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So how you all like the Templates after actually trying them out?

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@Yasi.9065 said:Legendary armor doesnt really feel legendary anymore. While the tec itself is quite good, the concept and monetization destroy that effect, sorry.So, the last feature thats keeping me hoping and from uninstalling the game, is wvw alliances. Lets hope anet management doesnt butcher that as well.

It does that feel that way for armor now. Add to that you get more customization options for appearance if you just make ascended sets.

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bad poll.

I like them..not strongly.

There's a range of flaws.Legendary gear is hindered greatly compared to ascended. Can't have different skins, lose sigils if you swap weapons in a template, if you break the armor piece, its broken on all templates because its the same piece of armor.There's little mentor 6 to having legendary.

Dyes on different gear aren't working properly atm.

I still think theyre overpriced and trait templates should be free.

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Considering that we no longer have "remembered" WvW build, and need to not only dedicate one of the build slots to it, but also remember to switch to that build when switching game mode, and adding this to all other stuff i was already complaining about before, i'd have to say that this "QoL" was for me anything but, and i have to consider it a net negative.

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@"Astralporing.1957" said:Considering that we no longer have "remembered" WvW build, and need to not only dedicate one of the build slots to it, but also remember to switch to that build when switching game mode, and adding this to all other stuff i was already complaining about before, i'd have to say that this "QoL" was for me anything but, and i have to consider it a net negative.

I agree, this update really forces WvW players to use the templates, it seems like they over looked that to be honest, as that doesnt seem like a good QoL update, i have a dedicated char for WvW so i wont have as much messing around as others.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:The gear slots are useful.

The build slots are useless to me.

Also, funny how SWTOR gave me five free slote for fashion and what not, but Anet only gave me two and I have to spend up to 20+ bucks.

I only had to pay 5 or so bucks in SWTOR. Anet just make the stupid things 100 gems a pop, that 500 gem tag will never be worth it. This is coming from an RPer that does most of the content in this game.

Yeah, also funny how you pay a monthly sub in SWTOR.

Hey, if we are going to make comparisons ... do it right and do it honest.

I had gotten and still could get access to SWTOR for a whole year for free, so again, I will repeat my statement. Nice try for assuming I wasn't honest.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:The gear slots are useful.

The build slots are useless to me.

Also, funny how SWTOR gave me five free slote for fashion and what not, but Anet only gave me two and I have to spend up to 20+ bucks.

I only had to pay 5 or so bucks in SWTOR. Anet just make the stupid things 100 gems a pop, that 500 gem tag will never be worth it. This is coming from an RPer that does most of the content in this game.

Yeah, also funny how you pay a monthly sub in SWTOR.

Hey, if we are going to make comparisons ... do it right and do it honest.

I had gotten and still could get access to SWTOR for a whole year for free, so again, I will repeat my statement. Nice try for assuming I wasn't honest.

That's nice ... that doesn't change the fact that us regular plebs are required to pay a sub fee. Maybe you think your exceptional case in SWTOR justifies your ideas about what content you think is reasonable to pay for in GW2 ... I can assure you it does not.

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build templates are ok, but 7 years into a game could be better IMHO.

  • the ancient gw1 save/load interface from disk was better imho.
  • gear templates / legendary armor / legendary weapons stink by unloading runes/sigils/infusions.
  • have not figured out how to hot swap A weapon easily if it happens to also be used in a different gear template.
  • templates should have check box for default wvw / default pve / default pvp. People who only play 1 game mode got 2 extra slots for builds. People who play multiple modes now have an extra step to swap builds. This was automatically done for you pre templates.
  • unrelated, I bet anet would have made more money with wardrobe templates...…..
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@Liston.9708 said:

  • templates should have check box for default wvw / default pve / default pvp. People who only play 1 game mode got 2 extra slots for builds.

As someone who only plays one game mode I actually agree with you. I might spend the gold to test out that Engineer In The Back of The HP Train build I had an idea for. But in general the slots are a solution looking for a problem for someone like me.

  • unrelated, I bet anet would have made more money with wardrobe templates...…..

The Waifu Wars would lay waste to Tyria on a scale the dragons could never imagine.

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'By our count, that comes out to about $36 per character, plus around $37 for the one-time account-wide unlocks, if you want to max everything out (and skip the bundles; run the math for your specific scenario because the bundles are worth it sometimes and not worth it others). If you’re the kind of person who runs nine characters, one from each class, then your fee could be pushing over $360.'

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:The gear slots are useful.

The build slots are useless to me.

Also, funny how SWTOR gave me five free slote for fashion and what not, but Anet only gave me two and I have to spend up to 20+ bucks.

I only had to pay 5 or so bucks in SWTOR. Anet just make the stupid things 100 gems a pop, that 500 gem tag will never be worth it. This is coming from an RPer that does most of the content in this game.

Yeah, also funny how you pay a monthly sub in SWTOR.

Hey, if we are going to make comparisons ... do it right and do it honest.

I had gotten and still could get access to SWTOR for a whole year for free, so again, I will repeat my statement. Nice try for assuming I wasn't honest.

That's nice ... that doesn't change the fact that us regular plebs are required to pay a sub fee. Maybe you think your exceptional case in SWTOR justifies your ideas about what content you think is reasonable to pay for in GW2 ... I can assure you it does not.

Listen you can sit here and play devil's advocate all you want. And usually, I'd be in Anet's side, but this product is garbage. Already tons of hugs reported, most people are saying the price is too steep even for a free to play game, like why bother responding to every comment like this when most people in this feedback are not happy with said product that they paid for or tried?

You can sit here and argue this all you want, but my statement is not gonna change, no matter if you say you are a 'regular pleb' (I guess you wanna say this as to state a point???) or not. Like lol, there's no point in trying to sit here and try to play right or wrong with me.

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After spending a good ten hours on this crap and being confronted with all its flaws, I have to say that Equipment Templates are plain awful the way they function. You are screwed when you are using legendary upgrades - it's an affront to have to buy extra gear slots for swapping just one item because of this! :angry: You won't see any more of my money anytime soon, dear ArenaNet, that I can promise you.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Lilyanna.9361" said:The gear slots are useful.

The build slots are useless to me.

Also, funny how SWTOR gave me five free slote for fashion and what not, but Anet only gave me two and I have to spend up to 20+ bucks.

I only had to pay 5 or so bucks in SWTOR. Anet just make the stupid things 100 gems a pop, that 500 gem tag will never be worth it. This is coming from an RPer that does most of the content in this game.

Yeah, also funny how you pay a monthly sub in SWTOR.

Hey, if we are going to make comparisons ... do it right and do it honest.

Ok Lets do it "Honest and fair".

  1. The Functionality of this product is lack-luster, it doesn't even work with chunks of the game. (See rev as a whole, and legendaries.)
  2. Guild wars 1 was a buy to play game, with cosmetic micro-transactions. You got this FOR FREE and it was unlimited while granted it didn't have equipment slots it did function far better.
  3. They spent a good year or two working on this, according to the statements made (I doubt it.) when they were talking about them initially. They don't seem tested and this seems like an alpha phase for this when its supposed to be a product we pay for and is polished.
  4. This is not acceptable, it never will be and it sets a dangerous precedent to what could happen ... (Watch them charge an entry fee, for alliances IF AND WHEN it ever happens..)
  5. This used to be a core feature of guild wars as a franchise, to bungle it this bad and botch it at this stage proves to me that no one knows what they are doing. Or this was rushed out really recently and was merely a push for money which they seem to be clamoring desperately for. This seems to push the narrative that they are going full monetization and that the future is tripling down on the gem-store... Im hoping this is not what we will have exclusively until the X-mas event because if this is their idea of "Worth while content" it doesn't speak well for the saga. (This is my being jaded.)
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poor design, not good.

They should have done it that way:

  1. Seperate the game modes from each others and give every gamemode the 3 build slots and make them change automatically when entering a game mode like it was before.
  2. The Build-Template-Storage should not be account wide so the 6 storage slots are available per charakter. Let it be 4 of them for free then if it must be.
  3. The Gear-Templates should remind which gear was choosen even if you place the gear on another charakter.
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@"Astralporing.1957" said:Considering that we no longer have "remembered" WvW build, and need to not only dedicate one of the build slots to it, but also remember to switch to that build when switching game mode, and adding this to all other stuff i was already complaining about before, i'd have to say that this "QoL" was for me anything but, and i have to consider it a net negative.This was my first annoyance too and one I think they could easily solve - just let us tag templates with WvW, sPvP or PvE (exlusively one of each) and then that is automatically equipped in each respective mode when you move between them.

This would actually be an improvement to how it worked before since going between modes could change both gear and traits, as opposed to only traits before.

Other than that its just... a little underwhelming and confusing design. I still dont really understand the point of the account trait templates.

Regarding the cost, well yeah characters cost a ton if you want to fully upgrade them instantly now now now and you got 16 copper in the bank. Not sure why people seem surprised about that - GW2 has monetized upgrades like this since launch. I just consider it endgame grinding goals over years. Farm 300g in PvE, oh look I can convert to gems and upgrade something on my current main character. What else are you doing in PvE?!

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