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@Ashen.2907 said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@"Pirindolo.9427" said:I am sorry, but if you read about future plans for GW2, there is no expansion at all in them. LS5 is here for 1.5 or 2 years, and then we will see.

LS5 will be right after LS4, as ANET said. But they didn't say "no plans for 3rd expansion".

The Living World of Guild Wars 2 is a great way for us to accomplish all of that. It’s the best way to provide our player community with regular content updates—great features, new horizons to explore, and an engaging story that brings our world and characters to life—without charging a subscription fee.

That's from the recent "What's next" post. I know denial can be a thing but this is as clear as it gets.

Sorry, what?How did you assume, from the quote above, that they are not planning 3rd expansion after LS5 or LS6 for example?I didn't say the expansion is coming after LS4, I just said that they have never ever said that there are "no plans for 3rd expansion". Which means that there may be plans or may not be.

How did you not?? It's pretty clear they are saying their
plan for content delivery going forward is Living World. Current being the keyword here, they have changed their model in the past. But we can only discuss what we have now and that's LS.

If an expansion was in the works for after LS5, it would already be in pre-production and we would know about it. Just like we knew about the ones that came before, prior to any official word. Expansions make headlines and generate clicks, they are never kept under wraps.

Not necessarily, since they’d still be over a year away from release probably. They announced HoT very early and it backfired big time.

But the biggest piece of evidence is that they haven’t said they aren’t doing any more expansions. People are constantly talking about more and making theories, and anet can’t possibly miss how much people get excited for more even now, with zero hints. If they keep us hanging for years only to say there won’t be more expansions, I think the backlash from a mistake that big could very possibly kill the game

They havent said that they arent making cars, toaster ovens, or a gw2 themed hentai either...

People don’t expect that though

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Okay, thumbs up for making this. But this list is very bad. It only allows you to choose for one option, while there should be a versatility of things to be able to choose from. For example "New PvE game modes" and "New PvP game modes" should be merged together, doesn't make sense that one game type get something while the other doesn't. Also you're making stipulation without actually knowing what they could be. And the New multiplayer activities could potentially fall within New PvE game modes. I think you should have way less options and combine them together.

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@Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:Only people who voted as I have, are true scholars and gentlemen.

Bad news is weapons can.not.be dyed, they where coded in a way that they where never meant to be. To give weapons that ability they would have to redo each and every weapon in the game. It was something that came up when HoT was being talked about and people asked then. Same for mix and match armor weights. They where never designed to be and would be impossible to do unless they had unlimited resources and people willing to do the work of redesigning every weapon and item in the game.

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I not voting for new professions and new weapon types though, because really? Some weapons still unusable by other classes, adding new weapon types but that class still can't use it then what's the point? Also what kind of "new" class can they add without make it feel like vanilla classes or should have been an E-spec in the first place?About new races....if you see how Anet ignore your character race and PS choices in expansion and living world story , i don't see them putting any effort in making new playable races. They might even re-use animation from other races (example: human/sylvari) i can already imagine a Tengu using Charr /laugh animation and Largos re-use 95% of human animations

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@BrotherBelial.3094 said:

@Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:Only people who voted as I have, are true scholars and gentlemen.

Bad news is weapons can.not.be dyed, they where coded in a way that they where never meant to be. To give weapons that ability they would have to redo each and every weapon in the game. It was something that came up when HoT was being talked about and people asked then. Same for mix and match armor weights. They where never designed to be and would be impossible to do unless they had unlimited resources and people willing to do the work of redesigning every weapon and item in the game.

Pretty hilarious, end game rewards are all cosmetic, and yet we have less cosmetic options then in gw1

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I absolutely want to see new races some day. I'd prefer to prioritize the old GW1 races that haven't gotten the chance, like the tengu or dwarves. I'd also like to see centaur just for the novelty of it, but the mounts make that harder than ever.

I'd still like to see new classes. I think there's room for some of the GW1 classes that haven't been truly represented in GW2. I'd still like to see a Monk class that leans toward martial arts to fit in GW2's paradigms, while still referencing the old healing.

Gliding and Mounts opened whole new avenues of movement and exploration, but I'm not sure where else they can go. I still kinda want to see a Grappling Hook Mastery like a permanent version of Oakheart's Essence, but that seems so much less important now. Underwater movement could use something still I guess, but a single mount wouldn't be as interesting for an expansion as a whole new system (not to imply they should force it if something simple would work).

I'd love any new cosmetic stuff. Saved outfits and another overhaul of the Transmutation system are things I'd love to see. Being able to dye more things would always be nice as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Fenom.9457 said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@"Pirindolo.9427" said:I am sorry, but if you read about future plans for GW2, there is no expansion at all in them. LS5 is here for 1.5 or 2 years, and then we will see.

LS5 will be right after LS4, as ANET said. But they didn't say "no plans for 3rd expansion".

The Living World of Guild Wars 2 is a great way for us to accomplish all of that. It’s the best way to provide our player community with regular content updates—great features, new horizons to explore, and an engaging story that brings our world and characters to life—without charging a subscription fee.

That's from the recent "What's next" post. I know denial can be a thing but this is as clear as it gets.

Sorry, what?How did you assume, from the quote above, that they are not planning 3rd expansion after LS5 or LS6 for example?I didn't say the expansion is coming after LS4, I just said that they have never ever said that there are "no plans for 3rd expansion". Which means that there may be plans or may not be.

How did you not?? It's pretty clear they are saying their
plan for content delivery going forward is Living World. Current being the keyword here, they have changed their model in the past. But we can only discuss what we have now and that's LS.

If an expansion was in the works for after LS5, it would already be in pre-production and we would know about it. Just like we knew about the ones that came before, prior to any official word. Expansions make headlines and generate clicks, they are never kept under wraps.

Not necessarily, since they’d still be over a year away from release probably. They announced HoT very early and it backfired big time.

But the biggest piece of evidence is that they haven’t said they aren’t doing any more expansions. People are constantly talking about more and making theories, and anet can’t possibly miss how much people get excited for more even now, with zero hints. If they keep us hanging for years only to say there won’t be more expansions, I think the backlash from a mistake that big could very possibly kill the game

No more expansions would pretty much confirm the game is on maintenance, and not worth investing into anymore. They have to release an expansion, yes or yes. LW5 could prove to be expansion-worthy content, but even then, the social effect of a new title can never be topped by patch content, no matter the content's size and quality.

@"Ototo.3214" said:I don't expect an expansion or anything anytime soon, but regardless of an expansion or not I'd love to see them making the Living World maps actually good repeatable content. Dragonfall is a great step in the right direction and I hope to see more maps like it in the future. Couldn't vote for everything I'd want with the poll, but it also falls under revamping old content as well. They stated they may be going back to old maps and adding more too them: I really hope this may including updating the meta events for some maps as well.One of my biggest disappointments with PoF is that the maps were beautiful, but you had basically no reason to go back to them because there was nothing outside of maybe achievements that would keep you on that map. Things like Casino Blitz are interesting but honestly laughable in terms of rewards that you get from it and I personally feel that if the map had more of a HoT-like meta event...more people would be going back to that map. It doesn't have to be the new op #1 farming map, but should have rewards that would make someone feel like their time isn't wasted there.

And yes, I'd love to see them revamp dungeons to be worth playing outside the slight chance you may need the tokens for it, and please...give us Season 1 again somehow. It's extremely jarring for new players to play through the core story and randomly jump to Season 2 with new characters that are only introduced to you by a cutscene and now they're buddy buddy with you. I know that's a lot of work though .n .

PoF was a disaster in my opinion, it feels like a bad single player game instead of a MMO. It's criminal they didn't go back and add proper meta-events to it, specially after how good they were in HoT, with the outpost system and the map meta event approach. This model should be used in the whole game, but instead they gave up on it for some reason.

@"tim.4596" said:Okay, thumbs up for making this. But this list is very bad. It only allows you to choose for one option, while there should be a versatility of things to be able to choose from. For example "New PvE game modes" and "New PvP game modes" should be merged together, doesn't make sense that one game type get something while the other doesn't. Also you're making stipulation without actually knowing what they could be. And the New multiplayer activities could potentially fall within New PvE game modes. I think you should have way less options and combine them together.

That defies the point of a poll in the first place. You ought to show preference for one of the options, so we can determine the popularity of each one when grouped together.

If you like multiple options and can't decide, then vote for the one with less votes to even them out.

@BrotherBelial.3094 said:

@Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:Only people who voted as I have, are true scholars and gentlemen.

Bad news is weapons can.not.be dyed, they where coded in a way that they where never meant to be. To give weapons that ability they would have to redo each and every weapon in the game. It was something that came up when HoT was being talked about and people asked then. Same for mix and match armor weights. They where never designed to be and would be impossible to do unless they had unlimited resources and people willing to do the work of redesigning every weapon and item in the game.

Until they change their opinion, and they're recoded to allow dyes.

Also, they would never need to upgrade old weapons to allow dyes, or haven't you noticed how we have plenty of armor pieces with no dyeing allowed at all?

You're doing no one a favor by excusing bad design decisions stemming from laziness and/or incompetence.

@"Ultramex.1506" said:I not voting for new professions and new weapon types though, because really? Some weapons still unusable by other classes, adding new weapon types but that class still can't use it then what's the point? Also what kind of "new" class can they add without make it feel like vanilla classes or should have been an E-spec in the first place?About new races....if you see how Anet ignore your character race and PS choices in expansion and living world story , i don't see them putting any effort in making new playable races. They might even re-use animation from other races (example: human/sylvari) i can already imagine a Tengu using Charr /laugh animation and Largos re-use 95% of human animations

Racial impact is nonexistent at the present, but that might change in the future. Imagine a new expansion where they introduce racial masteries, giving each race unique abilities in open world PvE. Some kind of warband/hero system using your account's characters could encourage people to expand their character pool beyond the "one per profession" unwritten rule we have now, too.

Mix the two of these together, and suddenly, race becomes important and valuable.

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How I see we have enough and over cap races, professions, elites, and etc.I believe the next patch/update/ will be share ONLY new underground on old maps whit some additional attribute resistance system stats, and may be it have some wvw smell.Because now mostly who say "I need new elites skil for elem" was never create guard, or etc.

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@Fenom.9457 said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@"Pirindolo.9427" said:I am sorry, but if you read about future plans for GW2, there is no expansion at all in them. LS5 is here for 1.5 or 2 years, and then we will see.

LS5 will be right after LS4, as ANET said. But they didn't say "no plans for 3rd expansion".

The Living World of Guild Wars 2 is a great way for us to accomplish all of that. It’s the best way to provide our player community with regular content updates—great features, new horizons to explore, and an engaging story that brings our world and characters to life—without charging a subscription fee.

That's from the recent "What's next" post. I know denial can be a thing but this is as clear as it gets.

Sorry, what?How did you assume, from the quote above, that they are not planning 3rd expansion after LS5 or LS6 for example?I didn't say the expansion is coming after LS4, I just said that they have never ever said that there are "no plans for 3rd expansion". Which means that there may be plans or may not be.

How did you not?? It's pretty clear they are saying their
plan for content delivery going forward is Living World. Current being the keyword here, they have changed their model in the past. But we can only discuss what we have now and that's LS.

If an expansion was in the works for after LS5, it would already be in pre-production and we would know about it. Just like we knew about the ones that came before, prior to any official word. Expansions make headlines and generate clicks, they are never kept under wraps.

Not necessarily, since they’d still be over a year away from release probably. They announced HoT very early and it backfired big time.

But the biggest piece of evidence is that they haven’t said they aren’t doing any more expansions. People are constantly talking about more and making theories, and anet can’t possibly miss how much people get excited for more even now, with zero hints. If they keep us hanging for years only to say there won’t be more expansions, I think the backlash from a mistake that big could very possibly kill the game

They havent said that they arent making cars, toaster ovens, or a gw2 themed hentai either...

People don’t expect that though

I think if you browse the internet long enough gw2 hentai already exist....

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Knighthonor.4061 said:I am between Housing and SPvP Battlegrounds. But went with housing since that would be easier to balance than Battleground.

Well, guild hall decoration prices were far from balanced lol, so be careful what you wish for =P.

@"DeathPanel.8362" said:A new profession with its own elite specializations would be good. Or a new elite specialization for each existing profession. I’d pay expansion prices just to get these features and nothing else. It would revitalize the game by changing the paradigm in pve and pvp.

I don't think we'll get to see a new profession, and if we do, I'd be pretty disappointed, because I'd rather get a huge rework for all the nine core professions we already have.

Few redesign ideas here: Elementalist - Mesmer - Necromancer - Engineer - Ranger - Thief - Guardian - Revenant - Warrior

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Yet another poll about the selling points of an imaginary expansion. Now let's have a poll about what kind of weapons and armor we want from the Cantha region, that is definitely coming to the game soon.

It's a radical idea, I know, but maybe polls with a more concrete and realistic foundation would be more constructive.

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HoT blew my socks off with phletora of innovations like vertical maps, gliding, adventures, mastery system, collections, outposts, and ofc elite specs. I will not soon forget that massive fun and challenge this xpac offered. For me HoT was a milestone, that despite some issues (sales and content draught) was worth it's asking price, and worthy of being guild wars' 2 xpansion.

So while new professions is the biggest sales pitch, i most of all value huge world changes and bold new mechanics in it.

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Hard to only choose one of those. Some new race choices would be nice for just a little more variety. Certainly some more content variety. I'd like to see more focus on underwater areas. It's a part of the game that's obviously lagging badly in content, skills, ability to travel (how about an underwater mount?), etc. It's a large opportunity to add content without having to really make the map bigger.

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