things with non-existant cooldowns should be ... non-existant.

Edited by Svarty.8019
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Ele should either be overhauled or just be given a flat +200 toughness+vitality increase. Stop laughing, I know; before anyone says that this would be problematic due to the amount of eles that *already* abuse tanky gear/earth&water traitline to become near-unkillable... Keep in mind no one would have to do that if ele wasn't mostly a downstate meme otherwise. A lot of eles feel forced to play tankier because if they don't everything will just 1-shot/2-shot them. You'd see a lot less cele abuse if ele wasn't insanely squishy to begin with.

No this isn't a perfect solution but I only have so much time in my day, can't draft a well thought out plan ATM. Just saying I'll take any buff for ele, it needs it.

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2 hours ago, Littlekenny.4196 said:

Nothing needs buffs, that's the problem that gave us all this power creep and boonspam. Things need nerfs, mostly scrapper.

Ok nerf everything except ele and warrior

Otherwise the problem just gets worse. Ele has been at the bottom of the ladder for a long time now

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* Scrapper ( super speed and barrier and grenade kit)

* Holo ( sustain and grenade kit)

* mechanist ( all signs and the mecha)

* bladesworn ( sustain - but don't nerf core warrior)

* big nerf to harbinger elite skill ( or remove it from the game)

Big nerf to harbinger shroud 1

*little nerf to vindicator sustain ( reduce heal and barrier gain on dodge)




Edited by bluberblasen.9684
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elementalist- rock solid in earth: 3 stacks of stability for 8s, increase radius to 600. Add a 10s cd so weavers can't abuse it
tempest- harmonious conduit: Increase stability to 2 stacks for 4s, apply to allies in a 360 radius

catalyst- staunch allies: grant 2 stacks of stability for 5s to allies when you grant them an aura


warrior- make soldier's comfort in tactics baseline, add a trait in its place that causes shouts to grant 2 stacks of stability for 5s to affected allies


ranger- protect me: remove barrier, now grants 3 stacks of stability for 8s to affected allies

druid- verdant etching: remove the seeds of life effect, glyphs now grant 2 stacks of stability for 5s in a 360 radius


engineer- remove takedown round in tools, add a trait that grants 2 stacks of stability for 5s in a 360 radius on using a toolbelt skill

mechanist- Crisis mode: The mech targets the area around the player with this effect.


mesmer- mantra of concentration: increase stability duration to 8s, 360 radius


firebrand- mantra of liberation: reduced to 2 ammo


Edited by RisenHowl.2419
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33 minutes ago, bluberblasen.9684 said:


* Scrapper ( super speed and barrier and grenade kit)

* Holo ( sustain and grenade kit)

* mechanist ( all signs and the mecha)

* bladesworn ( sustain - but don't nerf core warrior)

* big nerf to harbinger elite skill ( or remove it from the game)

Big nerf to harbinger shroud 1

*little nerf to vindicator sustain ( reduce heal and barrier gain on dodge)




Nothing wrong with Holosmith sustain.

Also what's wrong with the Mech spec? didn't know it needed a nerf.

Edited by SleepyBat.9034
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16 minutes ago, RisenHowl.2419 said:

elementalist- rock solid in earth: 3 stacks of stability for 8s, increase radius to 600. Add a 10s cd so weavers can't abuse it
tempest- harmonious conduit: Increase stability to 3 stacks for 4s, apply to allies in a 360 radius

catalyst- staunch allies: grant 2 stacks of stability for 5s to allies when you grant them an aura


warrior- make soldier's comfort in tactics baseline, add a trait in its place that causes shouts to grant 2 stacks of stability for 5s to affected allies


ranger- protect me: remove barrier, now grants 3 stacks of stability for 8s to affected allies

druid- verdant etching: remove the seeds of life effect, glyphs now grant 2 stacks of stability for 5s in a 360 radius


engineer- remove takedown round in tools, add a trait that grants 2 stacks of stability for 5s in a 360 radius on using a toolbelt skill

mechanist- Crisis mode: The mech targets the area around the player with this effect.


mesmer- mantra of concentration: increase stability duration to 8s, 360 radius


firebrand- mantra of liberation: reduced to 2 ammo


Stop right there friend, what's this insane stability creep??

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4 hours ago, God.2708 said:

I think the biggest thing to 'buff' is the workability of core classes across the board. But because of game design that's not so simple as just 'buff core'

I think the easiest of those to do would be guardian, thief, warrior, and necro (though core necro is in a decent spot) since all those classes specs 'change' their class their mechanic. Thief doesn't have a lot to work with. I think guardians core virtues have been left in the dust though some of that is FBs virtues just being bananas. Warrior just needs some adjustments to make the t2/t3 burst skills more emphasized so spellbreaker isn't over there getting everything it wants from things like arcing slice and has full counter too. Necro... Necro might be okay though a slight projectile speed buff on shroud 1 would be nice.

Elementalist, Ranger, and Engineer need some sort of major redesign.

Mesmer and revenant are in a weird spot that doesn't need a redesign but needs more than basic changes on available skills. Likely some trait rebalancing to make 3 core trait lines competitive.

I wonder if there was a way to sort of ‘link’ core trait line stats so that if all three trait lines were chosen instead of an elite spec, they would provide each other another slight buff, but that wouldn’t work with only two selected.  

That was core gets a buff without intrinsically buffing the elites.

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1 minute ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

I wonder if there was a way to sort of ‘link’ core trait line stats so that if all three trait lines were chosen instead of an elite spec, they would provide each other another slight buff, but that wouldn’t work with only two selected.  

That was core gets a buff without intrinsically buffing the elites.

They did something like that for Scourge, Path of Corruption only corrupts one boon when you run Curses on Scourge, but on any other elite spec or core it is two boons.

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Implement pet stow for core ranger/druid/"unleash ranger" untamed so we don't need to kick ranger mains for the 11th year in a row.

Improve astral force generation (hasn't been changed since Feb 2020) so druid isn't meme as a support.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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5 hours ago, Svarty.8019 said:

The easiest way to do balance is to look what's underused and halve the cooldown on it.

If it's overused double the cooldown.

Repeat until balanced.

Also, delete thief. Things with non-existant cooldowns should be ... non-existant.


This is thiefs class mechanic and of course he has CD -> Initiative which is in fact a Global CD System.

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Well, I bet nobody will agree with this one.

Buff traps and tricks.

Arrow carts need to be buffed, as they just don't do anything anymore.

Entering and exiting a golem needs to have a cooldown, also increased cooldown if your golem is destroyed.

Tactivators should be rebalanced. Some are useless, and are almost trolling your server if you pick them.

Nerf concentration, only in WvW.

Nerf all remaining instant res skills.

Reduce downstate health to match the 2020 damage nerfs.

Reduce Reward Track time by 50% but make participation decay faster. Now WvW players will be able to make like 7.5g/hour! (10-15 with boosters). Wait, that's still crap, but whatever.

Participation does not decay when you're in combat with an enemy. So if you want to keep up participation, go fight someone or at least attack something.

Gift of Battle track should give 2 to make people shut up

You should be able to vendor GoBs for 5g each.

Delete the Grandmaster Mark system entirely. Allow players to redeem existing ones with t7 refined materials. Instead of marks, reward players with Deldrimor/Spiritwood/Damask/ascended recipe books

Revert participation nerf for hitting structures with siege.

Gimme a warturtle (water only), and fishing.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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2 hours ago, RisenHowl.2419 said:

elementalist- rock solid in earth: 3 stacks of stability for 8s, increase radius to 600. Add a 10s cd so weavers can't abuse it
tempest- harmonious conduit: Increase stability to 3 stacks for 4s, apply to allies in a 360 radius

catalyst- staunch allies: grant 2 stacks of stability for 5s to allies when you grant them an aura


warrior- make soldier's comfort in tactics baseline, add a trait in its place that causes shouts to grant 2 stacks of stability for 5s to affected allies


ranger- protect me: remove barrier, now grants 3 stacks of stability for 8s to affected allies

druid- verdant etching: remove the seeds of life effect, glyphs now grant 2 stacks of stability for 5s in a 360 radius


engineer- remove takedown round in tools, add a trait that grants 2 stacks of stability for 5s in a 360 radius on using a toolbelt skill

mechanist- Crisis mode: The mech targets the area around the player with this effect.


mesmer- mantra of concentration: increase stability duration to 8s, 360 radius


firebrand- mantra of liberation: reduced to 2 ammo


Might as well remove cc from the game ...

No thanks.

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18 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Well, I bet nobody will agree with this one.

Buff traps and tricks.

Arrow carts need to be buffed, as they just don't do anything anymore.

Entering and exiting a golem needs to have a cooldown, also increased cooldown if your golem is destroyed.

Tactivators should be rebalanced. Some are useless, and are almost trolling your server if you pick them.

Nerf concentration, only in WvW.

Nerf all remaining instant res skills.

Reduce downstate health to match the 2020 damage nerfs.

Reduce Reward Track time by 50% but make participation decay faster. Now WvW players will be able to make like 7.5g/hour! (10-15 with boosters). Wait, that's still crap, but whatever.

Participation does not decay when you're in combat with an enemy. So if you want to keep up participation, go fight someone or at least attack something.

Gift of Battle track should give 2 to make people shut up


This all sounds good to me.


18 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

You should be able to vendor GoBs for 5g each.

Delete the Grandmaster Mark system entirely. Allow players to redeem existing ones with t7 refined materials. Instead of marks, reward players with Deldrimor/Spiritwood/Damask/ascended recipe books

Revert participation nerf for hitting structures with siege.

Gimme a warturtle (water only), and fishing.

GoB for 5g ehhh would be cool, I got like 70 in the bank somewhere, but anet would never.


About the grandmaster stuff, not looking deep into this, but looking at the wiki most of the ascended stuff past core are not craftable, it's drops or vendor, and the vendor way is one of the major rewards they offer with the living story vendors, which I assume why they haven't made craftable recipes for at this point. So when you say change it to reward players with ascended recipes is that just for the core 3 stat sets? which we already have access to? or to every stat combination in the game which we don't have too? Also wutdo with the shards from skirmish rewards? just take out and replace with nothing?


Turtle and fishing, don't care, didn't get expansion, wouldn't get it for those anyways.

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17 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

About the grandmaster stuff, not looking deep into this, but looking at the wiki most of the ascended stuff past core are not craftable, it's drops or vendor, and the vendor way is one of the major rewards they offer with the living story vendors, which I assume why they haven't made craftable recipes for at this point. So when you say change it to reward players with ascended recipes is that just for the core 3 stat sets? which we already have access to? or to every stat combination in the game which we don't have too?

Well, blame me for being just as shortsighted as some of these decisions. xD

I just want the marks cost removed completely so we just use heroics, tickets, and gold to buy the ascended weapons and armor. Tickets are already timegated, there's no point in adding even more. As is, tickets have very little use for WvW players that don't care about legendaries or already have them.

I also think we should be able to get expansion recipes. This could incentivize some people to do wvw too. There are a few things easier to get in WvW, like hero points.

I guess the shards could be redeemed for Marks, and then the Marks could be redeemed for the t7 mats. (I want to retire the marks entirely, and allow people to convert whatever they have left to make real ascended.

The shards themselves would have t7 mats in its place like Damask/Deldrimor/Spiritwood. Or if they feel it is too much, just the timegated components.

17 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Turtle and fishing, don't care, didn't get expansion, wouldn't get it for those anyways.

More of a joke, but there should at least be some reason to buy an expansion besides elite specs.



(forum broke here, ignore this quote)

17 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Keeping a blob-oriented balance in mind:


- Damaging conditions have been useless for a while and could use a small buff for all classes (maybe buff AoE skills that would not be used in roaming).


- Support tempests and warrior got hit by the 10-target nerf and got nothing in return, there is still no reason not to pick a scrapper as 2nd support.


- EoD classes all suck in wvw, Power Virtuoso in particular needs a buff to become viable when compared to power guard-dh/scourge/herald-vindicator (maybe buff its AoE non-projectile utilities and give it an off-hand weapon that can be good in gvg/blob situations).



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