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How the hell you are supposed to fight bladesworn ?


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While everyone is dodging, ccing, and applying conditions to the BS, you just got the node decapped. Play with the BS 1v1 could result in him capping the node himself. 

Only a few classes can actually 1v1 a BS without negatively contributing to their team. A good BS is beneficial in so many areas on the map...that's why they're the most OP class in the game rn.

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9 hours ago, Luna.6203 said:

From support perspective i can see them charging their attack but there is nothing i can do. They just land their deadly attack no matter what.

When you see the charge, immediately begin backing up as far as you can from the Bladesworn to grant yourself a longer amount of time to be able to react to the animation as it travels to you.

Always dodge roll forward into the Bladesworn and you won't get hit by the buggy elongated/large hitbox.

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Among all these useless "suggestions" the worst one is - "play dps mesmer/chrono"  🤡.

What actually can ruin bswn day - tons of weakness, condi spam that can overwhelm charges of "shake it off" but have sustain to live long enough to actually kill him, perma protection+tons of projectile hate (and you must have very good sustain) -> tempest/cata

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8 hours ago, Lysico.4906 said:

Op    Play a bs in pvp for a few matches.   Understanding the class is key to fighting it

I have no clue how this post is receiving negative feedback!

Play Bladesworn for a few matches. Till you got a feeling for DT.

If you fight one always think to yourself:  When would I release this Dragontrigger? Sounds odd... but you kind of have to predict the DT or try and bait your opponent into using it.

For example,

if you see him charge it and you have 2 dodge. Dodge once, and you can be almost 100% sure that the Bsw will try and hit the DT right at the end of your first dodge, then you just dodge again or us a invuln or evadeframeskill.

You see him charge DT? use a invulnframe and stick it right to the end, almost every Bsw will try and land the DT right at the end of this frame.... so you dodge right after your invuln/evadeframe.


PLAY THE MIND GAME!   "when would I release the DT" is probably the best tip here.


Also projectiledenial and Roots completly mess with a Bsw. You see him charge DT? hit him once to get rid of the Aegis and then root him.

I am playing Tempest and specter. Tempest can win the matchup cuz of projectiledenial, and specter will win because of the Rootspam. A rooted Bsw cant YEEEET at you 😉


Edited by Sahne.6950
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Torment deals extra damage against enemies not moving and poison reduces healing so I suggest playing specter or harb

If you want to avoid dt I suggest moving away. Seems no brainer but if you move away they have to use dt(reach) instead of dt(force) and dt(reach) does significantly less damage

Edited by Infinity.2876
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11 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

just dodge the dragon slash, the rest of the skills you can face tank it with your trillion block/blind/weakness w/e.

right? You can easily facetank 2x 4k throw axe, 3x 3k artillery slash, 2x 4k cyclone trigger. ThEy ARe SoOoOo TaNkAnBlE.

Edited by Eugchriss.2046
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6 minutes ago, Eugchriss.2046 said:

right? You can easily facetank 2x 4k throw axe, 3x 3k artillery slash, 2x 4k cyclone trigger. ThEy ARe SoOoOo TaNkAnBlE.

just apply weakness and it's all gone.

every single meta class right now does more damage pressure then bladesworn other then support.

if you are dieing to  bladesworn as support, then others must be deleting you.

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anyone saying "dodge the dragon slash" is forgetting that Dragon Slash is bugged and can be fired off 2x as much as its intended to.

No charging Dragon Slash in 1v1s is strictly better, its not nearly as reactively dodgable and you get the per cast bonuses way more. More interrupts, more endurance. Some classes aren't going to be able to sustain through what in reality is the pitiful damage that a no charge Slash does, but thats the state of a spec like Virt where all of its sustain is through mitigation, and it has no answers to that at all.

No charge Dragon Slashing is a tax. It taxes the enemies resources until theyre out of answers to the rest of your kit and die to all the rest of your kit. Most specs cant deal with this, even many of the better specs can't. 

No one is (or should be) complaining about Dragon Slash when its not being bugged. Then the "just dodge" argument is pretty fair TBH.

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18 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

just apply weakness and it's all gone.

every single meta class right now does more damage pressure then bladesworn other then support.

if you are dieing to  bladesworn as support, then others must be deleting you.


This is exactly the untruth i was talking about. Even though many professions got better burst. Yes! You can block it, dodge it, you can kite them, los them, reflect projectiles. As support you have tons of these. Your whole toughness come from these its not that u are passively thought not at all. Look if i were stading in middle of point in lets say 4v4 mid fight i would be deleted instatly. But take advantages of obstacles like pillars and boxes - hide behind them, jump on them. height difference can competly nullify capacity of hiting you. And just expose yourself for brief moment to support allies.


For example look at bell at revenge of capricorn. Its small platform with boxes on side. U are completely fine to take fight 4v4 thanks to that boxes. exept bladesworn they hit you through boxes in fact they hit you everywhere near that point. there is no place to hide. you can take open space on one side (other than stairs) but there you expose yourself to all attackes.you dont want to do that either.

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I've seen many weird takes on the forum in general and this thread in particular. I may even be responsible for some of these takes, I don't deny it. But people suggesting to actually use chronomancer and CC against bladesworn are really something else.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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9 minutes ago, Luna.6203 said:


This is exactly the untruth i was talking about. Even though many professions got better burst. Yes! You can block it, dodge it, you can kite them, los them, reflect projectiles. As support you have tons of these. Your whole toughness come from these its not that u are passively thought not at all. Look if i were stading in middle of point in lets say 4v4 mid fight i would be deleted instatly. But take advantages of obstacles like pillars and boxes - hide behind them, jump on them. height difference can competly nullify capacity of hiting you. And just expose yourself for brief moment to support allies.


For example look at bell at revenge of capricorn. Its small platform with boxes on side. U are completely fine to take fight 4v4 thanks to that boxes. exept bladesworn they hit you through boxes in fact they hit you everywhere near that point. there is no place to hide. you can take open space on one side (other than stairs) but there you expose yourself to all attackes.you dont want to do that either.

everything he listed can he blocked los kited, except dragon slash which he did not include in his list, so you guys are not talking about the same thing.

he's saying that he can not take anything at all from bladesworn excluding dragon slashing which is easily dodgeable

i can not give constructive opinion when both of you are giving different parameters that contradict each other

Edited by Lighter.5631
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2 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

It's game design. Some professions/specs counter others.
You want to give Bladesworn a run for his money as support? Play a scourge.
If you want to discard your humanity completely just slot corrupt boon. He goes into stance (stab) you corrupt it into fear and laugh your kitten off.

This is the way.

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lots of weakness, low cds to apply it > long duration


i know its a meme but energy sigils and remeber to dodge into their slash, not away from it, also their stab is gone after 3s so a low cast time daze right after it ends screws them over, when the enter dragon stance my fingers are already covering dodge/quick cast daze abilities


you need reflects to shut down their gunblade, 90% of its dmge is projectiles 


its challenging as kitten,l for most builds but ele and untamed (with weakness/prot trait) are kinda hard counters since weakness, vigor, and dazes are so accessible 

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19 hours ago, Eugchriss.2046 said:

....and what do they need to keep in track for them to kill me? I'm pretty sure the list is shorter.

This is so true. Relative effort in fights isn't often considered. Anet's taking that route with PvE now, apparently, moving away from balance based around theoretical optimal play.

22 hours ago, GeneralBM.5781 said:

>Continuous poison

>Space yourself when you know they'll have DT up soon

>Dodge their DT the right way (the side or forwards)

>Time your dodge with the blast, not the slash

>PLEASE don't flinch when they use Flicker Step

>Keep track of their Tactical Reload

>Count their Stunbreaks/Prepare 2 CCs

>Save your defensive mechanics (projectile reflect, projectile block, block, blind, etc) for after they use DT to cover Blooming Fire/Artillery Fire/etc

Guaranteed, if you put people like this in a situation where they need to track 5+ things at once, while also managing their own character, they would often fail. It gets even crazier in group fights. That's not to say this advice is wrong, it's just unrealistic for many people. I'd wager 90% of PvPers don't even watch their minimap to track rotations.

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17 hours ago, oatsnjuices.1698 said:

 calylist with circles of destruction that are as wide as the computer screen.

Wha-- The Jade Sphere?

The only thing those spheres destroy is your sanity when you drop 3 of them on top of someone and watch them collectively tick for 24 damag-- hold on, you said wide circles. 

As in traited "You deal 10% less damage omegalul" circles. 

Let me just run some quick maths... ... 21 damage. 3 spheres tick for 21 damage. 

Much destruction. WoW. Such power. This meme is as dead as my patience as I sit here waiting for spheres to tickle someone to death. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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In addition to what Lan and IBM have said, as well as the point Grim made that you should acknowledge Blade is leveraging a handful of bugs that massively improve its effectiveness, another good tip is to change elevation if possible. 

Try to get above the bladesworn. Even a small elevation change can cause dragon trigger to miss, since it maps as a flat line on the ground. When you kite a blade, use vertical kite spots (boxes at bell, pillars in coliseum, etc.).

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7 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

just apply weakness and it's all gone.

every single meta class right now does more damage pressure then bladesworn other then support.

if you are dieing to  bladesworn as support, then others must be deleting you.

In my personal experience of this forum, every time an "advice" starts with "JUST do X", it's 100% cope. It litteraly translates to "I know you re right, but I'm not going to admit it. "

You are making the same mistake almost every one including Anet does. Meta is not about having the most damage pressure, it's about having the best ratio between damage output and sustain. If meta was all about damage, Berzerker and power chrono would be S+ tier

Edited by Eugchriss.2046
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11 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

It's game design. Some professions/specs counter others.
You want to give Bladesworn a run for his money as support? Play a scourge.
If you want to discard your humanity completely just slot corrupt boon. He goes into stance (stab) you corrupt it into fear and laugh your kitten off.

I'd say all the bugs carrying Bladesworn right now are hardly game design. It's just incompetence.

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On 8/18/2022 at 7:35 PM, felix.2386 said:

run pure glass and delete them and snowball.

bs in ranked is not bs in competitive with proper teammate.

i just run power chrono and delete them in 3 seconds with one well casted CC chain.

bs also struggles against a well played dh

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On 8/18/2022 at 9:00 PM, Luna.6203 said:

From support perspective i can see them charging their attack but there is nothing i can do. They just land their deadly attack no matter what.

You cant block - even weapon block doesnt work
You cant dodge/evade
You cant blind
You cant hide - it hits you behind pillar, boxes any obstacle with large margin.
You cant kite them/stop them with staff 5.

You cant really do anything. Everything mace block/sword blind, shield aegis, staff barrier, virtue, vigor and sigil of energy. utilities like advance! 100% ignore.. What the #%@! am i supposed to do ? Gw2 always been about dodges, blocks and other counter abilities, positioning and using terrain obstacles to your advantage. This profession ignores it all. I just dont get it... why this even exist ?!

Corrupt their boons, troll them hard

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You wait for the inevitable nerfs, then stomp them once the shout spam is not making them immortal (and the spec folds on itself).

Personally I find them very boring to fight, but still way better than condi bunkers or vindi bunker at eod release. At least the "just dodge" tip actually applies.

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