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Add pvp events to pve

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Hi, since pvp and wvw are not getting enough attention both by Anet and Players, wouldn't it be great to have pvp mixed with pve event in core Tyria ?Something like a large red area where a new world boss appears and pvp is activated in this area only. But to make it work you need to add exclusive rewards like weapons skins or mount skins or whatever.I know that in gw2 whoever hit the mob gets rewards so the new skins won't be as prestigious but still, I think it would be a lot of fun (except for lags probably).Maybe this way some people will get more and more interested in pvp, who knows.

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Theres no real reason why this should happen, the lore doesnt really support it, the players wont and even as a system it will be weird because anet isnt good with creating areas with diff balance rules.

Id rather see them put that effort into wvw and pvp which, albeit flawed have shows player interest in the past and are easier to make work.

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I’ll repost what ANet has had to say about PvP on PvE maps

[source]The overall design for Guild Wars 2 does not support fully open world PvP and it would take a prohibitive amount of work to even make it possible. World versus world is our version of open world PvP, and while it isn’t ‘true’ open world PvP for more PvP purists, it does contain many of the elements that make world PvP so exciting. Hopefully it will mostly satisfy people that want open world PvP.” — Mike Ferguson

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Heh, yea, I'm sure that would go over just great with the majority of PvE players.

Honestly, the best way to mix PvP into PvE has and is already being done: Festival arena fights like Snowball Mayhem and Dragon Ball. This is because it doesn't force PvE players to dig into all the build and gear aspects of full PvP and put dedicated PvPers who already know this stuff well at a big advantage.

If you want full PvP with PvE-type stuff mixed in, you'll find better success adding PvE stuff to PvE. That way PvE players who are willing to jump in PvP don't feel as forced into the content and the transition for PvP players into PvE hybrid content is smoother. Hell, you could just take something like Obsidian Sanctum and add some mobs and rewards to breath some life back to that area. PvP used to be really fun there until the zone became a ghost town.

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It won't force anyone to do them tho, it will reward people some cosmetics exactly like pvp or wvw armor sets.This type of events brings a lot of hype and fun, it will also create video content more than these pve vids that has almost no views, which will bring new players into the game, some other games have them like WoW or BDO.Now, I understand GW2 "casual" players don't want to be forced into pvp and that's exactly why i'm suggesting this system with events and not a raw open world pvp with safe zones.But yea, I also understand that making this work will take much more time developping so Anet will probably not take this suggestion into consideration but who knows, i'm still hoping for it to happen.

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Well the fun thing I see in this idea is that pve maps are huge, so one could run away from getting killed.

I don't know much about pvp but I think a death match arena in a large pve map could work, kinda like battle royal, last man standing, or just to see who makes more kills in a certain amount of time.

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This is just my take, but if there were an option to PvP in open world, depending on implementation, it could possibly cause a rift. I don't like using the word "toxic" but I guarantee if they were to implement open PvP, you would get your daily supplement of salt and acid together!

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@Kamskill.9457 said:Hi, since pvp and wvw are not getting enough attention both by Anet and Players, wouldn't it be great to have pvp mixed with pve event in core Tyria ?Something like a large red area where a new world boss appears and pvp is activated in this area only. But to make it work you need to add exclusive rewards like weapons skins or mount skins or whatever.I know that in gw2 whoever hit the mob gets rewards so the new skins won't be as prestigious but still, I think it would be a lot of fun (except for lags probably).Maybe this way some people will get more and more interested in pvp, who knows.

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@"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:No, the core game philosophy is cooperative PvE. Open world PvP would change it to something I did not pay for and do not wish to pay for. In addition, ANet has already weighed in on this topic.

The overall design for Guild Wars 2 does not support fully open world PvP and it would take a prohibitive amount of work to even make it possible. World versus world is our version of open world PvP, and while it isn’t ‘true’ open world PvP for more PvP purists, it does contain many of the elements that make world PvP so exciting. Hopefully it will mostly satisfy people that want open world PvP. — Mike Ferguson

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@Kamskill.9457 said:Hi, since pvp and wvw are not getting enough attention both by Anet and Players, wouldn't it be great to have pvp mixed with pve event in core Tyria ?

Just highlighting the logical inconsistency of this statement. If ANET were able to devote resources to create open world PvP in PvE, why not just re-direct those same resources to building up sPvP and WvW? The issue at hand is they don't have those resources, as they are allocated / prioritized ultimately to PvE.

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I could see it now, lvl 20 out harvesting a node, blue gear on, and suddenly from out of nowhere a rainbow colored griffin comes out of the blue and the guy on it one shots you then dances on your body like he did something cool. Yeah, that would fly about as well as a lead balloon. Keep PvP and PvE separate, Anet could spend the time it would take to implement that on much more productive things like LS or an Expansion.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Kamskill.9457 said:Hi, since pvp and wvw are not getting enough attention both by Anet and Players, wouldn't it be great to have pvp mixed with pve event in core Tyria ?

Just highlighting the logical inconsistency of this statement. If ANET were able to devote resources to create open world PvP in PvE, why not just re-direct those same resources to building up sPvP and WvW? The issue at hand is they don't have those resources, as they are allocated / prioritized ultimately to PvE.

This was my take as well.(Although to be fair: whatever resources they have for WvW and PvP seem to be allocated to long-term projects, e.g. Restructuring for WvW and 10x10 and Swiss for PvP, which makes it hard to see how much effort they are devoting.)

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