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What are you looking forward to the most in SotO?

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There's been far too much negativity in these forums lately, let's try to balance that out by talking about the thing we're excited and happy about the new expansion!

For one, the new reward system sounds really cool to me, especially the part about how we'll be able to earn some thing that were previously gen-store exclusive in-game. At least 2 mount skins have been confirmed, 1 each for Skyscale and Griffin.

New masteries, always a treat, seems like they're adding mounted combat, which I haven't seen any MMOs really do yet, and flying mounts being able to use updrafts will make griffin flying even more fun (I hope SotO zones will have new Griffin and Skyscale adventures to really put these tot he test.\

New Legendary Armor. The medium set would be perfect for my thief! and no trenchcoats!

New weapons for each class! Warrior getting Staff, will Heal Warrior finally be more than just a meme?

I for one am super hyped for SotO and already have it pre-purchased on Steam. Who else is hyped?

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  • As a GW1 player, finally figuring out what the deal with the Wizard's Tower is since that one quest in Prophecies
  • Skywatch Archipelago sounds really interesting and fun with the multiple alternate universes interacting with each other (I loved that aspect of Jahai)
  • Zojja
  • The Kryptis designs look awesome
  • The Heart of the Obscure mastery sounds fun and I'm optimistic it will bring useful new mechanics.
Edited by Poormany.4507
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I am excited for pretty much all of it, but I think what's got me the most psyched is the legendary armor.  It looks wonderful (at least in the concept paintings, I know it'll be clunkier and stiffer in game, and we don't yet know how it'll animate) and I have hopes I'll actually finally get some armor.

edit: I was typing in a hurry before, as the Treasure Hunt was about to start.  I am also looking forward to dual sword necromancer.  I would have generally been looking forward to the elite weapons going baseline, and still am to some extent, but the beta showed that it can be hard to disentangle them from the elite mechanics and utilities so some of the combinations are clunky.  The new skyscale options look great (I got mine old-school while it was still massively time gated and had to grind out the map currencies and I'm -fine- with new people getting theirs more easily, but also fine with getting slightly better mastery skills for doing it both ways).

Edited by Donari.5237
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I'm looking forward to losing my 6th set bonuses on all my legendary runes!😁

In all seriousness, I'm at least still kinda interested in the story/lore and new skins.

Bit hesitant to think about legendaries for now at least. I was excited about the elite spec weapons being unlocked but now I'm somewhat indifferent about it.

Wasn't keen on only mainhand pistol for ele, but that doesn't come at launch and as we have no information about skills yet it'stoo early to make any judgement about it.

Edited by Serephen.3420
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Open world legendary armors.

I got some legendary trinkets and legendary chest pieces for each of the 3 armor types from wvw and pvp, which was enough for me to know that I absolutely hate these two modes in this game. There is no way in hell I’m ever completing the armor sets through these modes, nor do I have any interest in committing myself to a group for raids.

Depending on the process for the open world legendary armors, I may buy the next expansion and return to GW2 (I don’t own EoD, nor am I playing right now).

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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Going somewhere completely new which hasn't been featured in GW2 or GW1 before. (I'm hoping it will include new parts of Tyria and not just the Mists.) Also finally finding out what's going on with the Wizard's Tower. According to the GW1 Wiki The Villainy of Galrath - where you have to stop him getting into the Wizard's Tower - was one of the first quests created, so this mystery is nearly as old as the franchise itself.

I'm also interested in the new reward system. It sounds similar to Elder Scrolls Online's endeavours, which I've found surprisingly enjoyable for something that was only implemented to comply with Microsoft's loot box policy. Being able to choose the rewards will be nice, there's things from the login rewards I often want more of and others I rarely or never want. I won't be able to do the achievements every day and will miss some entire weeks as well, so I'll probably have to pick things to prioritise but I'm used to that. I really like that the rewards won't be removed so if there's something I really want I can keep working towards it even if I'm away a lot when it's added.

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New raids. They said strikes were meant to be a ladder so people could get easier into raids, now we have that ladder completely stabilized, it's time to start giving the players more extra lore like the first 4 raid wings.

Edited by Renegated.4132
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  • More story mostly, with the wizard tower in Kessex hills finally revealed it seems great. (I remember looking at that early in GW2 release and thinking what a missed opportunity it was).
  • Zojja, As an Asura main this is great news.
  • New gears and weapons.. Hopefully back to GW2 release style loots would be awesome.
  • New ways to use my weapons and specs would be good.
  • Just ways to casually acquire a legendary Armor set in open world.. Without being forced into hardcore modes i don't enjoy.


16 hours ago, Renegated.4132 said:

New raids. They said strikes were meant to be a ladder so people could get easier into raids, now we have that ladder completely stabilized, it's time to start giving the players more extra lore like the first 4 raid wings.

Personally found strikes just as hard as raids myself...

Edited by Dante.1508
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The thing I'm most looking forward to? Probably all the forum whiners finally shutting up about getting their OW legendary armor.

You know, until they start to complain it takes "too much time" or "too much grinding" or something.


For my real answer though, the talk of these maps in the 'skies over Tyria' make the griffon enjoyer in me cautiously excited. More high altitude places for Griffon zoomies sounds fantastic. I just hope the new flying masteries don't totally ruin stunt flying.

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