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Nerf Necro Mobility


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@"bethekey.8314" said:For a class with lich damage and two health bars, mobility should be one of its weaknesses. They have Wurm, Walk, and now this? Absurd. Needs a big nerf imo.

Necromancers with rune of speed, wurm and spectral walk have some crazy mobility, but this guy isn't using anything of that, it's just speed hack. Report for botting, they'll check it.

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@Terrorhuz.4695 said:Necromancers with rune of speed, wurm and spectral walk have some crazy mobility, but this guy isn't using anything of that, it's just speed hack. Report for botting, they'll check it.

No, watch the video very closely. He's using some crazy Necro ability. You're not allowed to post videos of people speed hacking, so I definitely wouldn't do that.

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@bethekey.8314 said:

@Terrorhuz.4695 said:Necromancers with rune of speed, wurm and spectral walk have some crazy mobility, but this guy isn't using anything of that, it's just speed hack. Report for botting, they'll check it.

No, watch the video very closely. He's using some crazy Necro ability. You're not allowed to post videos of people speed hacking, so I definitely wouldn't do that.

This is an out rage. Who let necro reached this point of busted ness?

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@RedAvenged.5217 said:

@Terrorhuz.4695 said:Necromancers with rune of speed, wurm and spectral walk have some crazy mobility, but this guy isn't using anything of that, it's just speed hack. Report for botting, they'll check it.

No, watch the video very closely. He's using some crazy Necro ability. You're not allowed to post videos of people speed hacking, so I definitely wouldn't do that.

This is an out rage. Who let necro reached this point of busted ness?The same people pointing always the finger to keep bringing nerfs to all clases its a cicle.
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@bethekey.8314 said:

@"Terrorhuz.4695" said:Necromancers with rune of speed, wurm and spectral walk have some crazy mobility, but this guy isn't using anything of that, it's just speed hack. Report for botting, they'll check it.

No, watch the video very closely. He's using some crazy Necro ability. You're not allowed to post videos of people speed hacking, so I definitely wouldn't do that.

Why didn't you use the "crazy" hammer 3 and close the gap instantly instead of mindlessly spamming grenades at someone running away? If a scrapper with medkit can't keep up with a scourge then it's rather embarrassing for the scrapper, sorry.

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Guys, atleast watch the video before writing any comment or add /s at the end of your sentence, since it's rather difficult to guess which one of you is trolling and which one of you is simply an ignorant.The guy in the video is either lagging af or just using 3rd party program to give himself more mobility than the game allows. I would say nerf him by IP ban or something like that, I'm not necro main so I don't know much about proper nerfs in this case.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:What is this video supposed to show? A scourge using sand swell to not even move 900 yard? A scourge out running an engi that's crippled (sure the engi have superspeed but he catch up pretty well)?

It's not sand swell, they just used shade to remove the confusion. The movement is jumpy but it's not fast. Like you said, the engi is crippled and just spammed grenades rather than doing anything about that.

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@bethekey.8314 said:For a class with lich damage and two health bars, mobility should be one of its weaknesses. They have Wurm, Walk, and now this? Absurd. Needs a big nerf imo.

You realize scourge doesnt have two health bars right? There is so much wrong with your posts I dont even know where to begin.

Bad players are so prolific on pvp forums.

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Honestly idk what's there to complain about, they already had a huge lead in terms of distance when the video started.All the Scourge used was an extremely embarrassing Sand Swell.

Yu might have caught up eventually, like yu did at the end of the video.Soooo what's with Necro mobility?

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:

@Kuma.1503 said:Laggy Necro? Pfff, weak.

Let me tell you about the true god. Laggy Warrior.

Laggy desync Bulls Charge is something to behold.

dash is where its at, he runs into a wall and you never know if he gonna teleport to you for 7k crit or teleport 1200 units away from you since it bugs and goes the wrong way. A bug within a bug!

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@TrollingDemigod.3041 said:Guys, atleast watch the video before writing any comment or add /s at the end of your sentence, since it's rather difficult to guess which one of you is trolling and which one of you is simply an ignorant.The guy in the video is either lagging af or just using 3rd party program to give himself more mobility than the game allows. I would say nerf him by IP ban or something like that, I'm not necro main so I don't know much about proper nerfs in this case.

Legitimate lag will never cause a person to move faster than their normal speed. They will jitter, but the time it takes to get from point A to B won't decrease.

That dude is warping out of Engie nade range that he was within range of just seconds before. He's blatantly hacking.

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