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GW3 is long overdue

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I know the people left on here are mostly GW2 die hards with computers that probably run the game at 1080p and they don't mind the performance issues.

but GW2 was far and away my favorite MMO-ish game I ever played (especially back in beta before they ruined the Thief class), the integration of some of the best art direction / ux along with modernizing many old MMO problems resulted in one of the most exciting and immersive gaming experiences I've ever had

However, it wasn't long lived, as I recall struggling with performance issues even back when it came out.

Now, years later, I finally decided to give it a try again. Maybe they had improved things?

Unfortunately, nope, in the era of 4080s, 16 core processors, and 4K resolution, GW2 runs abysmally slow, with hitching and latency even around relatively low population areas.

It's painfully clear that GW2's engine was not only never great in the first place, but that now it's completely unplayable save for those who are still addicted somehow.

If ArenaNet can somehow turn out a similar quality game, with the same feedback loop between players and designers, but with a modern multi-threaded engine capable of utilizing modern hardware, I would play it in an instant.

I loved this game/team so much that I bought multiple copies of the game back when it came out just so friends of mine could try it.

Please make Guild Wars 3!

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I wish we could go back in time when number of pixels and fps wasnt the only thing people care about.

Oh no.... 2 fps less then my magic made up number i need... UNPLAYABLE!

This Tree over there has 2 pixel missing. Can you believe that?


Lets invest millions of dollars to created the extact same game just a bit prettier for people who have the money to buy good PC parts.

A absolute GENIUS businessplan.

NO risk involved. NO alienating your core audience.  🙃


Also, whos Alt account is this? Its one of you guys. 🤨


Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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It won't happen while they're still investing into gw2. They don't have the time, money or resources atm to make gw3 and are unlikely to in the near future. Ture its not the best running game out there but I was able to play it on my potato pc before I upgraded. This is an old game and will show some issues (especially with its spaghetti code, its become a meme to see what bug occurs during any update now-a-days).

They try to do the best they can with what they have.

Edited by Dibit.6259
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1 hour ago, pabloedvardo.3058 said:

I know the people left on here are mostly GW2 die hards with computers that probably run the game at 1080p and they don't mind the performance issues.

but GW2 was far and away my favorite MMO-ish game I ever played (especially back in beta before they ruined the Thief class), the integration of some of the best art direction / ux along with modernizing many old MMO problems resulted in one of the most exciting and immersive gaming experiences I've ever had

However, it wasn't long lived, as I recall struggling with performance issues even back when it came out.

Now, years later, I finally decided to give it a try again. Maybe they had improved things?

Unfortunately, nope, in the era of 4080s, 16 core processors, and 4K resolution, GW2 runs abysmally slow, with hitching and latency even around relatively low population areas.

It's painfully clear that GW2's engine was not only never great in the first place, but that now it's completely unplayable save for those who are still addicted somehow.

If ArenaNet can somehow turn out a similar quality game, with the same feedback loop between players and designers, but with a modern multi-threaded engine capable of utilizing modern hardware, I would play it in an instant.

I loved this game/team so much that I bought multiple copies of the game back when it came out just so friends of mine could try it.

Please make Guild Wars 3!

I don't think making an entirely new game, because "game performance bad" makes any sense for anyone.

If you struggle to run the game with barely anyone nearby the issue may not be the game. There are areas that run like junk cough Amnytas cough, but the only time I've ever seen noticable FPS drops was in WvW when I still had my old PC with a 750Ti or when I'm playing on my laptop with a 4300M+igpu.

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i think the core problem is that players confuse "x core cpu" to be a synonym with "powerful cpu", and they're not the same and this is where most issues arise. if you have a 16-core 3ghz cpu its going to run the game alot differently than an 8-core 5+ghz cpu with liquid cooling; probably at nearly half the framerate.


this is because the game is cpu-bound, and rewriting it won't just make it instantly gpu-bound because of how the game's logic works.


also, multicore is great but its mostly useful for stuff like desktop use and web browsing, and games will never able to fully take advantage of it. even if they developed a completely new engine, the main logic loop would still have to run on a single core because of thread locking latency, so pretty much all you can offload to threads in games is the file loading, input, graphics, sound and networking all of which this game already does offload (and uses 3-4 cores at the current time by doing so).


players expecting a new engine to just be a magic fix for anything don't understand video game development or how your hardware actually works. they can definitely milk more out of it but massively multiplayer games will always be slow due to their complicated nature.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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 spend 300 - 500 million on a new game that has better optimisation for 4k resolution and 20% of the volume of content we have now. While this is developed, we get a fraction of the content we get in GW2 now.   Benefit? Those who have 4k monitors get slightly better Graphix. Not really a sensible way to invest in the game. 

To solve your problem Pablo, Don't worry about pixel count, play at 1080p with everything maxed and use Reshade - the game is gorgeous.





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2 hours ago, pabloedvardo.3058 said:

It's painfully clear that GW2's engine was not only never great in the first place, but that now it's completely unplayable save for those who are still addicted somehow.

Just want to note how interesting the way you argue is.
Either people agree with your claim, or they are "addicted try hards".

You try to make people not disagreeing with you by proactively putting everyone who disagrees in a box and label them bad.
This way of arguing is usually used by people who know that most people will not agree with their them.
And well, obviously that never works.


2 hours ago, pabloedvardo.3058 said:

If ArenaNet can somehow turn out a similar quality game, with the same feedback loop between players and designers, but with a modern multi-threaded engine capable of utilizing modern hardware, I would play it in an instant

The game recently upgraded from DX9 to DX11.
With that done it's now possible to overhaul systems to increase peformance. But this work has to be done before it's in the game. Obvious, no?

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This game is continuing to do well. They've had quite the influx of new players in recent years, they've expanded their team, streamlined their production environment, upgraded to DX11, they've confirmed active work on the next expansion and that discussion has already been happening regarding the expansion after. This game just hasn't looked healthier.

You playing on poorly optimized hardware, thinking it must be good because it cost a lot, is not something Anet needs to resolve. I don't have FPS issues like you do. Try turning your settings down.

MMOs aren't something that need to be replaced every five years or whatever. A big part of the appeal of what goes into making an MMO is the constant updates. GW3 isn't an update to GW2, it's a replacement.

I (and other GW2 players) am not ready to say goodbye to my character(s) just because you want something new. I look forward to the next GW2 release in February.

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6 hours ago, pabloedvardo.3058 said:

I know the people left on here are mostly GW2 die hards with computers that probably run the game at 1080p and they don't mind the performance issues.

but GW2 was far and away my favorite MMO-ish game I ever played (especially back in beta before they ruined the Thief class), the integration of some of the best art direction / ux along with modernizing many old MMO problems resulted in one of the most exciting and immersive gaming experiences I've ever had

However, it wasn't long lived, as I recall struggling with performance issues even back when it came out.

Now, years later, I finally decided to give it a try again. Maybe they had improved things?

Unfortunately, nope, in the era of 4080s, 16 core processors, and 4K resolution, GW2 runs abysmally slow, with hitching and latency even around relatively low population areas.

It's painfully clear that GW2's engine was not only never great in the first place, but that now it's completely unplayable save for those who are still addicted somehow.

If ArenaNet can somehow turn out a similar quality game, with the same feedback loop between players and designers, but with a modern multi-threaded engine capable of utilizing modern hardware, I would play it in an instant.

I loved this game/team so much that I bought multiple copies of the game back when it came out just so friends of mine could try it.

Please make Guild Wars 3!

GW3 will canabalize gw2. I wont start a new mmo, and I wont play gw2 because there will be no new content.  I hope they dont make gw3.  But im sure they will eventually, or theyll can the entire franchise. Either way they will eventually stop making stuff for gw2.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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12 hours ago, pabloedvardo.3058 said:

...GW2 runs abysmally slow, with hitching and latency even around relatively low population areas.

It's painfully clear that GW2's engine was not only never great in the first place, but that now it's completely unplayable save for those who are still addicted somehow...

*Shrugs* Personally, I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm running the game on a mid-range computer that's about 2 1/2 years old and I rarely have any performance issues. The game plays just fine for me. Given the time and money I've put into GW2, I don't even want GW3 as that means mostly starting over from scratch. No thank you.

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I think I'd love GW3 , but that would ultimately mean that this 10+ years old game with on-going community and players with multiple characters etc etc would die.
Well we can't have that can we?

I think all it needs to be a better game is a complete overhaul on the graphics and models, but not to make it different, to improve it, to stay as similar as possible but adding graphics that mean something.

Anwyay the game is good and old, someday we will have GW3 but I believe that will probably be in 6-10 years or so, so... enjoy the 5th expansion whenever it comes! (And SotO February patch is very close btw!)

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12 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Didn't they say, that there won't be a GW3?

interesting u have that interview link? 

gw3 should be possible same likely as gw2 was.

personally i don't think they can pull it off the next 5 years.

ashes of creation shows how long unreal Engine 5 games need to build.

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2 hours ago, Rethex.3248 said:

I think I'd love GW3 , but that would ultimately mean that this 10+ years old game with on-going community and players with multiple characters etc etc would die.
Well we can't have that can we?

To be fair, the transition from GuildWars to GW2 had many reason to make players be hyped for it, aside from having a graphical update.

  • Play as a Char, an Asura, a Norn or the totally new race of Tyria, the Sylvari.
  • Combo field Systems (Yep it was hyped at this time)
  • GW2 was to be a real MMO instead of a MMO hub with group instanced zones ORPG.
  • World VS. World (They were the first in my recollection to make it at this scale)
  • Dragons had been heavily teased in Eye of the North. (Story could have been told in the old game but having a hook help for transition)
  • No Holy Trinity (This was an argument back then, even tho it came with a LOT of other problems)
  • A far bigger game world than the first game, with epic World Bosses.
  • Your progression in GW1 ultimately mattered with the Heritage System

Well, what would GW3 bring that would hype the players enough to transition?

Maybe some players would like it enough to transition, others would not cause they like the way GW2 handle the roles with flexibility. There could be an argument for making a divide of the Tank and Support role so class like Warriors/Rangers with some of their traits being Tank oriented would come out as a viable role, but it's more a matter of balancing GW2 than making a new GW3 role system.

I've seen many complains over the years with the way GW2 handled Alacrity and Quickness. Before their inclusion, boons were not a subject of drama. Again, it's more a matter of giving all class a good and fun way (There is an improvement those days) to provide those boons, cause their removal would harm the game more by slowing the gameplay pace than keeping it the way it is now.  What GW3 would bring on the table for that? Who knows, but it could be a contender for a significant enough rework to give players a reason to transition.

Maybe having a real open world without loading between maps could be an argument? Personally, i would argue that Instanced Maps, and the way GW2 manage them, are resolving so many problems that other MMO's have by having they're maps opened and allow a better structure for Meta-Events, which GW2 is still the best at.

Maybe? To be fair, i don't understand why Anet don't look more often at underutilized spells (or really clunky ones) to change them entirely. It would shake up the meta to do so, create hyped for players who gravitate around the game to come back more regularly. But they seems  to like the fact that there's  spells that we pretty much never use. A new game wouldn't have exactly the same classes, even less have the same spells. It could be a reason to try it.


In the end, i don't think GW3 would really bring anything to the table that GW2 would not be able to bring by balancing and soft reworks. If GW2 is still successful, it's due to it's differences and it's wild ideas that set it far apart from the standard of other MMO's. As for graphical updates, they can improve their engine. They've done it with Direct X11. Maybe it's time to check what else they could do to improve it. GW3 would probably only achieve to divide the community in two and bring a little more player for a while.

Edited by Elena.8734
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New starts are the best periods of an mmo. The game is new and not much info is out there yet so it's up to you and your friends to figure it our. So yeah I would like gw3, I'm just afraid that based on the current mmo market and also the current gw2 direction it would not be a game for me (pvp modes not being developed, instances content practically scrapped and going into mobile game practices).

As for the engine. It's still a mmo that handles large battles the best as far as I've played. It will handle 100+ players on screen together easily. It's just that Anet really really (really) like particles and lightshow vomit. If they would just decrease that (or gives us more options) it would run smoother and offer better experience. 

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"Oh no my game runs at 60 FPS instead of 200 FPS, oh the horror". I don't know Jim, this sounds like a first world problem to me.

The game runs perfectly fine, maybe you have too much expectation. Happens frequently with some PC gamers who are proud of their PC and think "oh no game bad". Game drops 2 FPS and suddenly they doom the whole game. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Edited by Crono.4197
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2019 called, they want their bad idea back.

Honestly do people have so much tiktok brain that they forgot that the last time they made a fail gw3 project it almost killed the company. the aftermath lead to the dissolution of the raid/fractal team, the lost of josh foreman the maker of SAB and many great Jumping Puzzles, and 1/4 of the company getting laid off. IBS was a shell of what it could have been because of this.  If you between the line of Josh Davis post, he pretty much says gw2 was pretty much unaffected by the video game boom of Covid 19, which I would blame on the poor quality of IBS.  Imagine if they did not waste resources on at least 3 failed projects  and made IBS into a proper xpac.

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19 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Didn't they say, that there won't be a GW3?

I don't think they ever said there will be no GW3, ever.

19 hours ago, Dibit.6259 said:

It won't happen while they're still investing into gw2.

To me, it feels like they are investing (less) into GW2 to keep it alive while their colleagues are working on a new project. We don't know what that project will be, but it could be a new GW game after all. We just don't know.

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I love guild wars, but nahhh. I didn't enjoy the theme and vibe change from guild wars 1 to 2, it became too.. "kiddie"? Goofy inspector gadget engineer, an  elementalist that can't specialize in an element, a mesmer without interupts. I preferred the whole mtg inspiration of the first game and builds were more fun to make and more specialized. I preferred the lore and world of gw1, and I don't think guild wars 3 would go in a preferred direction for me. 

I just don't see a reason to release another game that will be held down by the lore and design of the current world, it gives them less freedom of how to design the next game.

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