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Do you actively use the Build-Templates feature?

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It has been a few weeks, since the built-templates were released. I have seen the complaints on this board, but aside from that no information how the new feature actually performs.

I actively use the Build-Templates

  • You have more than one set and/or more than one build equipped on a character you are actively playing.
  • You switch those builds either by using the hotkeys or manually by clicking through the Hero Panel.

A simple poll, two options. You can just pick what suits to your situation. But I would also like to hear/read about your experiences.

  • How do you use feature? (Equipment-Template, Build-Template, both)
  • What builds are you using/switching most often?
  • In which game-mode(s) you use the feature?
  • How often do you switch between the builds?
  • Did you happen to run into problems yet? (lagg while switching, wrong gear mixed with wrong build, slipped on the wrong buttons)

In addition, I would also like to know if you are not using the feature, why?

  • Is it too complicated/confusing?
  • You only have one build and feel no need of adding another.
  • Other reasons (please no rants)

I am also interested in small stories. If you ran into a situation where the built-templates came in pretty handy, share it.

Note: This will not prove anything to ANet. I am just curious about the experiences of other players. Why making "another poll"? Some people do not want to write a text, they can just click. You can decide on your own how much time and effort you want to invest.

Thank you for participation and sharing your experience!

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I use both, switching between a Hybrid Holosmith for DPS and a Power Scrapper for sustain and exploration. At the moment it is only PVE, but I plan to give WvW another try soon. I switch my builds quite frequently. Sometimes 2-3 times in 5 minutes, sometimes less. It depends on the situation. It is quite useful in instanced content such as Dungeons and Fractals, but also has its uses in open-world.

Once, I decided to swap between two very narrow fights. Due to a little lagg, I ended up with my Scrapper gear and my Holosmith build. It would be a lot smoother if there was not the issue with pressing two hotkeys. But when there is no lagg, I can swap between builds during /step whenever a leg changes.

I started using the built-templates at the Makali Outpost during the Nayrim event. Just switched between builds whenever the gate changed. Fractals and Dungeons are a lot easier for me now, as I can switch to DPS without wasting a few minutes of my party-members time.

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Of course I use it, in spite of its flaws and limitations. It's what we've got.

P.S. I am not happy with ANet's execution of a templates system, but not using it out of protest seems a bit childish to me, especially after they've fixed the auto-eject issue and stat reset with legendary gear and upgrades. Whether I am buying more slots, on the other hand, is a totally different story. ;)

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I've been using the feature since it's arrival. Mostly, I use it to switch between Open World content and PvP. Sometimes I also switch between several Open World builds.

If there were two things I'd change about the build templates, they would be as follows:

1.) Merge the Build and Equipment portion. I'd like to just select one button and have everything switch over. Like HnRkLnXqZ above, I also have been caught in some fast switching, then gotten locked in combat "halfway" if you will (One Build, but the other Equipment).

2.) Have a separate list of builds for each game-mode, which saved whatever one you had on when you were last in that game-mode. For people who only use one build for each game mode, this update was actually a downgrade. Before you could just leave your skills and traits as they were, and they would be there when you came back to that mode. Now, you have to actively switch them.

Overall, it was a good start, but I'd like to see it improved on.

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I use equipment templates:

  • already bought some the first day for WvW guardian so I don't need to roam with minstrel's gear. PvE has a dedicated equipment slot to select legendary gear options. Many other people opted for additional character slots for 800 gems (as low as ~560 gems when on sale). If I played more PvE I'd probably use more than 6 slots (power, condi, quickness, WvW minstrel, WvW roaming is already 5).
  • mesmer has multiple possible equipment setups (boon,condi,power, WvW with toughness/vitality) : right now I don't play mesmer often in WvW due to chrono changes so I'm still working on the other slots
  • engineer makes use of power for PvE holo and minstrel for scrapper WvW : other people may run WvW DPS gyros, condi holo or condi core engi
  • necromancer makes uses of power/condi, cele for WvW : as full berserker stat in WvW is adequate for power scourge in WvW there's no reason to get more slots unless you run a finicky PvE support scourge or power and condi in PvE
  • revenant is basically power and power with durability rune for WvW : other people may run alacrity renegade
  • warrior is power regardless of mode , the 2nd template uses more vitality for WvW : I don't doubt some people would be annoyed by having to swap weapons out or needing addition tabs for condi berserker
  • elementalist basically is power regardless of mode (I'm willing to run vitality in PvE) , although others may run heal tempest or condi weaver
  • I don't play thief often but it's marauder armor so it doesn't need an additional slot : I don't doubt that people would make a condi or boon thief but that varies over time and isn't consistent between patches
  • I rarely play ranger but one tab is harrier and the other is power: others may opt for a condi tab

Waiting for a 5 or 10 equipment template bundle to come out. Then I can make use of 3rd/4th tab for:

  • condi engineer , ele, warrior, PvE necro (probably not since burn is much spikier than bleed/poison) , thief, ranger (probably not since power soulbeast is the way to go)
  • support renegade (alacrity)

If you don't play WvW and don't play guardian, mesmer, or revenant it is unlikely that you will need more than 2-3 slots as 2 slots is enough for power+condi. Once you play support you will need more.

I use build templates:

  • every game mode , despite the annoying manual switching.
  • sharing to other players for WvW
  • pasting template or using build storage to replace the build in the default WvW build slot (first one is PvE, 2nd is PvP, 3rd is default WvW) --- workaround due to pricing

That said I'd drop money on more of them (build templates/build storage) if they weren't so ridiculously priced.

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Very casual PvEer here. I have three characters on which I actively use the templates, but other toons where I have templates set up but don't play as often:

1> Soulbeast/Druid (main)2> Chronomancer/Mirage3> Weaver/Tempest

I use hot-keys to swap and do so frequently depending on content, population and fun factors. I haven't had any issues other than using the wrong set of hot-keys and getting one of my mounts instead of the template I wanted (oops!), but that's my issue and not one with the system.

As I have equipped each one with unique gear (for the most part, maybe a shared glove or back piece here or there) I would like to have one more account-wide equipment slot so that I could have two builds and one "working" or "testing" build.

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I have over thirty characters and I use build/equipment slots on three of them. One is for WvW versus open world PVE. Another one alternates between a pure power build/equipment and one with more survivability. The final toggles between a open world PVE ranger and and healing druid. Otherwise, I don't tend to change builds or equipment that often.

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I don't use it much, but then I'm a casual player who never changed builds much before, and recently I haven't been doing much which requires changing builds.

The main benefit for me is when I do raids (which isn't very often, but does happen), I can switch to the raid build I use without having to go to a website to look up what all the traits are, and I can switch back to my normal build instantly when I'm done. Plus if I have a build which is ok, but I want to experiment with something else I can save what I've got now and switch back to it later on without having to write it all down, which makes experimenting less of a pain and therefore something I'm more likely to do.

I'm also using the equipment tabs for 'weapon swapping' on my elementalists and engineers. It's not as good as real weapon swap of course, because it only works out of combat, but it is less hassle than opening the Hero panel to equip the other weapon.

I've also saved my Mad King's Labyrinth build so I don't have to try and remember it next year, but I'm not sure how useful that will be given all the changes that are likely to happen in between.

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I have 3 issues with this:

  • The skills templates are a step forward and 2 steps backwards, having to manually load builds manually whenever you switch between PVE/PvP/ WvW is an inconvenience, before the update it loaded automatically and I liked it better. A simple solution to this would be to make the game autoload the last used template slot whenever you enter a different game mode.

  • The equipment templates are a tangled mess that I really don't want to use, the main reason for my complaint are the legendary weapons auto removing sigils and infusions, I spend more time re applying them to the weapons than If I manually switch the weapons from the inventory.

  • Heavily monetized feature for what was free and smoother in GW1, After 7 years I've expected better.

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