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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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In guild wars when you targeted an enemy and the enemy used an ability, you'd see a skill icon + a bar fill up and a name of the ability being cast/readied. That was the "skill warm up bar", and it was your queue to know when to react.


If guild wars 2 had this skill warm up bar when targeting enemies then the player can then decide to interrupt, dodge, pop stability or whatever is most appropriate to the skill the enemy is preparing. The point here is at least a player would know something is happening under all the particle effects covering the enemy. It can get really frustrating to be affected by something you could never react to.

If gw2 had the bar then skills that interrupt would be more useful. Skills that grant short duration of stability would be more useful. It would give more options to how combat could play out. Fights with tons of particle effects wouldn't have to ALWAYS rely on outlines on the ground to force players to react to something, as those things start to feel overused and at times get really out of hand.

I have to be honest... in gw2 90% of my time in combat is spent looking at my hotbar and the ground right above my hotbar. To see skill cooldowns and to see the game's constant use of ground outlines to telegraph attacks.

Edited by Redfeather.6401
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Admittedly, the blinding particle effects can be problematic, but overall I like that GW2 relies heavily on animations as opposed to solely relying upon UI telegraphs.  It feels more satisfying to me than just watching the ground for orange cones and circles.

A good example of where this works well is the chak gerent in Tangled Depths.  The orange circles are only used to mark rockfalls, which makes sense because they come from above where you wouldn't be able to see them coming in order to dodge.  The rest are clear animations from the boss.

This is why my #1 piece of advice for players trying to improve their play is to always keep your eye on the boss!

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End of Dragon's could add a new mastery for jade tech. An advanced scanning system that aids in seeing target's casting skills.

The mastery could work like this...

  1. You click the enemy.
  2. The enemy gets a yellow outline visible through all particle effects.
  3. When the enemy you have targeted starts to use a skill their yellow outline goes really thick and starts to go back to regularly thinness.
  4. The time it takes to go from thick outline to thin outline is how long the target's skill being activated takes to activate.
  5. That is your window to react.
  6. It could be a function of the jade bot that can be toggled on or off!
  7. Use it or don't. At least it's an option and I think it'll be cool and help people.
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I'd like to see this in PvP most of all, as it'd change the entire flow of the game and help players get better. The current system is okay but fails at many points because alot of animations/visuals are reused for different skills, sometimes even on the same class meaning they can have 2-3 skills that do nearly identical animations.


Example: Guardian Shield #5, revive trait and Shield of the Avenger (Spirit Weapon) all do the same animations. Sanctuary also looks identical but lasts longer. The casting anims are very similar, too.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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So with higher resolution monitors these days, the fixed size of the Hero panel makes it increasingly harder to see detail on your character model.

With that in mind, would it be possible to add a "resize window" gromit to the bottom-right of the Hero panel, or at the very least, increase the zoom level inside the paper doll preview window?

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I'm all for a complete HUD overhaul, however I am doubtful we'll get much - if anything - at this point.

At release it was overly restrictive for it's time, and even worse so now, because the devs wanted gw2 to be able to be identified through it's HUD, more or less. I can't remember the exact terminology they used. It was a big step down from gw1's HUD flexibility and I remember the stink that was kicked up about it.

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I'd like more options as well.

For one thing I'd like to be able to show/hide different parts of the activity list on the right side instead of showing or hiding the entire thing together. Like hiding achievements if I'm not doing them now, or hiding the story when I am focusing on achievements. At the moment doing that means also hiding event notifications, which I don't want to do.

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20 hours ago, AquaBR.9250 said:

Everything is wrong, its the wrost character creation from MMORPGs (other than new world) how premade face is any good?

Not even close and if you declare GW2 character creation worse you clearly have not played nothing else ever. 

Sure the game needs more options for 2022 its kind of bare bones but nowhere even close to worse character creation tools.

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I've seen comments from several people who don't like all the open space in Lion's Arch, especially around the glass dome and the Trader's Forum. My real-life town, like many in Europe, has a similar design with big open spaces in the center - several roads are wider than they need to be and there's spaces the size of the surrounding buildings left empty. It's done by design - it's a market towns where the market predates the current buildings so the layout was planned with that in mind. That also means it's not as noticable because on the days most people are usually there the 'empty' space is filled with stalls.

It recently occured to me that the empty space in Lion's Arch serves the same purpose, but it's only used at Halloween and to a lesser extent other festivals where copies of some of the NPCs and a portal to the festival are added.

Seperately I also get the impression I'm not the only one who finds it hard to keep track of all the different currencies and tokens and their uses. So I started thinking both problems could be solved by having a weekend market where those NPC merchants who are normally out in distant corners of Tyria came to Lion's Arch for a market. (In practical terms this would be a copy of the NPC, not actually removing them from wherever they normally are.)

There's probably too many to have them all there at once, but there could be themed weeks - so one week it's Living World NPCs, another it's PvP and WvW merchants, another could be guild, raid and strike mercants and so on.

Of course you'd still need the relevant currency to buy from them and the prices would be the same, this isn't a way for anyone to get anything they can't already buy, it would just bring together all those disparate vendors and make it easier to check out what you can buy or might want to aim for. Even for players who don't actually want to buy from them it would help make Lion's Arch look less empty and feel more like a real city.

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28 minutes ago, TheLadyOfTheRings.9148 said:

I like the idea. I'm just wondering: why do it on weekends only and not every day?

Because the point is to make Lion's Arch look more active and alive and if it's there all the time I think it would just become part of the background and stop being as interesting. It doesn't have to weekends specifically, that's just when I assume most people are online, but I think it's important that it's not there all the time and changes regularly to give players an incentive to pay attention and to stop it being just another static feature.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think it's important that it's not there all the time and changes regularly to give players an incentive to pay attention and to stop it being just another static feature.

Maybe rotating the vendors once a week would be enough to achieve this. If the vendor setup were noticably different for different vendors (or even the different markets showing up in different parts of town), that should do the trick of keeping them from blending into the background noise.


I'd rather not have this feature restricted to 2-3 days, especially if it's the same days of the week every week, because to me that would end up with either the market being interesting enough to give me a sense of "must log in to check the market", or not, in which case I'd quickly end up forgetting about it even if I do log in on the weekends.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Because the point is to make Lion's Arch look more active and alive and if it's there all the time I think it would just become part of the background and stop being as interesting. It doesn't have to weekends specifically, that's just when I assume most people are online, but I think it's important that it's not there all the time and changes regularly to give players an incentive to pay attention and to stop it being just another static feature.

I wonder if they could do that without ‘updates’.  If not, then it would probably have to be more of a weekly thing.  Maybe one week a month or every other week.  That way it could continue with weekly/bi-weekly updatesv

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Let me start off saying that I have played since beta...I'm far from new. However, I help new players almost everyday as part of my fun in this game and making new friends along the way. One thing I notice, is that when I talk with new players they get VERY QUICKLY discouraged in the game when I tell them how far off they are to getting a mount unless they skip to level 80, skip their story, and go right to Path of Fire. That is not fun for them even if I tell them they can come back to their storyline later.


I think they should have them be able to get some half-butt mount at a lower level even if it does next to nothing just for fun. Maybe just a riding mount that let's them run around a bit faster or something, the suggestions could be endless. I just know for a game that advertises mounts and gliding and such like no other now...it should allow some inclusion of new players to feel the fun of mounts.


Positive debates only please, I'm sure there are a lot of opinions on this.

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