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Will Legndary Armory Eventually Ruin Economy?

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This may be a far fetched question or situation but where I am going with this is if players eventually got full sets of light/medium/heavy armor and the main weapons used wouldn’t that kind of ruin the economy at some point? You would have no need for crafting ascended for other characters, no drive to build other legendaries (besides visual effects or achievement points).

How unrealistic is this concern or what parts of it are of concern?

I am probably someone who will never get legendary armor so I’m looking at this from the outside as I don’t have a good feel for how hard it is to obtain.

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Well when anets main market is the revolving door of casuals, most will never be at the point to make legendaries. Most people who has purple in every hole also have massive anount of unused ascended item boxes cluddering their banks. If anything it might motivate people to craft legendaries, specifically runes and sigils, for the QoL they would bring, actually increasing the demand for the items.

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@zaekeon.5128 said:How unrealistic is this concernVery unrealistic, the average casual isn't going to play sPvP, he isn't going to play WvW and he is not going to raid / play fractals which means he has pretty much no path to get: leg armor/backpack/amulet/rings. He might be able to get a leg weapon from the TP if he saves up cash long enough but that's pretty much it.

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Most players I encounter usually go for exotic armor to start Endgame Content (LW & Expansions, Fractals, Strikes and Raiding) and slowly exchange the set, part by part, with ascended stuff. Those players who are still active at that time, start gearing another character. Instanced content and the players who actively play it sort of need flexibility. The more classes/roles you have at your side, the better. If the path is not pre-set towards instanced content, they maybe go for one Legendary Weapon. But that early in the game, they barely have the resources. So it is either $/€ => Gem => Gold => TP or farming like crazy. This also applies for gearing up with ascended rarity stuff. No matter what path they choose, some will eventually quit during the process.

Legendary Armor requires dedication and endurance in either of the game-modes. In PvE you have to run Raids frequently, in sPvP you have to play ranked and in WvW ... you waste a lot of precious lifetime watching a 5 minute timer going down to 0. Each of these methods is time consuming and feasts on your resources.

In my opinion, the Legendary Armory is bait. The amount of players who actually benefit from it is rather small. The idea behind it sounds amazing and will motivate a lot of players to start the game, start crafting legendary gear and waste use tons of resources on that. Many will not make it. Those who will, may be disappointed once they are finished. The players who truly benefit from this system will be the long-term veterans who already have legendary gear.

The impact on the economy might be counter intuitive. The material-prices may increase a little due to the increased demand of key components for legendary gear. In the short term. In the long term, I doubt there will be a noticeable impact.

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This is actually a good topic.

I expect Sigil and Rune will tank the hardest as players clear out their suddenly excessive deposits, followed by T6 prices due to lower demand for duplicating legendaries.

Map farming will yield less gold and ascended becoming more vendor goods than it already is.

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How realistic is this concern? Not very.

The number of players whom will have a Legendary for every slot AND will never want to create any future Legendaries for different skins is likely a very small number.

Since, one of the main draws for Legendaries right now, is the shiny skins. So as long as ANet keeps churning out new Legendary items, people will keep wanting the shiny new skins.

Heck, just look at Legendary trinkets. People are farming those even though it's super easy to get full sets of Ascended accessories from any LW maps.

Legendary armoury will help people with gearing multiple characters, but given that one of the parts of making a Legendary is doing Fractals, which also happens to give out Ascended gear, it's not like people with that many Legendaries are going to be short on Ascended quality gear to give to new characters.

To be honest, I wouldn't even be surprised if they started letting people get Ascended armour/weapons from LW maps in the next expansion and make crafting entirely about Legendaries (Especially given that if people want to farm out several sets of LW Ascended gear of different stats, that'll use up a bunch of inventory space and nudge people towards buying Bank Storage and Equipment Templates. If the gear also costs a lot per piece, it might even up the value of Material Storage boosts too)

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my vision: it can may be do some short bump up for materiel coast, some people will do some legs, but most players it brings 0 changes, only some more useful armor interface,This is vision from 50+ Ascended sets owner, also lot of legendary sets, and etc. Currently do one more leg wepon, and I do it not matter have we leg armory or not.So relax and play.

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There were claims that legendary weapons will ruin the economy in the very first year of the game. And yet, here we are, almost 8 years later, and we're no closer to that happening than we were then. There were claims about the same when the legendary armor got first introduced, and yet here we are, over 3 years later, and still no closer to that happening.

That should tell you something about how realistic those fears are.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:There were claims that legendary weapons will ruin the economy in the very first year of the game. And yet, here we are, almost 8 years later, and we're no closer to that happening than we were then. There were claims about the same when the legendary armor got first introduced, and yet here we are, over 3 years later, and still no closer to that happening.

That should tell you something about how realistic those fears are.

I understand that, but currently with weapons and armor there is still some incentive to craft additionals or ascended as a QoL thing to not have to switch, this change inheritly generates endless copies removing the need for the above...I do hear what you are saying though...unfounded fear perhaps...just thinking about other games that made an armory type system and it eventually ruined any need for gear anywhere for much of the game.

I think with the armory though that more people will be likely to craft them knowing it’s a one and done deal now

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@zaekeon.5128 said:

@Astralporing.1957 said:There were claims that legendary weapons will ruin the economy in the very first year of the game. And yet, here we are, almost 8 years later, and we're no closer to that happening than we were then. There were claims about the same when the legendary armor got first introduced, and yet here we are, over 3 years later, and
no closer to that happening.

That should tell you something about how realistic those fears are.

I understand that, but currently with weapons and armor there is still some incentive to craft additionals or ascended as a QoL thing to not have to switch, this change inheritly generates endless copies removing the need for the above...I do hear what you are saying though...unfounded fear perhaps...just thinking about other games that made an armory type system and it eventually ruined any need for gear anywhere for much of the game.

I think with the armory though that more people will be likely to craft them knowing it’s a one and done deal now

Actually, considering the cost of crafting legendaries, more people doing that would only stimulate the economy more.

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Do you have any idea how many resources it takes a single player to make a full set of Light, Medium, Heavy Legendary armor, a full set of Legendary trinkets, and enough Legendary weapon types for all of their classes?

You're talking something like 100k gold worth per player, which according to GW2Efficiency, is the entire value of many accounts that are almost a decade old. So no, its not going to ruin the econemy, if anything it will strengthen it for years to come.

Also consider that everything is currently up to 10x more expensive than at release, and we did just fine back then.

I remember vendoring worthless Mystic Coins for 1s.

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I actually have a lot of problems with my current legendary armor set, even though I only play one character most of the time. I cannot change out the appearance of legendaries between equipment builds, so I cannot theme my character around the build I'm using. I'm hoping that the legendary armory fixes this issue. Fashion wars should be more accommodating towards having multiple appearances, especially if their gem store sort've depends on it.

Right now I tell people that legendaries aren't really worth it, unless you like the appearances or like to experiment with builds. They cost a lot of materials compared to ascended, so people will still want to get ascended gear before legendaries anyways.

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I think that it'll end up helping if anything, If you can use multiple armor sets on different characters it will bring much more appeal to making legendaries. It's what made me go after my first set of legendary armor.I could see the weapons taking a dip in price on trading post since people will be selling their spares but even then there's going to be a lot more people interested in buying them too.

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This is what people said about letting players remove sigils from legendary weapons for free. Then when legendary runes and sigils came out. It didn't change much at all.

The only thing that has effected the economy in regards to legendaries is when they don't release any new weapons with content. The value of the materials needed to make them go down as well as the value in time invested getting those materials.

When the armory comes out, legendaries will be more desired, value will increase, then it will all stabilize once again.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:Do you have any idea how many resources it takes a single player to make a full set of Light, Medium, Heavy Legendary armor, a full set of Legendary trinkets, and enough Legendary weapon types for all of their classes?

You're talking something like 100k gold worth per player, which according to GW2Efficiency, is the entire value of many accounts that are almost a decade old. So no, its not going to ruin the econemy, if anything it will strengthen it for years to come.

Also consider that everything is currently up to 10x more expensive than at release, and we did just fine back then.

I remember vendoring worthless Mystic Coins for 1s.

Rather simple to calculate tbh. Each set of legendary armor is around 2k gold. Trinkets are between 1.3-1.5k (with backpieces being the cheapest at 700-1.2k a piece). T1 legendary weapons are around 1k, 1.5k if factoring in the account bound materials.

So that would be:

  • 3 x 2 = 6k (let's round up to 7k) armor
  • 6 x 1.5 = 9.5k (let's say 10k) trinkets
  • 16 x 1.5 = 24k (let's round to 30k in case some T2 legendarys are desired or the more expensive T1 legis) weapons

with all the rounding 47k total.

Not even half of 100k. We could even go all out and double the weapon values for T2 legis, or even add runes/sigils on top and wouldn't reach 100k. Prices for legenary weapons have remained rather stable for the last 6 years. They haven't increased or decresed wildly except for the addition of new more expensive legendarys.

I do agree though, in the short and medium this will not have any effect on the economy, simply because a lot of players would take a LONG time to reach this cap.

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@Taril.8619 said:Since, one of the main draws for Legendaries right now, is the shiny skins. So as long as ANet keeps churning out new Legendary items, people will keep wanting the shiny new skins.

There are no glamorous skins for gen 1 weps and few for legendary armor.

As said elsewhere, this benefits a tiny percentage of the game. Effort best spent fixing persistent broken map events in the core zone.

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@keenedge.9675 said:As said elsewhere, this benefits a tiny percentage of the game. Effort best spent fixing persistent broken map events in the core zone.I love these type of posts.The whole don't focus on that because it will not effect the majority / do this instead post.May the Six forbid something good be released for the veterans of the game. We wouldn't want them sticking around.

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