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Are we loosing him ? Mighty teapot

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30 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

People actually sit through Teapot's 2+ hour videos? 😮

Are you sure it isn't the loss of his 400 accounts easy income that is driving him away? (or whatever number he brags about)

Pretty sure. It was clear he was working hard to remain positive with EOD and especially Gyala.

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I think Teapot has been a net positive to the game while he's been here, but I also don't think his leaving (either temporarily or permanently) will really change much. I stopped following him a while back because I couldn't take his relentless optimism anymore, when I myself saw a lot of reasons to be deeply unhappy with the direction of the game. I still watch shorter clips of his stuff from time to time, to keep up with news and developments.

I will say this though - he's been remarkably consistent about staying positive for the game. Some detractors might call him too shill-ish, but frankly I think someone being a bit too far on the optimistic end is better than basically having a bunch of people post doomer videos that echo the doomer threads on here/reddit.

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1 hour ago, Echostorm.9143 said:

What he wants out of this game is wildly different from what the vast majority want out of it and it's dangerous that we have people like CmC looking to please streamers and tryhards more than the casuals that make up 90%+ of the population.  Bye Felicia

I don't see any evidence of "CmC trying to please streamers and tryhards." For those of us who do enjoy instanced group content with a challenge, we were only given 2 additional strikes with forthcoming challenge modes, meanwhile the "90%+ of the population" that doesn't want to engage with that content got access to fully soloable open world legendary armor and easier access to the Skyscale. 

If there was any amount of effort to try and push players towards harder instanced content anymore then I'm not seeing it. 

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4 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

You mean the most successful and profitable period of GW2?

The most well liked period, as well?

Weird that the game was a massive well-liked success and financially sound when they made a game for gamers instead of mobile autobattler enjoyers.


Ok, now that you're trying to rewrite history let me remind people what really happened.

Heart of Thorns released in October 2015. It did very well in pre-orders, but sold very few copies after launch. So many players quit after HoT that Colin Johanson, the game's executive producer, was fired less than 6 months later, in March 2016.

Colin Johanson was the guy who wanted GW2 to be very competitive. He was pushing for GW2 to be included in esports. He was also the one who said that GW2 would never have mounts. After he was fired the difficulty of HoT was lowered at least twice IIRC, and the next expansion brought us mounts. And now GW2 is doing much better financially. Hmmm... it's almost like those of us who don't want raid difficulty content highly outnumber those who do. It's almost like us casual players spend far more money on the game than the uber elite "get gud n00b" players do.

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28 minutes ago, Peregrine Falcon.5496 said:


Ok, now that you're trying to rewrite history let me remind people what really happened.

Heart of Thorns released in October 2015. It did very well in pre-orders, but sold very few copies after launch. So many players quit after HoT that Colin Johanson, the game's executive producer, was fired less than 6 months later, in March 2016.

Colin Johanson was the guy who wanted GW2 to be very competitive. He was pushing for GW2 to be included in esports. He was also the one who said that GW2 would never have mounts. After he was fired the difficulty of HoT was lowered at least twice IIRC, and the next expansion brought us mounts. And now GW2 is doing much better financially. Hmmm... it's almost like those of us who don't want raid difficulty content highly outnumber those who do. It's almost like us casual players spend far more money on the game than the uber elite "get gud n00b" players do.

Colin is the current leader, isn't he?

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5 hours ago, Borked.6824 said:

Teapot, his principles, and band of followers are unhealthy for GW2.  I watch him a lot and believe in what he says about being competitive, but it's all cope.  Every other minute we hear complaints about how commanders are abused for having stupid expectations, like 100% alac uptime on trivial content like IBS 5 or whatever.  The elephant in the room is that other than CM content, literally NOTHING requires any alac, any quickness, or anything less than 10 bodies to put in the instance.  If you've ever been booted for queueing dps into a group for ez-roll content, you have Teapot's followers to thank for that.

The elitist legacy has made a mountain out of a mole hill, and the casuals are the ones getting left in the dust because of the ego it creates.  I appreciate his enthusiasm and drive to be a well-tuned MMO-player, but the majority of this game is not the place for it.  And tbh, most gamers are too old, busy, and tired to genuinely care about competitive play anymore.  

Not that I'm a big Teapot fan, but blaming him for elitist game behavior is unfair.  There have been complaints about elitism in GW2 going back to just after launch.  Elitist behavior was both attacked and defended in many other games long before GW2 launched.  I saw both sides of the elitism argument long before I ever heard of Teapot.

From what few Teapot vids I've watched, he seems more of a moderate.  I've seen him do vids on low-intensity builds which are arguably more casual-friendly.  I've seen him call for his fellow elite players to be more inclusive.  Why?  Because doing so will grow the number of players who want harder content.

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IDK why people are dabbing on TPot. He genuinely puts effort in the game; organizing tournaments (with custom code for some overlay shenanigans), creating Hardstuck (the site and I guess the guild too?) to help new players find the most effective way to play, on top of actually streaming for the community showing how every system works.

Were his takes the BEST from a mechanical pov? When it comes to PvP, I'll be honest... they had some room for improvement. But his role was not that of a technical commentator: he introduces people to the game with his fun content and makes sure they can start enjoying it with proper tutorials.

Do you want to enjoy raids but can't be arsed to get 1 (one) ascended weapon? TPot shows you you don't need the fanciest gear, a gazillion actions per minute, the most overpowered character; just learn the mechanics and get yourself the right traits. And it works.
Did you lose all your fingers because of an accident with a hydraulic press? TPot hosts a competition to craft the build with the lowest APM; tens of new ideas for all classes, you can experience gw2 by pressing 1 button every 10s with your nose. And it works.
Do you want to enjoy WvW but you got sieged even by the sentries? TPot pulls off the goofiest bs he could think of, build a hundred arrow carts and start shooting at a zerg. And it works.
Want to enjoy some PvP but can't tell a node and a player apart? TPot goes some random AT with some pugs, gets a support guardian and makes sure they stay alive. And it works.

IDK how could anyone accuse him of elitism, his content was literally the opposite of elitism; it was aimed to us, the pugs, to make sure we could still get things done and have fun. It shows the community how you can enjoy all the content in GW2 without being hardcore. Dooming simply wouldn't work with the role he had in his mind; he wanted everyone to be able to enjoy a fun game. That's the task he envisioned for himself, and he fulfilled it wonderfully.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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1 hour ago, CoffeePlease.3082 said:

I don't see any evidence of "CmC trying to please streamers and tryhards." For those of us who do enjoy instanced group content with a challenge, we were only given 2 additional strikes with forthcoming challenge modes, meanwhile the "90%+ of the population" that doesn't want to engage with that content got access to fully soloable open world legendary armor and easier access to the Skyscale. 

If there was any amount of effort to try and push players towards harder instanced content anymore then I'm not seeing it. 

You must have missed the last few "Balance" patches and Relics that are steadily nerfing any combat that isn't a 20+ step SnowCrows style rotation that utterly ignores mechanics.  Don't save that CC to break bars it's step 14.  Don't save that Elite skill for when you're about to die, it triggers your relic so use it off CD, same goes for your heal, no silly it isn't for healing you, it triggers your relic to give your party protection for 3 seconds so just use it on step 7 and shut up.  He has nerfed and altered PVE because all he cares about is PVP and WvW and turning the game into a mindless series of rotations, zerg balls and macros devoid of any real thought or talent and they doubled down on it with Relics.

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Hard content doesnt belong in a game without rewards, but junk loot. So guildwars 2 has to be “easy” the EoD strikes felt 5 times longer then the strikes from saga but the reward was untouched. Just junk loot. Garbage, trash. Imagine working harder for nothing. The only hard content thats rewarding are fractal cm. (I heard, never done it) I have never ever got something nice from a strike mission. Even the weekly chest not. Maybe 1 token to buy a special exclusive item from that vendor in eye of the north. But thats it. Thats bad about soo-won battle. 1 hour meta, then if lucky you kill the boss. And then rewarded with full bags of junk. Wauw amazing. Ridiculous if you ask me. And for me soo-won is hard content. 

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4 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

People actually sit through Teapot's 2+ hour videos? 😮

Are you sure it isn't the loss of his 400 accounts easy income that is driving him away? (or whatever number he brags about)

He was actually quite positive towards this change

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2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

(sigh) This again.  The layoffs had nothing to do with GW2.  It was other projects at Anet.

Apparently not. The quality of their update went down drastically after the layoffs. If only the people from different project got fired, it doesn't explain why their subsequent updates and expansions feel very hollow compared to PoF and HoT

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