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How many of the professions do you play?


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If you play less than all 9, please specify why.If you only play a certain spec, or exclude a certain spec, talk about that too.As someone that has always played all 9(or 8 before HoT) classes for one content or another, I never quite understood why many people don't. Alting is easy enough in this game. Help me understand. I mean I understand why you would exclude 1 or 2 professions if you just don't like them. I have those too but I do maintain a character for all classes anyway.

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These are my character stats: https://imgur.com/a/FrucnVb

I've tried every profession but have a bad habit of deleting characters I don't use. If you add up all the hours of my current characters, I'm missing about 3 - 4k from my total account play time. That's from alts that I've messed around with for a few days and gotten rid of.

Just like IRL, I have a tendency to get rid of things I don't use. I'm a bit of a minimalist and dislike clutter. I'm also a completionist and like my characters to be "decked out" with all the goods I could ever need. Doing some of those things, like world completion, maxed inventory slots, all weapons legendary, all armor ascended/legendary, corresponding PvP title (eg. Champion Phantom/Hunter/Legionnaire/Genius, the ones I have), etc. takes a long time and a lot of effort. I do it both because it makes me comfortable and happy with my character(s) and because it helps to prevent me from deleting them if they start to collect dust. My Warrior for example doesn't get played very often, but I have everything "completed" on her so I refuse to get rid of her.

Besides the reasons I've listed, I also: Just plain don't like Elementalist or Mesmer. I like Thief but hate myself every time I play it because I'm awful with it. And I find Guardian boring, but don't mind it.

EDIT: Also, my Revenant is pretty new, as you can see in the stats there. Right now, I'm considering it a temporary character. Although I'm very much enjoying it, I don't think I like it enough to commit to the character completion. So that may end up another one of my deleted alts.

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I just realized I voted 5 but I meant to vote 2 '-'

Right now I play two professions (Warrior and Guardian, one character each) but I've tried them all.

I'm only playing these two for mainly two reasons:

1) They're professions I really identify with;

2) I don't want more than two characters, in fact, I would be even happier If I only had one. I'm that kind of person that prefers to have just one character and dedicate my time and patience to that character only. Right now I'm trying to choose between my two characters but it's a difficult choice and I don't want to delete one and regret it later...

In terms of elite specs, I play/will play:

Guardian - CoreWarrior - Core & Berserker

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Just my engineer. Rest are storage characters or brought out only for raids. I can play other classes (guard, ranger, war, thief, necro), but I don't play them with any regularity.

Why? My engi can do most everything, I'm most familiar and comfortable with it, and it doesn't bore me like most other classes do.

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3It's not really true because I don't really switch between them.I play only 3 because my first char was thief. I enjoyed the fast pace gameplay and the quickness of dagger. Then I tried Rev when HoT released and enjoyed it for a while but I always come back to thief.Lately I discovered mesmer. I don't have all the elite spec but so far I enjoy the gameplay.Other spec or either to complicated for me (I'm not a piano guy) or the gameplay is too slow.I don't really have time to fully invest in all 9 profession (I don't even have ascended armor on my thief so)

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I main thief, and I almost always end up playing the rogue archetype in these sort of games, so I guess it just fits my personality haha.

I have made alts, but I've got a bad habit of deleting them as I get bored, or if game changes render a playstyle I liked more or less pointless (rip pre spec patch cele engi). I've deleted 5 thieves, 4 engis, 4 or 5 rangers (I forget), 3 warriors, 3 revenants, 1 mesmer and 1 necro at lv 80 that I remember, and I have no desire to play ele or guardian whatsoever. I have more than 5k hours on my main thief, the others were more or less for different builds and for fun.

I currently have an engi, warrior and ranger as alts, but I hardly play them outside of duels when people get annoyed with me on thief haha.

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The more you play each profession, the better you understand all of them, and the better you are at both playing with and against them.

It also helps figuring out if someone is cheating. If you know what everyone can do, you can know what's impossible. If you see someone doing something you know is (or should be) impossible, that's likely cheating in some way, like exploiting a bug or using a third party tool to cheat.

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7 seems like an unpopular option.

@"MithranArkanere.8957" has a good point. Can't tell how many times I've seen false accusations of cheating because of an interaction that's obvious to me but someone else has never seen before. I regularly get accused of "damage hacks" because Righteous Instincts while I'm on Core Guardian.

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I can play 4 of the 9 classes amongst the 12 characters I have, but only main 1-2 and most of the time I only use one build at every content in the game (which is PvP based). Reason: I don't like to "change the chip" and to lose muscular memory, and I don't want to learn PvE builds which are useless when you fight humans while roaming or playing Conquest. I'm only interested in builds which works against the hadest content and that content is another human, not potato I.A. bosses.

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I have spent a large amount of time playing 3: ranger, revenant, and thief.I have spent a fairly large amount of time playing 2: elementalist and mesmer.I have spent a fairly small amount of time playing 2: necromancer and guardian.I have spent very minimal time playing 2: engineer and warrior.

I have all classes at level 80, but that doesn't really mean much since tomes are handed out like candy.

To answer the question, I would say 7.

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It depends on what you define as “play.” If it is a question of how if I have a leve 80 and played for more than 5 hours then I played all 9. Though I consistently play guardian, Mesmer and rev in PvE and only guardian in sPvP. However, I occasionally play all other classes. With the exception of engi I played at least 5 minutes on every class last week.

Engi is my least played class. I have not even unlocked holo.

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I have all 9 and play them all to varying degrees. They are all lvl 80 with all skill trees unlocked, max inventory (20 bags, not 32) and a mix of exotic and ascended gear with a few legendary pieces. But when I actually play I tend to use 1-2 builds per character and not really mix or experiment a lot. If they'd ever add build templates and streamline the gear storage I might experiment more but as it stands I tend to stick with a build.

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References aside :DI have at least one of each class although there are a few I don't play often.Mesmer, Ele and Revenant are 3 I find difficult and a bit off putting since I don't get them to well or find them akward to use.

Mostly I play Ranger and Necromancer because I have more experience with them and find them the most enjoyable to play.

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