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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Will we ever get an arachnophobia setting for the game? 
Something that replaces spiders with another model with the same skeleton?

I have some friends that like the game but bounce off hard because of the amount of spiders present in the game. I can only imagine it would be worse with the glider, backpack and bow running about in the game too.

I have seen other mention their phobia on this forum and in game before. But I really think it would be a big help if this feature could be included.

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It would be nice if they expanded the stat selection from achievement armor sets like the old Mistward collection (a HoT one) which still have only limited options. Berserker, Knight and Rabid is veeery lacklustre. Yes, Zerker is still powerDPS meta (ignoring whatever fine-tuning there may be), but core stat exotics have been afordable anyway.

They expanded the options retrospectively for Verdant Brink's bladed armor pieces and others with PoF stat combinations, so it shouldn't be a game breaking balance-wise.

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For players who use the Toggle Snap Ground Target keybind when dealing with ground targeted skills:

Could we get a visual indicator somewhere on screen (Possibly next to the skill bar) to let us know when we have Snap Ground Target enabled/disabled? It'd help in the middle of a big fight to distinguish how it's set, if I need to swap between targeting a stationary boss or leading a moving target/dropping an AOE heal/buff on my allies!

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PLEASE give us a button to press that either (A) is required to make the skyscale cling to things (better), or (B) prevents the skyscale from clinging to things (less good but also acceptable). 

I know I'm not the only one to get frustrated when I'm zooming along and the dumb critter finds a couple pixels of hitbot to cling onto; or trying to find a flat landing spot on a sloped object just to have the dumb beastie cling to a seemingly horizontal "wall" rather than land.

Edited by Blasphemeral.1276
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Recently they readded the spirits of the wild gathering tools and I was excited as I really wanted the bear one. However they still have it in a bundle. Just a request. Please can you split them up for individual purchases when they are brought back? Bear tool would go nicely with my other SAB bear tool ^^

I understand why they do it when they are new, to temp people to buy them under better value. This is fine. But when a set gets rotated back into the store say a year later I feel you should be able to at least buy the one you want from the pack instead of having to buy the rest too that you may not want. Most other tools are seperate.

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Hi! IMO there are a few visual QoL improvements that can be done / added for EoD that are relatively minor to do compared to big things like creating a new race etc. , but will go a long way to make the game much more enjoyable and make EoD stand out as the expac that started these. In no particular order:


- Please make armor skins useable across all weight classes (armor stats and everything else of course will still be weight-restricted, it's just the skins that becomes useable for all weight classes). It's already long overdue and would add greatly to enjoyment of the players and a great outlet for them to mix and match and use their creativity. The old argument of making the armor skins different so we can tell which class is which is rendered moot already by outfits, plus we have class icons etc.


- Make all hairstyles usable for both genders. This is 2021, shouldn't we have this freedom without being restricted by arbitrary gender norms?


- Make combat tonics usable when mounting our mounts. We have so many great looking combat tonics and the only reason they are not used more is because of this restriction.


- There are so many unavailable outfits in the game that NPCs use that look great but are not available to the players. Please make these available, either in-game or even sell them in the gemstore as bundles (e.g. Order of Shadows bundle, Charr townsmen bundle, human townspeople bundle, etc.) and make profit. 


- Likewise, please make the currently unavailable NPC faces available for character creation. As some faces are already available (e.g. Kasmeer) and some aren't (e.g. Bangar), why not make all available?


- Norns are shapeshifters. Allow as many different skin color options as Sylvari for Norns in the character creation screen.


- Humans can have tattoos. Allow Humans to have the same tattoo interface as Norns in the character creation screen.


- Selectable character select screen background between vanilla, HoT, PoF, and EoD coming up. Not much to say about this. Also long overdue.



Edited by Gogadantes.6817
more clarity on the last point
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It would be great to have the ability to gift unused/unopened Asc Gearboxes to others  (e.g., Prizes for Guild Competitions), or to sell them on TP (thus making them non account-bound if they are unopened). They are not really that common as drops, and for those of us who have Legendary Gear, they are now redundant as "prized drops".

Thanks for considering this.

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On 8/26/2021 at 4:23 PM, Imba.9451 said:

As discussed in other threads, I am extremely into the idea of being able to unlock the PvE legendary armor skins without having to craft them. It could work by having a merchant who only sells you, for example, the light legendary breastplate skin for the corresponding amout of LI and some gold, if you already have a legendary light chest piece (either PvP or WvW) bound to your account. This system already exists with awakened weapon skins in PvP.


Currently, there is a huge value disparity between crafting the Raid-Armor and the PvP/WvW armor. People who crafted the raid armor can unlock the other skins simply by purchasing the ascended gear pieces. On the other hand, people who crafted the PvP/WvW variant have to craft a whole legendary set of armor again, without receiving any benefit from doing so - else they can not get the skin.


I think it's unfair for PvP and WvW player to lock them out of this skin, unless they want to invest a huge amount of money again, despite them probably having invested a lot more time in their corresponding armor than Raid players have.


I would like to bump this idea again. Being able to pay some gold and the corresponding amount of LI to unlock the Raid-Armor Skins seems pretty fair to me, while having to craft several legendary armor sets that provide zero benefit if you already have WvW or PvP armors is just not in line with what the armory is supposed to be.

On a personal note, I kina struggle to finish my PvP-armor now. It seems like wasted gold. Therefore, I sit on a half-completed light armor set. It just feels very, very bad to know that, should I continue to craft the remaining legendary pieces, I get less value and should I not finish it, I only have half an armor and effectively wasted gold and mats, considering I farm raids for another set.

This is not fun at all. It's just frustrating.

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Something I mentioned here many times and still is missing: Additional slots, sidebars etc for food, utilities, mounts etc. Every single MMO has this I played, why not GW2? Let the user decide if they want to clutter their UI - really. It is so annoying I have to open the inventory for food etc. Also the mounts: I can bind ONE mount to the UI, the rest - in my case - I use Shift 1 to 7. Soon more. It is uncomfortable. Let us decide if we want a shitton of sidebars and additional bars. On top of that: I wanna check the hidden cooldowns on skills for Ele, Engi, Rev etc. It's hard to track.

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"This Map is Closing"

I love the system GW2 uses to consolidate players to more populated instances of each zone. It makes a mature game with lots of zones feel always active.

A minor improvement...

I often hesitate to make the move because I built up my 25 sigil charges and don't feel like starting over. How about you make it that when we accept a zone transfer, we bring along whatever charges we already had. I realize it's a minor thing but yea.

Edited by raykor.6723
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Make the "Snap Ground Target to Current Target" option skill-specific instead of being an all-or-nothing deal.

Since you can't set a ground-target ability as an auto attack, my suggestion would be to make Ctrl+Right clicking on a ground-target ability toggle "Snap Ground Target to Current Target" on and off for that ability alone, independently from the others abilities.

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I'd love an audio checkbox that toggles off Revenant Legend conversations. Combat audio is fine but after 3000 hours on Rev they really annoy me. I'm so excited for the new expansion and hearing the new Rev conversations but after a few weeks I know I'll have to disable combat audio again as they repeat so often as I'm idling. Especially with fishing coming, hearing the Legend conversations while I'm trying to chill will frustrate me.

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