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So Why Do Players Do World Bosses? [POLL]


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I do a couple of them because the rewards can be ok (Tequatl, Effigy, Octovine, Death Branded), but also because it's somewhat social and entirely stress free. It's also a chance to yell stupid things in map chat and potentially create a few lols.

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Sometimes I only have 30 minutes before I have to go to work or before I have to go to bed. I just want to be on my character and do something that feels purposeful for the time I have. I also feel more of a sense of the community with some of these, and its comforting.Tequatl is my favorite because that's a guaranteed 2 gold in a very small space of time and (in my opinion) minimal effort.

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To expand on my previous post. I do/did meta events a few times if I get mastery points relatively easy from it (like Auric Basin meta) or if I just happen to be in the area. But I'm generally not too fond of them as the visual clutter from bosses, and guts-based more from players has not changed a bit. Not seeing my attacks or if I actually hit the boss and stuff to dodge (or fail to dodge) is not really the epitome of "fun" for me, unless I use mostly range weapons.

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@"Mahou.3924" said:Not seeing my attacks or if I actually hit the boss and stuff to dodge (or fail to dodge) is not really the epitome of "fun" for me, unless I use mostly range weapons.This is pretty much why I stopped doing world bosses on any regular schedule. It's a glaring spam fest of bling that never seems to really do anything to the boss as the mass of players melt him/her down.

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I do them for fun and to help others. It's cool to see lots of players coming together for one goal. I also do events just for fun, the rewards from these are kind of a bonus to me. The Shatterer is very fun and one of my favourite, even though it doesn't get completed a lot of the time.

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for dailies only. you forgot the option for gold gain only. tequatl is a save way to get 1g per day. so rest of the boss is extra. mostly do the other world bosses only if I am working on a legendary collection, which happened once or twice to me only. don't want to gamble to get a precursor. think metas are more important than some world bosses.

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  • 8 months later...

@"Maikimaik.1974" said:

  1. If you're new to the game, possibly, but I think all the older players are quite fed up with them

Nope, not all of them. I've been playing since launchObviously I'm not doing them all the time, but I do like to join the train from time to time. The very very very laid back playstyle makes them enjoyable when I'm in the very very very laid back mood.

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I chose "for fun", but there's actually a few reasons as to why I do world bosses:

• Difficulty. The difficulty of them, overall, is just right. Not too hard, not too easy.

• Fun atmosphere. World bosses reminds me of the Eureka mini-game in Final Fantasy XIV, where it's basically this big outdoor festival, with lots of people around, except we're all there to fight a big boss and not rock out to the band that's on stage lol.

• Loose timings. With a few exceptions (Karka Queen & Golem Mark II come to mind) you have plenty of down time until the next boss/pre-events starts up, so there's little need to rush, unlike 5-man stuff, where it's GOGOGO!

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@Blocki.4931 said:Fun and a little bit of money + chance for ascended stuff.

That says it all. Some easy mats, gold, funny map chat. When you first start it's something fun to jump into, now it's a nice break from the normal routine of things. Oh and working on legendary components. Some groups are really enjoyable to do the bosses with as well!!

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None of the above. It's human nature, You see a scrap going on so you get stuck in. You can't see what they are hitting, it's all one big ball of light. You don't even know at the end of the fight what you have helped kill because it's despawned. So what world bosses did you kill today? I killed balls of light 1 through to 4.

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the only world bosses i do now on the regular is Tequatl and Ley Line Anomaly -- mostly for the chance at an ascended box and the guaranteed 1gold reward (teq) and the mystic coin from LLA ~2gold 25silver --- that's around 3 gold on top of the dailies with a chance of an ascended

i do of course, still do other world bosses too but only if i happen to be there when they are about to spawn, that's free money right there (no matter how small) i just never go out of my way to actually try hunting them (or checking the timers for them) unlike before...

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