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Griffon mount coming to WoW

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58 minutes ago, Haishao.6851 said:

GW2 mounts are obviously stolen from Ragnarok Online





Roller beetle



Siege Turtle


There seems to be some confusion regarding exactly what is being "stolen" here.  To be clear, WoW had mounts long before GW2 did.  What they're specifically adding in their next expansion are movement physics to make their mounts move more realistically and have some actual gameplay to them, where before they were simply cosmetic movement speed boosts. 

When you look at the video of this gameplay right away you see a WoW dragon mount use the exact same animation the skyscale uses, folding its wings and quickly spiraling forward.   Next they show a dragon mount diving from a cliff and then leveling out into a high-speed glide, exactly like a griffon.  They also show one lifting off from the ground, looking conspicuously similar to a skyscale.

I'm not saying there's any legal issue here.  It's just very conspicuous how every single thing they showed looks exactly like the skyscale and griffon from GW2.  Listening to the WoW devs talk about all the work that went into developing this is kinda funny because it almost looks like they just played GW2 and said "Alright, boys.  How can we make this happen in WoW?"

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38 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Blizzard has never been known for being particularly innovative in design. They have always made their money polishing and refining other company's ideas.
If this kind of stealing were in any way frowned upon to the point of "not being supposed to do it" the company and it's best games would, quite simply not exists. Diablo, Warcfraft, World of Warcraft, Hearthsone, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch have always been good games, not based on how they innovated, but instead by making other designer's ideas better.
The company has not made a truly original game since The Lost Vikings.

Or should we stop recognizing the Half-Life series and say that Valve should not have been allowed to "steal" and go back to playing the original Wolfenstien?

Don't be a Stan.

I don't think that's the issue here.  Game rules/mechanics can't be copyrighted afaik unlike artwork.

Edit:  Also I think the OP did a poor job of explaining the matter.  It's not the mount concept or the fact that it's a griffon type creature that's the issue.  Just go look at the video of how the WoW mount moves.  Anyone with a Skyscale will immediately recognize the animation.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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2 hours ago, Kaliwenda.3428 said:

They have one called a Gryphon, I had it when I was playing.  I think the one I had was a reputation mount.  I really wanted it and ran tons of dailies to get it.  Used it all the time!

And it was character-bound not account-bound >.<

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23 minutes ago, Nazarick.9653 said:

And while we're on the subject, did anyone not notice that the name of one particular zone in Kryta is literally a mashup of two zone names from WoW?

I take it you mean Harathi Hinterlands?

Hinterlands literally means 'lands behind', it's a somewhat old-fasioned real life term for anywhere considered distant or hard to reach, sometimes (but not always) prefaced with what it's behind. In this case that's the Harathi centaur tribe. It's unsurprisingly used in a lot of fiction, including several games.

I'm not sure what the origins of Arathi or Harathi are. Neither game's Wikis give any explaination for the names but a Google search tells me both have several real-life meanings including Indian girls names (variations on the same name), a Hindu ritual, an orthadox Christian movement and a curry recipe. My best guess is both are inspired by the girls names (it's not exactly unusual for developers to name stuff after people they know).

4 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

I don't think that's the issue here.  Game rules/mechanics can't be copyrighted afaik unlike artwork.


I don't think they can be copyrighted, but you can take out a patent on them.

I only know that because Nintendo did it last year for 3 mechanics which will presumably be in Breath of the Wild 2 and it got a lot of press (because it was the first info on the game in a while).

I'm not sure what the criteria are for something to be original enough to qualify, or how similar other versions which come later could be, but apparently if a game company does want to protect their mechanics from being copied the option is there.

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14 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Edit:  Also I think the OP did a poor job of explaining the matter.  It's not the mount concept or the fact that it's a griffon type creature that's the issue.  Just go look at the video of how the WoW mount moves.  Anyone with a Skyscale will immediately recognize the animation.

Part of the confusion is that the new WoW expansion has only just been announced and unless you're following the news on that game you may not have heard of it, or not heard anything except the name.

When I first read this topic I understood after a few replies that it was specifically about the mechanics and not the type of animal used, but I didn't yet know about the new expansion, so I wasn't sure if this was something already in WoW which the OP had just discovered or something coming soon, or what to search for to find more information. After a few goes with things like "WoW mount physics" "new flying mount WoW" and "GW2 mount in WoW" I found a topic much like this one on a WoW forum which mentioned the new expansion by name and from there I was able to find out more. But it's that old problem of people assuming everyone else has played and knows all about all the same games they do.

Even so I haven't found a video of the new animations, just a trailer for the expansion which seemed to be all cut scene footage.

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30 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Even so I haven't found a video of the new animations, just a trailer for the expansion which seemed to be all cut scene footage.

Another poster provided a link to it earlier.  It's in the video of the WoW devs talking about it.  They show what appears to be gameplay.

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Developing different styles of mounts in MMO's isn't a new concept and certainly not one GW2 owns or even pioneered, although I think the general consensus is that GW2 has implemented them very well.


I played Everquest II before GW2, they had ground mounts from launch and added three different types of mounts in a later expansion - leaping, gliding and flying. Sound familiar? - this was all before GW2 had even launched. 

I am sure there are other examples out there, if you are going to expand mounts in an MMO there are only so many things you are going to want to do with them mechanically, so development will follow similar paths.

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52 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Even so I haven't found a video of the new animations, just a trailer for the expansion which seemed to be all cut scene footage.


The animations for both roll (skyscale-like) and dive (griffon-like) look like an attempt to pretty much copy the ones from gw2 😄

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I don't think they can be copyrighted, but you can take out a patent on them.

I only know that because Nintendo did it last year for 3 mechanics which will presumably be in Breath of the Wild 2 and it got a lot of press (because it was the first info on the game in a while).

I'm not sure what the criteria are for something to be original enough to qualify, or how similar other versions which come later could be, but apparently if a game company does want to protect their mechanics from being copied the option is there.

Artwork is always copyrighted and by extension animation is a type of artwork, though maybe not computer game animation.  Not sure.  I assume you were referring to "game rules" though.  Just want to be clear on which part of what I wrote you were responding to.

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More games that use cool mount physics can only be a good thing and if WoW is doing that, that means it's more likely it'll become a trend. If devs couldn't transfer ideas from one game to another, a lot of them would be out of a job for lack of ideas when they change studios. MMOs have been copying WoW for years, just as WoW undoubtedly copied some MMOs that came before it and the first MMOs undoubtedly copied some concepts from MUDs, which probably copied some concepts from tabletop RPGs. In single player games, for example, KOTOR combat was basically a DnD ruleset.

Every time somebody patents mechanics, it's worse for video games. Like the history of mini games during loading screens where, IIRC, somebody patented it and so instead of loading screens becoming a ground for creativity, we have been stuck with dull wait times in every game.

Edited by Labjax.2465
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Just when i thought i cannot hate a game more then they do this... Stealing ideas from gw2. I hate world of warcraft its a garbage game. 


Gw2 and Arenanet should sue blizzard for this its unexceptable behaviour.


If Arenet dont sue blizzard its okay no one is going to play their "new" expansion by the way. Its garbage expansion looks terrible, copypasted maps from other expansion, copy pasted mobs reskin mounts. So boring.


World of warcraft is dead game no one cares about your new expansion

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36 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

Well, ESO has griffon mounts too but they can't fly. I wouldn't say it's stealing because it's a common fantasy concept like dragons and mages. 

It's not griffon, WoW is adding Dragons as mounts. What people complain about is the movement of the mount, you can dive and stuff.

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38 minutes ago, HonesltlyX.7164 said:

I distinctly remember flying around in a Griffon back in WoW Cata long before GW2 even existed.

wowcraft is stealing gw2 mount mechanic ideas for their new expansion cash grab. flying mount in wowcraft is boring its like a ground mount that can fly no difference at all lol 🤣 no mechanics so they stole gw2 idea


griffon in wowcraft and gw2 dont look the same btw

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This isnt the first thing thats been taken from GW2. Scaling and repeatable small scale open world events (world quests) off the top of my head. Blizz has been bleeding players so heavily to other games lately that its become common knowledge that wow is and always has been a frankensteins monster of other games. As said above blizz has never been innovative.

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There is a difference between Inspiration and Plagiarism. In some industry, it is very well defined; for example,  x number of exact wording/sentence/paragraph taken from another source without citation.

Of course here is not very well defined whether it is inspired from or plagiarized from, but same concept, same physics and same animation? I'm sorry, to me it borders on plagiarization.

Edited by phandaria.4891
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15 hours ago, Towatha.4671 said:

The new expansion was announced and it looks like they're stealing the griffon mount concept from gw2. 

Should WoW be able to 'steal' this idea and adopt it as their own? I'm guessing this idea wont just stop with the Griffon concept.

This is awesome(for me). Then Anet can steal, invincible reins, ashes of alar, sunnhide gronnling. And many more. 

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In all honesty, they probably won't pull it off. Blizzard likes to give players full control for flight. Instantly stopping and turning on a dime is something that I don't think they'll give up. It will probably just be a speed buff that accumulates on the dive.

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Any mmorpg similar to wow is beta testing content that blizzard could add to their own game.

Long ago arenanet abandoned what made gw1 so unique in order to adopt systems similar to world of warcraft. A risky thing to do to a franchise because it puts it on such a well-treaded path that is surely full of bandits.

And the bandit king is blizzard.

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Blizzard been copying other game for a while now... 


Shadowlands came out, a year after shadowbringers (FFXIV), and they had the same similar home screen (where you login). Go compare them, you will see, it is literally the same...


Now Gw2 launches End of dragon.. and 2 month later they announe DRAGONflight... announces similar mount design, mount costumisation.... CLASS talent and SPEC talent (just like gw2 original professions hero point and ELITE SPEC hero points tree)


anyways... lets be real, WOW is on a decline like never before, while GW2 and FFXIV are having their best years.


i dont think dragonflight will do any good for wow, especially after all the stuff the company went through the past 2 years.


i personally stopped playing wow mid 2020, went on FFXIV for 6 month, and i been here on GW2 for a year now, and i just wish i wouldve tried that game sooner, such a gem!

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