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SotO Is so good and People need to stop complaining

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It's the same thing every expac. People get hype, buy it, play it, and then when things change they cry. "Oh I don't like it its new and it ruins the game". No, nothing they've done has ruined the game. Your builds aren't all special anymore? Ooof I guess? I also worked hundreds of hours on builds. I'll work on them some more to see what works! Dailies changed? Who cares? The new system is cool, I like it, and it doesn't feel bad. So many people mad about changes THEY TOLD US ABOUT. They told us and y'all are mad? SotO is SO GOOD. EoD was SO GOOD. Why can't people play the game without complaining about every last thing. Every expac I have to block SO many people. Because instead of letting us enjoy the game, SOME are determined to ram into our brains that Anet is bad and its all garbage. AGREE TO DISAGREE. It's been amazing and I can't wait to see what comes next. Shush haters. Let Anet pump out more garbage if thats what this is because I'm loving it all 😄
Thank you Anet for your hard work and dedication to this game. For some of us, we see you and that love. I feel bad for those who worked on it, who were excited about it and now are seeing the hate. PLEASE see this message from me as a love letter if you would and know that there are those who love this game and play it too. 

Edited by LolzImSquishy.4978
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There's a lot of hyperbole. But behind it there are genuine concerns. It's the internet, people go over the top. Doesn't mean they aren't right either

So, no people shouldn't stop complaining. But yes SoTo has some good stuff in it that risks being overlooked. I certainly approve of the message that there is some hard work and quality in the content side of things

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HoT was going to ruin the game with the gliders

PoF was ruining the game with mounts

IBS ruined the game because it was IBS

EoD was ruining the game with...(hmm what was the complaint about EoD again? :classic_unsure:)

Balance update: dd:mm:yy was what ruined the game

ANet just looked at the game one day and it got ruined then too,

Yeah i've heard it all before, the amount of times ANet has been accused of 'ruining the game'  it's always been over exacerbated and the reality is that people adapt and the drama dies down. I do think it is important for the players who enjoy the game and expansions to voice their praise amongst the criticism and I've seen a lot of people logged in playing the new content and i've had perfectly normal/sane conversations with them with the majority of the conversations praising the maps and mastery tracks. Personally, I enjoy the story the most but i'm having a blast with the new maps aswell!


(For the confused people out there, those were all arguments that were being made when each of those expansions were released. As for the balance updates and ANet looking at the game I am of course being a little over dramatic) 


Show some love and hit that :classic_huh:button :p

Edited by SouthPaw.9705
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People complain because they changed things, they don’t care that most of these changes are actually good and fun. They just hate change and that’s why they get angry and complain. You see this same behavior in real life as well, unfortunately. 

Edited by vares.8457
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37 minutes ago, LolzImSquishy.4978 said:

If they complain the way I've seen EVERYONE complain, and its really so bad and they are that mad, then go play another game? WoW has options for people 😄

Many actually did. Most of them quit the game silently so you just never hear their complaints. Those who complain are minority.

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34 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

People complain because they changed things, they don’t care that most of these changes are actually good and fun.

What did Anet change and how is that better or more fun? Can you give me some examples, because you sound like you know a lot that I don't.

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There does seem to be some hyperbole and I was part of it yesterday over the daily login rewards. I have some mild regrets about joining the bandwagon.

That said, they have also removed a lot of choice in the daily login rewards and that does limit the ways people can engage with the system, eg doing dailies with friends/family/guild mates, inability to occasionally decided to do a WvW or PvP daily (they are either fully on or you can't do them), and the daily system giving dailies out in expansions which are ahead of where the player is up to in the story (eg I'm only up to HoT, I'm not going to spoil the story by jumping ahead and visiting EoD or SOTO maps to do a daily there).

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People are complaining cause they tried to fix things that aren't broken and we ended up with something worse then before.

The new Dailies have a nice shop that allows you to earn items you normally can only get with gems, but is flawed in that you have a limited selection of 4 required tasks, before you had a choice of just doing one, two, or all three game modes for your daily, now you have to chose from doing just one, just two, or just three, you can still mix and match what you wanna do, but it's far more limited, you went from 9 tasks in all 3 modes total, to 4 overall, it removes agency on behalf of the player and people don't like that. You also cannot do dailies with others anymore, as they are randomized, gone are the days of having a laugh watching you and others try and fail at a jumping puzzle for the daily. 

Relics don't seem like a very good replacement for Tier 6 runes, instead of turning the Tier 6 runes into Relics so you could mix and match better, they now have new, more situational ones, Torment on dodge, using a healing skill grants bonuses, the pet runes are dead with no replacement. Again, this is taking away something from players they've had for years without a adequate replacement.

There's good things in the DLC too mind you, weapon master training will be interesting, I main Thief and I'm thinking of trying power Staff Specter and see how it works, new masteries are nice QoL for flyers. The new map is pretty, but I'm concerned the new story is gonna end up being crap, (can't be much worse then IBS tbh).

It's Anet taking things away that's what's getting to people, sure EoD isn't the best DLC and people rightfully did complain about it too, but iirc, it didn't take anything away, we just got new things, I use the Jade Bot Glide Booster every play session. EoD didn't take away features from the game that's been there for years and replace them with a half baked version.

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A lot of the complaints aren't even about Soto, but about system changes they added with soto release. People didn't even need to touch Soto yet -I didn't- and yet they are already affected by the changes.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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People need to stop having opinions on things about anything right now! Ignore the fact that I am also expressing an opinion!

In all seriousness though there are effective ways to express said opinions.

Whether you think SottO is good or bad. There is a big difference between saying "This expansion sucks because it sucks!" versus "I don't think relics helps resolve the issue of build diversity right now."

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I have no issues with people having opinions. I have a problem with the way they present them. There is constructive criticism and there is straight up bashing the developers and the game. Instead of hurling insults, why not hurl suggestions to other players as well the developers at large. I assure you that there was plenty of passion and heart put into this game. I see the people that hurl insults and are just basically badmouthing because they're behind a screen as kind of churlish. Yes, I realize the irony and no I don't care. I love the expansion and I don't regret pre-ordering. That's my two coppers. 

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5 minutes ago, Tsakhi.8124 said:

I have no issues with people having opinions. I have a problem with the way they present them. There is constructive criticism and there is straight up bashing the developers and the game. Instead of hurling insults, why not hurl suggestions to other players as well the developers at large.

Exactly what I was getting at.

Some people are saying they want blood and that people "should be fired for their stupidity." Which is insane.

No people should not lose their jobs and way of life because they chose to push a game you play down a particular direction. It's fine to have an opinion, but not to attack people and the content of their character because "I don't like it!"

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Things can have good and bad sides. Not that all of the criticism is nuanced and reasonable, but neither is saying "Everything is fine, stop whining.". Everything is not fine, nor is everything terrible. The truth lies somewhere in the middle as most of the times.

Edited by Omega.6801
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You're wrong, in this instance what they did was not good.. Its abysmal and it will tank the playerbase.

1 hour ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

Clearly, the original Guild Wars: Prophecies were the point where it all went south... 😔😔

Clearly they aren't the same developers.

Edited by Dante.1508
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4 hours ago, LolzImSquishy.4978 said:

It's the same thing every expac. People get hype, buy it, play it, and then when things change they cry. "Oh I don't like it its new and it ruins the game". No, nothing they've done has ruined the game. Your builds aren't all special anymore? Ooof I guess? I also worked hundreds of hours on builds. I'll work on them some more to see what works! Dailies changed? Who cares? The new system is cool, I like it, and it doesn't feel bad. So many people mad about changes THEY TOLD US ABOUT. They told us and y'all are mad? SotO is SO GOOD. EoD was SO GOOD. Why can't people play the game without complaining about every last thing. Every expac I have to block SO many people. Because instead of letting us enjoy the game, SOME are determined to ram into our brains that Anet is bad and its all garbage. AGREE TO DISAGREE. It's been amazing and I can't wait to see what comes next. Shush haters. Let Anet pump out more garbage if thats what this is because I'm loving it all 😄
Thank you Anet for your hard work and dedication to this game. For some of us, we see you and that love. I feel bad for those who worked on it, who were excited about it and now are seeing the hate. PLEASE see this message from me as a love letter if you would and know that there are those who love this game and play it too. 

So, is SotO good just because you said it is? I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend or upset you, but I have to break your illusions and reveal the truth – the world doesn't spin around your opinion. In fact, it's more like it's spinning your opinion around like a toy.

I'll put it this way – the xpac is partly good. But it has many shortcomings and blatantly bad mechanics IMO. Let everyone decide for themselves whether they like this expansion or any other, don't force your views on others.

For example, I don't like SotO overall, and I'll leave it as soon as I'm done with the skyscale mastery, I don't intend to do anything else there. As I've already stated above – the world has toyed with your opinion far and wide. Just as it has with mine and everyone else's here. Accept that and move on.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@LolzImSquishy.4978 I'm really glad you're enjoying SotO! I want to thank you for sharing that you like the expansion--the good feedback is necessary to hear so we know what people like and want more of, plus I'm gonna be real honest: It's fun to read. 🙂 

Criticism is absolutely needed as well though--it's part of how we keep making the game better and better--so I also want to thank those of you who are taking your time to constructively outline what you want to see improved, and let you know that I am continuing to read through a lot of feedback and pass it to various teams. I appreciate all of you who are contributing constructively! 

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Everyone has the right to express their opinion since everyone is not a collective mind and everyone has different perspectives like me, daily feedback, doing what I despise the most in the game, which is pvp (I have to close the channel where no one writes to me) thankfully until now I have not had to do raids to obtain the chest of the day or of the week f. I'd better go to the beach to rest

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5 hours ago, LolzImSquishy.4978 said:

So many people mad about changes THEY TOLD US ABOUT. They told us and y'all are mad? 

This is where many would disagree with you...they only gave us hints and teases of what was to come, so how can you say "they told us?"  If Anet did a better job of communicating in advance the details of what was coming, it wouldn't be such a shock, but they chose to keep things, well, secretive and obscure.  The picture of the Wizard's Vault they released last week did not give one the impression that you were locked into a small set of dailies that you had to complete in full or get the angry cook saying "No soup for you!"  Nowhere was that communicated.  Similarly, I have yet to find ANYONE that can definitively say or prove what the 1,300 total means at the top corner of the vault screen as it gives no further explanation.  Is that a daily cap, weekly cap, or is that a running cap that forces you to spend down your points as you go rather than try to hoard more than 1,300?  Anet hasn't said one word on that...again, secretive and obscure.  Most are happy about the choice and generosity of rewards...it's just the lack of choice in getting to those rewards.

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