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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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Everything would have calmed down if they just had sent out no "compensation" at all. Or just the same one (only the bonfire) to everyone.With the license they rewarded people just for logging in when it wasn't even necessarry to lose progress. (So this isn't a real "compensation" - more a lucky reward for those that were lucky enough to log in.)

I hope some people that claim "but they logged in and lost progress" can at least come to understand that logging in and getting the daily login reward is far away from needing a compensation that is worth 1200 gems. (Everyone would have logged in if they knew that it was that easy to earn this reward.)

Main problem here is that people that are similar ... got treated differently. While it is up to the company to do so (if they were government institution ... in some countries it might be hard to tread people differently but a private company can do what they want) - it is a bad decision if they wan to keep players happy (and playing and buying).

I have tried to explain it a lot in other threads (some people fail to see the point or try to ignore it on purpose):

There are 3 types of players. The ones that logged in and gained a lot of progress. The ones that logged in and gained no progress at all. (You even could not have opened the chest with the daily login reward and logged out ... still enough to qualify for the license reward.) The ones that did not log in at all.

The ones that logged in while gaining no progress and the ones that did not log in at all ... they should be treated the same. Like someone explained: This seems to be a problem of people that got too much rewards. (The ones that got the license but did not lose any progress cause they just logged in and out again.)

Now ... since it would have been hard for an automated system to check how much progress got made ... ArenaNet used the "logged in" to determine which people should get rewards. Solving the problem here would have been only possible by giving out the same rewards to everyone. (Or not giving rewards at all.)

(On top of it they also seem to restored certain other progress - if you ask in a ticket. So the license also comes on top for people that lost a lot of progress while getting that restored by the customer service already.) There absolutely is no reason at all to not give the same reward to players that did not log in. Yet they decided not to do it (which is okay since it is their decision). But it should be obvious that people getting angry.

Everyone that doesn't understand this is probably just a person that got a skin for free and wants it to be more exclusive. (Doesn't want others to get it as well.)

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@"trixantea.1230" said:The mount was given as an apology for the people who were affected by the rollback. If you were not affected then why do you want them to send you an "apology" gift?

i'm curious, was there an apology letter written by Anet of the incident?

This I think counts since they do apologise

Thank you for your patience. Maintenance has concluded and you should be able to log in to GW2 on EU servers again.

As part of the fix, we have restored all EU player accounts to their standing at roughly 2:40 AM PT on May 11. We're continuing to help players who are still missing items, or who made gem purchases or in-game transactions after that point. Please check your account carefully. If you find that you are still missing items or account progress, submit a ticket and Customer Support will help you as soon as possible.

We apologize for the frustration and inconvenience this incident caused and are exploring ways to make up the downtime to our player community

Thank You! for posting this.

After reading the responses, i agree, that there should have never been any partial treatments in the compensation. The compensation should have treated everyone equally and fairly without having any exceptions.

So Anet did one thing right by writing an apology letter to everyone yet failed to treat the results and its effect the same.

in this case, i do not like partial treatments because in the end, like Toxicity, it affects everyone

i encourage Anet to rethink this and to compensate everyone the same

I disagree. I think players who had partial account wipes were rightfully the ones they chose to compensate and not players like me who risked nothing and stayed away - although to be honest I'm not really in favour of compensation in such matters that much anyway. Compensation is for genuine problems and this wasn't a major issue. If they felt they had to compensate, they went down the right road imo.

However, my opinion is moot. I can safely say Anet will change their stance. The fact they haven't even merged things is usually a sign they are deep in the progress of thinking this over. Before all is said and done, I think those on the "disagree" side will get what they want and we can all just move on and like any forum drama, it'll be over and forgotten by next week.

Read the last line.

We apologize for the frustration and inconvenience this incident caused and are exploring ways to make up the downtime to our player community.

They said it was to make up for the downtime. (that we couldent play for 25hours)

If you lost stuff due to rollback is not why you get the mount skin since they adress that aswell.

We're continuing to help players who are still missing items, or who made gem purchases or in-game transactions after that point
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@coso.9173 said:

@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Let's get all of Anet's staff on this. Pause all development and assign everyone to research all player's accounts so we can determine exactly what everyone lost and restore it. We MUST be fair at all costs after all. This is the way.... (Sarcasm intended in case you missed it)

Those of you that chose not to play because you were aware of the problem were compensated with whatever you used that time for instead. I hope you spent it wisely. I don't recall reading anything in the fine print when I purchased this game promising any compensation for server issues. Can someone link that please. It must be there with this many people demanding compensation.

I get your point. But what we did with our time was no different to the people who logged in once or twice, realised they couldn't and did something else. Most of us are on lock down after all. Anets idea is basically like a car company dealing with all their cars breaking like, hey sorry all your cars broke, for those of you who aimlessly turned the key in the ignition, heres a prize worth 400 Gems. For those of you who chose not to incase it did further damage, and instead followed social media, have a mini toy worth a few silver. We all sat there, we all wanted to play, some of us chose not to try just in case until told otherwise.

The reason people are dissapointed is because we are ALL effected the same if you logged in, you didn't play if you didn't, well you didn't. Going by who logged in is a poor plan. Going by who logged in 48 hours around that period? Maybe better, maybe not. I don't feel its entitlement, after all I spent quite a bit on gems most months as I put so many hours into this game, I feel they are due it.

No, we are not all effected the same. There are people who did world bosses, or got a mastery, or progressed with his characters, nor got a rare item, or bought something with gems, and a long list. and others that didn't. Those of us who didn't log in weren't as affected as them at all.

Anyone who did not log in, to not lose progress, was effected because they also did not have progress they could have made. Whether you were logged in or not is entirely irrelevant. The point is, if the down time, effected your gameplay, through rollback, through lack of access and missing daily, you were effected by it. And further more, it should be entirely not the point whether you were logged in or not.

The abscense of a log in should not be the factor of compensation for downtime. If you were logged in the day before, the day after or if you log in daily and the downtime made it so you could not, you are as effected as someone who had progress in game.

I was logged in during the time frame now I have checked. but the remainder of the time I spent waiting on twitter for the go ahead to log back in rather than trying over and over.

Are you for real?You claim that someone who didn't even log in was affected in the same way that someone who logged in and actually lost his progress? Be it items, masteries, or anything? Absolutely not the same, dude!Both were affected by downtime, but the guy who logged in ALSO lost his actual progress, not just "potential progress"

Absolutely, whether you are elitist fractal runner, world boss runner or someone who logs on for their daily but could not, you were effected, the compensation should be equal across the board. What is it about you that doesn't want more people to have nice things honestly? Would you just want all the compensation to yourself so you can gloat it over other people?

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@Bish.8627 said:

@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Let's get all of Anet's staff on this. Pause all development and assign everyone to research all player's accounts so we can determine exactly what everyone lost and restore it. We MUST be fair at all costs after all. This is the way.... (Sarcasm intended in case you missed it)

Those of you that chose not to play because you were aware of the problem were compensated with whatever you used that time for instead. I hope you spent it wisely. I don't recall reading anything in the fine print when I purchased this game promising any compensation for server issues. Can someone link that please. It must be there with this many people demanding compensation.

I get your point. But what we did with our time was no different to the people who logged in once or twice, realised they couldn't and did something else. Most of us are on lock down after all. Anets idea is basically like a car company dealing with all their cars breaking like, hey sorry all your cars broke, for those of you who aimlessly turned the key in the ignition, heres a prize worth 400 Gems. For those of you who chose not to incase it did further damage, and instead followed social media, have a mini toy worth a few silver. We all sat there, we all wanted to play, some of us chose not to try just in case until told otherwise.

The reason people are dissapointed is because we are ALL effected the same if you logged in, you didn't play if you didn't, well you didn't. Going by who logged in is a poor plan. Going by who logged in 48 hours around that period? Maybe better, maybe not. I don't feel its entitlement, after all I spent quite a bit on gems most months as I put so many hours into this game, I feel they are due it.

No, we are not all effected the same. There are people who did world bosses, or got a mastery, or progressed with his characters, nor got a rare item, or bought something with gems, and a long list. and others that didn't. Those of us who didn't log in weren't as affected as them at all.

Anyone who did not log in, to not lose progress, was effected because they also did not have progress they could have made. Whether you were logged in or not is entirely irrelevant. The point is, if the down time, effected your gameplay, through rollback, through lack of access and missing daily, you were effected by it. And further more, it should be entirely not the point whether you were logged in or not.

The abscense of a log in should not be the factor of compensation for downtime. If you were logged in the day before, the day after or if you log in daily and the downtime made it so you could not, you are as effected as someone who had progress in game.

I was logged in during the time frame now I have checked. but the remainder of the time I spent waiting on twitter for the go ahead to log back in rather than trying over and over.

Are you for real?You claim that someone who didn't even log in was affected in the same way that someone who logged in and actually lost his progress? Be it items, masteries, or anything? Absolutely not the same, dude!Both were affected by downtime, but the guy who logged in ALSO lost his actual progress, not just "potential progress"

Absolutely, whether you are elitist fractal runner, world boss runner or someone who logs on for their daily but could not, you were effected, the compensation should be equal across the board. What is it about you that doesn't want more people to have nice things honestly? Would you just want all the compensation to yourself so you can gloat it over other people?

Considering hes stated multiple times in the thread that he didnt login and therefore lost nothing and also gained nothing i dont think thats the case.

And honestly this thread is a lot of hyperbole and is turning into a toxic cesspool, Anet should have done nothing more than they already did, or only given out the bonfire to everyone.

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@"coso.9173" said:Are you for real?You claim that someone who didn't even log in was affected in the same way that someone who logged in and actually lost his progress? Be it items, masteries, or anything? Absolutely not the same, dude!Both were affected by downtime, but the guy who logged in ALSO lost his actual progress, not just "potential progress"

progress progress progress

the guy that logged in could play, had fun. the guy that came a little later could only enjoy the error that something went wrong "please try it later". have you ever tried to look at a game as a source of fun or is progress in a virtual environment the only thing you can think about?

as stated multiple times: ANet is (probably desparately) trying to restore major progress that has been lost. minor progress won't be restored for obvious reasons. nobody here cares about that anyways. people that intentionally missed out or people that could not play (e.g. their last chance of daily SAB which is a really major thing if you consider the potential money off of glitch chests) get not even the chance to do their SAB daily on another day.you have 3 groups:group 1: people that wouldn't have played anyways -> will probably get a bonfiregroup 2: people that missed all their fun and progress by not playing (maybe forced as they could not log in) -> will probably get a bonfire and a mount skin if they logged in, saw troubles, logged outgroup 3: people that had their fun but missed the progress -> will get a bonfire and a mount skin

as you see there are people getting compensated for nothing (group 1), people getting a low compensation for missing out entirely (part of group 2), people getting a high compensation for missing out entirely (other part of group 2 and the part of group 3 that only did stuff that is no fun) and people getting a high compensation for missing out on parts (rest of group 3).

you can't easily differentiate between group 1 and part of group 2, so they have to be treated the same.you can't easily differentiate between the other part of group 2 and group 3, so they have to be treated the same.you can't treat people of the same group different, that's unfair and only possibly affects group 2.

you can decide yourself whether group 2 or group 3 lost more but that is not the point. the point is what is a good solution?

ANet is not obliged to give any of those 3 groups any compensation, that is a fact.

however you try it, logic says the only fair solution is to treat the entire group 2 and 3 the same. it won't be possible to determine group 1 but group 1 won't care anyways.therefore any good solution tries to match 100% of group 2 and 3 and the least amount of group 1 (as compensation most likely is an item that ANet normally earns money with you want the least people getting it as possible, that if fully ok and reasonable).

if you think about it: the solution "do nothing" treats group 2 and 3 the same and affects nobody of group 1. it is logically ideal while not exactly preferred.the solution "compensate any player that logged in between the rollback" catches 100% of group 3 but only a small portion of group 2. it is logically bad.the solution "compensate any player active around the incident" catches most likely 99% of group 2 and 100% of group 3, but possibly a good portion of group 1. it is not ideal but good and might be preferred at the end.

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Yes, thanks Anet for my free mount license. I didn't have enough gems and there were 2 skins I really liked (the sabretooth looking lion one is the other), and so I was able to unlock one of them for free - I chose the volcanic ray - it's so awesome looking! Thanks again.

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@Kulvar.1239 said:

@"yoni.7015" said:If I were you it would be enough reward knowing that I helped. I wouldnt expect a reward for everything I do.

In all seriousness, I didnt expect a reward/compensation/whatever, nor do i think i am entitled to get one.But giving one to everyone but those who did the right thing is a slap in the face and a really weird move.

From what I'Ve seen, the people that claim they did "the right thing" by not playing in order to help the servers are also claiming they would have instantly logged in if they knew about a potential compensation. Raises the question how much goodwill there was to begin with or if people simply didn't want to (rightfully) deal with server issues.

Also no, no matter how much you guys want to twist it, if you didn't log in and did something else during that time, you lost nothing. "But I could have played if it wasn't for the server issues". Could have, should have, would have ... the fact is you didn't play. Why should you be compensated for your "time loss", if you were busy playing Overwatch, League, or whatever other game during that time.

That said, I do think giving out a mount skin is complete overkill for this short (the servers were offline pretty quickly) inconvenience and they shouldn't have done it. Plus I'm convinced the actual loss of progress/time is almost nonexistent. If people want to waste their time suiciding in LA, that's their problem. There's no need to reward this behaviour. I also think they should extend the SAB event for an additional day since EU players couldn't participate for an entire day.

If you make incentives for people to NOT do the right thing, don't be surprised when people DON'T do the right thing.If you were given money for breaking Covid-19 quarantine, there would be people breaking it all the time for the money.

What is "the right thing"? Why do you think people that didn't log in during Monday made anet's job any easier?

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@Talon.8039 said:@Burnfall.9573 that's true but it happend and arguing about it is pointless. Life is not Always fair and you have to accept that. Just be happy for the people u got the gifts.

I agree, life is not always fair.

Anet have a responsibility in creating a healthy experience and a healthy environment for the community. Anet is responsible for being an example of showing fairness and promoting a positive influence to the community.

Behaviors such as Favoritism and Partial Treatment transmits Toxicity.

Is this what Anet want the community to embrace?

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Just give the mount to everybody and everyone would stop complaining.I just cannot wrap my head around how Anet can do things like this seemingly without even considering the backlash they might get.But well, this isn't the first time. Don't they have a marketing team?

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I'm having a good chuckle at all the people that said they didn't log in when things seemed broken because they "didn't want to make things worse for Anet." LOL. You didn't login because you feared another rollback and didn't want to lose anymore progress. Stop acting like you were being altruistic by not logging in and had Anet's best interest in mind. You didn't care about that. You only cared about possibly losing progress if you logged in and played during that time period.


  1. You are not being punished for not logging in after the rollback. If it was a punishment it would be something like, "Every EU player that didn't login during that time will lose 25% of their gold." That's punishment. Not getting something just because you want it is not punishment.
  2. Many, many players never follow the forums, Twitter, Reddit, and would never know there was a problem. There are probably thousands of players that don't play everyday and would not have noticed there was a problem due to the initial rollback.
  3. I know a lot of NA players that stopped playing when they heard what was happening. There was some fear that there may be a rollback across both regions to correct it. So if EU players stopped playing and deserve the reward, "because they didn't want to make things 'worse' for Anet," then all those NA players that stopped playing and "lost potential progress" deserve it as well for trying to do best by Anet. /sarcasm
  4. You will live. It's just a skin.

This reminds me of the time they gave out, I think it was a kite, for people that bought gems over a period of time as a thank you. People freaked out saying things like, "I would have bought gems if I knew," and it was never done again. Even though most of the people complaining probably never bought gems.

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@"JustTrogdor.7892" said:I'm having a good chuckle at all the people that said they didn't log in when things seemed broken because they "didn't want to make things worse for Anet." LOL. You didn't login because you feared another rollback and didn't want to lose anymore progress. Stop acting like you were being altruistic by not logging in and had Anet's best interest in mind. You didn't care about that. You only cared about possibly losing progress if you logged in and played during that time period.


  1. You are not being punished for not logging in after the rollback. If it was a punishment it would be something like, "Every EU player that didn't login during that time will lose 25% of their gold." That's punishment. Not getting something just because you want it is not punishment.
  2. Many, many players never follow the forums, Twitter, Reddit, and would never know there was a problem. There are probably thousands of players that don't play everyday and would not have noticed there was a problem due to the initial rollback.
  3. I know a lot of NA players that stopped playing when they heard what was happening. There was some fear that there may be a rollback across both regions to correct it. So if EU players stopped playing and deserve the reward, "because they didn't want to make things 'worse' for Anet," then all those NA players that stopped playing and "lost potential progress" deserve it as well for trying to do best by Anet. /sarcasm
  4. You will live. It's just a skin.

This reminds me of the time they gave out, I think it was a kite, for people that bought gems over a period of time as a thank you. People freaked out saying things like, "I would have bought gems if I knew," and it was never done again. Even though most of the people complaining probably never bought gems.

Oh look, someone else totally neglecting the entire point people are making By what stick do you measure who suffered most from the down time? Those who lost physical goods? How do you deal with that? Tickets? You think Anet have the staff for that? So they go with log in during a parcicular time period. That period does not reflect who COULD log in and who was affected by the down time because they could not. So if they could, who says they would not have made 1000g? Who says I didn't lose 250 items on the TP but I did not realise?

And so, their method of compensation is flawed because it is not only those who logged on in a few hours who were affected.

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@Bish.8627 said:

@"JustTrogdor.7892" said:I'm having a good chuckle at all the people that said they didn't log in when things seemed broken because they "didn't want to make things worse for Anet." LOL. You didn't login because you feared another rollback and didn't want to lose anymore progress. Stop acting like you were being altruistic by not logging in and had Anet's best interest in mind. You didn't care about that. You only cared about possibly losing progress if you logged in and played during that time period.

  1. You are not being punished for not logging in after the rollback. If it was a punishment it would be something like, "Every EU player that didn't login during that time will lose 25% of their gold." That's punishment. Not getting something just because you want it is not punishment.
  2. Many, many players never follow the forums, Twitter, Reddit, and would never know there was a problem. There are probably thousands of players that don't play everyday and would not have noticed there was a problem due to the initial rollback.
  3. I know a lot of NA players that stopped playing when they heard what was happening. There was some fear that there may be a rollback across both regions to correct it. So if EU players stopped playing and deserve the reward, "because they didn't want to make things 'worse' for Anet," then all those NA players that stopped playing and "lost potential progress" deserve it as well for trying to do best by Anet. /sarcasm
  4. You will live. It's just a skin.

This reminds me of the time they gave out, I think it was a kite, for people that bought gems over a period of time as a thank you. People freaked out saying things like, "I would have bought gems if I knew," and it was never done again. Even though most of the people complaining probably never bought gems.

Oh look, someone else totally neglecting the entire point people are making By what stick do you measure who suffered most from the down time? Those who lost physical goods? How do you deal with that? Tickets? You think Anet have the staff for that? So they go with log in during a parcicular time period. That period does not reflect who COULD log in and who was affected by the down time because they could not. So if they could, who says they would not have made 1000g? Who says I didn't lose 250 items on the TP but I did not realise?

And so, their method of compensation is flawed because it is not only those who logged on in a few hours who were affected.

Could have, should have, might have. Good grief... For people that lost goods or gold then they should submit support tickets. That has already been addressed .

Hey everyone, I was going to clear all raids, craft every precursor, do every world boss as well as hours of RIBA. But the game went down for a day. Give, me, give me... I might have made 1000's of gold.

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Sure, life is not always fair, but this is something that Anet can actually do. They can either make the community happy, or the ugly alternative which is good for nobody. Making the community happy however goes a long way. The other, not so much (but it'll make them go a looonnngg way away :P). Happy hurts no one and is a good thing overall. I'm just astonished that people are so against the others getting it. Why is it a big deal if it's "free" and "just a skin", it should not affect you in any way if they get it.

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@TazzDeMazz.4716 said:Hey can other people confirm that everyone got the skin now? I just checkd and i received two mails. One with just bonfire and other with bonfire and the skin. I'm almost positive that I waited to log in and should not get the skin based on the timeframe.

Havent even got bonfire yet so no everyone wasent compensated.

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@"JustTrogdor.7892" said:I'm having a good chuckle at all the people that said they didn't log in when things seemed broken because they "didn't want to make things worse for Anet." LOL. You didn't login because you feared another rollback and didn't want to lose anymore progress. Stop acting like you were being altruistic by not logging in and had Anet's best interest in mind. You didn't care about that. You only cared about possibly losing progress if you logged in and played during that time period.


  1. You are not being punished for not logging in after the rollback. If it was a punishment it would be something like, "Every EU player that didn't login during that time will lose 25% of their gold." That's punishment. Not getting something just because you want it is not punishment.
  2. Many, many players never follow the forums, Twitter, Reddit, and would never know there was a problem. There are probably thousands of players that don't play everyday and would not have noticed there was a problem due to the initial rollback.
  3. I know a lot of NA players that stopped playing when they heard what was happening. There was some fear that there may be a rollback across both regions to correct it. So if EU players stopped playing and deserve the reward, "because they didn't want to make things 'worse' for Anet," then all those NA players that stopped playing and "lost potential progress" deserve it as well for trying to do best by Anet. /sarcasm
  4. You will live. It's just a skin.

This reminds me of the time they gave out, I think it was a kite, for people that bought gems over a period of time as a thank you. People freaked out saying things like, "I would have bought gems if I knew," and it was never done again. Even though most of the people complaining probably never bought gems.


The people that say they were acting "responsibly" show a fundamental misunderstanding of how servers work. And because they don't understand how servers work, all they were trying to do was to protect their accounts by not logging in, not reduce Anet's workload.

In case you are wondering, no, neither of those things are true, rollbacks don't affect accounts on an individual basis, whether you logged in or not made no difference to whether your account would be rolled back and you weren't helping anybody by not logging in. And no, anet never told anyone not to log in.

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@DoomculT.7109 said:Still got nothing, but maybe they make a difference when you are a new player or a vet. Who knows...

I'm a brand new player from just last week and just received the mail about 20 minutes ago ^^

Also wanted a place to put thanks to the team and found this thread, so thank you very much it's very exciting to pick a mount, so many wonderful choices ^^!

Thanks so much for restoring peoples progress as well, it's a weight off knowing 2-3 days weren't all completely lost ^^!

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We all love the error 42 modal dialog popups in the middle of:• Jumping Puzzles• Raids• Fractals• PvP... it obstructs our view and is meaningless to most players - it has been the cause of many deaths.

How about an in-game little icon with system status ? (Red, yellow, green)- That we can press to find any problems that might be occurring and save us from the modal pop up which ruins gameplay.

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