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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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22 hours ago, Ruufio.1496 said:

I would like another dumb item like the aviator box. You ever have an old uncle or grandfather in real life who has a really crappy boat that you need to reef on the old motor to get started? Yeah, how about a piece of junk skiff - for roleplay purposes.


Randomly, your new skiff will stop working and its movement skills will get put on a short cooldown. Maybe you even have to press the movement skill multiple times to get moving again - like reefing on an old  junky motor. Your character will mumble and complain and smoke will putter out of the motor. There is no benefit to this skiff.


I'd buy it.


Also, radios for skiffs would be cool.

Subnautica - Die Peacefully: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wpNpnjaDjA


Well this has to be the most unsuitable idea to get merged into the QoL thread.

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On 10/31/2021 at 2:47 PM, Sigz.6943 said:

Moveable/Minion Turrets for Engineer.

I'm sure it has been brought up at some point in this game ,but the Engineer's turrets are somewhat fun to play with. One of the only down sides is they don't follow the player. Unless you are fighting a boss you'll be moving around a fair bit through out the maps. IMHO it would be a really good boost to have them hover around as the player moves. As far as appearances go Anet could just use the balloon appearance they have in the water. Now I know turrets are not part of the min/max meta builds as is ,and I don't think this idea would change that. It would be more for Open world/Leveling/Story. As for AFK farming well people already do that so this would not make it worse ,or better. Also the turrets are do for some love considering the current state they are in. Please Anet improve the usability of the turrets.

You know what... I like this idea a lot.

They should have 4-6 legs and move with the character.

I think that you should request this on Engineer section of the forum though.


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The ability to trade some of the less desirable random Black Lion junk we get once a week in daily reward or in chests. For example, makeover kits are a total waste for me. I'd willingly trade them away for a token amount of gems, another black lion key or, more realistically, for black lion statuettes or ticket scraps.

In the same vein, give a token gold (i.e., copper) value to all ascended materials that tend to act like the dark matter of one's bank. I am thinking mostly, but not exclusively, about globs of dark matter, bloodstone dust, empyreal framents, dragonite ore, airship maintenance oil, auric dust and ley line sparks. I know there are items that can cash in most of these for a reward, but how much would it break the economy to have each of these items worth 2 cp? "I just vendored two stacks of globs of dark matter and made 10 silver!"

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Please make tonics and potions salvageable. 

It is the only crafted item that cannot be salvaged at the moment.


Since I'm in the topic.

Please also make more infinite tonics available for crafters.

At the moment there are only 5 aprox... and they're all toys.

I would like to have more options to craft infinite tonics.

The Artificer's mistery Animal, furniture, and woodland tonics could be made infinite, just by adding an extra engredient there.


Furthermore, on tonics still.

Please make the skills on the tonics actually be useful in pve.

I hardly see anyone costume browl, and feel like it would be a lot more fun for us to run around as a raptor, attacking deer and boar.

You don't have to remove costume browl, just add the option to be active on pve on skill slot 7.

Please make this one a reality.

Pretty please.


Thanks guys.


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A long time issue for me. Unless I've completely missed something (please tell me if I have) ... 

There is no option to choose outfit vs. armor on different build templates for a character. That's a problem for me. I would like the option for individual build templates to remember if that build is using armor or the outfit as the skin. 

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On 11/1/2021 at 8:51 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

Works for 50-man squads (unless the commander left it - remember, that there is such an option). Doesn't work for parties, or for commless 10-man squads.

Exactly! Parties or comm-less 10-man squads usually don't have this issue.

Edited by Vigg.3129
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I request Anet to have those two mastery lines in core tyria to spend the remaining points:

1-Unlocking Challenge mode in DUNGEONS.

YEAH, you read it well. How to revitilize old dungeon and make them attractive? Challenge mode. Bosses tougher too with a bounty like ley line ability. 

Would makes the foes have more boons, more defiance bars, able to call reinforcement. 

Having the complete mastery line allow players to earn ascended box, weapons and trinklets once completing an exploration path with CM active, also, in normal exploration paths (without cm active), once finished, some champions spawn around and can be killed for additional tokens.


The second one is PVE REWARD TRACKS mastery.

No more doing world boss for nothing, going after pact scouting materials every day or farming silverwastes or dragon stand in loop!

Select the reward track to earn the reward YOU WANT, by doing what YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT. Need T6 materials? Earn them while doing your daily diessa plateau events! Need some karma? Earn some additionnal jugs while participating in tarir octovine! You want a cultural armor piece? Earn it by completing a reward track! Need some leggies mats like some obsidian or clover, I got you covered! 

Need a map currency but no way losing a week or a month here? Earn that currency while doing your world bosses. 

I really think those two masteries line would be big quality of life improvements. It will makes old dungeons even more fun and challenging. Also, since we can already earn map currencies, legendaries materials or dungeon tokens with pvp or wvw reward tracks by simply keeping killing peoples or capturing place in loop, why a pve players couldn't do the same? The only difference is that in pve we hit npcs instead of players!! But we do exactly the same with same amount of efforts!

There are too many masteries points in our mastery tab that are still unused. Do something, please.

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I would love to have more reward tracks, similar to drizzlewood or PvP/WvW in a PvE setting. I also don’t mind locking it behind mastery points. The difficulty is how it would work- just ‘getting experience’, wherever you are? The issue of that is map locked currencies, and potentially more. Idk. It would take nuance, but I think overall this is a good idea

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40 minutes ago, Flasterko.4087 said:

Seems to me that having more mastery points than its needed in the game is what helps people to choose what to do and what not to do. Like if you have features that use all masteries you would force people to do every achievement which seems to me game have opposite goal. 

Ideally, new core tyria mastery points could be introduced with that system, and be linked to dungeons though, thus giving more freedom into how to acquire the other masteries. For example, a mastery point to unlock additional rewards for each dungeons, and completing a dungeon in challenge mode also reward a Mastery point. 

If new masteries are introduced, I think indeed that could bring a Little bit more attention to the dungeons.

As far as PvE reward tracks though, I really dont see why... Do we even have anything to put in those that we already dont have in the other two ? Just materials doesn't seem to give it nearly enough benefits compared to the existing WvW and PvP reward tracks. I get that they're meant to be for people who dont necessarily want to indulge in those modes, but I feel like PvE is already rather generous already, and bags would be filled so quickly it might have the side effect of just lowering all prices on the TP down to near uselesness for some items.

Edited by Naxos.2503
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Hello !

I pre ordered End of Dragon, I bought the GW2 collection standard edition, and I realized I'd like to get the "ultimate edition" to benefit from the diverse advantages (like the gems and character slot). Unfortunately "buy.guildwars2.com" does not allow to pay in real money to upgrade your preorder.

I know you can upgrade your edition thanks to black lion trade company for 2400 gems, but I actually think it would be more relevant to have the option to pay in real world money on the online store to get the bonus, items, skins, gems etc.

People from Arenanet, please could you consider add an "upgrade preorder" option on your online store that would allow a player that already pre ordered a standard edition to upgrade to ultimate (or deluxe) paying the difference between the ultimate's price (or deluxe's price) and the standard's price ?

Example : I bought the standard edition for €29,99, a few week later I realize I want the ultimate edition at €79,99, I buy an upgrade for €50 and I have now the ultimate edition preordered.

When I still played WoW I remember this was a thing at Blizzard, it seems a pretty easy way for Arenanet to make profit while expanding choices for the players ! I'm litterally trying to give you money guys, I think allowing me to do so seems like a sound business plan 😉

Thanks for reading.

(Sorry if this is redundant, I posted this on the French Forum, but I thought I had more chances to be read by someone from Anet here 🙂 )

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with the latest beta, the specter got a transformation with new skills, but in order to see what these skills do you had to go to the wiki, or do combat to fill the bar , trandsform and have a limited time to see what the skills actually do and how they relate to traits.


in the Build tab of the hero menu, above the traitlines you see your skillbar with 2 options Terrestial and Aquatic, is it possible to put a Transform option below that to show transform skills for like Specter, Reaper, Holosmith, Druid.  you you can actually see those skills ingame and how traits/armor/runes affect the skills.

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