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STOP buffing necro in wvw


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@"Lightning Xv.8705" said:Love how people kitten about scourge yet when players ask what to play in wvw people point them to uhhhh oh yea SCOURGE. Even on these boards hurr durr play scourge ez and still 9 out of 10 you see in zergs can't dps for kitten. You guys are a riot.

You're kidding right? necro has access to the most ground target aoes, the least no projectile hate, the most boon corruption, shields, with decent damage.Of course they would be highly recommended for wvw, along with guards.

Do you really not see why buffing them even more is dumb? Were you not around for pof launch?

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It used to be that balance patches meant that tactics would be reconsidered.

But the zerg fights meta doesn't change when the devs do balance patches anymore .

This lack of variety means the game-mode is less interesting.

The Scourge core mechanic (circle spam) is one of the big reasons for this.

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@XenesisII.1540 said:You're kidding right? necro has access to the most ground target aoes, the least no projectile hate, the most boon corruption, shields, with decent damage.Of course they would be highly recommended for wvw, along with guards.

Do you really not see why buffing them even more is dumb? Were you not around for pof launch?

Nothing in that patch screams omg the world is going to end. Well change wont make a large difference, no one runs blood magic though blood bank has the possibility to be over tuned but it will require use to see if its worth the loss of curses or spite ...probably not. Signets are only used by core trolls wasting que slots. The shade revert is going to have max target cap lowered. Add in the lower damage values from the previous mega balance patch and scourge isn't going to reach the levels it used to or even close. Rev and ele easily out damage scourge and dps scrapper will pass scourge in damage with a tag that will actually push.

Necro has corruptions go figure its almost like the class is built around boon destruction. But its fine they get turned to condi and then scrapper turns em right back into boons. Seen a few mesmers run a boon rip build and it does a pretty good job keeping up. Winds are still effective just requires more to get the results it did before the nerf while anyone caught in it will still die from the immob barf going on.

Bringing up projectile hate? Pretty sure necro's would swap weps with plenty of classes because alot of the skills suck(raining flaming skulls on enemies instead of meteors would be fun), the class is heavily reliant on shroud for damage. Shields what are you on about it has a little barrier and still requires good support to keep it alive. Sounds like you just have a chip on your shoulder against necro.

Who gives a damn about pof launch this isn't pof launch a billion things on necro have been nerfed since then and this patch won't bring it back to that point. Infact at pof launch while this forum was crying a river about scourge I was farming them left and right with sic em soulbeast(yes the build was around back then. I kept it to my self so it didn't go meta till the downstate event video the guy made)

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Yup chip on my shoulder for necros, I only played the class for 8 years and had as my main for half that time.But hey you know what, come tuesday I'll be on that necro spamming red rings of death again, then hop on my immob druid for roaming, because who cares about making wvw a better and fun place to be!

Playing sic'em soulbeast before meta, what a weird flex.

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For every thread that begs devs to nerf a profession due to it being "overpowered".

Make the devs (neutral 3rd party) realize their mistake by showing them how many people abuse the "overpowered-ness" of the profession that you're complaining about.

Ask yourself...for all that you've invested...Why is it fair for somebody else's profession to be nerfed (they've invested too)...while your profession isn't nerfed?

Darn it...this is a discussion to talk about a profession that's going to be more overpowered.

Should consider merging similar threads that will discuss the Necromancer profession that's going to be more "overpowered" soon.

Sorry for jumping the gun again...my bad.

Deja vu

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@Atticus.7194 said:

@GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:Why do people get upset when necro finally gets something good?

Finally?? Have you played playing scourge in the last 4 years in WvW?? They've dominated the mode to the point they actually broke the meta for YEARS.

If theres noi melee fights there will be less lag, Anet is fuking up the gameplay to solve other issue that is hard to solve... for sure...

Omniblobs of scourges firebrand warriors and scrappers m,ost in ministrell... range fights tons of aoe, no melee combat nor groups clashing just pure redudant ktrain, game fixed,.

Now if they improve banners to something like ward against melee or something that allows melee pushes or give a chance to that, it would be more rock paper scizor effect but scourge blobs would QQ thats bad balance.Game already overburdened with aoe spam , tons of lag yet Anet adds more aoe and in shorter CD's, FU.K LOGIC!

ll say it again over and overScourge(designed to carry n stack lamers and bad players)its a very stupid design.Scourge needs to be redesigned.... shades aoe need to be more for conditions control and barrier, absorb incoming conditions arround the scourge and bomb at the range shade like a controled epidemic, rather than get aoe classes all the players need to do atm is stack scourges more and more.Making it this way could even have a trait where every condi would activate barrier this would help scourge against condi range builds as well.

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@senki.1046 said:Can you please stop buffing necro in wvw? Like give other dps classes a chance to join a squad. Now wvw will be plagued with scourges all over the place. It will be an aoe boredom sneeze fest again in wvw, red circles everywhere with faster cooldowns. WVW is the only game mode i'm interested and why you devs don't know how to handle the classes properly in wvw? Come on please don't add the necro buffs in wvw. Make them for PVP and PVE only.

The short answer? They can't stop, Necro is Anet's favourite class, they gotta make it very strong.About the devs don't know how to handle class properly in WvW because they have no idea and they don't play wvw much, they just assume.

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Nope, Necro isn't ANsts favorite class. We got nerfs in EVERY recent balance patch, and all are screaming here as we got finally a little change revert. Our AOEs are nerfed and necros can't spam that amount of conditions as long time before. You complain about groups of 20 necros, but have you met a group of 20 thiefs, rangers, mesmer, revs? Imagine that and think about that.

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Maybe the solution is to bring back damage instead of gutting it in the first place. Reduce damage across the board on almost every skill only to make condition damage absolutely required. How many of us voiced this issue before it happened.. How many of us said that condition damage was going to become problematic.. How many of us said that they were going to have to revert the Necro changes back... and they did.

How does this get fixed? Leave them as they are and buff classes back up, and bring the damage back.

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@Tuna Bandit.3786 said:The problem isn't so much the necro or scourge itself, it's the stacking.Have 10 of them in a squad and everything melts without downstate.

They should really fix the stacking, which they will refuse to do.

The only other solution, rename WvW to Scourge vs Scourge.

Have you lost your mind scorge is a problem at all points its a support class that can top dps and every that you could want from a dps with support skills. Its also has no non healing state likes the core necor and reaper. Every thing is wrong with the scorge class.

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@Atticus.7194 said:

@GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:Why do people get upset when necro finally gets something good?

Finally?? Have you played playing scourge in the last 4 years in WvW?? They've dominated the mode to the point they actually broke the meta for YEARS.

PoF (hence scourge) came out in 22nd of September, 2017. Bit hard for the spec to... Dominate for 4 years.

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@Galmac.4680 said:Nope, Necro isn't ANsts favorite class. We got nerfs in EVERY recent balance patch, and all are screaming here as we got finally a little change revert. Our AOEs are nerfed and necros can't spam that amount of conditions as long time before. You complain about groups of 20 necros, but have you met a group of 20 thiefs, rangers, mesmer, revs? Imagine that and think about that.

I don't know if Necro's Anet's favorite class and I don't think it matters much, but buffing to this extent a class that was already extremely popular and performing very correctly to say the least in both PvP modes sounds weird. Reaper and core necro are basically played in every single sPvP match, and there was a necro in every single team competing during the MotA, and in WvW squads you have scourges everywhere. It just seems that these buffs were quite unnecessary, time will tell if they were harmful though.

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